Cuban Original Art Works
Advised by Internationally Recognized Cuban Artist and Curators
We welcome you to our online gallery SubastaCuba.
I hope that your visit will be a pleasant one. It is with great pleasure that we present you this selection of the best Cuban art, production of the more important and internationally recognized contemporary Cuban artist. At SubastaCuba you can find a complete vision of the most genuine expression of Cuban contemporary art, most of this art works we offer you, are absolutely unique, a really Jewell for all art collectors.
The diversity of the works showed here attests to the creative and technical achievement of the Cuban artist's. The works range from hand-pulled prints that utilize a range of Printmaking technique to drawings, to oils, and a variety of mixed media, Paintings, Serigraphy, Lithography, Colography, Xylography, Aguatinta, Aguafuerte and Engraving.
After a trip to Cuba during the 1940s, Alfred Barr, legendary director of New York's Museum of Modern Art, bought Wifredo Lam's The Jungle creating a controversy; he put the Cuban artwork in the lobby of the museum. The Jungle is now not only the most well-known work of art from Cuba, but from all of Latin America too.
Regardless of exactly what, when and how events transpire in Cuba, change is already having an impact on Cuban art. At its November 2006 Latin American auction four artists who Christie's mentions by name that set new records were Cubans: Tomas Sánchez, Mariano Rodríguez, Augustin Cárdenas and Pedro Pablo Oliva. In the introduction to a 2007 exhibition catalogue, Ramón Cernuda, arguably the pre-eminent Cuban art dealer in the U.S., states: "We could speak of figures, volumes of sales, and prices reached to explain our rejoicing.“ And will the market continue to expand? Business Week says yes. In the January "Where to Invest 2007" issue, it cites Cuba as one of five emerging nations worth "scouring" for contemporary art.
SubastaCuba offers an unrivalled Cuban art selection and a wealth of information, curriculum, and authenticity guaranty for art collectors and Galleries to facilitate the purchase and collection of Cuban art in a risk-free environment. At the same time, we are also committed to providing an unparalleled audience and marketplace for the best Cuban artist and the art-world. We offer you the accumulation of our experience backed by more of 20 years experience in two generations, our integrity and honesty.
SubastaCuba offer only original art works, from today and yesterday, from our more than 20 years privet collection and directly from the artists in Cuba with no government intermediaries. SubastaCuba is politically impartial. SubastaCuba offer you a lifetime guarantee of authenticity, once you get the art work in your house you have 7 days to return it. We have been selling Cuban art on the Internet since October 2001 and have never had a return.
Now is a good time to buy, we hope you enjoy the value and selection we offer here,we make is easy for you.
Thank you.
Please see the photos in Ernesto Fernandez catalog . The catalog is not for sale, thanks.
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Ernesto Fernandez last photographic exhibition in Malaga, you can see it here:
Ernesto Fernandez ha reunido más de 70 fotografías realizadas entre 1957 y 1982.
Título: 'La fotografía y la memoria'.
Autor: Ernesto Fernández Nogueras (La Habana, Cuba, 1939).
Contenido: Más de 70 instantáneas sobre la revolución cubana y la intervención del régimen de Castro en Angola.
PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW; Stylists Of the Epic And the Surreal by Holland Cotter
Monday, September 15, 2007 .., in Havana, the photojournalist Ernesto Fernández had caught the revolution as it happened on Jan. 1, 1959, in an extraordinary picture of clean-cut students and office clerks carrying guns for the first time.
The New York Times
Now is the right time to buy art, non-financial assets form the greater part of world wealth and have been more stable in value during periods of financial and social turbulence, art still the safest long term investment art still the best investment you will ever make recent research by Barclays Capital and The Economist indicates that art has out performed both equities and property over both short and long periods of time demonstrating that art has emerged as a viable asset class.
Art is the only commodity other than gold which is constant in giving steady returns from the very beginning, Cuban art can make and had make its own money over a period of time, this means, Cuban art should not be taken as a short investment of just few months, but give it some time and this does not mean lifetime but at least around three years. It will give you good returns. If you pick out some good Cuban paintings and study their progress in the last few years, you will find out that they have given very good returns. In some cases, certain pieces of art has given 100 per cent returns and more like Cuban old Masters, Mariano Rodriguez or René Portocarrero in 2008
Now is a good time to buy, we hope you enjoy the value and selection we offer here,we make is easy for you.
Thank you.
Visit my eBay Store: Subastacuba
You are bidding on a good condition very rare and extraordinary original photo of the first day of the Cuban revolution. This photo was done by Cuban star photograph ERNESTO FERNANDEZ on January 1. 1959
You are bidding on 1 photo hand signed by Ernesto Fernandez
This is a original gelatin silver 2004 print from the original negative and hand signed by author Ernesto Fernandez!
Size : 16 x 20 Inches
41 cm x 51 cm
SIGNED: Ernesto
DATED: 2004.
This is not a digital reproduction or copy
100% Guaranteed
SHIPPING OF PIECES : IN A BOX, your valuables will be packaged securely and safely.
Please do not bid until you have read the entire listing. I hope that most of your questions can be answered by reading through the listing, but if you are still unclear on something, feel free to send an email before bidding
Collection: Private
Conservation: Very Good Condition
100% Original and Guaranteed !
Buyer in USA and Canada pay $15,00 for shipping with Full coverage insurance. The painting will be schipped the first business day after recived the payment, you will be provided whith a tracking number.
There are not taxes and not customs fees for buyers in USA or anywhere out of Canada.
Bidders outside Canada and USA please contact us before bidding for shipping prices.
You can pay wiht Paypal
Thanks for looking and happy bidding!
Visit my eBay Store: Subastacuba
Ernesto Fernandez Featured in London Cubanismo Exhibition
Ernesto Fernandez, one of Cuba's greatest photographers, is featured in the 'Cubanismo' exhibition which opens this week at the Capital Culture gallery in London. Fernandez is considered one of the four greats of the “Epic” period of Cuban photography. An exhibition of Black and White fine art photographs of Cuba from the 1930s to the modern day, Cubanismo runs from Thursday September 27th - Saturday November 3rd 2007. The gallery is open Mon-Fri 11.00am-6.00pm.
Capital Culture Press Release
Ernesto Fernandez at Cubanismo in Capital Culture gallery
Opening Night Wednesday 26th September 6.30pm - 9pm
The “Cubanismo” exhibition runs Thursday September 27th - Saturday November 3rd 2007 an exhibition of Black and White fine art photographs of Cuba from the 1930s to the modern day.
Capital Culture is pleased to announce that Ernesto Fernandez will be attending the opening night of the exhibition Cubanismo on Wednesday 26th September 2006. Fernandez is considered one of the four greats of the “Epic” period of Cuban photography. As part of the Revolucion newspaper's photographic team he documented the heady days of the Cuban revolution and he has continued to work in Cuba throughout the years since. Working alongside Korda, Salas and Corrales he dramatically captured some of the key moments of the 2oth century.

Monday, October 15, 2007
PHOTOGRAPHY REVIEW; Stylists Of the Epic And the Surreal
Published: September 7, 2001
CUBA, shaped like a scythe, lies in the Caribbean 90 miles off Florida. For centuries it has been a kind of fantasy island to the outside world. Columbus thought it was the prettiest place he had ever seen. Later adventurers went there for gold and found it: ''white gold,'' sugar. With African slaves to harvest the cane, they lived like grandees. By the 19th century and well into the 20th, the capital city, Havana, with its thick sea walls and rococo facades, was a cosmopolitan magnet for businessmen, artists and tourists alike. Its casinos were lavish; its night life was tireless. It was where you went to be extravagant, liberated and bad.
Even the moralizing political liberation of the 1950's and 60's had its glamour. The revolutionary troops, with their scruffy-chic beards and berets, were popular international heroes for a time. And they were led by two genuine superstars: the baby-faced Fidel Castro and the Byronic Che Guevara. When their pictures appeared in the news, readers alternately flinched and swooned. With global capitalism triumphant, yet another fantasy is on the horizon: the revival of the island as the vacation spot it once was, a semitropical dream come true.
But what does Cuba look like from the inside, to people born there and defined by its shores? That story comes in many versions. And some of them are told by art, as can be seen in two exhibitions in New York at present: ''Epic Photography of the Cuban Revolution'' at the the Cuban Art Space in Chelsea, and ''Shifting Tides: Cuban Photography After the Revolution'' at Grey Art Gallery, New York University.
''Epic Photography,'' organized by Sandra Levinson, director of the Cuban Art Space, is a selection of documentary pictures by a few remarkable photographers who were on the spot when the revolution ignited, and the emotional heat it generated crackles through their work.
The drama actually starts with a 1955 portrait by the Cuban-born Osvald Salas (1914-1992) of a glum, exiled Fidel Castro dressed in a natty suit and tie and strolling through Central Park. There's also a second New York portrait by Mr. Salas's son Roberto, dating from 1959, by which time everything had changed. Mr. Castro, now prime minister of the Cuban Revolution, wears army fatigues and smiles and gestures with a diva's grace as he addresses the United Nations.
Meanwhile, in Havana, the photojournalist Ernesto Fernández had caught the revolution as it happened on Jan. 1, 1959, in an extraordinary picture of clean-cut students and office clerks carrying guns for the first time.
With such images, the concept of epic photography kicks in. It is nowhere more effective than in Raúl Corrales's panoramic shot from 1960 of a brigade of revolutionary cavalrymen with rippling Cuban flags, advancing toward the camera at full gallop. The tableau, which could be from a 19th-century photograph, a Diego Rivera mural or a John Ford western, has the pumped-up grandeur of history painting....
Ernesto Fernandez has been for many years the favorite and personal photographer of Fidel Castro. These negatives have been filed for more than 40 years, until these photos were printed and hand signed by author Ernesto Fernandez This photo beside being an excelente Che Guevara portrait from the first days of the Cuban revolution, is a real historical jewel for every collector or biographer of the cuban revolution
Framing Cuba The Photographs of Ernesto Fernández & Ernesto Javier Fernández
Framing Cuba is a groundbreaking exhibition. The show presents a double vision of Cuba by two generations of extraordinary photographers, a father and son. In their first-ever show in the United States, Ernesto Fernández and his son Ernesto Javier Fernández convey the continuity of a tradition of master photographers that extends back nearly a century in Cuba. Their photographs stage an intimate family dialogue, an evolving exchange between contemporary Cuba and the history that has shaped its landscapes.
Adapted from Alejandro Machado Font, Curator, UNEAC
Read what The Crimson had to say about this great exhibit!! |
Exhibit Dates: Sept. 26, 2002-Jan. 15, 2003
Gallery Talk: 5 PM Followed by an Open House Celebration featuring the Argentine Tango singer Katie Viquiera DRCLAS 61 Kirkland Street Cambridge, MA
| For slide presentation click here
Alberto Korda in interview wiht Ciro Bianchi Ross, in Paris on May 25, 1999 said:
"Ernesto Fernández ha estado en todos los sucesos importantes de la historia de la revolución, desde 1959: la limpia del Escambray, Playa Girón, la lucha contra bandidos y piratas, las microbrigadas, la guerra de Angola... Raúl Corrales, dice, "es el más grande de todos nosotros, es el autor de las mejores fotos que se han hecho en Cuba. Y ahí tiene usted, limpiaba zapatos hasta el día en que agarró una cámara y dejó a todo el mundo con la boca abierta. No hay más que ver sus reportajes en la revista Carteles y lo que ha hecho después del triunfo de la revolución. Y es que, amigo mío, un fotógrafo no se hace; un fotógrafo nace, aunque necesite de alguien que le enseñe aquello que por sí solo no puede aprender."
Subasta Cuba
Unique and Original art
100% Legal in USA
we buy only original works direct from the artists in cuba with no government intermediaries and schipped from germany.
All cuban “art” is exempt from the embargo. ( US treasury dep´t. section 515.206 of the regulations outlining the Exemption of cuban art from the embargo with cuba)
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