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posted on May 24, 2002 01:12:10 PM new
>>Otherwise, we won't have media coverage of anything else for several years.<<

Sho''nuf Borbula--Same winners in NYC today. Think ENORMOUS TYPE:



Pathetic. Sells more papers than Pakistan blows off the Taliban problem, I guess.

posted on May 24, 2002 01:19:21 PM new
Naaa Not attacking Helen I think she is ok and entitled her opinion even though some times I think she's on the fringe its still her opinion.

I admit I haven't taken time to read every tread on this or any forum for that matter, its not the subjects of some of the threads that bother me it's The personal attacks that seems to come about in them that get me going.

I'm not up on who starts what all the time but I see these personal things from every direction I don't think there is one poster who is innocent of it, But I do know they are not necessary for discussing any subject unless it is just to hurt another.

this is one of the main reasons for the character of my post the few times I have posted since September because if you don't jump into a discussion here from the start with heavy Armour an attitude and a chip on your shoulder you won't survive any four or five words you put together and post on this forum.

Words are powerful and they can kill or give life as far as I have read here the words posted in this forum have been killing this forum for the last 7 to 8 months now maybe just maybe it's Time for people to express honest opinions to each other and in some cases come to an agreement on some issues rather then playing kill the poster with words.

after all its easy hardly takes any intellect at all to kill someone with words or make them look wrong or stupid , But it broadens views and creates character when people can have a discussion and in the end find some type of agreement on a matter.

Email [email protected]
posted on May 24, 2002 01:38:12 PM new
Maybe, but it's really the wimps who left that caused the loss of life in here. There's got to be a myriad of input OF ALL TYPES to keep it interesting.

I'm only here because it's where I sit down to have a smoke. I've got a machine shop right behind me and I'm building custom precision thingamajigs in here. Things have gotten to a point where I've little time to sit out a discussion of any type so I just bring a bit of news now and then to give people something to squabble about. You've been around boards enough to know that squabbles attract audiences and stimulate participation, and I believe that you know where to go to find nicey nice 'discussions' enough to bore the pants of a monkey. Yet you aren't there, you're here - squabbling.

posted on May 24, 2002 06:34:11 PM new
dman3, I don't buy it.

Anyone who joins a messagebaord of any sort and posts their opinion to the public is in no position to complain to ANYONE if their thoughts get rejected or picked apart.

Do you expect a messagebaord to have no discussions? The only way to keep from offending anyone is to never, ever post in response to what someone else said. A person whould just post thier thoughts and no one could respond -- ever. Everyone would have top post something different.

Is that what it takes to keep people on messageboards, in your opinion, dman3?

I don't believe it.

Anyone who posts their thoughts into an open, public forum for disscussion that runs away, crying tears or complaining to Mommy because someone wrote a response to it that they didn't like is a jackass child. If that means that jackass children will go away from the discussion -- how can I help to hurry them along even more?

If you can't stand the Heat, don't go into the Kitchen!

posted on May 24, 2002 08:03:00 PM new
There is a big difference between picking someone post appart and personally attacking or picking the poster appart.

if you can't believe or see that I am sorry but that is what I am saying.

is is posible to have a discussion without name calling and tearing each other down !!!!

disscussion is one thing kill the poster is another.
Email [email protected]
posted on May 24, 2002 08:31:31 PM new
I've often wondered whether behavior displayed on this message board is also mirrored by the same posters in real life.

SYMPTOMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE (from a domestic abuse web site):


- Putting the other down
- Making the other feel bad about themselves
- Calling the other names
- Making the other think they are crazy
- Playing mind games
- Humiliating the other
- Making the other feel guilty


- Making light of the abuse and not taking the other's concerns about it seriously
- Saying the abuse never happened
- Shifting responsibility for abusive behavior
- Saying the other caused it

posted on May 24, 2002 08:32:42 PM new
dman3, you not getting it. KRS is right. The way that you are going about your posts here lately is not OK. You mix attacks on both the person making the post and attacking what they posted. Stop doing that. Read what you wrote before you press the SUBMIT button. Look it over and DELETE anything that is directed right at the person making the post! Then you'll be OK.

posted on May 24, 2002 08:39:36 PM new
I dunno stockticker. I'm nothing like this in real life. If you met me through business or on the street, you'd never suspect that I have any attachment to the Borillar posts and threads. I'm very well liked wherever I go, have lots of respect from everyone I know and meet, and I am told that I am extremely charming and pleasant to be around. This messageboard gives me the opportunity to voice my concerns, learn about importnat things from others who voice their concerns, and I learn nothing from abusive posters who focus soley upon bashing other posters. I guess I'd have to be the the abusive/abused type to fit one of those profiles you listed.

"Neither a Controller nor Controlled be."
paraphrased from a famous saying by Ben Franklin

posted on May 25, 2002 07:44:10 AM new

- Making light of the abuse and not taking the other's concerns about it seriously
- Saying the abuse never happened
- Shifting responsibility for abusive behavior
- Saying the other caused it<<

You tell me, Irene. Someone is a victim of a psychopath, and you say the victim is not only a liar, but a perp. You know, like you did here to me. (And gawd knows where else.)

Are you like this in 3D?

A less hypothetical question than the one you suggested.

posted on May 25, 2002 08:17:34 AM new
I don't know why I bother to reply, Cyn. Your concept of reality is so different than mine.

Cheeseman registered on AW on February and posted on 3 or 4 threads before being suspended a week later. He returned under a different name a day or so later to post in 1 thread - to deny he had sent the voodoo curse out to several posters.

I interacted with Cheeseman in only two threads - the last thread he posted to as Cheeseman and the thread where he posted his denials. In both threads, I clashed with him and called him a bully. When the latter thread was active that Saturday you actually e-mailed me and THANKED me.

Now, according to the "World of Cyn", you've translated those clashes to mean that he was my "boyfriend" and translated that e-mail by you TO ME (which I never replied to) to be e-mails FROM me.

There really is no point in trying to communicate with you. Your reality filter makes it a complete waste of time.

posted on May 25, 2002 09:02:28 AM new
Irene, when I came back you were the first to welcome me. A few weeks later you posted that the Cheese had convinced you that I was the person that generated that plethora of junk mail. No? If I have confused you with another poster, I apologize, but I don't think I'd forget something like this that easily.

posted on May 25, 2002 10:01:36 AM new
Cyn, my post to you on March 31 was as follows:

After having watched your behavior here on the Round Table, I've decided you're the prime "suspect" - the person who probably sent me and others that juvenile voodoo curse in e-mail in February. I had originally thought it was Cheesemanike, but he convinced me otherwise.

Yes, I confronted you with my suspicions, just as I confronted Cheeseman a month earlier. I don't play games and like to be up-front. As I recall, after I made that post, you thanked me for my honesty in letting you know why I was ignoring you.

I never said it was fact, never. Unlike Cheeseman, you also never even tried to convince me otherwise.

Why don't I think Cheeseman sent the curses? Because his coming back to deny it so vehemently made no sense if he was guilty. He had been a troll poster, registered only about week under a name that didn't seem linked to his eBay ID. He had no reputation to protect yet he seemed genuinely upset that several of us thought he had sent the e-mails.

So, if it wasn't you and it wasn't Cheeseman, who was it?

By the way, telling you that I thought you might have sent prank (voodoo) e-mails is a far cry from the accusations you've been making against me on the RT and presenting as FACT.
posted on May 25, 2002 10:28:48 AM new
Why didn't I defend myself? Because the allegation is absurd. In fact it is more than absurd, considering what Sleaze has done to me, which one AW member knows in some great detail, and which I don't want to get into here so as to not get into another go-around with a liar, never mind, er, somebody I'd (or you for that matter)want ANY kind of exchange with.

I have my ducks in a row, should I need them.

Considering these things, I don't think my initial response to your post is insane.

What is it that I accused you of that is untrue?

You believe I'm the voodoo lady. Can you do any better as to why?


posted on May 25, 2002 10:32:54 AM new
Forget it many people who post on these boards don't look at any communication on there computer through the internet as reality.

the only time reality ever enters the picture for most is when there is real life blood and guts that came about from a meeting with someone met on the internet.
Email [email protected]
posted on May 25, 2002 10:42:55 AM new
>>the only time reality ever enters the picture for most is when there is real life blood and guts that came about from a meeting with someone met on the internet.<<

Yes. That is worrisome.

posted on May 25, 2002 01:02:35 PM new
They just had a funeral for such a person. She was 13 so perhaps you can say she had not enough experience in life to see the danger, but I know people twice the age who assume false idenities and then assume they are fooling others and refuse to consider the ones they meet might be false.

posted on May 25, 2002 04:32:57 PM new
It's obvious what is happening and has happened for a long time. Those posters who are unable to back up their opinions resort to name-calling, IOW to have the last word simply by being more offensive than their opponent.

Anyone who appears as a threat to the mind-numbing dominance of certain posters here is insulted ad nauseum until they simply give up hope of a rational discussion and leave. That is exactly what happened to Stusi. KRS found himself getting the worst of it, and so turned it into a personal issue. He's doing the same with Dman. Stockticker has got it right - it's just pathetic control freak behavior.

Like others before them, KRS, Borillar, HJW & Co. have no concern or conception of how they appear to others. Maintaining their lock on the throat of this forum is far more important that any pleasant exchange. That's why no thread can occur without KRS' childish insults, Borillar's non-sequiteur rants about Bush, or Helen's dimwitted cheerleading.

posted on May 25, 2002 04:46:00 PM new

This, from the namecaller of all namecallers.
How many have you called me this week, twinsoft...let me count the ways..hahaha!


Should I cut and paste them all?

posted on May 25, 2002 04:49:30 PM new
KRS, nobody believes that "I'm only here to have a smoke" crap, or that you post here as a favor to us. Get real. You crave it.

For you, this place is ruined since most posters left, as there's no one here to back up your pathetic personal attacks. Since this forum became unmoderated, and anyone can say exactly what they think about you, your little game of baiting and then running to the moderator is finished. Your whiney, half-assed manifestos aren't fooling anyone.

posted on May 25, 2002 04:58:17 PM new
<Twinsoft's quote>

It's obvious what is happening and has happened for a long time. Those posters who are unable to back up their opinions resort to name-calling, IOW to have the last word simply by being more offensive than their opponent

<End quote>

These, twinsoft you posted just in the last few days for only myself...I may have missed a few.
If I copied ALL the insults, that you delivered to everyone here, there would be PAGES.

Helen's dimwitted cheerleading
I just hoped to show her how offensive her own attacks can become
Helen, you take sheer delight in taunting and insulting others. Pot, kettle, black. Grow up.
I'm sorely tempted to compare HJW's posts to the braying of a jackass. Sorely tempted....
Helen, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. (after calling me a braying jackass)
Helen, you're a twit

And think again, twinsoft...this board is not moderated but your ass can be kicked off still !!!!!!


Ubb ed.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 25, 2002 05:15 PM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:05:06 PM new
Helen are you now saying you have the adminatration power to suspend twinsoft as a user from this board ???

I supose that is not imposible but I doubt you have that kind of moderation power on this site

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 25, 2002 09:01 PM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:26:25 PM new

dman3 Helen are you know saying you have the adminatration power to suspend twinsoft as a user from this board ???

1) Had to read this a couple of times before I could make heads or tails. Can we say "proof-read?"

2) I personally didn't take what Helen wrote to mean what you are insinuating. I read it that she was just making a statement of fact that even though the mod squad aren't smacking our hands with rules anymore, Diana can, will and have stepped in to moderate accordingly. DUH

[ edited by clarksville on May 25, 2002 06:29 PM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:33:41 PM new
Forgot one typo when you edited, Clarksville. The word "have" in the last line should be "has".

"Can we say proofread?"

posted on May 25, 2002 06:41:12 PM new

Better pick up your ass stock

[ edited by clarksville on Jaunary 01, 2525 12:00 AM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:42:58 PM new
Thanks for clarifying that, Clarksville.

Dman, So far, you have insulted me twice today. The community guidelines still apply This week, stusi and twinsoft have gone absolutely haywire with insults and names. Don't let this give you the impression that you can get away with anything.

I was shocked today, to hear someone called psychotic.

Anyway consider this a friendly warning, dman.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 25, 2002 06:44 PM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:44:53 PM new
There's no punctuation in your last post, Clarksville. Tsk, tsk - and you a member of the grammar police. You ought to be ashamed.
posted on May 25, 2002 06:48:13 PM new

You are welcome, Helen! I calls them the ways I sees them
[ edited by clarksville on Jaunary 01, 2525 12:00 AM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:51:06 PM new
This is hilarious! Everyone's picking on everyone else. I just checked, and it's a full moon tonite. Hmmmm, now who can I pick on? Rawbunzel & snowy are good, but they're not around.... Helen has moderator tendancies, so I better not mess with her... I can't decide.

posted on May 25, 2002 06:51:48 PM new

You are so right, stock!!!!

[ edited by clarksville on Jaunary 01, 2525 12:00 AM ]

[ edited by JACKSWEBB on Jaunary 01, 2525 12:00 AM ]

[ edited by clarksville on May 25, 2002 07:03 PM ]
posted on May 25, 2002 06:55:09 PM new
kd This is hilarious! Everyone's picking on everyone else. I just checked, and it's a full moon tonite. Hmmmm, now who can I pick on? Rawbunzel & snowy are good, but they're not around.... Helen has moderator tendancies, so I better not mess with her... I can't decide.

Wanna a marshmellow and peanut butter sandwich?

[ edited by clarksville on Jaunary 01, 2525 12:00 AM ]
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