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    New Hot Ice Cold Water Dispenser 4 Home Office
    free shipping

    Price:  $65.00 


    New Hot Cold Water Dispenser for your Home or Office

    Custom design will make your kitchen or office luxorious

    Dont waist money on expensive water services when you can buy this unit for less than your monthly fee!

    Perfect for a ice cold drink or coffee and tea

    Warms to 85 degree celcius for a perfect cup or tea or coffee

    Cool water to 15 degree celcius for an ice cold cup of water or drink

    If you're looking for a compact hot and cold water dispensing unit for home or office use, this unit is perfect for you! Great for personal or small office use, and VERY easy and convinient to use.

    Uses the basic 3 or 5 gallon water bottles

    SAVE MONEY!!!!!!!!!

    Unbeatable price ONLY $39.99


    Please let us know if you have any questions. We take great pride in offering fast shipping and also offer overnight shipping for people in need of thier items fast. Our number one goal is to satisfy all our customers needs and Customer service is our number one goal.

    Return Policy:Items must be returned within 7 days .
    Refund will be given as Exchange.
    Refund policy details:
    buyer pays for original shipping

    Destination: United States

    CarrierMethodShipping CostPer additional Item
    USPSFirst Class®$0.00$0.00
    Insurance:Not Offered (Domestic)

    Buy this item Now:
    Price:  $65.00 

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