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    Electric Orange citrus juicer Juice Maker Proctor Silex
    Price:  $17.99 



     Electric orange juice maker sqeezer

    Perfect size for your Kitchen top...Great Reviews and cheapest on Ebay!

    Product Description

    Hamilton Beach's Juicit citrus juicer has an extra-large, 34-ounce capacity. Juice on the top then use the clear pitcher for serving. The Juicit citrus juicer has a powerful auto-reverse and a removable pulp strainer plus a cord storage area.

    Product Features
    • Extra large 36 ounce capacity
    • Powerful auto reverse
    • Cord storage
    • Clear take to table juice pitcher
    • Removable pulp strainer

    Product Details

    • Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 9.2 x 7.8 inches ; 2.6 pounds
    • Shipping Weight: 3 pounds 
    • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
    • ASIN: B00023XDJA
    • Item model number: 66332
    Actual Reviews

    • I don't think you can find a better, easier to use citrus juicer at any price. It's gone up a couple of bucks since I bought mine, but it is still the best deal available without question. It's fast, stable on the counter, converts to a serving pitcher when you're done juicing, and it's absolutely a cinch to clean up. I can't think of anything Proctor Silex could do to improve this product. If you're in the market for a citrus juicer (and fresh-squeezed is so far superior to anything you can buy in the grocery store) you can't do better than this one. Buy it

    • I am actually purchasing this juicer for my parents because I love mine so much! It is easy to clean (all of the parts are detachable) and works really well at extracting all of the juice. Try it with tangerines! :)

    Return Policy:I do not accept returns

    Destination: United States

    CarrierMethodShipping CostPer additional Item
    Insurance:Not Offered (Domestic)

    Buy this item Now:
    Price:  $17.99 

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