Teachings from Angelic Messenger Cards
Meredith Young-Sowers
Stillpoint, 1995, lst. NO CARDS book only
Hardback in good+ condition, NO dust jacket
Text clean and unmarked, binding tight.
Cover is clean and good+
This is the book that goes with the cards telling you their meanings. Chapters are: A personal sharing of experiences, Developing a personal relation with Angels, A blueprint for living with an Awakened Spirit, Mentor answers ten of the most asked questions about the angelic realm, Being mentored by the angelic realm. Section under last chapters takes each card and its message, cards of reflection, cards of partnership, cards of interaction, cards of alignment, cards of rejuvenation, cards of nourishment, wild cards. Additional chapters are: Assessing the guidance you've received and your own spiritual progress, Receiving impressions and doing readings for others and Experience of writing into journaling.