Spirit and The Flesh-Pavilion of Women
Pearl Buck
Pavilion of Women
John Day, 1946, Book Club Edition
Hardback in good condition, dust jacket fair.
Text clean an unmarked, binding tight, slight yellowing of pages due to age.
Dust Jacket shows wear, rips at spine nicks see photo
This is a story of women set in China. A tale of woman's search for herself. You meet strong women, weak women and how they met their men in life's struggle. A great read!
The Sprit and the Flesh
Contains two of Bucks books Fighting Angel and the Exile
Word Pub., 1944, lst.
Hardback in good condition, dust jacket fair.
Text clean an unmarked, binding tight, slight yellowing of pages due to age.
Dust Jacket shows chips at spine and is clipped see photos
This is the story of Bucks parents. She won the Noble Prize with these. Her parents lived together for over 40 years, had seven children yet lead quite separate lives. This is a tale of a marriage, of what a man did and a woman did not . Theirs was a stormy union, played out in a foreign land.