CD #5 Made in Argentina Photo Portfolio CD

** High Quality ** Beautiful Photo Girls Sexy Photo Lingerie Catalog

Portfolio Erotic Women Photo Lingerie Sexy babes Sexy Body
1000 Photos in CD !
All of these pictures are high quality & Copyright of Patacon-Store Auctions 2010 *
A great Collection of Lingerie modern Photographs on 1 CD!
The photos are in all XL sizes. Compatible for viewing on your computer
Look Only! Demo, Some Images:

Condition: Brand New Subject: Men's Interest

Your Privacy & Confidentiality is ALWAYS taken into consideration when sending a item. Your item will be received in professional cardboard & no listing as to what it contains will ever be written or typed on the outside of the package.
Super CD > 1000 Photos in CD !

Hi there. I am a regular customer of your fantastic CD (digital art) photo sets. I believe i have purchased 7 or 8 of your CDs over the last few months and wondered if you will be listing any more.
Your pictures are always of such good quality and the models look amazing. After buying a lot of (poor quality) photo shoots from other sellers it was nice to find you on here. The last three CDs i purchased from you reached me today and was not disapointed.... yet again a stunning collection :)
I am just a big private collector and dont use the images in any way other than a personal collection. Please let me know if you list any "new" digital art of this nature in the future. I have saved you as a "Favorite seller" and will check your listings regular.
Thanks again. Lee

This allows you to Bid AND Win with Trust & Confidence!

Please note that international air mail from Argentina will take 2/3 weeks to arrive.
*** Combined shipping ***
We will contact you, giving you exact information about prices, shipping costs, and payment methods. email us
I will Accept PAYPAL and the Major credit cards

My listing does NOT violate Ebay's mature audiences policy. Every single picture fully conforms with all of EBay's policies.