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posted on October 12, 2001 05:15:54 PM new
Just heard on CNN that Anthrax is in Reno NV now.

posted on October 12, 2001 05:21:55 PM new
Missing Explosives have been found:


Now where's that tanker?
posted on October 12, 2001 05:35:28 PM new
A Nevada Microsoft office, the CNN web site says. So media and technology companies are being targeted? F***ing unbelievable. I am getting angrier and angrier with these "terrorists" who are making it their life's work to kill Americans, based largely on an interpretation of religion. This is crazy. They're wasting their lives and the lives of others who have nothing to do with the situation in the Middle East and want nothing to do with these people's religion. They should mind their own goddamn business, go home and take care of their families or something.

posted on October 12, 2001 05:35:35 PM new
I think this Anthrax scare is more likely to be the work of Anarchists or other sick individuals than Middle East terrorists. The targets so far have been the media and Microsoft.

I expect terroist attacks to be on a far larger scale.

posted on October 12, 2001 05:41:15 PM new
But we don't know how large the scale is yet... Anthrax cases are popping up daily. For all we know they mailed out tens of thousands of contaminated envelopes and continue to do so.

Besides, they probably want to do what we don't expect.

Targeting the media is sure to have the most high-profile impact because it will be widely reported. Transportation, media, and technology are all hubs or our everyday lives, and therefore targets.

posted on October 12, 2001 05:46:45 PM new

You make some good points, but I just don't believe this is being done by organized terrorists.

There are a lot of possibilities at this point.

It could even be some twisted patriot who wants to keep Americans p*ssed off at the Middle East.

You just won't know until a link is found.

posted on October 12, 2001 05:54:55 PM new
There is a problem with this thinking so far they have found that none of the mail Threts contain any anthrax includeing Reno they have not finished testing there as of yet if they do find it it will be the first real mail with it.

They are how ever starting to notice a coomin thread in all the mail threats so its only a matter of time before they have a names and a faces of where this started..

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on Oct 12, 2001 05:57 PM ]
posted on October 12, 2001 05:56:12 PM new
I think we are looking at terrorist WANT TO BE'S.....

You can bet your skivies that when the Bin Laden regime hits we will know it BIG TIME!!!!!

posted on October 12, 2001 06:00:45 PM new
There really is no guessing as to weather this is terrorist related, Anyone who would do this or bomb scares and so on all of this is Terrorist act of a type.

Weather this is copy cat stuff or middle east related..

this is more then likely none muslim related at this point an arab or muslim looking person cant look side ways with out being ratted out..

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on Oct 12, 2001 06:02 PM ]
posted on October 12, 2001 06:17:46 PM new
Has anyone heard as to where the postmarks are from?

CNN reported earlier today that the "white powder" when first tested gives a negative result; then upon retest, gives positive. They said in the NY case, the woman first tested negative, then positive - they didn't offer any explanation for this. I don't understand this - so all the "white powder" that is testing negative at first, are they going to retest it?

posted on October 12, 2001 06:24:25 PM new
so far they have found that none of the mail Threts contain any anthrax

They are how ever starting to notice a coomin thread in all the mail threats

Yeah, the common thread seems to be that some of the places that get the "white powder" letters get infected, but not all of them, and that isn't how the infection is really being spread.

Next move will be 100,000 white powder letters.... How are they going to check all that?

posted on October 12, 2001 06:25:52 PM new
CNN is reporting that the two New York letters were post marked in St. Petersburg Florida.

That's where my Sister lives!

posted on October 12, 2001 06:31:50 PM new
So far all the mail Tested Negitive in NY I just heard this a short time ago.

They are retesting the letter in Reno it was the first and only one to test positive the first time around.

WHat they are saying is they do three test if two are positive it is concidered to be positive.

The woman in Nyc from NBC was test positive and being treated since oct 1 so no way she tested negitive and then positive.

all the letters were from FLA, Accept im not sure about the one found in reno This one was never opened by the company it was returned mail they said looked as if it had been opened and tampered with before it was returned to them Since this mail was returned to sender they know where and who on the other end so inless this is a case of a postal worker they already have a suspect.

Email [email protected]
posted on October 12, 2001 07:15:03 PM new
I often return unsolicited mail with a free return envelope because I want them to have to pay for it, but I never enclose "gifts".

Tom Brokaw seemed mad about his assistant. He makes enough mony he could say Bush is offering 5 million for Bin Laden's head. I will chip in 1 mil for his thumbs. Elton John could chip in for his nose ( with shipping a major investment) and Bill gates could offer a Billion for his privy members.
Pretty soon he would be worth so much his own Mother would cash him in.

posted on October 12, 2001 07:24:50 PM new
I too, do not believe this to be brought about by the Bin Laden terrorist group. More like another psycho like tim Mac Vey, except with something more insidious. How best to cover the perpetrator's track but to launch his/her attack when the country is thinking ONLY about Bin Laden?

Sick, sick, sick...

One of the reasons I feel that way is one...pure gut feeling, and two, the DIFFERENT strains of the virus. I would think that Laden would have access or choose to use only ONE type: the most deadly one, inhaled, rather than the one which leaves red blotches as a tale-tale sign, which would give the affected a chance to go to the doctor the moment blotches show up.
Nasty new life-style

Gosh Shosh

posted on October 12, 2001 07:38:31 PM new
My impression is that the way the infection is aquired is not unique to each strain. Rather the way it is transmitted determains where the infection will thrive.
If the bacteria is ingested in food or drink it will grow in the digestive tract - and if it is rubbed in breaks in the skin it will grow there. But they seemed to indicate that the form that grows in the lungs is more easily spread by the spores that form when the bacteria are exposed to drying and go into that dormant state to survive. These spores are a lot smaller than the active bacteria. Not all bacteria do this spore trick. Most just die when they are dried up.

posted on October 12, 2001 07:46:35 PM new
There is a differents they can tell in testing if the anthrax is lab developed or natural form this is the difference in the cases in FLA and NYC..

the case in NYC is of the type that you could come in contact with right here in this country at time from animals or digging in dirt.

The stuff in FLA they know was man made or developed in a lab big difference..

There are different strains of anthrax

ALso Keep in mind the powder they are testing is all comeing back negitive and it take more then one or two spores to make a person sick it take thousands the body would 98% of the time do away with or rid its self a few spores in a single sneeze inhaled and the bodies could handle a single or few spores in a cut or ingested.

Its only when the body is over welmed with spores you get sick and after several days incubation period when the thousands of spores have had time to multiply in to millions..
Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on Oct 12, 2001 07:47 PM ]
[ edited by dman3 on Oct 12, 2001 07:54 PM ]
posted on October 12, 2001 08:07:00 PM new
If it is NOT the WTC terrorists that did this then even though someone is taking advantage of the timing to do it obviously it was not some high school boys that decided to pull a prank a few weeks ago. It took some work and risk and planning, and if this opportunity had not presented itself to release them you can figure it would have happened some time anyway. You don't develope something like this and then sit on it for years and years unless you are a government.

posted on October 12, 2001 08:28:16 PM new
Try to relax.

The FBI has said that there is no evidence that the anthrax cases are linked to terrorism, but a criminal investigation has been launched.


There are at least two strains and no one group or person did that. There's one report that the inhaled version may have originated in Idaho, but it's unconfirmed. I would not take years to develop a plan to do this, it only takes some toxin and a stamp.

It's so coincidental that it almost has to be some whacked opportunistic creep of the sort that poisons candy every year at Halloween. We have half a country of candidates, and maybe some of them see this as a way to make bush's holy war continue.

posted on October 12, 2001 09:22:22 PM new
Another possibility: people have been contracting and dying of anthrax occasionally all along, but it was misdiagnosed as influenza. There's the old physician's dictum of "think horses, not zebras". Add to that the uneven diagnostic skill levels (the guy who diagnosed my father's cancer as ulcers for three years comes to mind) one finds in that occupation, and it's a possibility. Only in the aftermath of Sept 11 is everybody with a runny nose getting tested for anthrax.
posted on October 12, 2001 09:53:41 PM new
Right, and the medical people in the media have said as much. Anthrax is not a new agent in this country but it's never had this level of publicity. If the hysteria that's building over this continues much longer every white powdery substance will be cause to suspect an attack. If that happens it could influence the outcome of the US diplomatic mission in Latin America and negate any gains which have been made there.

posted on October 12, 2001 10:27:32 PM new
For me, right now, the worst part of these anthrax scares is this: today my 80-year-old mother put on a pair of Playtex dishwashing gloves to open the mail...
posted on October 12, 2001 10:41:24 PM new
The one in Reno had the second test come back negative. MSNBC.com reported that the letter was sent to Malaysia with a check for some licensing or something to that effect. It was sent back to Microsoft in the same envelope with some pornographic material. I guess the envelope itself was also tampered with (outside of normal opening)....

posted on October 12, 2001 10:52:38 PM new
It's all very confusing, and I think part of the reason it is is because we're not being told the whole story. That was my much smarter sister's conclusion when we discussed it, and I think she has to be right.

This woman at NBC in NYC has been taking antibiotics for 10 days, and we're only hearing about it for the first time now. And it's not just us that's only hearing about it now, apparently most of her co-workers at NBC are only hearing about it now. Little snippets of interviews with NBC people on the street showed a couple of ticked off people... one lady said she'd opened hundreds of pieces of mail in the past 10 days at NBC, and she thought she and the others should have been warned.

She got the letter they think is suspicious on the 25th, and made someone aware of it then. She's been taking antibiotics since Oct. 02, and the story breaks on Oct. 12. Big gaps there.

It is a possibility that people have been dying of anthrax all along, and no one realized. What I wonder is, how prevalent anthrax is in the environment. If we wouldn't notice people dying of it because we weren't thinking of it, animal breeders and veterinarians would notice animals dying of it, they're always on the lookout for it. How common is it for cattle to contract it?

[ edited by donny on Oct 12, 2001 10:54 PM ]
posted on October 13, 2001 01:15:39 AM new
krs - Does have a point. Nose candy would be the perfect way to distruibute this, but they would have to stop that because it would finally win the war on drugs and put too many people out of work.

I can't see someone casually handling this stuff to distribute it. At the very least you would want to set up a draft hood to work in.
I suppose the lone wacko could just take the antibiotic as a preventative but the exposure could be so massive as to overcome it.

Unless someone prepared the items to distribute it at a lab job....and smuggled them out.

posted on October 13, 2001 03:11:48 AM new
There is a vaccine. It's production in this country is allowed only to one company, Bioport, and their only contract is the defense department.

Barbara Walters tried to find out why it isn't generally availabe and was given quite a runaround by the CEO of the company.

Excerpts from a report of her efforts:

"This evening on ABC's 20/20, Barbara Walters interviewed Robert Kramer, President of Bioport, about its production of anthrax
vaccine. Here's what we learned. Bioport, a private company, is the only producer of anthrax vaccine, and its sole client is the
Department of Defense. Although Bioport signed the contract some years ago in order to protect the U.S. military from anthrax
bioweapons, only a relatively small number of its soldiers have been given the vaccine, for two reasons. First, the single facility in
Michigan that produces the vaccine has been closed down since 1999 for failing to pass various FDA checks of its product and its
facility, 18 violations in all. Secondly, a significant number of members of the military, both officers and enlistees, have refused to take
the vaccine due to its side effects. Some refusals have resulted in court martial proceedings. Wolters noted that some have said the
anthrax vaccine was the cause of what has been called the "Gulf War Syndrome." Kramer indicate that there was no evidence for

Although Kramer told Walters that there is a stockpile of previously created vaccine, enough to cover military needs, the Department
of Defense has stopped giving the vaccine to its military until Bioport gets FDA approval. Kramer claims that the vaccine has now
been determined safe by the FDA, but its facilities were in violation. Congressman Tim Hutchinson was asked to comment upon
Bioport, and he noted that it was a bad idea for the Department of Defense to contract with a single producer with a single facility to
produce all of the anthrax vaccine used to protect our armed forces in case of anthrax attack. Hutchinson noted that the Defense
Department has spent [$42] millions on Bioport, including its facilities."

posted on October 13, 2001 04:21:40 AM new
krs There is a vaccine.

Yes, there is. Did the Barbara Walter's report happen to mention it requires 6 shots and takes 18 months to administer?

The panic being generated by the Anthrax report is really depressing. Here I am watching many treat panic as if it was a virtue and I don't have a single gas mask to sell.

posted on October 13, 2001 06:24:50 AM new
Bayer is about to start producing it.


Adm. William J. Crowe Jr.-its most visible corporate director, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Nancy El-Hibri- a mother and homemaker in suburban Maryland.

I&F Holdings- a company directed by Nancy El-Hibri’s father-in-law, Ibrahim El-Hibri, a Venezuelan citizen, and her husband, Fuad El-Hibri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent.

I don't trust an ex-politician, a Maryland homemaker, a Lebanese with German citizenship, and a Venezuelan citizen to be in charge of our biological war weapons vaccines. Why can't we have, say...umm...some trustworthy American born medical professionals?

posted on October 13, 2001 08:02:03 AM new
I saw the interview with Barbara Walters and I thought they said that $120,000,000 had been spent so far on this endeavor and I wondered if that much money has already been spent on this one facility then why don't we have enough vaccine for all...$120 million is a lot of money!!! I also wondered if all of their employees have had thorough background checks. A lot of money stands to be made from whatever corporation handles this vaccine. Who knows maybe it has been planted by an insider.

posted on October 13, 2001 09:40:56 AM new
Well, this is getting a closer:

last night's news reported two suspicious letters containing a yellow powder, in Pleasanton, about 15 minutes from where I live, and about 5 minutees from where my Daughter and her family live. (Dublin). Also reports of same in Santa Rosa, 1-1/2 hour further north from here. All materials were immediately sent to a lab and results were to be obtained within a few hours, but I am still in too much pain and could not wait any longer. I will catch today's news.

Gosh Shosh

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