Ping S57 iron set 3-pw
purple dot (1.5* flat), -0.25" shorter than std (not -0.5" my mistake)
std swingweight: 3-9 D1 PW D3
ping 703 aqua size grips (excellent condition)
RADIUS GRIND :(giving it a larger, more rounded radius. this gives the player with a steep angle of attack a club that will resist digging in softer conditions or tightly mown areas ) very good for digger possible to make it shallow divot and add some bounce grind only $15 each iron SEE #10 pictures of leading edge
all work done by "PING WRX DEPART MENT"
"ping wrx" labels on the shaft below grip (beautiful look!! very rare difficult to get)
overall great condition: (7iron have some rock mark on the sole but it doesnt affect to play)
fedex homedelivery shipping