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posted on May 19, 2002 09:20:18 PM new
From an innocent bystanders or lurkers point of view I must say that I find it in very bad taste that you are actually calling people names, coward, hypocrite etc. In this thread and in others as well.

Hey, I have gotten into a few heated arguments with a few other posters here also but I have never nor will I ever resort to calling names in a vain attempt at getting my point across.

Quite frankly I am surprised that your posting priveledges haven't been suspended yet. It's just a matter of time at the rate you are going

Why'd you edit out your smiley?


[ edited by yellowstone on May 19, 2002 09:26 PM ]
posted on May 19, 2002 09:26:38 PM new
Stusi, you seem like a nice person but, i see a pattern to your posts take the pitbulls your reacting not thinking here and in that case it is with mmore laws rules regulations that someone in the government will be more able to properly enforce than people themselves this seems to be a pattern with you. if we continue to pass a variety of laws the end result will be a tax burden we possibly already cannot afford, someone has to pay the enforcers, you really need to think more about the end result of your suggestions which would end up as a petty corporate anally retentive antifreedom stand for nothing at all protofascists. and How the hell does calling for fairness mena someone is supporting one side or another? the fact is is that one side in this mideast issue is used to getting their own way and now are reacting like spoiled brats if someone even suggests they cannot have their own way. then bonilar who usually sticks up for freedom comes out with similar but diffently oriented remarks over other issues, Me I dont want anyone censoring what I see hear read or write, the fact is if you suggest this the people with the gold have always made the rules, and they will gladly take away any freedom someone is foolish enough to let them. for the record twinsoft I dont drink or get high but I don't care if you do as long as your not ebing mechanically irresponsible. Which brings up another point why not change the drug and alcohol abuse laws to say mechanically irresponsible ? then we would not have drunks driving oil tankers, by the way some pus sucking scumbag of a federal judge has thrown out the judgement the exxon clowns were supposed to pay for what they did in alsaka.

posted on May 19, 2002 09:29:12 PM new
Borillar- I am not particularly referring to you in my #6. I am referring to people here who too often have jumped in to defend another without really studying the content of the thread. It is so obvious that it makes the poster look foolish. Of course anyone is free to offer an opinion, but some just feel compelled to post for the sake of posting. While on the subject of krs- yes, on one hand he has often been more than competent in his own defense and at other times totally unresponsive to ANY questions just as he was in the thread here in question.
yellowstone- what took you so long to correct the title? It is interesting that the name-calling lines you accuse me of crossing are much less serious than the ones that this topic are about which you seem to have less problem with.
[ edited by stusi on May 19, 2002 09:35 PM ]
posted on May 19, 2002 09:52:10 PM new
auroranorth- I was much more libertarian in my youth. I still do not want to see Big Brother looking over my shoulder, but when you see live interviews every week or two with young children maimed by Pit Bulls something must be done. Trying to educate,fine or prosecute owners is too little,too late and virtually impossible. Regarding censorship, I am of the belief that everything including the first amendment has an appropriate context. For example, there are many topics that should not be discussed in a first grade classroom but would be fine in high school. The irony is that here, on what is supposed to be an adult chat board, there are those who are not able to respect those of certain religious and racial persuasions. These comments do not have a place here any more than they have a place in your local newspaper or on T.V. .They are so inflammatory and inciteful that they are now illegal, as they should be. The expense of enforcement of laws is part of having some reasonable order in any society and should not be a reason unto itself for not passing any law.
[ edited by stusi on May 19, 2002 09:53 PM ]
posted on May 19, 2002 09:53:06 PM new
I was merely poking fun in a satirical manner. I think everyone knows that.

I didn't read the thread in question so I don't know exactly what the topic was about and I don't really care.

The fact remains that you seem to be losing it in a big way by starting to call people names to get your point(s) across. When you do this, there is no way anyone will give you your way.

It's obvious that your posts are from a purely emotional standpoint and not from a standpoint of logic.

[ edited by yellowstone on May 19, 2002 09:56 PM ]
posted on May 19, 2002 09:59:31 PM new
Stusi, I'm sorry my comment caused you some consternation. I'm quite familiar with KRS' pot stirring hobby. Actually, I don't believe KRS is a racist. However, his comments, aimed at inflaming conversation, do attract other weak-minded souls who are happy to chat about how the Jews are running the country, etc.

When AW moderated the forums, KRS enjoyed notoriety as an instigator. Now that anyone is free to respond in kind, his game is over.

posted on May 19, 2002 10:30:58 PM new
"... a petty corporate anally retentive antifreedom stand for nothing at all protofascists ... "


I'm gonna have to remember that one! Proto-Facists? LOL!

posted on May 19, 2002 10:35:04 PM new
there are those who are not able to respect those of certain religious and racial persuasions. These comments do not have a place here any more than they have a place in your local newspaper or on T.V. .They are so inflammatory and inciteful that they are now illegal,

what on earth are you talking about ? what is illegal? what specific law are you describing ? I dont think you really know what your talking about.

posted on May 19, 2002 10:43:03 PM new
then we would not have drunks driving oil tankers, by the way some pus sucking scumbag of a federal judge has thrown out the judgement the exxon clowns were supposed to pay for what they did in alsaka.

There are no drunks driving tankers,An AB named Bob K***** was manning the wheel of the Valdez,A new 3rd mate was in the wheel house on third watch.The 3rd mate ignored a female AB on lookout as to concerns of where the warning lights were located dead ahead.The Captain ordered the automatic pilot on before retireing to his cabin,The Valdez pilot has just left the ship in a pilot tug.The 3rd told the AB to man the wheel and take it off auto pilot.The AB had sat with the Coast Guard 35 times trying to obtain his AB ticket.When the mate fineally noticed the ship had wandered to one side(Port or Starboard)It was too late.In a panic,The mate yelled orders at a man who didnt have a clue as to what was going on,He then over-steer the wheel and the rest is history.The wrong history.

Thankyou for your time,Please carry on.

posted on May 19, 2002 11:46:34 PM new
thats a nice little story, however it does not address the damage done. Thank god these clowns were not in charge of a nuclear powered vessel. The Federal slime bag who went into this and hacked apart what a jury had done, knows full well that the system deals with drunken senilty in federal judges
like the Catholic chruch deals with perverts.

posted on May 20, 2002 04:12:31 AM new

I found it so.



To juxtapose the word Jew with the regime that tried to annihilate them is calculated to offend. To state that Jews worship Hitler is antisemitic. The author uses Zionist, Jew, and Israeli interchangeably.

Should the thread have remained up?


"That which is despicable to you, do not do to your fellow, this is the whole Torah, and the rest is commentary, go and learn it."


posted on May 20, 2002 05:14:56 AM new
"They are so inflammatory and inciteful that they are now illegal"

I too would like to see some references about this. Just because some papers will not accept ads from say the KKK does not mean they are illegal - it just means the paper has decided they will not allow their private publication to be used by organizations of which they do not approve. That is THEIR right. If the KKK wants something published they can buy a press - or as is so much cheaper and so many like them have done - put up a web site.

Stusi - I have many of the same likes and dislikes as you - but in 55 years I have found that the price of muzzling people is always more than worth of the illusion of peace gained. There are too many people out there that are still stuck at the hall monitor stage. They love to tell people what to do because it makes them feel goood. Not for any real need or principle, and once you give then the power they FIND uses for it.

posted on May 20, 2002 06:19:21 AM new
aurora,gravid- are you guys not aware that "hostile or hateful speech becomes a crime when it directly incites violence or places a victim in reasonable fear of physical injury"? The comments put forth by krs and similar ones could certainly be said to incite violence if said in the right place at the right time.
yellowstone- I am not losing it and I certainly do not think I am going to "get my way" from anyone. The emotional effect of certain issues does not always preclude logic. If you find it offensive to call a person stubborn, foolish, hypocritical etc. that is your problem. I don't see any satire or humor here. Not everything is funny. Some things are serious and this topic is one of them.
posted on May 20, 2002 06:53:48 AM new
again not heresay what specific law ? and where ? what is disturbing is the bias the government and media have towards racial crime, example in south carolina a white girl was kidnapped raped beaten then skinned alive and had then been dipped into a barrel of acid. If whites had done this it would have been world news, on top of it the depraved crimminals had the guts to try and use racism as an excuse for this at their trial. The media blacked this out as part of their big lie campaign to make everything politically correct. The fact of the matter is is that it does not take any guts to be a queer in this society It does not take any guts to be in any religion, but any one who sticks up for white rights is going to hear about it from every goon out there.

posted on May 20, 2002 07:16:07 AM new
I understand yellowstones concern, stusi.
Maybe your diatribe would be shown more credibility if you would refrain from attacking your fellow posters.

I had a friend who was having exaggerated responses to topics such as this. She was calling people names inappropriately and just makeing a general ass of herself. She experienced a great deal of help by taking hormonal replacement therapy. Do men have this problem and is there an answer for them also?

posted on May 20, 2002 07:17:05 AM new
aurora- go to- www.stopthehate.org -do a little navigating and you will get the laws which I am surprised you have no knowledge of since they are not exactly a secret. BTW- I am no longer a supporter of affirmative action as I think it has more than done what it was supposed to. BTW2- Do you think that all pickups should have tailgates by law? Maybe we should take this to another thread.
posted on May 20, 2002 07:27:26 AM new

I thought this was MY thread. Hahaha

Auroranorth can say anything that he wants to say. I don't censor my threads.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 20, 2002 07:28 AM ]
posted on May 20, 2002 07:32:59 AM new
You notice, for example, STUSI that you have ripped me and others here up one side and down the other and I have not sent the first tatle tale email.

Don't tell anybody here what to say.

posted on May 20, 2002 07:35:15 AM new
Or, stusi, where to go.

posted on May 20, 2002 07:43:27 AM new
Helenjw- If you would read the sequence of my posts carefully over several threads you would see that I usually do not "characterize" other posters until such time as it is undoubtedly earned. The fact that you call it a diatribe is somewhat typical of you as the word infers bitterness which is what the original post had. Posting for the sake of posting is certainly one's right but rather childish particularly when coupled with statements like- "I can say anything whenever I want" or "nothing you say bothers me" or when getting involved in a thread and then completely ignoring direct questions from others. Maturity is grossly lacking here. BTW- Lest I be reprimanded by you again for changing topics within a thread, I suggested to aurora that we might take it elsewhere.
posted on May 20, 2002 07:55:02 AM new
<stusi comment>

"Lest I be reprimanded by you again for changing topics within a thread, I suggested to aurora that we might take it elsewhere."

<end stusi comment>

WHERE, stusi have I reprimanded anyone EVER for changing topics within a thread. THAT is YOUR Tatic within your threads.

Here, Auroranorth or anyone can talk about anything and you do not have the authority to dictate the drift of the conversation.


posted on May 20, 2002 08:15:52 AM new
You are as a puppet on a string, Stusi. A bit of relief while waiting for a bus, but not requiring such focus as say a crossword puzzle might, which game could be spoiled by the arrival of a train.

posted on May 20, 2002 09:02:08 AM new
KRS, you enjoy baiting and insulting others. What a pathetic form of entertainment. I appreciate Gravid and Borillar's attempt to discuss the issue rationally, even though we disagree. Helen, you're a twit. Auroranorth, take that white power crap somewhere else. There, have I forgotten anyone?

posted on May 20, 2002 09:11:59 AM new
What an embarrassment it must be to be appreciated by twinsoft.

I am sure that Borillar and Gravid don't deserve that dubious distinction.


posted on May 20, 2002 09:28:55 AM new
Helen, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Now I am off to work. Buh-bye.

posted on May 20, 2002 10:04:35 AM new
Helenjw- if you look back on your recent threads you will see your comment to me about staying on topic. By your telling me not to tell anyone what to say you are doing the exact same thing. You are a classic hypocrite who likes to hear herself talk and you are hung up on your libertarian trip to the extent that you are being endlessly childish. I am regretfully pushing the ignore button so you can save your breath.
krs- the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Your intellect is not nearly as great as you think- you are a legend only in your own mind. Your tasteless thread with no regrets has caused me to put you on ignore.
posted on May 20, 2002 10:43:29 AM new
LOL! Wanna' talk about Stusi, Helen?

posted on May 20, 2002 11:40:50 AM new
Good God! we are both on ignore. Don't you just hate it when that happens, Ken.

Stusi, It will take more than you "regretfully pushing the ignore button" to shut me up. LOL!

posted on May 20, 2002 01:40:40 PM new
I didn't talk about a master race, I talked about fairness and Bias, twinsoft seems all for civil liberties here in the usa as long as the people agree with everything he says and some fanatic in Israel does. hi9s values are a sham. when exposed to the truth he becomes something that strikes out calling names. They say abused kids grow up to be abusers if this is true about people then why not about a country. I want an investigation into the murder of that little boy over there. who ever shot him belongs on the gallows, who ever is covering it up too.And I am not blind to the terrorism and suicide bombings But your asking me to sympathize when you engage in suppression of the terror my people have to live with. tit for tat. and we still outnumber you.

posted on May 20, 2002 01:41:34 PM new
>>2. Since this is a chat board of less than national consequence there is very limited accountability as to accuracy and no requirement of credentials as a legitimate poster. Too many take advantage of this.<<

Just what we need, The Brain Police. Come back and read this in two weeks,Stusi.

You don't see it, but the people here are being far more gracious to you than you'd be greeted with on other boards.

You're like a dog with a bone. But it's a dull bone.

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