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posted on May 29, 2002 07:03:18 AM new
Welcome to SNITCH--the Strategic Network of Intelligence
on Terrorism in our Communities and Homeland. In the
ongoing War on Terrorism, our goal is to rebuild our shattered
nation by collecting and reporting information regarding
terrorism in the form of un-American and un-patriotic activity.

There was a time in our great nation when we could leave our
doors unlocked, our children played in the yard unafraid, we
knew our neighbors, and we could drive happily down the
highway at seventy miles an hour without seatbelts. But over
time we've become lazy, and in these desperate hours, every
American must begin keeping close watch on the whereabouts
and goings-on of his or her neighbors. It's the most patriotic
thing American citizens can do.

If September 11th has taught us anything, it's that terrorism is
lurking everywhere--our airports, our libraries, our
communities, liquor stores selling box cutters--are perfect
hidey-holes for terrorists. "It can't happen here!" is a common
refrain--but that's what we thought about Oklahoma City.
Terrorists are hiding everywhere--in your doctor's office, your
haberdashery, your toolshed. Absurd, you say? The terrorists
who piloted jetliners into the World Trade Center were living in
well-manicured suburbs, eating pizza, playing Boggle, all the
while quietly taking flying lessons.

Our goal at SNITCH is to encourage Americans to use the
most powerful weapon in the War On Terrorism: Information.
We must condense our great nation into one large community
where everyone knows each other and un-American views,
activities, and remarks are immediately reported to authorities.
As Americans, we must stand united and slap the evil face of
terrorism with the righteous hand of freedom.

posted on May 29, 2002 07:40:55 AM new

Antiquary, I did my homework .LOL! And it was very useful in analyzing this article about operation SNITCH. I started to name the ways that propaganda is used here but the list became too long.

And, I appreciate the opportunity that this article gave me to test my newly found skill of propaganda recognition.


posted on May 29, 2002 11:00:34 AM new
I'll have to look at the site later, Helen. At the moment I've got my binoculars trained on the old lady up the street who I've been watching and logging pertinent information about for the past few days. She's unaccountably taken to wearing head coverings when she works outside and there was an ominous looking black Lincoln parked in her driveway over the weekend. Something's up over there.

posted on May 29, 2002 12:12:09 PM new

posted on May 29, 2002 12:17:58 PM new
Yes, Antiquary. We need to be cautious and more observant of what is going on in our neighborhoods. The neighbor behind me has been seen looking under plant leaves in her garden - in search of hidden messages, perhaps? And her husband is always working on something with an internal combustion engine. And those folks in the party boats who cruise up and down the river - they're surely up to no good. (In reality, I feel safer now that the resident spooks have moved out.)

posted on May 29, 2002 12:18:44 PM new
Remember...We must stand united and slap the evil face of terrorism with the righteous hand of freedom!!!

posted on May 29, 2002 12:33:31 PM new

You know very well that those party boats are cruising for trouble. They are probably scoping out the snoozing Coast Guard.

Now, I have my tool shed under surveillance.

Do you think that we should alert the NEW FBI?

posted on May 29, 2002 12:42:12 PM new

Yardwork is a great cover. Heh!
Speaking of which, I better get out there and check the bugs.

posted on May 29, 2002 12:46:36 PM new
What do you mean, antiquary by "bugs"?

I'm really serious. Does anyone have a phone number for Mueller? I think that your bugs and my tool shed are right up his alley.

saabsister, your more serious problems will have to wait while he learns how to use the computer.

posted on May 29, 2002 12:49:04 PM new

Helen, our resident spook did try to involve the Coast Guard once when her canoe was tipped by a powerboat. (We're only a little dammed up spot on a small river.)

posted on May 29, 2002 12:49:21 PM new
It is so hard to tell potential terrorists by what they buy. They can sneak a bag of pita bread in the house and you would never know it.
If only the Arabs made cars or electronics - but they are too smart to give their agents away with something obvious. They don't make a thing!
I'm starting to wonder if the Arabs secretly own Japan!

posted on May 29, 2002 12:59:49 PM new
One night many limits of the statutes ago I was with a friend doing some importing and the coasties pointed a light at us and signaled to heave to.
We were on a really fast sail boat and he told me to go below and be ready to crank up the center board when he yelled.
He skimmed around the end of this small island yelled to crank and as the board came up the boat lay right over with it's rail in the water I could hear it dra
gging on the sand. But it still got blown across the sand bar and then he yelled at me to crank it down. As I came back on deck the Coasties were coming across the same place we had crossed and by now you could hear their motors were really growling and they were cutting a big splash of water off the bow and they had some guys out getting the deck gun loaded and turned. Just as we disappeared around the island I saw the strangest sight - The lights on the cutter came up out of the water, visably lifting as it ran up the sand bar. The motor sounds abruptly stopped, and some of the guys on deck fell down from the sudden stop. It ended up so high and dry I don't know how they get a boat out of a situation like that because I don't think the tide would be enough to float it off. But that was many moons ago when I was young and crazy.

[ edited by gravid on May 29, 2002 01:07 PM ]
posted on May 29, 2002 01:52:29 PM new

And the coast guard was young and crazy too. Now, they sit in their officies and fill out reports. By the time the report is complete, you are either dead or drowned in which event some more reports must be completed. Next, bodies float to tthe surface and their job is over.

So the coast guard ran their boat aground. LOL! Now, if YOU run your boat aground they may ask from their ivory tower if anybody is dying. I've heard these reports on the boat radio. Listening to SOS calls was very interesting .

You were out with a friend doing some "importing" ??? Ha Ha Ha!!!

posted on May 29, 2002 01:55:03 PM new
You are all busted. There is nowhere to hide. I've been surveiling this board for months now and you are clearly sending code through this message board.

You know who you are. And so do we.

Agent Crisalli

posted on May 29, 2002 01:58:33 PM new

Any canoe that the coast guard will investigate is highly suspicious. We should make a list for Mueller.

In the meantime keep the owner of that canoe under careful watch. He may have taken over Gravid's import business. LOL!

posted on May 29, 2002 02:07:50 PM new
But Nycyn

We are just doing a little "importing". THAT is not a problem with the NEW FBI.

The new FBI concerns

What's the big picture, for example.

How do we communicate.

But most important how do we avoid being investigated. That's what the FBI is concerned about now.

posted on May 29, 2002 02:20:12 PM new
What I'd like to know is, how the writer knew the terrorists played Boggle unless he was there?

posted on May 29, 2002 02:22:20 PM new
I personally Don't think they are serious about having average people looking around for terrorist activities in there neighborhoods.

There is a big wooded lot just not twwo houses down the road from where we live Teens put on big over night partys with drug and drink there .

Well over the holiday there must have been well over 150 who moved in there from last wed on till tuesday night they were getting very very rowdy till late hours 2 to 3 Am in the morning jumping out in the street in front of cars in dark close nearly causing cars to hit them and or run off the road as well as jumping out and on top of cars and kicking at the tires what not.

we called the police several time they would head here and check the area but some where they must have been getting word that police were called as every kid cooler and sleeping bags and all would be gone off out of the are within 5 or 6 mins of police showing up.

any how on the last call we made I told the cops these kids were terririst and ask if we were intitled to have an F16 fly by with a bomb drop in the area and was told there wasn't much chance of that.

I think there is some type of double standard here,they will spend a half a trillion dollars bombing apart some back mountian country where people are so poor they cant afford to eat 4000 or 5000 mile away we dont know them they have never done us harm, yeat they can't spend a few dollars to rid a new york neighborhood of a few hundered kids reeking havoc in the area for a week straight no adult suporvision and involved in illegal activities to boot.

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 29, 2002 02:26 PM ]
posted on May 29, 2002 02:29:25 PM new
Thank goodness we now have this site to go to and snitch. The first person I'm going to snitch on is Bush, I'll get to the rest of the gang later.

posted on May 29, 2002 02:34:52 PM new
Choco! Wow what a nice surprise. Have you been staying out of trouble??? (Just kidding..)

posted on May 29, 2002 02:37:24 PM new
dman, you're equating teens having a booze and drug fest with terrorists?

posted on May 29, 2002 02:38:38 PM new
Could kick off Operration Snitch by snitching out this whol forum there favorite past time.

SNitching out the predisident may sound like a load of laughs but its more anti american then Bin Laden
Email [email protected]
posted on May 29, 2002 02:46:53 PM new
Not the drinking or the Drugs the other things they were doing in the neighborhood activity caused by there condition from 5 days and night of nonstop drinking and drugs.

How would you like to be driving home at between 10 PM and 3AM and have 30 kids jump out at you from the woods kick your car jump up and down on the hood bite at the wheels , tear up your yards, rip up you flower beds throw rocks at your animals steal your lawn chairs and tables knock over your fences Set off M80s or some form of explosive outside bed room windows in the middle of the night while your sleeping , you call the police more then 200X only to hear them say inless the actually hurt someone there is nothing that can be done.

This sound like terririst to me dont it to you last year some neighbor kid got his throat cut walking down the road heading past there heading home.

Hell I dont even live near a city or big town I live in farm country no matter where you drive there is nothing but corn apple trees and cows these kids are not even from around here they come out of the cities if there parrent approve of this type of thing why not let there dam kids have there parties in there back yards

Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 29, 2002 02:50 PM ]
posted on May 29, 2002 02:49:01 PM new
Hi KD I pop in every once in awhile. I said hi to you in another thread a day or so ago, guess you haven't gotten back to it.

I think I'm getting over my 9/11 slump. It's time to get out here again and try to get the hard heads to see what's going on. The Nov election will be here before we know it. We can't sit back and let the time slip away.

posted on May 29, 2002 03:01:41 PM new
Dman, I'm not anti American I'm anti Bush. You sound like the VP and the rest of the gang. Besides, the snitching has already started, and you can bet it will get a lot worse. Ha Ha!

posted on May 29, 2002 03:06:31 PM new
naa you got me all wrong I don't like any of them but I am planet bound and must live with them.

Email [email protected]
posted on May 29, 2002 03:15:14 PM new
(How would you like to be driving home at between 10 PM and 3AM and have 30 kids jump out at you from the woods kick your car jump up and down on the hood bite at the wheels , tear up your yards, rip up you flower beds throw rocks at your animals steal your lawn chairs and tables knock over your fences Set off M80s or some form of explosive outside bed room windows in the middle of the night while your sleeping , you call the police more then 200X only to hear them say inless the actually hurt someone there is nothing that can be done.)

That sounds terrrible. I do everything I could to make their lives miserable. Who owns the property? Can they post no trespassing signs around the perimeter?

posted on May 29, 2002 03:24:15 PM new
they have posted no trespassing signs the the own of the proporty I hear passed away two years ago and and I guess other family members cant be found and the county or the state cant legally take action with the land up untill the taxes fall three years back then they can work on forclosure for back taxes untill they the search for an owner goes on many neighbors have tried to find them as well to make an offer on the land just to strip it and make it no cover for these types of things.

Unfortunatly squaters laws no longer hold up in court so even if someone did move on the land and do something if the next of kin showed up the squater would be pushed out.
Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 29, 2002 03:27 PM ]
posted on May 29, 2002 03:31:14 PM new
Yikes. Yes, I'm afraid I'd have a caniption (sp??) under those circumstances dman. Sorry if I sounded harsh.

posted on May 29, 2002 03:42:47 PM new
No problem actually I brought it up in light of the thread title "Operation Snitch" it reminded me of the problems here over the last week from these kids.

My 18 year old daughter on sunday evening left home about 9 PM to take a friend home who had went out to the lake with us on a picnic.

when she got back home she was white and shaking like a leaf in the breeze she told us 30 kids many dressed in dark clothes some just in there underwear had jump out in front of her car some jumped up on it and started jumping on the car others pouding the windows and yelling all kinds of things.

The odd thing had she hit and injuried one of these Kids the story would have been a story about another teen driver in a accident rather then about the mob of young kids from 10 to 27 partying and druging in them woods for 5 days straight.
Email [email protected]
[ edited by dman3 on May 29, 2002 03:47 PM ]
[ edited by dman3 on May 29, 2002 03:52 PM ]
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