These backgrounds and props are very unique and very realistic, and these props are very hard to find in digital. All my props are totaly seperate and completely editable, they may be resized to fit your needs and can be placed into the background of your choice, which gives you many more options. When you are using editable props it becomes more realitstic as if you actually took the picture using those surroundings
- 32 high quality 300dpi 2400 x 3000 backgrounds
- 2 arches,
- 1 L shaped wall
- set of 3 rocks
- 1 tree stump
- 1 banister
Props are in psd format, backgrounds are Tiff
These are digital, you will not be receiving the actual props
Must have a version of photoshop to use these backgrounds & props.
cannot be resold in any form, they are for use in your personal portraits or portraits you will be selling to your clients,