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    MEYERCO, ASSISTED OPEN Folding Knife by Blackie Collins
    Price:  $24.99 


    by Blackie Collins

    A-OK Assisted Opening Knives use a leaf spring mechanism, producing a thinner knife than other assisted opening designs. This new technology also allows for almost any type of blade lock, resulting in a true Bidextrous knife.

    §  440C SS Blade- A high chromium stainless steel which exhibits an excellent balance of hardness and corrosion resistance. This steel takes a nice edge, and is fairly easy to sharpen even for a novice. 440C is far superior to most other 400 series steels. 440A and 440B are not as good.

    §  Crosshatch Textured G10 Handle Material,   an epoxy filled woven "E" glass composite, reinforced with glass fibers for strength. Originally designed for circuit boards, it offers the knife industry a handle which is impervious to most elements like oils, water and acids.

    §  MEYERCOs’ Limited Forever Warranty- “If this Meyerco product ever fails it will be repaired or replaced free”

    §  This Knife is compact and Amazingly Well Made! Great for tool or tackle box.

    §  Left and Right Hand Thumb disk

    §  Belt / Pocket Clip for ease of access 

    §  Lockback design for Safety

    §  Adjustable Tension Setting (spanner tool bit required)

    §  3.375" Blade, 4.5" Closed, 7.875" Overall. 4.2oz Total 

     NOTE- This is an American Knife designed in America by Blackie Collins and manufactured in China; just like some Fords are manufactured in Mexico, it's still an American car. 

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    Good eBayer seller. Super fast trading. Gotta recommend for sure.

    Excellent item with excellent delivery time.

    PERFECT TRANSACTION!!! Superfast delivery!!! Highly recommend!!! AAA+++

    Great merchandisement! Fast shipping! Highly recommended!

    Fast shipping, excellent service would do business again.

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    Good deal, Fantastic service, Highly recommended seller, AAA+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Destination: United States

    CarrierMethodShipping CostPer additional Item
    USPSFirst Class®$2.00$2.00

    Destination: Worldwide

    CarrierMethodShipping CostPer additional Item
    USPSPriority Mail Intl®$13.50$0.00
    Insurance:Not Offered (Domestic)

    Buy this item Now:
    Price:  $24.99 

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