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posted on March 12, 2002 02:59:10 PM new
The jury did not deliberate very long. She should fry!
posted on March 12, 2002 03:27:21 PM new
I'm sure all the people she scares will feel better if she fries. They used to be afraid of witches too - and felt much better after they hung.

It will help you affirm that you would never do anything like that. Mental illness is just a lie people tell to avoid responsibility for their actions.
[ edited by gravid on Mar 12, 2002 03:29 PM ]
posted on March 12, 2002 03:32:17 PM new
She never should've said that she was trying to save the kids from Satan in Texas. He's the state mascot.

posted on March 12, 2002 03:49:33 PM new
I'm with gravid on this one. Let's see - we believe in Mom,apple pie,USA, and SUVs. If Mom is mentally ill, just fry her. How about those people who just have a couple drinks, get behind the wheel, and kill someone(or two or three) that way. Fry them? It doesn't happen in this country. Too many think "there but for the grace of god go I". I don't think Andrea Yates said "I choose to be mentally ill."

posted on March 12, 2002 04:17:43 PM new
She dialed 911 after the murders. She knew what she did was wrong. There are those who are truly mentally ill and should be incarcerated. She is not among them.
posted on March 12, 2002 04:20:26 PM new
Here is a woman with a verifiable history of severe psychosis, and they only spent 3+ hours deliberating complex medical testimony?

But it's Texas and they love killing people down there. Her defense never had a chance.

posted on March 12, 2002 04:36:48 PM new
Julesy, that Texas jury spent less time deliberating than the jury on which I sat spent discussing an auto accident. I can't help but feel that the verdict was a reflection of how little understood some women's medical problems are. Most repeat offenders who commit vehicular manslaughter ( seldom upgraded to murder) around here appear to be men. There seems to still be tolerance the the beer and car combo.

posted on March 12, 2002 05:27:02 PM new
She can cry mentally ill til the cows come home. I hope they snuff her out just like she did her kids.

posted on March 12, 2002 05:44:07 PM new
Gravid must be joking. Mentally ill people suffer from irrational and sometimes uncontrollable stimulus to do things that they or you or I would normally not do. That old thing of "The Devil Made me Do It" pretty much describes a mother who can not control her actions and does the unthinkable; even thuogh she knows it is wrong, she can not help herself. For some emotionally ill people, the irrational urges are completely uncontrolable and are best incarcerated for life. You just can't judge the actions of a mentally ill person with the same rule of measure that is used for those who are mentally healthy and expect to find justice there.

posted on March 12, 2002 05:49:25 PM new
I hope they snuff her out just like she did her kids.

That's horrible. I would never wish for anyone to die. While I realize this may be the ultimate penalty as allowed under the law in some states, I would never "hope" for anyone to die.

Brings to mind the soccer stadium in Afghanistan. I wonder if they sold peanuts and popcorn, if some people would buy tickets. ugh.


posted on March 12, 2002 06:21:21 PM new
It's called sarcasm.

Hey she could still dial 911 so she is sane? Why exactlty was it so rational to dial 911 pray tell? If she had called the newspaper or the funeral home would she be not guilty? Would she have to be so insane that she could not recognize a phone and use it?

The public is just not ready to believe that anyone is not in control of their actions unless they are a wild eyed ranting person saying ONLY bizzare irrational things.

It still all comes down to the belief that those who have not experienced it don't believe it exists. For the average, ignorant person in this country mental illness sis still viewed as a weakness of character. They should just SNAP OUT OF IT.

I would love to see the creepy preacher that filled her head with all this bizzare illusional religeous CRAP bear some responsibility alone with the husband who saw her only as a breeding machine and could not find any fulfillment in their marraige outside of poping out a new kid as fast as they could. She might as well have lived in Afganistan under the Taliban as in a fundamentalist home in Texas.

What amazes me are how many say her husband and doctor are guilty also who feel she is not insane.

I mean if she is not insane how were they supposed to see that there was a danger?
You can't have it both ways that she is sane and it was a willfull act and still say her behavior should have alerted them. If there was no insanity what was supposed to have alerted them?

Talk about denial. I guess she was insane enough to warn them but not insane enough to be not guilty. The prosecutor would love that - have your cake and eat it too.
[ edited by gravid on Mar 12, 2002 06:47 PM ]
posted on March 12, 2002 06:43:46 PM new
If she fries then her husband should fry right along with her. She should never have been left alone with those children with her history of mental illness. He is nearly as guilty as she is.

edited..it's fries not fires.
[ edited by rawbunzel on Mar 12, 2002 06:56 PM ]
posted on March 12, 2002 06:53:04 PM new
Add the doctor treating her and the preacher filling her head with the dread of all sorts of satanic dangers and obsession with heaven and hell. She had enough trouble with here and now without worrying about the consequences of the complex taboos of religeous superstitions.

Hell is the ultimate protection racket.

posted on March 12, 2002 06:59:24 PM new
Totally Gravid! She had a lot of "aiders and abeters" in the commision of this crime. A lot of people have a lot of guilt here.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:33:51 PM new
Wishing her as dead as her kids might be horrible to some, but its exactly how I feel about it. Some are passionate about politics and wars and death resulting and who is right and who is wrong. I am passionate about this subject. Yes, I wish her dead. If that makes me horrible, so be it.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:34:56 PM new
Borillar is right. I have a friend who is mentally ill. Although, he takes several meds, sometimes his actions and responses to everyday stress are scarey. I can't imagine what he would be like if he was taken off meds.

Even though, I know his problems, I'll get an email from him that really makes me shake my head. My son is a very sensitive person, but I've even heard him say "he should just get over it." I've tried to explain to him, but like others he can't comprehend how irrational a mentally ill persons mind works.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:36:26 PM new
Btw...has her defenders read the news article about how her oldest son cried and told her how sorry he was, not understanding WHY she was going to kill him like she did his siblings? How she laid them all on the bed, but left him to float in the vomit and bodily fluid filled bathtub? I have NO PITY on this ....THING. If they would let someone stick her with the needle, I would be standing at the front of the line.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:42:01 PM new
Wishing a mentally ill person dead is horrible. Under the same reasoning then perhaps we should do gentic testing before birth to find the mental "defectives" and do away with them before they can harm anyone? How do you decide what mental illness is and what it can do to a person? Unless you were living inside this woman at the time you have no idea what was in her head. She is guilty, she did kill five children, but she should not be put to death for it.Not unless they kill her a** h*** of a husband too and all those that ignored her many, many pleas for help.

It's called compassion.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:45:14 PM new
THen I guess I have none, and Im a horrible person. But you already know that, dont you? I suggest letting her come babysit your kids when she gets deemed "cured" then. I look forward to the day, if it ever happens, that she meets the bed and that needle.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:50:33 PM new
She could babysit my kids because my daughter is 31 and my son is 27 and I think they could take care of themselves.Did I say she shoud ever be released from any facility? No. She should not.Should she have more children? NO. She should never be around children again. NEVER. But to kill her for being insane..and she was insane...is nothing short of murder. Of course this is Texas and they kill mentally ill folks there.

By the way Hepburn, I didn't say you were horrible, just the concept.You have every right to your opinion just as I have to mine.

oops..forgot the N
[ edited by rawbunzel on Mar 12, 2002 07:51 PM ]
posted on March 12, 2002 07:55:52 PM new
Yes, I do have a right to my opinion, dont I? And my opinion is this THING called a "mother" should die the same dam way her children did. I have no pity for her. None whatsoever. No compassion. All my feelings are for that child that said he was sorry and the horror he saw and felt before he died. And who said she was insane? Was it proved? No. Just a bunch of words from her husband/MIL and defense attorneys who want her let off.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:56:29 PM new
Another extremely sad, embarrassing day in the USA. And CNN has a poll: Vote life sentence or death! Sicker still.

The poor thing is so nuts and so drugged up I doubt she fully realizes or cares what is happening.

Let's flip the coin. Joe is thinking about and planning self-murder (suicide) for weeks. He knows to mention this would run serious interference with what he holds is the right, maybe even noble thing to do for his family, if not the only option in his circumstance as-plain-as-the-nose-on-your-face (in Joe's mind.) Joe is 17. He kills himself.

Tell his parents he knew doing that was wrong. Tell his parents what a self-centered, spiteful brat he is, for putting them through this kind of pain, even.

The woman is as mad as a hatter. I believe she believed she was killing them out of love or duty. It isn't the first and it won't be the last time.

Not that my opinion is going to change anything.

I think all kinds of groups will rally. I doubt she'll get the death sentence, but I do wonder if it wouldn't be the kinder thing if all we haave is two choices.

posted on March 12, 2002 07:59:27 PM new
Im off to CNN to vote to remove her from breathing in this world.

posted on March 12, 2002 08:18:20 PM new
The county where the case was heard has the highest fry rate in Texas. Any evidence that the husband knew anything that would be a threat to the kids should be enough to try him as an accessory.
rawbunzel- you say she shouldn't be put to death unless he is too? A bit hypocritical?
posted on March 12, 2002 08:27:42 PM new
Not hypocritical, I don't think either of them should die. However if those that feel she should die get their way then he, as her enabler really should have to pay some sort of price.He isn't insane and he didn't have post partum depression. He should surely have seen what was happening. He is as guilty as she.But he, in this world that still belongs to men, is walking away free. Free to marry and help to conceive more children.He should not have that right.

If you had a favorite dog and it had a litter of puppies and the next day you went in to see them and the mother had eaten them [which they do sometimes] or at least part of them, would you kill the mother dog? Would you say it was natures way? Would you think perhaps she had known something was wrong with the pups and so destroyed them? Would you think she was insane?Could you have compassion for a dog?

posted on March 12, 2002 08:51:36 PM new
I have NO PITY on this ....THING. If they would let someone stick her with the needle, I would be standing at the front of the line.

I'm speechless. I really am. I know you have volunteered many times (in other threads) to "first in line" to be an executioner, but to deny this person's humanity...well, it leaves me speechless. Hepburn, this woman is a HUMAN BEING. She may have done wrong. She may be guilty of murder by 12 people's interpretation of the law, but she is not a THING. She is a living, breathing human being. Regardless of whether she is sentenced to pay the ultimate price, feeling glee...taking pleasure with the idea of ending another human being's life is beyond wrong. It makes you no better than what you THINK she is. Even those who might support the Death Penalty as a societal neccessity, should not be HAPPY about killing the person.


posted on March 12, 2002 09:01:21 PM new
Thats your opinion, katyd. And I dont recall being GLEEFUL or HAPPY wanting her to get the death penalty. Im pissed. And I dont think shes nuts. Shes a murderer and should die for what she did. I DONT BELIEVE she is insane and yes, she is a THING. Thats my opinion. Deal with it.

edited to add a word.

By the way...why are you focusing on what I say? Because I say it more strongly? Or is there another motive perhaps? You know I get passionate about some things. This is one of them. Trying to shame me into thinking your way doesnt cut it. My opinions are my own, and nothing you say will change them concerning this matter.

[ edited by hepburn on Mar 12, 2002 09:04 PM ]
posted on March 12, 2002 09:07:14 PM new
I know you have volunteered many times (in other threads) to "first in line" to be an executioner

Show me. Yes, we had this discussion before in AW. I said the same thing then. I also believe in the death penalty. You dont. So? From your post above, you are trying to make me look like a rabid gleeful happy wannabe murderer myself. Why? Whats your motive?

posted on March 12, 2002 09:09:54 PM new
Would you think perhaps she had known something was wrong with the pups and so destroyed them? Would you think she was insane?Could you have compassion for a dog?

Yes, I would have more compassion for a dog than I would Yates. Are you saying she killed her kids because it may have been "natures way"? Or because something was wrong with her kids, so she killed them because she knew something we didnt? Looks like it to me. Not a very good comparison, IMHO.

posted on March 12, 2002 09:18:49 PM new
Nature makes some women mentally sick after they have babies. Natures way I guess is not the right way to put it but I doubt if Andrea Yates would have wanted to feel the way she did. I'll bet she would have much rather been able to feel the things most women feel after giving birth. I've read a lot about this subject and the women who suffer post partum depression are not making it up and they do not want to be the way they are. There are a lot of different mental illnesses out there. I wonder why when it is one that only affects women their "sisters" are the most hard on them? Is it so hard to believe that even though all women do not get this illness there are some that do?

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