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posted on October 24, 2001 12:35:25 AM new

I see your parallel, Bunni.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:10:53 AM new
~embarassed that I even broached this subject.
[ edited by jt on Oct 24, 2001 01:52 AM ]
posted on October 24, 2001 01:26:25 AM new
"I can NOT EVER believe that 95 percent of hetrosexual male"

I think it said 5%, didn't it, not 95%? They restricted their sampling to urban areas.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:35:38 AM new
Well my error KRS, I thought it was saying 5% had NOT because of that "no" near the end.

5% is JUST ABOUT AS unbelievable...but then I am a hetrosexual female who is evidently somewhat uninformed about urban lifestyles.
posted on October 24, 2001 01:38:36 AM new
krs - I don't know what you are trying to start this time. But I never said that. I don't appreciate you taking MY posts and interjecting your own conclusions in my words. I said NO SUCH THING.

First of all, I was speaking to or for Hepburn's benefit. My post was addressed to her.

To anyone else who may be confused by what krs is trying to start - I was trying to comfort Hep because I can tell by her posts she is hurting. She's feeling mis-understood...simply because she asked a question and it was taken other than she intended. As has happened before, the word bigot came into the discussion NOT BY SPAZ. Feelings were really hurt then. Not being understood by a friend or friends and feeling attacked does hurt.

Anyone who has read here for even a short while can see there is somewhat of a online friendship between Hep, NYCrocker and Spaz. Just because people are friends doesn't mean they will always agree on everything.

My post to Hep was to say I understand where she's coming from. I just see three 'friends' who've had a disagreement. One that hopefully can be resolved.

Edited to clarify.....not by Spaz
[ edited by Linda_K on Oct 24, 2001 01:56 AM ]
posted on October 24, 2001 01:41:05 AM new
jt: once I would also have had a hard time believing that 5% of any group--regardless of sexual orientation--had had sex with animals.

But then I read emergency room accounts of men involved sexually with coke bottles and vacuum cleaners...these days nothing would surprise me

There was one emergency room account of a man, a woman, and a fork that had me laughing for quite a while...

posted on October 24, 2001 02:23:19 AM new
I know what you MEANT to do, lindaK, but by doing that, you also condemned spaz for something hepburn thought he did by reading it into his post.

Get it? Hep thought (or thinks) spaz called her a bigot. You say that you are sorry that HAPPENED to her. By acknowledging the HAPPENING you have said that spaz called hep a bigot, and he did not call her a bigot by my reading. I did at least read it. Did you?

posted on October 24, 2001 02:42:43 AM new
krs - You really do enjoy trying to stir the pot, don't you? This is the last post I'm making to your incorrect assumptions and accusations.

Spaz said (on this thread) "You just can't let this go, can you?" (to Hep) And when she (on this thread) said, "Actually, no. Im having a hard time getting past being called a bigot by someone I liked at one time" (referring to a thread where she was called a bigot - not this thread - not by Spaz), I saw this mis-understand was still hurting her. Since someone she thought was a friend called her a bigot (NOT SPAZ, okay...is that clear?) I saw she is still hurting from that, I replied TO HER!!!! I reached out TO HER!! I don't have a problem that Spaz took NYCrockers side in the mis-understanding, I believe that has also hurt Hep's feelings, but that's between them. I hope they work it out.


posted on October 24, 2001 02:50:09 AM new
lindak says:

"krs - I don't know what you are trying to start this time"
"To anyone else who may be confused by what krs is trying to start"
"krs - You really do enjoy trying to stir the pot, don't you?"

and I"M making incorrect assumptions and accusations??

You so energetic coverup doesn't wash, lindak. Must have been scrambling around for an hour to come up with all of that, eh?

posted on October 24, 2001 08:09:09 AM new
Get it? Hep thought (or thinks) spaz called her a bigot.

No, Hep doesnt think or thought Spaz called her a bigot. Rocker did. To clarify, nycrocker. But, as Spaz put it, its time to "get over it". I was pissy last night.

Lindak, I know what you meant to convey to me, and appreciate it.

Im outta this thread now. Said all I had to say and have no further questions. To quote Kurt Russell in a movie I saw once, "It's over, McCrady".

posted on October 24, 2001 08:16:42 AM new
For what it's worth, I read LindaK's post in question exactly as she has explained it. In fact, I was quite surprised that her words were interpreted in another way. Perhaps if I hadn't followed the Bomb Slur thread I may have concluded that Hepburn was pinning the bigot-calling on Spaz, but that's a big perhaps. Her (Hepburn's) tone didn't really indicate that she was speaking of Spaz, but that Spaz was aware and unsympathetic to the situation. But since I had followed the thread, I knew exactly where Hepburn and Spaz and LindaK were coming from. I'm just not seeing what KRS is seeing in this instance.

Last night on Politically Incorrect (do I have the name of the show right?) the discussion turned to the Anti-Gay Bomb Slur issue. Both David Crosby and that fella that played George Castanza (the name escapes me now) pretty much echoed Hepburn's stance on that issue. I don't consider either of these men bigots for voicing these opinions. In fact, I can recall past incidents where each has shown staunch support for homosexual lifestyles, and their comments last night in no way made me re-evaluate that mindset. It does seem to me that this misunderstanding between posters is based on not being accepting of differing opinions. I do realize that I’m standing on this side of the fence and am not subjected to the daily un-acceptance and bigotry that others are, but I feel that some are being oversensitive and taking it all far too personally. Should I be upset that one poster’s tagline is “bomb the b@stards” and my son is a fatherless and illegitimate child?


posted on October 24, 2001 08:20:14 AM new
Illegitimate perhaps, but certainly not fatherless--unless you are the first human example of parthenogenesis that managed to come to fruition...

posted on October 24, 2001 08:31:58 AM new
well.. his "father" considers him fatherless.. so I just went with the flow
(am now gonna attempt my first smiley)

*There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 24, 2001 09:22:26 AM new
I notice that the percentages cited don't really say what sort activity the people had that responded to the survey. Makes me think of how some people - "I did not have sex with that woman." - define things differently.

posted on October 24, 2001 09:55:52 AM new

I think it's a little bit different than if the word had been "bastards." Bastards is pretty general and not assigned to any single group that's discriminated against.
But if you substitute the N-word for "fags," for example, you may see why nycrocker objected so vehemently. To her, a gay person, the use of "fags" had the same impact that the N-word would have had on black citizens, had that particular word been painted on the bomb.

posted on October 24, 2001 11:40:59 AM new
Hepburn, I wanted to address what you said about the Gay Parade.....

If that's what happened in front of your child, then I don't blame you for leaving. I wasn't sure what flaming meant, but I do now. Personally, that part of certain gays doesn't bother me, but explicit sexual behavior, in public, by ANYONE does, so I understand your post.

You have certain convictions. Maybe NOBODY in the world agrees with them, but it's standing up for your convictions that makes you YOU. If people here can't appreciate yours or anyones differences, then that's their problem.

Just be who you are Hepburn and roll with the punches (for your beliefs) like everyone else does. It WILL work out.

posted on October 24, 2001 12:41:12 PM new
Nonsense. There's one you missed..." Now that you know who I am, you havent spoken more than two times to me, and those times were to be hateful". One of those supposed two times is clearly during the period in which hepburn was called a bigot and by specifying that spaz had spoken hatefully she could only mean that spaz joined in the calling of bigot. Lindak responds to the 'hateful' post and enjoins with dripping and pointed sympathy for the poor callee. No, spaz did not call her a bigot, but yes, spaz did call her a bigot by joining in that act with the caller. Spaz is then a bigot caller by proxie according to hepburn and lindak both. We all know that spaz did not directly call hepburn a bigot but by the "hateful" remark she obviously includes him in the crime. Why else would she be so angry with spaz? Along comes lindak siezing the opportunity to make yet another of her snide, meager, and ill disquised innuendo slams, this time to both rocker and spaz in a matter which is not her business at all. I had to act, don't you see, for to defend lindak risks becoming like her, and one is far more than enough. I am martyred for the good of all AW posters and you, you, you, and you, but by you lindak. Goodbye.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:01:06 PM new
Huh? Never mind.


posted on October 24, 2001 01:02:10 PM new
Goodbye hep. I love you.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:45:13 PM new

Enough already with the personal comments. Please remember...discuss the topic, not the individual.

Thanks for your cooperation.

[email protected]
posted on October 24, 2001 01:48:38 PM new

posted on October 24, 2001 01:49:24 PM new
Goodbye hep. I love you.

Leave him alone Pat. He finally told me he loves me, after all these years in RT. Let me savor the moment.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:50:49 PM new
Not yet. Soon.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:56:43 PM new
So soon.

posted on October 24, 2001 01:58:07 PM new
Not soon enough. But...


posted on October 24, 2001 02:50:14 PM new
I'm crushed. I thought KRS loved his floozies. ****sniff****

Goodbye? Where are you going? When? Enquiring mind wants to know.

Didn't I see Antiquary back there a ways?? Hi! Antiquary! Tell me you aren't really manifestoed out of here! I miss too many already!

posted on October 24, 2001 02:53:05 PM new
Im a floozie, rawbunz. Dont be crushed. Youre one too.

I will miss many.

posted on October 24, 2001 02:55:44 PM new
Why you floozie , you!

posted on October 24, 2001 02:57:19 PM new

posted on October 24, 2001 03:03:18 PM new
So Pattaylor, I "see" you have an idea.....what is it???

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