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posted on November 5, 2002 08:03:43 AM new
Vote Democrat if - You believe the government should have the power to force
an employer to pay their employees more than they are worth. (minimum wage)

Vote Democrat if - You believe that it is unfair to the poor that the top
50% of wage earners in this country pay 96% of the income taxes.

Vote Democrat if - You believe that pouring millions of our tax dollars into
the Federal Dept. of Education will benefit local schools.

Vote Democrat if - You believe all our problems would be solved if everybody
worked for local, state or federal government unions.

Vote Democrat if - You believe undocumented workers( illegal aliens) should
be allowed to vote in this country.

Vote Democrat if - You believe your health care provider should be
controlled and rationed by government.

Vote Democrat if - You believe that Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle and Barbara
Streisand are more intelligent than the rest of us.

Vote Democrat if - You believe that Jimmy Carter successfully negotiated
lasting peace agreements with N. Korea and between Israel and the

Vote Democrat if - You believe the only thing Bill Clinton did wrong was
have sex with a woman less than half his age while he was married.

Vote Democrat if - You believe the U.S. Supreme Court stole the presidential
election for the Republicans, but it is perfectly okay for New Jersey to
violate it's own election law in order to insure a Democrat senate
victory( Torricelli/Lautenberg)

Vote Democrat if - You believe the government should be responsible for
looking after your elderly parents, the health care and education of your
children and to provide you income during your retirement.

And last but not least -

Vote Democrat if - You believe it is proper for the government to take 15%
of your income for Social Security, all your working life, but if you die
too soon your family gets practically nothing in return( $270 death

posted on November 5, 2002 08:07:15 AM new
This should be interesting

posted on November 5, 2002 08:18:11 AM new
Let it be known, I'm not afraid to stir the pot of dissension.

posted on November 5, 2002 08:46:41 AM new

Oh nevermind, it is too damned easy when someone makes such stupid declarations...

I'll pass

I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on November 5, 2002 09:32:58 AM new
A stupid declaration is when someone states:

"I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here"

But the message must have struck a sore spot to invoke such a meaningless response.
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 5, 2002 09:35 AM ]
posted on November 5, 2002 10:30:34 AM new
you sure convinced me Bear, gawd I'm glad I read your reasoned statements about those democrats before going to the polls...thanks, a MILLION thanks!!!

posted on November 5, 2002 10:35:51 AM new
MY only question is if bear agrees or disagrees with any or all of those quotes. For me, there's nothing to discuss with bear, unless we know.

posted on November 5, 2002 11:30:57 AM new

I agree 1000%!!!!!!

posted on November 5, 2002 11:58:11 AM new

My God! The ignorance on this board lately is appalling and I don't think that the cause is political party affiliation. Good Republicans would cringe to read this nonsense as represenative of their policy.


posted on November 5, 2002 12:30:06 PM new
I think it is ironic, the same people that line up in mass to bash the Bush White House can't take a little heat when someone comes along and bashes the democrats.

I know I haven't participated in all the topics posted in this area. Those of you who have read some of my comment should remember the following excerpt from one of my responses.

"I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I consider myself to be more of an independent. I will not be swayed by public opinions. I am my own person.
I will not say that all Democratic policy is wrong, nor will I say it is all correct.
I will not say that all Republican policy is wrong, nor will I say it is all correct.
I draw my own conclusions, and will not be led along like a sheep to the slaughter house"

That should appease those, (although it may not), who wish to know where I stand on the comment I started in this thread. For those of you who still question my opinion of the topics, several of them I do strongly agree with, others I disagree with.
My point is to equally spread the "BS" that seems to float on the AW Round Table. If you can't have a sense of humor about the events that are present in everyday life, then you really do need to "Get A Life".

posted on November 5, 2002 12:55:43 PM new
Well, if it's just a piece of comedy - I suppose it would be fair to do a switcharoo and write the opposite...

Vote Republican if you want to

get rid of minimum wage and increase the gap between rich and poor. Don't worry about the crime that will result. We'll build more prisons to take care of that.

tax the poor. The rich neeed to keep their bucks.

stop funding schools.

get rid of labor unions.

be among the smartest people in the country.

take the peace prize away from Jimmy Carter.

Keep focused on the sex life of Bill Clinton. Forget the prosperity that our country enjoyed under his leadership. He was just a woman chaser.

Be proud of the election process which was responsible for the biggest election debacle known to man.

Don't expect the government to help take care of poor children and the elderly. They are expendable. The elderly should die because they complain too much about the cost of drugs and children should not be conceived.

get rid of social security.

Pollute the environment.

Have a never ending war.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 5, 2002 01:11 PM ]
posted on November 5, 2002 01:22:43 PM new
Ahhh....He attacked my tagline. sniff, sniff. I'm taking my toys and going home...


I got pocket lint with more of a comeback.

I could probably double the IQ of this thread by putting you on ignore.

Your turn......

I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on November 5, 2002 02:02:05 PM new

You make silence a wonderful thing to look forward to

posted on November 5, 2002 02:26:09 PM new
>That should appease those, (although it may not), who wish to know where I stand on the comment I started in this thread.

No, it does not. If that is the best that you can answer my question, then you may as well enter politics, because you won't admit to stand anywhere on the issues. Personally, your answer was an insult.

>My point is to equally spread the "BS" that seems to float on the AW Round Table

Um, swell.

Question: do you do relevant topics as well?

posted on November 5, 2002 06:41:38 PM new
Yes, I voted. Democratic, straight down the ballot.

posted on November 5, 2002 07:42:26 PM new
Me too Twinsoft!

posted on November 5, 2002 08:36:32 PM new
bear says
"I draw my own conclusions, and will not be led along like a sheep to the slaughter house"

If these are YOUR conclusions, then YOU'RE the one who has been forwarding this dreck to me since before Clinton was elected. Please stop it already!!

I have been a registered independent my entire voting life...until last friday, when I re-registered as a Democrat...felt real good, too!

helen, nice switcheroo!
[ edited by profe51 on Nov 5, 2002 08:39 PM ]
posted on November 6, 2002 12:01:54 AM new
Rawbunzel, RIGHT ON!

posted on November 6, 2002 03:37:32 AM new
...you have half an ounce of brains!

Help send RALPHIE to school! Please click:
posted on November 6, 2002 03:40:20 AM new
for the USA, now that the PRETZEL-CHOKER has a GOP Congress -- the war-mongers & hate-spewers of the nutso-poopoo right will have a field day!

Bill of Rights?? We don't need no stinkin Bill of Rights, WE have Jae-sus!!

Help send RALPHIE to school! Please click:
posted on November 6, 2002 06:23:07 AM new

"the war-mongers & hate-spewers of the nutso-poopoo right will have a field day!"

Lord have mercy on us all! What in b'jaesus are we going to do?


posted on November 6, 2002 06:34:30 AM new
bear said "I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I consider myself to be more of an independent."

So bear... we independents appear to be responsible for the way the elections turned out.

There are always the staunch republican and democrat voters and the independents [swing voters] can go either way. WE DID!!!

posted on November 6, 2002 08:20:50 AM new

Welcome to the new 'merica where ignorance is strength!

Gloat while you can, Linda. Your victory was made with a voter turnout of only 40%.. Next time, the democrats should come up with the other 60%.

The democrats will rise again and NOT with lily-livered leaders who slink around the rose garden with George Bush. My cup of disgust runneth over.


posted on November 6, 2002 08:29:18 AM new
Don't blame California!

posted on November 6, 2002 08:32:52 AM new
I refer to your latest discharge of plebeian verbiage; in which, you have proven, once again, that there is no such thing as unutterable nonsense.

Why is it that the people with the smallest minds always have the biggest mouths?

And in response to a low voter turn out....Apparently it was the Democrats that decided NOT to vote. You can't place blame on the Republicans or Independents, unless it was our fault for not running a bus service to pick all of them up.


"After 40 YEARS in the political wilderness, Maryland Republicans celebrated the election of a GOP governor Tuesday night. Rep. Bob Ehrlich defied the odds in this HUGELY Democratic state and
was elected the first GOP chief executive since Spiro Agnew.
But it was even better than that. Not only did Ehrlich win, but he beat a KENNEDY in the process; and the sitting lieutenant governor at that. Talk about sweet. So much for the vaunted Kennedy mystique.

But, as they say on late-night TV, that's not all.

Get this: Ehrlich's running mate and lieutenant governor-elect, Mike
Steele, is (gasp!) a black Republican. In Maryland. The first black
lieutenant governor in the state's history. Oh, and did I mention that he
is a REPUBLICAN. Who'd a thunk it?

Seems the GOP is the true opportunity party after all. You see,
Kennedy-Townsend - the great civil rights champion (did that drip with
enough sarcasm?) - chose a white dude who only switched parties and became a
Democrat a few weeks before being selected as the #2 on the Donkey ticket.
Talk about affirmative INaction.

And not to belabor the point - ah, what the hell, let's belabor it - Steele
was no "token." He earned the spot on Ehrlich's ticket and is Republican
through and through. In fact, he was (is) the Maryland Republican Party's
state chairman when Governor-elect Bob tapped him as his running mate.

..............Chuck Muth 11/06/2002"

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 6, 2002 08:49 AM ]
posted on November 6, 2002 08:59:46 AM new
It seems to me that Americans elect Republican hawks to deal with international issues, and Democratic doves to deal with domestic issues.

It is discouraging to note the low voter turnout. Yes, there were irregularities. I received confirmation of my voter registration, but never heard anything afterwards. When I went to my usual voting place (across the street from my home), I was not listed. At first they tried to send me across town, but eventually agreed to reregister me so I could vote. There were very few voters present. Most of the time I was the only one at the polling place. Given the low turnout and irregularities (like running out of ballots in San Francisco) I wonder if the vote really reflects the true feelings of the majority of Americans.

Having said that, and although I know Republicans will drive our economy into the ground and open the door to all kinds of huge-scale corporate crime (like our so-called "energy shortage" last summer), I must give credit to George Bush for dealing appropriately with terrorism. He's stood up to the United Nations (which is merely a puppet of the oil-producing nations) and has set our priorities straight as far as assassinating terrorist leaders. In fact, it's discouraging that he isn't getting more support (on that front) from the American people. I guess 9/11 wasn't enough of a wake-up call to most folks.

If we're going to deal effectively with Iraq, a terror-supporting nation on the verge of developing nuclear weapons, we need a unified front and that is what we will have following the elections. Not the way I voted, but if we go to war against Iraq, it may be preferable not to have Congress chanting, "it's the economy, stupid" in the background the whole time.

Hopefully Democrats will get off their lazy asses next time and vote.

posted on November 6, 2002 09:04:54 AM new
Gloat while you can, Linda.

Oh, so now it's wrong to be very happy that the party one supports won senate control....and kept control of the house. Not gloating Helen....just happy that the side I support will not have to fight so hard to pass measures that I believe will benefit our country. Now...I KNOW you wouldn't have been happy had the democrats won control of the sentate and/or the house. No....not at all.

Your victory was made with a voter turnout of only 40%.. Next time, the democrats should come up with the other 60%.

Yes, that's the way it works Helen. Voters show up, vote and the majority wins. Next time? ;-D Didn't it happen this time. We didn't see McBride win by a LANDSLIDE since SO MANY were outraged with what happened in 2000.
Guess they didn't feel strongly enough to 'show up' and vote.

The democrats will rise again and NOT with lily-livered leaders who slink around the rose garden with George Bush. May very well happen, time will tell, but they could have done that this time.

posted on November 6, 2002 09:13:54 AM new
twinsoft - Agreed. It seems to me that Americans elect Republican hawks to deal with international issues, and Democratic doves to deal with domestic issues.

That's what I didn't understand about this election cycle. The democrats didn't appear to be promoting a STRONG agenda on most domestic issues. To me they just appeared to be against anything Bush was working for rather than really PUSHING their own agenda.

Look at the economy. They could have really gone nuts on that issue alone. But they didn't. Either it's because they weren't pushing it enough, or the voters are more concerned with the 'war on terrorism' than on the economy.

posted on November 6, 2002 09:24:20 AM new
The one thing I noted yesterday was how some of the Liberal ideas failed at the ballot box as well. Nevada shooting down legalizing pot and gay Marriage. Oregon shooting down state sponsered health care and Ohio shooting down drug treatment over prison time.

Also was surprising was the Repulican Senate Victory in Georgia and Minnesota. The defeat of McBride in Florida is a major victory for Bush. Both Gore and Clinton were down there trying to get McBride elected and McBride lost big time.

posted on November 6, 2002 10:15:00 AM new
thchaser200 - I agree. Those really surprised me too. Especially Oregon and Las Vegas.

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