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    Logitech USB Speakers in Good Condition.
    Price:  $8.40 


    Product Information
    Brand: Logitech
    Model: S-150
    Product Information: Digital Speaker USB
    Number of Speakers: 2
    Connection Type: USB
    Weight: 1.6 Lbs.
    Exterior Color: Black

    The USB cable connects your speakers to your laptop or desktop computer for distortion-free, digital audio—and battery-free power.

    The satellite base is designed for greater stability on your desktop

    You can quickly and easily adjust the volume or mute the sound

    A light lets you know when your speakers are on.

    Bottom of Form 1

    A USB-powered speaker system that sounds good at your desk or on the road.
    Work song

    With USB connectivity delivering pure, digital audio and power—your music will sound good wherever you work.

    Sound control

    You can quickly adjust the volume when you need to with volume and mute buttons on the speakers.

    With pure, digital audio and a sleek, portable design, this USB-powered speaker system sounds good at your desk or on the road.
    USB connectivity

    The USB cable connects your speakers to your laptop or desktop computer for distortion-free, digital audio—and battery-free power.

    Stable base

    The satellite base is designed for greater stability on your desktop.

    Built-in controls

    You can quickly and easily adjust the volume or mute the sound.

    Package Contents

    Speakers: 2 satellites with integrated cables (10 speakers in one shipper)

    Part Number

    PN 980-000028

    Technical Specifications

    Total RMS power: 1.2 watts RMS (0.6 watts per satellite)

    Frequency response: 90 Hz–20 kHz

    Drivers: 5.1 cm dynamic drivers

    Connectivity: USB cable (1.2 m

    Product offered as is, no returns, Item is used in very good condition with little cosmetic wear.

    Return Policy:I do not accept returns

    Destination: United States

    CarrierMethodShipping CostPer additional Item
    Insurance:Not Offered (Domestic)

    Buy this item Now:
    Price:  $8.40 

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