Founder: Gabriela Yasmin Szafman
Rhodochrosite (sometimes spelled Rhodochrosite) is an elegant pink and white stone called the "stone of love and balance" as it balances and enhances love on all levels.
A fairly recent discovery in the mineral kingdom.
Comes in shades of orange and pink. Has stripes of various width in shades of white.
The pink color of Rhodochrosite is caused by the element manganese and it is formed when manganese is dissolved by ground water and combines with a carbonate material and then drips off the ceiling of caves and crevices deep underground.
It is found in Argentina, Peru, and Montana, U.S.
Ranges from light red to rose red to pink, often with black spots and veins.
The name is derived from the Greek word "rhodon" (pink) and "chros" (color).
It is referred to as the Inca Rose by the Incas who believed the blood of their rulers turned into this stone.
Rhodochrosite will Work:
• Healing, comfort, harmony and friendship.
• Rhodochrosite promotes smooth energy flow, emotional expressiveness, kindness, tolerance, compassion and self-love.
• It helps us live our spiritual beliefs,
• It facilitates the balancing of the emotional process such that the attunement to the higher self may be attained, and one's awareness and spirituality can be enhanced.
• Rhodochrosite is the ultimate stone in helping your soul reach it's highest level.
• It will assist in the attainment of the solution to the puzzling concept relating to the contradiction of the duality of nature and the soul.
• It further will assist in the acceleration of the expansion of the consciousness to both understand and initiate the practice of intensive relaxation, acceptance and balancing.
• It removes tendencies toward avoidance or denial.
• Helps one to be more willing to accept and integrate new information while maintaining a clarity of intellect of the information already attained.
• It symbolizes openness, it awakens the all-embracing love that is not limited to one person.
Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Powers: Energy, peace and love
Deitie: Goddess Nisaba