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posted on November 13, 2002 06:26:10 AM new
Helen, I believe you started it, as is usually the case whenever I post. Ignoring your statements didn't seem to make a difference...your harassment still continued. My harassment is unacceptable and in appropriate? That's the pot calling the kettle black. What a laugh.

and krs - My idiotic allegation? You're the one who deceived your fellow posters. A fact...not an allegation. Shouldn't be a surprise that it might be questioned again.

And this wasn't hearsay. I was posting here when the accusation was made and [b]I[/i] asked you directly [because I couldn't believe that of you] and you admitted to it. Beneficiary of the general amnesty? Who cares about that? So AW let you slide, doesn't say much for the character of one who has fooled his fellow posters by pretending and posting as someone else.

Now you both have a GREAT day.

posted on November 13, 2002 07:33:14 AM new
Can we please drop this bickering out of courtesy to the Veterans in their thread. The War is over.

posted on November 13, 2002 12:45:46 PM new

LindaK,You are stuck in 1st gear.If all of us here, carried around the old stuff"none of us would be talking.

"Raise your hands,Who didnt see that train coming?

posted on November 15, 2002 09:27:24 AM new
I'd like to see a NON-Veterns Day for those who were smart enough not to engage in killing.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 15, 2002 12:03:27 PM new
I'd like to see a NON-Veterns Day for those who were smart enough not to engage in killing.

I would too,If they were givin a choice.

posted on November 15, 2002 04:22:07 PM new
I'd like to see a NON-Veterns Day for those who were smart enough not to engage in killing.

Yes and in a different country.

Those that RAN AWAY haven't earned the right to Criticize American politicts or any of us that served and did our duty.

It is only because of a Liberal Democratic do-gooder that those who avoided their duty, were allowed back into this country. The best thing that ever happened to Jimmy Carter was loosing his reelection.
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 15, 2002 04:30 PM ]
posted on November 15, 2002 07:54:29 PM new
"Yes and in a different country.
Those that RAN AWAY haven't earned the right to Criticize American politicts or any of us that served and did out duty."

I didn't run away, I just never joined. My father joined the Coast Guard, never had to kill anyone, actually saved lifes.

Those that ran away have every natural born right to criticsize what is wrong with politics because they are citizens with freedom granted from the soviergn powers of God. Government has no natural rights especially to determine that you are to become a killing machine.

Sorry to hear you were brainwashed.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 15, 2002 08:52:08 PM new
Those that TUCKED THEIR TAILS and headed north to avoid military service are the same cowards that are now critizing everything about American politicts. They are the ones that raised children without any discipline and those children bred the current breed of kids that have no respect for anyone or anything.

I don't have a problem with anyone that joined the Coast Guard. They are Americas Oldest military service.

The one's I do have a problem with are the ones who did not stand when called.

Those that answered the call whether drafted or enlisted and placed their lives on the line are the ones to honored.

Brainwashed, no..... But thanks for acknowledging that those of us who are proud to say we were ready to serve America have a brain, unlike some who post here just to prove how ignorant they are. Those that come to a battle of witts only half loaded.
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 15, 2002 08:56 PM ]
posted on November 15, 2002 09:36:44 PM new
"Those that TUCKED THEIR TAILS and headed north to avoid military service are the same cowards that are now critizing everything about American politicts. They are the ones that raised children without any discipline and those children bred the current breed of kids that have no respect for anyone or anything."

They're not anymore a coward then anyone who avoids heading into the slum at night. I sure as hell don't want bullets flying at my head, does that make me a coward? I don't want my legs blown off, does that make me a coward?

Show us proof these people raise their children without discipline? What a stupid comment. It seems to me these people would be more likely to teach their kids respect others, & don't harm others. Vets give their kids a hypocritical lesson, don't harm others, don't kill, but "I" did and it was alright. Bunch of B.S.

Yea it took so much brains that you were nothing but a pawn put out their to be killed and maimed.

Granted you are entitled to your pride for serving your country, afterall, that is your only reward, that and a yearly parade. I won't steal your reward opportunity. I just would like to see a Non-Vetern Day Parade too.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 16, 2002 09:23:00 AM new
They're not anymore a coward then anyone who avoids heading into the slum at night. I sure as hell don't want bullets flying at my head, does that make me a coward? I don't want my legs blown off, does that make me a coward?

Show us proof these people raise their children without discipline? What a stupid comment. It seems to me these people would be more likely to teach their kids respect others, & don't harm others. Vets give their kids a hypocritical lesson, don't harm others, don't kill, but "I" did and it was alright. Bunch of B.S.

You truely believe that anyone that served in the military and went to war WANTED to be shot at or have a leg BLOWN off? Get your head out of the dirt. A vet is one who trains for war, but hopes to never need to use what they are trained for.

The whole point of "VETERANS DAY" is to honor those who SERVED when they were needed, those who FOUGHT for this country when they didn't want to fight and those who paid the ULTIMATE price

And NOW YOU HAVE ADMITTED that you are the offspring of a "HYPECRITE". You previously stated your father was in the Coast Guard and didn't kill anyone? That makes him a Vet and in your hackneyed logic a hypnotic.

Show you proof of they way children are raised today. Look at the drug use in school, from elementary to high school. Look at the kids killing schoolmates. Look at the children (and I don't mean infants) throwing tantrums at the local grocery stores, Wal Marts or restaurants because they didn't get a new toy or were told no. Look at the number of runaways. Look at the number of teen suicides.

It appears that you accuse anyone that disagrees with you of making "Stupid comments". When in fact just making that comment shows how stupid you truely are.

If you don't like my attitude, wait a second...it can get worse...

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 16, 2002 11:58 AM ]
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 16, 2002 12:02 PM ]
posted on November 16, 2002 01:00:17 PM new
After reading what you have written I find it interesting that you have labeled your self "Quickdraw!" I can only hope that your last name is McGraw.

You can rip apart this country. You can rip apart which ever partisan government you like, though I find that to be pretty boring reading, BUT don't you EVER criticize our Veterans. These people have more guts in their little finger than you do in your whole body. You seem to be stuck on the Vietnam "Conflict." You sound like the people I argued with at one time that it was the government NOT the soldiers and nurses who went that they should belittle. No, not one person who has gone to war wanted to lose any of their parts or their lives or come back suffering from Agent Orange effects or relive the war at night or during the day. BUT, they went to war only to come back and be spat upon by people like you, cowards in every sense because they couldn't fight back. They were completely exghausted and demoralized by what they had seen and people like you. Some are still suffering from the affects of that war and other wars.

Don't YOU belittle what they did!!

posted on November 16, 2002 01:15:30 PM new
If you go to war your chances are high you will get killed or get your legs blown off, so whether you want that to happen to you or not is something you had better consider your odds before you join. Apparently those who avoided joining had the smarts to know this and plan ahead.

My dad is not a hypocryte, he didn't run off to other country's to kill. He staid here to protect our country from an attack. Self Defense is noble. Self Offense is not.

Drug use in school has nothing to do with non-veterns. It could be Veterns who take drugs because of all their mental maladies and their kids watch their behavior. Runaways, tantrums, etc again no proof it has anything to do with non-veterns. However, the Vetern may have brough that violence home with them. Many Vets have psychological problems due to war and it seems fitting that their households are disfunctional.

If you can't back up your statements and you want to spout that B.S. brainwashing crap that was shoved down your throat, I'm not interested.
posted on November 16, 2002 01:31:49 PM new
Calamity, yea that degrading style of yours works only if the attackee can't respond fast enough. Don't you ever learn anything from political ads?

My name has nothing to do with posting my opinions, it has to do with pulling the "trigger" faster than another bidder. It's an auction name, moron. Before you continue spoting stupid comments get your facts straight!

I'm not criticsizing Veterns per se, they were just doing a job, or they wanted to commit suicide. I am criticsizing their choice to be hypocritical. If you believe killing is wrong and you support our laws, then don't run off and kill other people in war. I's very clear, the ony time the law allows killing is in self defense when your life is in danger, if you run off to another country to kill, that is no longer self defense.

Yea these people have more guts, good for them, that's why millions of them are dead, and many of the rest are missing legs. I'd rather have less guts but my life and two legs.

I wasn't there during Vietnam so don't blame me what happened when the soldiers came home. I think the people who spat on the soldiers were morons. It's like when a customer is mad and they yell at the customer service person. Come on, they're just there to earn a paycheck. They don't set the rules. A lot of those rebellions during Vietnam were college students who were young and naive so don't hold hostility towards them.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 16, 2002 02:06:37 PM new
Quickdraw the hyprocrite....

Did you not say:

I didn't run away, I just never joined. My father joined the Coast Guard, never had to kill anyone, actually saved lifes.

Then you said:

Vets give their kids a hypocritical lesson, don't harm others, don't kill, but "I" did and it was alright. Bunch of B.S.

From you comments, you have left for all of us to surmise that:

1) You are a CHILD of the 80's.

2) You never had to consider being drafted when the draft was being enforced.

3) Never had to worry about serving your

4) If you had been drafted or attempted to enlist, you would have been found "unfit for military duty" either physically or mentally.

5) Have been GIVEN every right you have instead of EARNING it.

6) Have never been forced to defend yourself in any way other than against a band of blood thirsty mosquitoes that once bit you spit it out because it tasted YELLOW.

7) Are a perfect example of the new sterotypical, super liberal, that considers no one but themselves. A typical pro Clinton

I'm glad you have shown the true you and that the country doesn't have to depend upon you.

It is hoped that you have chosen NOT to bear offspring in your own image, for if you have the world is to be a far worse place with you replicating.


You are an unequivocally repulsive vermin and a narcissistic, cantankerously-caterwauling failure to endure the scrutiny of those whom served with distinction.

Or if the previous was to much for you to comprehend:

Jeff Dunham the comedian has a puppet named "Peanut". If you are not familiar with Peanut's favorite saying describes you perfectly, http://www.onastick.com/website/Sound/loser.wav

[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 16, 2002 02:22 PM ]
posted on November 16, 2002 02:17:51 PM new
Well, let's see. I'm stupid and a moron. Which is it? Stupid is a little higher on the scale than a moron. It seems that I'm probably old enough to be your mother so excuse me while I wash your mouth out with soap.

As for your father, don't know why you brought him up as I had nothing to say about him. I consider him to be a veteran like any other.

I was one of those naive college students way back then and I know of what I write. I chose to look at the human element instead of punishing innocent people who answered the call to arms. I akin the protestors to being bullies. While some did blame the government others saw a chance to take their personal hostilities out on our returning soldiers. From what you have written and no matter how you protest and call the spitters morons. I can see you spitting with the rest of them.

Many people post here merely to relieve their frustrations and anger. They chose names which reflect their inner personalities or what they would like those personalities to reflect. You have been too quick on the draw here kid. I chose calamity because it is a stage name and easy for me to remember. No hidden meaning here.

I have one question for you. If our country were invaded would you be willing to loose a leg or two?

I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't care what you vent on here but leave our Veterans alone!!!


posted on November 16, 2002 02:34:03 PM new

I'll post this here also, so that you will be able to read the comments by LindaK.

I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your comments.
If you will read the Veterans day thread, you will see the basis for my anger. Apparently, I mistakenly believed that when you mentioned "foot in the mouth" that you were 'repeating' or 'rubbing in' the same remark that LindaK made to Krs about "'poping' in to try and help her remove her foot from her mouth". (meaning me)
If I am wrong, I apologize. I was embarrassed and angry that after Krs was kind enough to point out that the original comment was taken out of context that she would involve him in my problem. I hope that you understand my frame of mind at the time and why I was confused about your comment.

Since Krs is a vietnam veteran, who has two awards for heroism under fire and the Purple Heart, 17 awards of other combat related significance and some Vietnamese award for Gallantry, along with three presidential valorous unit citations the comments by LindaK were especially inappropriate to address on Veteran's day in that particular thread.


posted on November 16, 2002 02:42:49 PM new
Quickdraw, #*!@ off.

LOL! Helen, we're just going to have to tell them someday. You know that.
[ edited by krs on Nov 16, 2002 02:49 PM ]
posted on November 16, 2002 03:01:33 PM new

Ken, LOL After the onslaught of happy faces by Linda, I don't use them any more but I'll give you a <big grin> on that one!


posted on November 16, 2002 03:13:05 PM new
>Those that TUCKED THEIR TAILS and headed north to avoid military service are the same cowards that are now critizing everything about American politicts. They are the ones that raised children without any discipline and those children bred the current breed of kids that have no respect for anyone or anything.

That's a bizaar statement, Bear, and I can only guess that it's pure opinion on your part.

posted on November 16, 2002 03:49:04 PM new

That was a reactionary statement on my part. A reaction to Quickmouth, I mean quickdraw.

I realize that all of those who oppose the current U.S. policies were not "DRAFT DODGERS".

But as with most posting here, are not most, ones own "opinion"?

posted on November 16, 2002 03:51:23 PM new
I'm not pro Clinton, although he was a great poltical weasel who American's loved. It goes to show you, the more garbage they shove done our throats, the more Americans will eat it up, and your Pro-war stance only tells me you are any Political Party's slave puppet.

But anyway, you are so wrong on what you think a liberal is. A liberal isn't concerned just about themselves, they are concerned about all people's welfare. Conservatives worry about themselves and sacrifice the welfare of others. You're really backwards on that.

You are also wrong that my country doesn't depend on me. Should our country depend on the irrational like of you who get mad because another country does something you don't like? My country needs rational people like me, unfortuntaly, crybabies like you make more noise, not more noise then me, but more noise than people in general like me, that's why we still have war.

Calamity, sorry to see you stereotype others for who you know little about. I respect others enough not to spit on them. Notice the correlation in my posts, I respect people not to do them harm. Not very sharp are you?

Being too quick on the draw? What the hell does that mean? Does it take you weeks to come up with one logical statement? My experience and skills, like a western Quick Draw, are enough for me to come up with logical statements on the fly. Sorry you don't have that skill or experience.

Krs, why would I #!@* off? Is your opinion superior to mine? Should our country be based on the opinion of emotional recks like you? If your best interest is to have a better world, why wouldn't you listen to everyone with an opinion who is interested in making it better. Seems to me you would like a Dictatorship where you can tell everyone how to live.
posted on November 16, 2002 04:04:14 PM new
"That was a reactionary statement on my part."

That just about sums up every post of yours. No thought, no logic, just reaction.

posted on November 16, 2002 04:16:40 PM new

That just about sums up every post of yours. No thought, no logic, no brain, all mouth. You couldn't respond to my previous post about your LACK of character or honesty or integrity so you have to jump ar someone elses comments.

Tis my profound wish that you shall be maddened beyond endurance by a hundred political speeches, you conglomerate of intellectual constipation
[ edited by bear1949 on Nov 16, 2002 04:21 PM ]
posted on November 16, 2002 04:22:36 PM new
That's what I mean, just keep spewing irrational comments to degrade your oppenent. Had your cause had some logic to it, you wouldn't have to resort to such immature behavior.
posted on November 16, 2002 04:29:07 PM new
If you were a worthy opponent, there would be no need to challenge you to



U N D E R S T A N D.

Or do I need to talk slower & type larger for you.

posted on November 17, 2002 01:13:06 PM new
Sorry, Quickdraw but you HAVE harmed people with the statements you have made in this thread. So, I suppose that I "profiled" you correctly. I understand people of your ilk well enough to know that your personality will never allow you to realize the harm you have done. You have ripped apart and spat upon several very nice veterans who post here. I for one will not see them hurt!

What does being quick on the draw mean? Well, in the old west it meant you drew your gun too fast and were usually killed by a more experienced gunfighter. My statement infers that you are writing without thinking things through. A good English teacher would shove the essay back in your face and tell you to reresearch, rethink and rewrite it.

I really can't say that I have read your other posts. Just the ones in this thread. So I don't know what else you have had to say and quite frankly, I don't care.
Just leave our Veterans alone.


p.s. you haven't answered my question.

posted on November 17, 2002 02:42:13 PM new
I didn't know Veterns were a bunch of crybabies. I'll just take your word for it. "We went to war and killed some people, and when we got home our feelings were hurt because some kids spit on us." WA WA WA!

Yea people have a right to stand up for what they believe in and if your toes get stepped on, oh too bad cry babies! I thought they went there to fight for our freedom. If so, why are you so afraid of me expressing my freedom of speech?

Draw your gun too fast and you killed killed? You are a moron! What the hell do mean?

Experienced & knowlegable people don't have to overthink because they become a natural at the think and write process. Look at the best sports stars, do they have to stop and think everytime they act? Use your brain for something besides a paperweight!

Just wondering, first debate for you? Your debate skills are lacking.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 17, 2002 02:59:24 PM new

I've herd that quickdraws handle came not from fast bidding but from a sexual disfunction and it wasn't Quickdraw29 but "quickdraw2.9 seconds".

Since he can't take the heat, his best response to everyone that disagees with him is that they are "stupid, idiots or morons".

They don't hardly make 'em like Quickdraw any more - but just to be on the safe side, he should be castrated anyway

posted on November 17, 2002 03:11:02 PM new

Oh for God's sake!


I'm not here to defend quickdraw but will you get your mind off the male genitalia and back on the topic?

First it's Clinton's zipper and now you are calling for quickdraw's castration.

Good grief!


posted on November 17, 2002 03:37:07 PM new
Helen, Bear ROFLMAO!!!!!!!

Bear, I have thought of that since I first saw the name. Just didn't think it wise to bring it up. Whoops!

Helen, just put me right in there with the zipper, I guess.

Quickdraw. You have lost it. In that I mean read your own post. I don't like to upset people so I'll just leave you alone. One suggestion, though. Check out some history books about gunfighters in the old west from the library. They are from whom the saying "being quick on the draw" originated.

Geesh, I can't believe I'm trying to teach this kid history.


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