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posted on November 6, 2002 10:48:13 AM new
It came out the way that I predicted (although I predicted only 30% or so instead of 40%.) America will now get the kind of government that they wanted: 19% to cry, 21% to cheer at the total loss of rights and the other 60% to be able to lay back and be told what to do. It's that simple. And it won't be until they get sick of it that this'll change. Bush will be reelected, and then, after two years, I predict either he resigns in disgrace or is assasinated or is unable to hold office for a diffeent reason.

In the meantime, the Democrats lost their seats because of what we've been yelling about: they lost touch with Why they are there in Congress, they lost touch with the people that they were supposed to represent, they lost their party's history and so, lost their way altogether. That they had to send out surveys to discover what the voters wanted of them told it all. The Dermocrats deserved to pummled into the ground. I only wish we could have made up the difference with Independants or a different party than the ruling one now.

In two years time, this will seem just like "The Good Ole' Days!"

[ edited by Borillar on Nov 6, 2002 10:49 AM ]
posted on November 6, 2002 06:38:19 PM new
Hi, Linda. Yes, I agree. The democrats failed to turn the issue back to the economy. They didn't even pull the corporate crime card. It's like the demos were caught completely off-guard or something. OTOH, I can't help but wonder to what extent our elections are FIXED so I have real doubts about the validity of ANY election results.

Re: McBride, you've got to wonder if demos don't see Jeb Bush as a potential presidential candidate. That's probably why they're trying to knock Jeb down now, before he gets too big.

posted on November 6, 2002 06:57:30 PM new
Linda...if this is true:
"Oh, so now it's wrong to be very happy that the party one supports won senate control....and kept control of the house. Not gloating Helen....just happy that the side I support will not have to fight so hard to pass measures that I believe will benefit our country."
Then you aren't an independent.

Here in Washington well over 400,000 people did not get their absentee ballots until the very last minute...some never did get them. The people were told that if they didn't getthem then they could go to the polling place and vote??????? The reason a lot of people have absentee ballots is because they can't get to the polling place.

Lots of irregularities everywhere.

[ edited by rawbunzel on Nov 6, 2002 06:58 PM ]
posted on November 6, 2002 07:22:04 PM new

"....just happy that the side I support will not have to fight so hard to pass measures that I believe will benefit our country."

I realize that you won't answer my question but I really wonder what measures you believe will benefit our country. I haven't seen any such proposals by Bush yet.


posted on November 6, 2002 07:49:46 PM new
Bear, pardon me for destroying your innocence, but you might want to read your email with a slightly more sceptical eye. And please don't send your bank account info to anyone from Nigeria.

Who will benefit? We will see. Deficit spending and war have never been on my list of benefits.
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on November 6, 2002 08:14:22 PM new
Bear, pardon me for destroying your innocence, but you might want to read your email with a slightly more sceptical eye. And please don't send your bank account info to anyone from Nigeria.

Why didn't anyone else make $250,000 from them last week?

posted on November 6, 2002 09:09:55 PM new
rawbunzel - Gee....I'm not? Gosh...what was I thinking? But of course, you'd know better than I what my party affiliation is, even though you don't know me at all.

I don't vote party lines. I'm registered as an Independent and have voted for Independents, Republicans and Democrats. So...to me I'm an Independent and my vote can and does go to the party I most agree with. While, as you know, I didn't vote for Bush [I went third party], since he's been elected I have supported almost everything he has been trying to do. AND if we were voting today to re-elect him, I'd vote for him.

posted on November 6, 2002 10:10:11 PM new
>AND if we were voting today to re-elect him, I'd vote for him.

Why? After all that you've learned here and through the news and through any political shows o0n Constittuional Law and such, why in the world would you want to do that?

posted on November 6, 2002 10:51:05 PM new
I'm an Independent

Very clever. You certainly fooled me, Linda.

posted on November 7, 2002 05:41:02 AM new

I'm a princess, still beautiful after all these years.


posted on November 7, 2002 06:26:56 AM new
I see the Republicans as eliminating alot of crime...BY RENAMING IT!

Corporate Accounting Crimes will now be know as CEO and Boardmember "perks"

Dumping Toxic waste into the water supply will now be know as adding beneficial minerals to our drinking water

Proccessing and selling spoiled and poisoned food products shall be renamed as "enhancing our immunity to biological and chemical attacks"

Air Pollution is now called thickening the air so it stays near the ground where it is most needed.

Arresting and Detainment without due process because of unpopolular views, opionions or just plain profiling will now be termed as "Political Beautification"

I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on November 7, 2002 07:03:32 AM new


George Bush said, "We're a peaceful nation."

So, already...."war is peace", ignorance is strength...freedom is slavery.

soon, pigs are horses and girls are boys.

This would be a fun topic but I have to be out today. Doublespeak tries to cover what's really happening in the world... and we all live happily ever after?


posted on November 7, 2002 07:09:50 AM new

Even Linda has put a new spin on "independent".


posted on November 8, 2002 08:50:06 AM new
rawbunzel - I'd like to apologize for my sarcastic response to your statement "Then you aren't an Independent". It angered me but my response could have been [should have been] stated in a much more appropriate way. I did try to explain my position in a post where I answered aposter.

I am sorry. I hope anyone who reads here and also posts at her board will make rawbunzel aware of my apology. I would really appreciate you doing so.

posted on November 8, 2002 01:03:26 PM new
Excellent points Bear. Democrats vote based on emotion not on rationalty.

"Ohh let's help raise the wages of those unskilled workers, forget that it will put them out of a job";

"Let's tax the rich because they have more money, forget the rich provide the jobs:"

"Lets pour money into schools, forget that studies show schools who get no money do better because they learn to fix the real problems;"

"Let's have the government control our future, despite that they have anaged to screw up everything they touch."

And on and on.

Rather having a system that votes for Democrats or Republicans, the ballot should simply state, "our laws should vased on: _Emotion; _Rationality."

It would be a great way to add some logic to our system.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 9, 2002 01:41:38 PM new
The reason that the Republicans swept into power last Tuesday is quite simple. The Democrats, led by the amazing Mr. McCauliff, had no message of their own and stood for nothing. The only thing they could do was criticize the Republicans. They found out the hard way that if you want to replace those in power (or keep your own), you had better have a plan of your own and not be content just to criticize the opposition with no real alternative to offer to the voters. The voting public is wising up. They're beginning to see through the distortions and outright lies that the Democrats have used (with success until last Tuesday). For example: Elizabeth Dole won big in North Carolina even though she supports the partial privatization of Social Security, which the Democrats (fearmongerers) have vilified for years. The senior citizens (and those who will be one some day) have discovered that the Republicans aren't out to take away Grandma's Social Security. They just want to give Junior the chance to have a better retirement later in life. To be a viable alternative to the Republicans in the future, the Democrats will have to develop a platform based on common sense and THE TRUTH. Maybe a good start would be for them to read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

And of course, it helps to be a patriot instead of a parrot. Yes liberals, the American people are just as concerned about national security as they are about the economy. For those of you who may have missed it, we were savagely atacked on Sept. 11, 2001. And we most likely will be attacked again. Those Americans capable of intelligent thought realize that the economy will NEVER be strong as long as we live under the threat of terrorism. And as the election showed, intelligent voters don't blame the sluggish economy on the Republicans, much to the chagrin of the Dumocrats. The severity of the sluggish economy is a direct result of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks (even though the downturn actually started while Clinton was in office). The liberals' attacks on Bush over the economy didn't stick because they were so obviously untrue.

[ edited by mrbusinessman on Nov 9, 2002 01:52 PM ]
posted on November 9, 2002 03:28:39 PM new
>Democrats vote based on emotion not on rationalty.

Sympathy is not a sin. In fact, Jesus spoke highly of it as a virtue. So have others.

However, do not make the mistake of characterizing all Democratic supporters by their leadership in Washington. That is why so many have jumped ship, refusing the nonsense of the Right, they remain Independant.

posted on November 9, 2002 10:23:18 PM new
Vote Democrat if... you want a Republican in office.

Three of our Georgia state Senators, who were elected as Democrats, have switched to the Republican party in the last two days, to give the Georgia State Senate its first Republican majority in 130 years, to go along with the first Republican Governor in 130 years.

posted on November 10, 2002 12:06:20 AM new
Boy, are they ever going to be sorry, Donny! We've had a Republican majority here for years and all that they've done is drive the state's economy into the ground and tried to undo every public program and repeal every civil protection in favor of Big Business. Altlanta, that bright Star of the South, will learn a lesson in pain!

The Democratcs won't be around to blame for it, though.

posted on November 10, 2002 01:09:08 AM new
"... studies show schools who get no money do better because they learn to fix the real problems...."

Yeah, but apparently they don't teach good grammar. Schools which, not schools who.

"... even though the downturn actually started while Clinton was in office...."

Don't look for the economy. Bush flushed it down the toilet.

posted on November 10, 2002 02:23:25 AM new
I don't know if they'll be sorry, Borillar. Truth is, they probably won't notice the difference. There are very few 'real' Democratic politicians in Georgia, most of them are Republicans in Democrats clothing. Our new Republican Governor was a Democrat up until a few years ago, but at least he switched parties before the election and not after, like these other guys.

A couple of years ago, when the new Governor Sonny Perdue was a Democratic State Senator, he authored a bill to de-regulate natural gas here. The incumbent Democratic Governor he defeated last week, Roy Barnes, was, at the time, also a Democratic State Senator, and he signed off on it. It was a disaster. Some people's bills went up to $600 a month (and if it gets cold here sometimes, it doesn't stay cold) and 175,000 had their heat cut off for non-payment. These are Democrats? Please.

I don't know how much worse this state can get. This year we attained 50th place in standardized test scores. We've always been around the worst, as far as I can remember. We had one Governor, around the time my kids were born 20 years ago, who saw a study where children who listened to classical music performed better in school. This led him to conclude that the answer to the education problem was to give the parents of each newborn a cassette of classical music when the kid left the hospital, and that program was in effect for a few years. Duh! The problem with Georgia kids' poor performance in schools isn't lack of classical music. The problem is that kids in Georgia are taught by Georgians. We either need to ship all the kids out to other states to be educated, or import a bunch of non-Georgians in to teach them.

I suppose what will change is this Georgia Flag thing. By getting a majority in the Senate, the Governor will be able to deliver on the issue he used to get elected, putting the mess up for referendum. And after Georgians vote to put the flag back the way it was they'll only have themselves to blame, not the Republicans.

posted on November 18, 2002 08:40:55 PM new
Vote Democrat if:

Your name is Boring-illar

You like corrupt government.

You support being lied to.

You are going to win this election for Paul Welfare.

You are a moron.

posted on November 18, 2002 10:14:55 PM new
Well, you're right, Donny. It's incrediably naieve of voters to think that regulations are there to make them pay more, hurt industry, and destroy jobs and the environment. But that's some of the lies that the Republicans preach to their mindless followers and as illogical as it is, they believe it. Right up until their gas bill goes from $120 a month to $600 a month with no benefit to the consumer.

And yes, you could have it worse. You could be living in Mississippi!

posted on November 20, 2002 08:03:15 AM new

posted on November 20, 2002 10:44:16 AM new

posted on November 20, 2002 11:24:45 AM new
"We've had a Republican majority here for years and all they've done is drive the state's economy into the ground."

There's two things that drive an economy into the ground, 1)lack of consumer spending, 2)High taxes, which cut into how much consumers can spend.

Your state might have dying industries which is uncontrollable from market forces. It can't be overregulation because that's something Democrats do.

So I'm wondering what the Republicans did in your state to slow consumer sending?

My state has a Republican majority and our economy is humming along good because we have a strong industry and no state tax.

I'm also wondering if your state's economy is slumping from a previous Democrat majority. They may have started the problem and now the Republicans are looking for ways to clean up the Democrats mess.

Don't be so quick pointing fingers. I know you want every chance to bash the Republicans but that does nt solve problems. This isn't a game, we should be electing the best person whether it is a Liberation Party, Democrat or Republican.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
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