With this board’s new
optional Heckler™ feature, you get praise from the cheerleader for
precision dart throwing and a great game, and the Heckler™ dishes out
comical sarcasm for a sloppy effort. When this feature gets to be too
much, just turn it off! This board offers 27 games with 123 options
including five cricket games. Micro-thin segment dividers dramatically
reduce bounce-outs on its 13" target area. There is an eight-player
score LED display and a voice prompt for a player to throw. There is a
solo play feature, sleep mode and player handicap feature. Includes
power pack and six soft tip darts plus extra tips, instruction manual
and mounting hardware. One-year warranty.
Games: Quick Cricket, Cricket, Cut-Throat Cricket, Scram Cricket, Double Only Cricket,
Forty-One, All Fives, Gotcha!, 301-901, Double Down, High Score, Ace, Killer, Count-Up,
Round the Clock, Shoot-Out, Over, Bermuda Triangle, Shanghai, By Fives, By Tens and ODDs
Retail Price: $129.95