Translation: Offer to shake hands with your opponent. If your opponent accepts the handshake, add the current life points of both players and split it evenly between both players. This is becomes the new life point status. If you have "Unity" in your hand, reveal it to your opponent to force a handshake.
Translation: Select one monster on your field. Add the original defense points of all the cards faced up on your field add it to the selected monsters defense points. This number becomes the selected monsters defense points until it's end phase.
Translation: Half of your life point is used for this card. --- If you have the "Yu-Jyo card" in your graveyard, Your opponent can not change a monster's status or summoned a monster, until the opponent's turn is over. --- If you have the "Unity" card in you graveyard, your opponent can not magic or traps, until your turn is over. Also during your opponent's next turn, they still can n