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posted on September 7, 2002 02:16:16 PM new

I think you are scaring Borillar!

posted on September 7, 2002 02:27:29 PM new

"I was also pointing out in eBay, in drama, the hypocricy and absurdity of the guy who was selling trinkets made out of the beams... "

And I've merely pointed out your own hypocrisy.

I think it stinks that you're saving the item(s) for your son to sell in the future. Please DO continue to let him watch as many Superhero cartoons as he can stomach; he needs to learn values somewhere.

Citing the malfeasance of another eBayer doesn't -- and won't -- lessen your load. And you hardly deserve to refer to yourself in superlatives; you don't rate as the "sleaziest creature on the planet" -- you're just another opportunist seeking "bucks" from the extreme misfortune of others. Nothing new in that, and nothing particularly inventive about it, either.
But you're wrong that I don't know you; the histrionics you've performed on this board have said everything about who you are, whether you like it or not. It's your picture, you painted it.

And if you're still looking to form a chat environment where you can get together with like-minded individuals, spend ten minutes creating a FREE EZ-Board.


Or continue to come here and whine, if you feel that's more productive and helpful to you.

Hey, Twelvepole! Yep, I wouldn't trade this life for any other -- not even if I could be a Who in Whoville.

Shut up, Helen.

posted on September 7, 2002 02:34:30 PM new
And here I thought nycyn was some sort of EMT or NYC employee/recovery worker.

Where's my dunce cap at...

posted on September 7, 2002 02:37:29 PM new
Shut up, Helen

posted on September 7, 2002 02:43:17 PM new

Junkquemama taught me about bait switch and hook yesterday.

posted on September 7, 2002 02:44:43 PM new

posted on September 7, 2002 02:51:56 PM new

Julesy! We weren't the only ones wearing dunce caps; seems the good folks of the EO caught onto nycyn some months ago:


(It's a three-page thread, but has enough hilarity in it to keep one clicking, heh.)

posted on September 7, 2002 03:13:47 PM new
I've got some difficult software to learn how to use....Take it easy while I'm gone. Remember, Ego's and Super Ego's and Alter Ego's are sometimes fragile. Be kind to one another.


posted on September 7, 2002 03:21:56 PM new
That's an eye-opener, Pat. Sheesh...

posted on September 7, 2002 03:39:11 PM new
Eye opener? If you want your eyes opened Pat should start from the **beginning** of that debacle, after the nice, rational people (at least one of whom is in here) left in good taste. Me? I was completely wacked out around then. Thank God for another EO denizen with whom I communicated for months with in email, mostly about the continuous weirdo/stalker Cheese, who DID email me previously, which he denied in those threads. I only did prove that later, because, unlike the people upstairs in EO, who DO stalk (I refer yuo to the lastest Eo thread of mine) I do not make even a hobby of this never mind a career. And he did have (also denied) a previous link of some kind to dog girl, as evidenced by his having bid on an auction of hers. I had to restring this stuff, present it to eBay, AND leave a paper-trail soewhere else, just-in-case, because this guy was so friggin' scary I didn't know what he was capable of. He went on for a good while after he was kicked off of the board presumably twice.

For another lesson in classic EO baseline intelligence you can look at a recent post of mine up there where I was whining (venting) about a buyer who emailed me asking for positive feedback. That one is a scream too. Perhaps Pat can link it for me. It's not a, er, skill that I have.

Happy 11th!

posted on September 7, 2002 03:52:16 PM new

And you. You're so desperate for friends you'll sell your soul. A turncoat, plain and simple. I'm the dumb one. I really liked you, and tried to help. You were happy to use it I guess.

I went to the surgical team that worked on the Guatemalen twins. I get the liver.

Good luck.


posted on September 7, 2002 04:04:47 PM new

Now, that was a stab in the back...Don't you think so, Pat?


posted on September 7, 2002 04:27:32 PM new
>Now, that was a stab in the back...Don't you think so, Pat?>

Pat? Pat? PAT!

Pathetic. I should post your emails, Turncoat. But then I'd be sinking to your new?found low.

I gotta ask Bloom to lock me out for my own good so I don't keep getting sucked into this cesspool.


posted on September 7, 2002 04:41:58 PM new
That's quite the link Pat, but I'm just wondering why you brought it to everyones attention? It shows a lot of people picking on nycyn. Is that the point?

posted on September 7, 2002 06:06:12 PM new
It's only a display of credit cards, kd.

posted on September 7, 2002 08:08:07 PM new

nycyn, it may surprise you to learn that my intent here has not been to "get at" you. This is not a healthy place, and certainly is no place for distraught people to attempt to be well, make friends, etc. But you don't seem to grasp just how self-destructive it is for you in your fragile, frazzled state to continue posting here in the vein that you do.
There are plenty of people in this world -- and even on chatboards, lo! -- who delight in watching the public melt-downs of others. I'm not one of them. You'd already been disintegrating for months when I left last April, after my own disintegration. Prior to my departure, you'd been tendered the kindest suggestions that you secure professional help; gravid, in particular, offered many helpful avenues for you to explore, and I'm sure many others have, too. But this is a chatboard, a place of faceless acquaintances from which one would be foolish to expect real solutions to real life problems.
I wandered over here last night and saw Junque's name on a thread; I expected to do nothing more than pop into it for a moment and greet a longtime online pal and then leave, but when I saw that you were still stuck, still rehashing plaints that you'd made months ago, I took it upon myself to consider what might finally dislodge you from both the delusions and complacency which have driven your presence here. Sympathy hasn't worked; constructive suggestions haven't worked; insulting one-liners telling you to "get some help" never worked. "Perhaps, I said to myself, "bringing you face-to-face with your own statements might." Many times in my own online experiences, people have cared enough to show me when I'd gone too far. KatyD did that for me; dcj did that for me; and while I've seen numerous people here at AW both chastise and attempt to counsel you, I've never seen one who simply told it to you straight ( and pardon me if this has indeed already happened -- I haven't kept up with the threads here for months) but I'm going to do my best to tell it to you now: you're a stressed-out single Mom, you were as affected by 9/11 as any of us, and the day-to-day reality is that you've got to get up, get your son ready for school and send him off into an uncertain world, while you yourself get on with going to work in order to provide a home for the two of you. I know it's not easy -- heck, I never had the guts to have children, nor to get married, but I sit here, as another faceless online acquaintance, and worry about both you and your boy. The time you spend here at AW -- is it minutes or hours per day? -- could it not be better spent with that precious son of yours, perhaps in counselling together? That boy for whom you obviously care so much, who undoubtedly developed untold fears of his own after 9/11, and who now needs a strong Mom to wade with him through his nightmares and insecurities.

This isn't a "turf war", nycyn. If I never post here again it will be okay ( - haha, Ken, you can come in and do more than just "piddle" armed with that information and know that I'll be relieved, too) and maybe all I'll succeed in doing with this post to you is adding my name to the roster of those who recognize that you're in dire straits and need a form of support you'll not find here.

Believe it or not, nycyn, I want you to have the best life you can -- both you and "the kid".

And with that said, I'm away from here again. Kraftdinner, you're just going to have to lunge at another post for your scrap of carrion. Helen, you're going to have to learn this about Borillar: the only thing that scares him is The Guvmint. I daresay he hasn't stepped outside his house in weeks -- to walk freely in his neighborhood, to imbibe the sweet scent of waning summer grasses, to look up into that great expanse of Oregon sky and note that it isn't falling.

posted on September 7, 2002 08:18:08 PM new
>>Believe it or not, nycyn, I want you to have the best life you can -- both you and "the kid".<<

FFUUCCKK OFF! What a crock of bollocks. You're a friggin' self-serving psycho backed into a corner.

And now ou are going to leave sprinkling faerie dust?


posted on September 7, 2002 08:42:24 PM new
I ask you why you brought that thread to everyones attention and you tell me to lunge at another post for my scrap of carrion? I didn't realize you felt that way about me Pat... thanks a lot.

posted on September 7, 2002 08:51:47 PM new
Is there a full moon this week?

My salespeople could always tell because everyone got incredibly testy to each other.
[ edited by aposter on Sep 7, 2002 09:00 PM ]
posted on September 7, 2002 09:13:18 PM new

Somehow, Kraftdinner, you failed to read my posts in their entirety and were thus prompted to remark, "That's quite the link Pat, but I'm just wondering why you brought it to everyones attention? It shows a lot of people picking on nycyn. Is that the point?" IF you'd read my posts, you'd've gleaned that such was not my point. Swooping in to seemingly make them my point by allusion does, indeed, land you with all the other vultures that swarm lazily about this board.
nycyn has already made her response to my last post; I suppose I should've expected no less, but sincerely -- idiotically -- hoped for the best: a change. You can evaluate my exchange with her in toto, Kraftdinner, and arrive at whatever conclusion suits you best. If, in the future, you do not hang back during this sort of exchange but find yourself moved to participate -- as opposed to comment from your safe heap -- perhaps your position will be more easily recognized and respected.

posted on September 7, 2002 09:16:05 PM new
Group hug or group purge??????
posted on September 7, 2002 09:21:34 PM new
My vote is for purge. I really don't know what to make of all this.

posted on September 7, 2002 09:34:52 PM new

Jeezy-peezy, are ya all blind? Do any of you truly give a flying fig about other people -- even the "one-dimensional" ones you meet on chatboards? Are you all living at home in real life with drunkards or physical abusers? Are you all so used to saying there's no problem when there clearly is one? Are you all so heartless that you truly *do* read the words typed here and see nothing more than a political point of view to rail against, or a plea for PTA fund-raising that you ignore, or an obviously disturbed person whom you "love" to "hate"?

Rawbunzel, either you're totally shut down right now or you're just refusing to see clearly. If you truly don't know what to make of all this, well, I have no immediate words with which to answer you. *I* don't know what to make of all the people who've sat silently or complicitly by and watched nycyn grasp for life-rings these past many months, all the while throwing her candy lifesavers.

posted on September 7, 2002 09:52:01 PM new
I am curious as to what you expect the people posting here to do?

posted on September 7, 2002 10:01:35 PM new
Pat, I really don't understand what's going on here and yes I am very tired tonight.

We have ALL encouraged NYCYN to get off here and find people in her RL that might be able to help her.Your tact is not new just more overt. But.... what would you have us do while she is here? Should we all rub her face in the fact that she is obviously "troubled"? Perhaps that's the way some people treat others with real problems but it isn't my style.

Think what you will Pat. I've always liked you and still do but in this I think you are wrong. I don't believe in this kind of in your face attitude with people I really don't know..especially if I have no idea if they are really fragile or not. Do you know her state of mind?
and no I am not a guppy but I am also not going to say or do anything that may send another human being over the edge. A chat board tiff isn't worth that

It is very close to the one year 9-11 "anniversary" I think everyone is having a hard time and if you look around the boards the stress is showing...everyone is at everyone elses throats.

We haven't evolved...such a shame.
[ edited by rawbunzel on Sep 7, 2002 10:03 PM ]
posted on September 7, 2002 10:02:44 PM new
Thank God you came in to save her at the last minute Pat! We're all so obviously clued-out here, we needed this kick-in-the-ass!!

posted on September 7, 2002 10:22:07 PM new
Shut up Bore-face. I would spit in your face if you were within 3 feet of me. (DIANA! Inappropriate bodily harm! I have the West Nile Virus, Malaria, Periodontal disease and a Cold.)

Goodnight to those who posted in the other thread. God help me, but even stusi made me smile.

AW stinks! Bomb the USA! Kill all males without at least a 3" diameter! Genuine WTC body parts for sale! Kill all the blue-eyed blondes! Cleanse the world of all without an IQ of at least 100. Pat Paulsen for President! Join ButtSuckers.com! Join ArabHaters.com! Join LoveHussein.com. Support Insomniacs; Send checks(made out to "cash" only) or cash to PO Box 155, NYC, NY 10009. Buy us Quaaludes! Buy us Heroin! Lonely? Young, big busted, women from Afghanistan, are eager to meet you, even if you are a miserable, rotten, SOB; no questions asked! Guaranteed clean, uneducated and obedient! 40K!!!! Cheaper than dropping off laundry, eating out, etc.! Good investment!!! Send checks made out to cash only, oh yeah and a photograph and a nice card, to PO Box 155, NYC, NY 10009. I also sell hand guns, guaranteed to not have a body on them!!! Rare item! Need a Social Security Card and a Drivers License? No problem! Mail me privately!!!! Manhattan Escort/Companion available to accompany you to your business dinner at the Hedonism Restaurant. $200.00 an hour. Satisfaction guaranteed!! Free image hosting and all that at AWisGreedy.com. (No credit card required. Funded by local mosque!) The Chinks put cats in their chop suey! Jewish mothers put curses in their latkes! Palestinians laugh at us while they sock away our money!!! Italians add semen to whatever is in the kitchen! Koreans all carry baseball bats! Buy Screw!! Remember to jerk off every day guys, it is good for your prostate. Women: Eat Italian food. Hack eBay for fun and profit! Easy to read text--$13.95 shipping included. Diana has A LOT of zits and a mustache!! Stusi is a closet Catholic, and maybe a pedophile! Helen has 15 different ID's. krs owes 15 years in back child support--that's why he has to keep moving. Eat poo-poo! Drink pee-pee! Get involved in criminal activity! Desecrate all Holy Places. Go to bed too late!

If I can still get in tomorrow I will post some hard-core porn photos and bomb-making instructions!

posted on September 7, 2002 10:30:56 PM new

You forgot the green eyed Irish.I feel left

posted on September 7, 2002 10:41:25 PM new

Krafty, cynicism is a last resort. Save it for something worthy, like a manifesto.

Robin and Bunni, I haven't been here since April. All the machinations you've undergone with nycyn are news (and new) to me. But they're also beside the point. All I know is today and last night as far as AW goes. I took my time in responding, layer by layer, to what I perceived to be a disturbing and recurring situation. I decided that the best means of doing so was to impact a poster with her own words. Bunni, you ask "what do you expect the people posting here to do?" I guess I expect us all to -- when push comes to shove -- point each other in the right direction. I'd imagine that 98% of the time such a course of action works. And I guess I've been shown today that there's no reaching that other 2%. So be it. In that case, I suppose many of you could make convincing arguments for putting up with or getting along with or simply cajoling nycyn; forgive me (and I truly mean this) if I neither see nor sense any glory in getting her (or yourselves) "through" on such a track.
And now, once again -- only this time I mean it -- I am leaving this thread and this unwholesome place for another unspecified amount of time of my own choosing. (Psssst, Borillar, there's real freedom through this exit I've just drawn! Catch hold my hand and leap, boy!)

Bye, all. I learn something everytime I meet up with you, and today was no exception.
posted on September 7, 2002 10:50:10 PM new
Damn Pat! Can't hang around a little longer?
I'll be good.

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