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All items are shipped within 24 hours after receipt of payment. In the case of DVDs, these are factory sealed when they leave our shipping department. That is the way you will receive them: factory sealed.

Return policy: We've found that in these troubled economic times, a small percentage of customers will buy videos, watch them, then try to return them for a refund. We have therefore been forced to change our return policy. From now on, any item returned as being defective will be tested. If it turns out to be defective, it will immediately be replaced at no cost. If it proves to be playable, it will not be replaced and you will not be refunded. Additionally, we will not return the video to you. In other words, we sell videos: we don't rent or loan them for free. So make sure that the video doesn't work before returning it for a replacement.

*Note: Many of our DVDs are manufactured outside the US. Unless otherwise noted, all play in English and are region-free.
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