The world's first and only handheld GPS with satellite photography and XM NavWeather.
Navigate using an actual satellite photo of your surroundings - layered with all your tools, waypoints and other points of reference. Subscription access to real-time XM NavWeather and more than 170 channels of XM Satellite Radio programming featuring news, sports, talk, entertainment and music.
The only GPS that lets you plot your course by comparing your surroundings with what's pictured in your palm. The ONIX 400 layers a satellite photo, topo map, compass and all navigational aids on a single screen.
User-friendly interface The menu function gives you easy access to all features of your unit in one simple screen.
XM Satellite Radio Subscription access to weather and over 170 channels of XM satellite radio programming, featuring news, sports, talk, entertainment and music.
XM Satellite Weather Real-time NEXRAD weather data for right where you stand, downlinked via XM weather.
XM Satellite Weather Real-time NEXRAD weather data for right where you stand, downlinked via XM weather.
Introducing the world's first handheld GPS to combine navigational aids, satellite photography and XM NavWeather on a single screen. It shows you the perfect pinchpoint for this wind. And how you should dress for the day. NEXRAD weather data downlinked via XM NavWeather, layered over a georeferenced satellite map of your location keeps you prepared. It's all housed in a rubberized defensive armor built to XPX7 waterproof standards, with a high gain SIRF GPS receiver. In your palm.
– Layer a satellite photo, topo map, compass, navigational aids and XM services on a single screen with TruView Navigation – Extra-large 3.5" full color LCD – Downloads and displays georeferenced satellite photography – Displays XM NavWeather data on the GPS map (With XM Satellite subscription) – XM Satellite radio entertainment including XM sports (With XM Satellite subscription) – SafeTrack battery conservation mode – SiRF GPS receiver – Digital compass – Embedded 128 micro SD card – Rugged rubber armor – Waterproof (IPX7 rated)
Warning: This device is intended as a supplemental navigation aide only. The user assumes all responsibility with the use of this product.
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