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posted on July 18, 2002 09:57:11 AM new
I seriously doubt that the major posters reflect what the majority of the population of this country thinks.


[email protected]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:01:05 AM new
KatyD, I think that election will be talked about for a long time because it was such an aberration. ( I voted for Nader, by the way.) The mid-term elections should be interesting and they're likely to be discussed ad naseum as well because they'll be seen, rightly or wrongly, as a confirmation or denounciation of the former.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:03:13 AM new
I refuse to participate into turning this thread into another "political" discussion. Y'all just don't get it, do you? Well then, have fun.


posted on July 18, 2002 10:03:49 AM new
Well, I've seen this same discussion game with a differing cast of characters and differing grievances played out hundreds of times, literally, since I first started reading the old eBay Q&A Board. Basically, the same thing just happened and is continuing somewhat on OTWA. It's less frequent on the very small boards, but it occurs even there. It's a somewhat effective device for those who love board wars also, or would like to attempt to destroy a board that they believe is competitive, or to shut down ideas that they don't like but are unable to refute, all the while trying to attach it some sort of moral high ground. It's harder to carry off any more though since it requires attracking newbies who are clueless about what is really going on since there's a lot fewer today that are so inexperienced in board life.

I might be tempted to play again, even though it's not very original or challenging, but we're going on vacation soon and I've got too many things to take care of before then.

Have fun.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:05:00 AM new
This thread STARTED as a comment on it being a political board.

Only difference is if it is a general political thread or specific political discussion.

I didn't keep it general enough my mentioning a specific thing - TIPS.
[ edited by gravid on Jul 18, 2002 10:08 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:07:32 AM new
agreed NearTheSea

gravid, I'm taking what breinhold is saying as 'it's out of balance'. He's just one person stating their opinion/view....opening up a line of conversation....on how he see's how things have changed. I didn't take it as he's saying we all can't express our different opinions.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:07:57 AM new
This thread STARTED as a comment on it being a political thread.

See what I mean? Your thinking is so skewed gravid, that EVERY THREAD is about politics to you and the other three. No, this thread wasn't started as a comment on a political thread.


[ edited by KatyD on Jul 18, 2002 10:08 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:14:37 AM new
OK - how would balance be restored?

More jokes and recipies? I would not mind that. Post something and I'll be happy to chat about whatever.

I can't see anything but he would rather not talk about politics and everyone else seems to want to do so. We do seem to be in a period of uncertainty and politics seems to intrude on our everyday life more than it used to.

30 years ago I could ignore politics and it was like a soap opera - go away for a couple months and you could pick up the story line with no trouble cause nothing had happened.

Now we see all sorts of activity that hits us in how we travel or what we have in our retirement account almost daily. No stability anymore. I admit it has my attention everyday watching what will happen.

[ edited by gravid on Jul 18, 2002 10:22 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:19:28 AM new
Gravid said of Breinhold:

when you see someone that can't stand the idea of others having a different view right out in public with no shame...

{{giggle}} Gravid, that's one of the usual complaints about those posting on political threads.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:25:29 AM new
Maybe I am falsely accusing. - You look at what a person is saying online and half the time there is not enough there and you are looking as much at what they didn't say and
trying to read between the lines. Even with emoticons you end up scratching your head half the time.

"I seriously doubt that the major posters reflect what the majority of the population of this country thinks."

Agreed. I doubt the majority of the population really thinks. They pick a party or a religion and let somebody else do the thinking for them. Many of them lack the equipment or never learned how to use it,

[ edited by gravid on Jul 18, 2002 10:33 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:33:15 AM new
Like in the tread I just mentioned to Helen. [I still can't believe she said that.] I enjoy watching the Big Brother show. I started a thread asking if anyone else was watching it too. Did you see the outcome? I believe that's one of the issue being referred to. Usually those not interested in a thread will just ignore it. But not some.

If one does attempt to start a thread, and others don't approve/like/enjoy it, do they just ignore it? No...some come in with insults. Or as other's have stated they somehow turn it into a political issue. So..maybe ?? that discourages others from starting non-political threads because they know what usually happens.

Why can't they just ignore it? Is it necessary for them to come in and tell the posters what nonsence it is? Do they have the right to?....sure...but is it necessary? Why is it okay for some to not respect that others enjoy other types of threads? That does make it appear as if 'some' here have control of the board.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:41:52 AM new
Linda_K, just start a thread anyway. You don't have to answer someone's unrelated comments directed toward you. The readers judge for themselves.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:42:49 AM new
I understand what you are saying there.

Now I just don't get much from TV so I probably just ignored that thread. But yeah - why fill somebody elses thread with garbage?

Yeah especially no reason to make personal comments about another poster. I do believe ONCE I broke down and called another poster a fool. Not a good thing to do - not productive.

I hate to see stuff devolve into name calling. Waste of time.

If the thread makes you think of something too far off line better to start a new thread. Agreed.

[ edited by gravid on Jul 18, 2002 10:44 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 10:47:20 AM new
I agree, gravid. The name calling and pot stirring for the he11 of it make no sense to me.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:52:26 AM new
Of course some of us think a little strange.

My wife often asks what did I say that made you think of THAT? Free association sort of...

She said something this morning and I started talking about auroras, and that I was thinking about going out last night to see if I could see one since there was a solar storm. She was talking about the weather. Seemed related to me. Not her.

posted on July 18, 2002 10:56:06 AM new
saabsister - I know what you're saying. Not just referring to the one thread I started, but many seem to go down that same path. I know the readers can see and will make their own judgement on how anyone behaves or interacts with others....it just takes the fun out of it.

I also know no one is going to change anyone else's behavior. But I think when a person wants to share anything, they should be allowed to do so.

I know I sure enjoyed the thread where some of us were sharing our plans/hopes/dreams for our homes.

posted on July 18, 2002 11:01:48 AM new

I was interested in the thread and I told you, not once but twice why I was interested in the thread. The fact that you asked for opinions and mine was different than yours does not indicate that I did not have an interest.


posted on July 18, 2002 11:05:55 AM new
Linda_K, I know it's got to be tough for you when most of us seem to list to the left. I find many of the links that the "notorious four" post to be informative. While I don't agree with everything in the articles, I don't think the commercial media has adequately covered issues that affect us. However, I get bored with much of the repetition - even when I agree with the argument. (If you could hear me at my computer, you'd hear,"yeah, yeah, yeah, so what else is new!"
[ edited by saabsister on Jul 18, 2002 11:08 AM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 11:13:13 AM new

Maybe if you read the Big Brother thread one more time you will understand my post. My intention was to post my opinion one time...and I was not the only poster who disliked the program.

Big Brother Thread


posted on July 18, 2002 11:22:13 AM new
You're right about reading and posting in threads that of are interest to you. The Big Brother thread was of no interest to me, because I don't like the show so I didn't even open it. Others have the same choice about political threads if you're not interested don't open it.

I do agree non political threads shouldn't be derailed by political comments. Once it's derailed it just becomes another political thread.

posted on July 18, 2002 11:25:46 AM new
Breiny, did you read 2f? Coincidence? If you say so.

And probably the most common flame on the usenet is the basic hey you guys suck.

Gravid in the Gang of 4? I've never seen him forcefeeding any opinion to anyone. (and when I see an ng tube come out of my screen, I'll be heading for Canada)

LindaK, I didn't read the Big Brother thread, because the only TV I watch is Farscape and Spongebob. I'm sorry if it turned into namecalling.

Antiquary, enjoy your vacation.

In the words of the great Tick:

Does it really matter?
Does it really antimatter?
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on July 18, 2002 11:33:07 AM new
I don't usually watch tv other than the news. Big Brother sounded like a documentary to me...that's why I started to watch it and was disappointed. LOL!!!

Is everybody happy?

Have a fun time, Antiquary!!!


posted on July 18, 2002 12:01:32 PM new
Antiquary have a great time on your vacation!

I think the trouble with the Big Brother thread was that very few people that are talking seriously about politics are likely to be the type that watch "reality" TV. I didn't open that thread till just now because I can't stand those type of shows. I'd rather watch the news.I do agree that fluff threads should be allowed to remain fluff threads without the interjection of political views.

I also believe that the reason this has turned into a political place is because so many left when the CC thing came about. Had those posters stayed there would have been a better balance.There would still be a lot of political threads, that is just a sign of our times. People are concerned about the way things are going and they want to talk about it~ and they aren't all "nuts" either. No harm in that.But fluff should stay fluff and politics should stay in its own threads.

posted on July 18, 2002 12:06:00 PM new
I think that if I am part of a notorious gang of 4 I need to spend more time writing my novel before I get swept up in the cultural revolution.

posted on July 18, 2002 12:14:17 PM new
saabsister - I know it's got to be tough for you when most of us seem to list to the left. It's not that is tough to be in the minority here, I enjoy reading the thoughts and opinions of others.
I wouldn't read or post here if I didn't.

Hearing different opinions or reading sources that maybe I wouldn't normally read helps me to see issues from a different prospective. I enjoy that. And when I strongly disagree, you see me posting .

And as I've shared before, there are many posters here who I've come to respect even though they see issues differently than I.

What is 'tough' for me is to be insulted personally because I [or anyone else who posts] hold a different opinion.

For me it's the mindset that thinks because one holds a different opinion they are.... [put an insult here].

posted on July 18, 2002 12:15:56 PM new
LOL Gravid! I thought the other in the gang of four would have been auroranorth. It's hard for me to tell which side of any fence he sits on though so I can't be sure.

edited because it's gang not gand. [ edited by rawbunzel on Jul 18, 2002 12:22 PM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 12:19:31 PM new
gravid - DON'T YOU GO ANYWHERE You work on that novel on your own time

posted on July 18, 2002 12:29:22 PM new
People leaving because of the credit card issue should have no effect on the political makeup of the remaining posters. The fact that some attempt to turn every post into a political forum is annoying at worst and humorous at best as some threads are so non-political by nature that the attempt is ludicrous. The bigger problem IMHO is that there seems to be less integrity. There are more posters making provocative statements as religion and politics are two of the most sensitive issues, and recent events have created a need for an outlet to discuss both. People just don't feel able to remain calm on these issues, reacting to disagreement with hostility and defensiveness and almost never changing their respective positions. I myself have been guilty of this to some degree(you don't all have to agree at once!), but although these are stressful times, personal integrity and honesty are still worth striving for. Those who look to post intentionally inflammatory threads or who post in threads where they have absolutely nothing to contribute are particularly childish at this time. GROW UP!
posted on July 18, 2002 12:31:58 PM new
The topic of this thread is boring. It's been said before. Haven't we seen these same complaints before?

Have you noticed that those who complain never seem to start their own threads?

What we have here is not a criticism of individuals posting, but pure, old-fashioned gripe'n about the content - just like we do about TV!

For these people who complain, they complain because they are used to sitting on their fats asses at home on the couch and using the remote to change the channel when they get bored with the content.

Messageboards don't work that way.

Messageboards don't provide the content that you want, they provide a forum for people to discuss whatever they please within the rules.

For instance, nothing stops posters like breinhold from starting up as many threads on topics that he or she sees fit to discuss. Yet, they neither contribute to the discussion nor do they go about creating their own content - which they are free to do, and stop posting in threads that they don't like.

They don't because it's easier to gripe about the content - lazy.

*edited to replace a word that is not a swear word, but was changed by the system to garbage symbols, to an alternate word that contains less enthusiasm.
[ edited by Borillar on Jul 18, 2002 12:44 PM ]
posted on July 18, 2002 12:42:44 PM new
Rawbunzel, I think of auroranorth more as a don't fence me in poster.

Yes, we've seen it before. At least on messageboards, we don't get flamed for top or bottom posting. (talk about anal )

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison [ edited by snowyegret on Jul 18, 2002 12:43 PM ]
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