Vendio Knowledge Base

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  • How do I create and use a Profile?
    To save a listing as an inventory profile, check the "Save this item in my inventory" option as you are creating your listing, or create the listing in inventory directly.

    Once the listing is created and saved, go to your Sales Manager inventory (the link is in the left navigation bar in Sales Manager). Locate your listing, and click the title. Then, select "Profile Item" at the top of the page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save' button. You will now see that your profile item will be highlighted in yellow on your inventory page.

    After this is completed, you will see that the inventory profile has been added to the drop-down list on the Create Listing page under Apply Profile. If you select a profile as you create your listing, all information stored in your inventory item will be applied as the default.

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  • What is a SKU or UPC/ISBN? Do I need these?
    The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) field is only for use if you assign SKU numbers to your inventory items. If you don't assign SKU numbers to your inventory items, you do not need to fill out this field.

    The UPC (Universal Product Code) field is for those who keep track of their inventory by using bar codes. If you do not use bar codes to track your inventory items, you do not need to fill out this field.

    ISBN codes are used to track books, and would not be used if you are not selling an inventory of books.

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  • How do I list a Fixed Price item using Inventory?
    As you create your Inventory item, you will see fields for a Starting Bid price and an Instant Buy price. Enter a value in both fields (in the case of a fixed-price item, the Starting Bid price will be ignored). Save your item.

    Next, return to the main Inventory page. Select the item to be launched by clicking the check-box next to the item. Click the "Launch" button at the top of the list.

    On the next page, select site "eBay as Fixed Price". Click the check-box next to the item, enter the launch time/date, and quantity to launch. The Opening Bid price will not apply to this listing as it is being launched as a Fixed Price listing.

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  • How do I list a Dutch auction through Inventory?
    To list a Dutch auction, select your item and click the 'Launch' button. On the next screen, you will see a "Qty. to Launch" field. If you enter a value in this field greater than 1, your auction will be launched as a Dutch.

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  • How do I copy a closed listing to Inventory?
    If you want to copy a closed listing to your inventory for future use, follow these steps:
    • Login, click on the Sales Manager Tab, then click on the 'All Closed' link in the left navigation bar.
    • Select the item you want to copy, and click the 'Relist' button.
    • Click on the 'edit' link next to your selected item.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the item listing, click the box next to "Save this item in my inventory", then click the 'Save' button.
    • Cancel relist if you want to just save and not relist.

    Note that your listing will be saved into the "Unfiled" folder in Inventory.

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  • I am getting an error message "You cannot launch this item..." Why?
    The error message you are receiving may be due to one of the following:

    • You have not filled out the site specific information in your inventory item. To fill out the site-specific information, please click the title of the inventory item, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "setup" link located next to the venue names. Fill out all information and save.
    • If you have filled out the site-specific information, you might be receiving this error on the launch page because you have not yet selected a venue. To select the venue, click the down arrow key under the "Sites" column to the far right of the launch page.

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  • What does "recur" do?
    This feature will allow you to schedule recurring launches of a specific item, set at specific intervals. For example, if you have an item you want to launch every Monday for the next 3 months, you can schedule these in advance using "recur".

    Note that this is not the same as auto-relist - the auctions that launch from the recurring launch queue are listed as completely new auctions.

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  • I have launched a "recurring" listing, but I can't find it. Where is it?
    When you use the "recur" function, the listings will go to your pending file already scheduled to launch in the selected intervals. You can see them at the end of your pending list. To access them, click the Pending All link in the left navigation bar. On the next screen, use the page numbers to access scheduled listings (which will appear at the end of the list).

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  • What if I have other questions or need more help?
    You may email our responsive customer service staff by clicking here to access the Contact Us form. This form can also be found by clicking on the Help link at the top of the page, then on the Contact Us link.

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