Isn´t it so frustrating to find out that the last Internet connection
or LAN point has been taken when you just have to access the Internet?
Well, fret no more, as ASUS has released the new WL-330gE Wireless
Access Point. This nifty little gadget is able to combine 4 wireless
functions, namely Access Point, Ethernet Adapter, Gateway and Universal
Repeater, into 1 - providing you with connectivity wherever you are.

Compact Pocket-size for Portability The
ASUS WL-330gE is compact and portable - weighing in at only 2.2 oz and
being only 85 mm(L)* 60 mm(W)* 17 mm(H) in size. This petite size makes
it easy to carry and implement under any situation and truly makes the
ASUS WL-330gE shine. With such portability, it is able to provide
wireless access to the Internet easily and without hassle.
Numerous Functions To
utilize the WL-330gE under AP or Gateway mode, users just have to
simply connect it to the Ethernet port on the modem or a LAN connection,
and it is ready to go. This is crucial when a meeting room has only one
Ethernet connection and there is a need for multiple connections to the
Internet. What´s more, the WL-330gE can provide superior flexibility
when building a wireless network by supporting NAT and DHCP servers to
enable Internet sharing. This is especially useful when you are in an
outside hotspot. With the WL-330gE´s "hotspot mode" under the Gateway
mode, not only can your laptop access the Internet, your (or your
friend´s) other WiFi devices like PDAs, PSPs or WiFi phones can access
it as well with no extra cost.
Easy to carry and easy to implement under any circumstance. |
In the meeting room: Only one Ethernet cable in the meeting room? Use WL-330gE to share the internet access wirelessly. |
In the hotel room: With WL-330gE´s 130ft(40m) indoor range, you can work with your notebook wherever you feel most confortable. |
In the hotspot: With
WL-330gE´s "hotspot mode" under gateway mode, not only your laptop can
get on the internet but your (or your friend´s) other WiFi devices (PDA,
PSP, or WiFi phone) can access the Internet without extra cost. |
In the office: Under WL-330gE´s Ethernet adapter mode, you can convert all the Ethernet-capable devices (printer, desktop,..) into wireless. |
Additionally, in Ethernet adapter mode, the WL-330gE can convert
Ethernet-capable devices (desktop, network printer, game console, set
top box) into wireless ones. It can even become a universal repeater to
extend the wireless signal coverage.
Easy and User-Friendly Setup With
an easy-to-use setup user interface, you will just require a few clicks
to finish setting up for easy wireless Internet access. You only need
to find the WL-330gE using "Device Discovery", then click on "Configure"
and choose the mode you require, and the WL-330gE is ready to go.
Featuring a driver-free Plug´ n´ Play function, Just plug your
configured WL-330gE to your modem/router or the Ethernet-capable device,
then your WL-330gE is ready to go! Wireless Internet access has never
been easier.