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posted on November 26, 2002 10:55:54 PM new
Why not start your own little thread aposter and quit trying to ruin someone else's? I might add that "try" is the key word... and not looking to successful from this end.

Ain't Life Grand...
posted on November 27, 2002 12:46:04 AM new
geez, I was LOL
I guess you can't even post a funny joke in the round table anymore.
critic's everywhere

I tell you If you can't laugh at a JOKE you need to seek help. the word "JOKE" is not to be take the subject literally. as in FICTION but can and may apply to you or someone you once knew, geez lighten up.

At our family gatherings you will find blondes and a ton of polish folk and we will all be telling jokes about the blonde and poll and we will be laughing, laughter is healthy and good for the soul, lighten up tell and da*m joke this Thanksgiving and listen to the laughter. I guess you should be talking about the health issues of those who don't laugh compared to those who do...

I would say have a happy thanksgiving but I guess most don't have a thing to be Happy about huh? I am thankful for so much Laughter is one of the things!


posted on November 27, 2002 07:14:01 AM new
Feminist? I would rather say Humanist. For all people, like Amina (sp?) in Nigeria, fearing being stoned to death for getting pregnant. She is sentenced to death by stoning, while the males cheered in the courtroom! If the government says she won't be because of outcrys, why is she still hiding. For black farmers waiting to be compensated for USDA racism. For speaking out against the jerk scientist sticking human genes into roses to get a blue color. For the ecosystem it will disrupt, as the other scientist's bright ideas are doing. I could go on, but won't.

In my job I am seeing the outcome of the little jokes on your sons and daughters. It isn't pretty. Don't think they aren't listening to you while you are sitting around the dining room table at Thanksgiving or out on the front steps slugging down a beer. Look at your daughter’s (or someone else’s daughters) face after you tell the joke. Listen carefully and you will hear your son repeat it later to the other 7 year olds in the neighorhood.

But, maybe that is what you guys are aiming for? If you can't produce, you can always tell jokes and make it look like you can!

Kids are listening and they have taken it into other forms. Date rape and date drugs are increasing at an alarming rate. Males are killing at younger ages. Can you blame high testosterone levels on a 7 yr old's actions?

Some young unmarried women are thinking for themselves, but I wonder to what end? I have just met another young mother who was artificially inseminated. This is not the first. When I ask why she took that route she said she could afford it and wanted one child; and didn’t want a husband who acted like one! I haven’t checked stats, but I will bet if I have met three there are MANY others out there feeling the same.

Maybe I would have let the joke go as I have so many others by posters here. But, like
I said it is a free forum, so I addressed the inaccurateness of the women and traffic accident part. What bothers me is so few people speak up when the “little” jokes, the “little” pictures, the “little” sex auctions pop up. Just a few good ole boys and some girls having fun!

Problem is those same thoughts were used back in the dark ages. Women are still fighting the same battles (addressing the same issues) and we REALLY haven’t gotten
all that far it appears. It was getting better, not anymore. Not with this new regime.

Didn’t take them very long either. Thursday before last Dennis Shedd and Michael
McConnell were pushed through for Circuit Court judges. Shedd was pretty much a gift
to honor Hatch and Thurman. Do a search on Google on both. McConnell is the Utah professor who would not give unmarried women birth control pills in his practice. Any age unmarried women! Is that not the ultimate male control of a female? Will they
keep their religious views out of it? Has Ashcroft? Bush?

Helen, I used the link because it was the only one that gave a broad statistic for infidelity. I had heard 60-70% for male infidelity outside marriage. I wasn’t using Moore’s written
material, just his statistics. As an independent, I voted for Clinton and think he had
a good rapport with the global nations, I do not think he was a great president when it
came to the environment and/or our food supply. He just didn’t create as many disasters
as Presidents like Reagan did, IMO.

We will have a Circuit Court judge who believes you should pray instead of using birth control methods, and will not issue birth control pills because of his views on conception. How far have we really advanced? Don’t think that kind of thinking will not show up
in laws and sentences? Would you like to take bets?

Sorry I derailed this amusing thread, Twelvepole. I really do not wish to start my own at
this time. Looks like you’re filling up the RT with ones you have found. Maybe you should bump your “Blondes” thread up, it isn’t doing very well right now. You have only two blonde jokes for the enlightened to tell around the Thanksgiving table—one being yours? Maybe others will add more for everyone’s holiday merriment.

For god’s sake, look around before you tell them. Are you really getting the kind of attention you want? If you could only hear groups of women talking about male and male’s jokes—(women of all ages) you might reconsider. You might get a laugh at the time (say around the table), but you give fuel for more laughter later when you are not around!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy the fruits of our Founding Father’s laws— accomplished through their wive’s and slave’s labors. The Founding Fathers were busy in the taverns, smoking clay pipes, orating, writing more laws and slapping server’s butts.

posted on November 27, 2002 07:24:08 AM new
Aposter... jokes don't need to have a lot of posts... just opened and read and laughed at... as I am sure you did.

Listen carefully and you will hear your son repeat it later

Not having children myself, I did tell all my nephews some good jokes just to keep the laughter going.

I wish I could wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Aposter, but somehow you would turn it around to some underlying evil... Bwahhhhhhaaaa...

Ain't Life Grand...
posted on November 27, 2002 07:43:08 AM new

Now, bear and twelvepole, don't you feel guilty for contributing to the pollution of the fine, Ameican Thanksgiving holiday with nasty, sexist jokes which will be spread around the beautifully decorated tables throughout the United States, creating the propensity for our good male children to become misogynistic women abusers and leading our little girls to expect such treatment and adapt to it as they lower their expectations to be nothing but sex objects.

Shame on you!....May your turkey burn up in the oven and your cranberry sauce be tainted with botulism!!!


posted on November 27, 2002 08:00:39 AM new

Just call me an "ole" Instigator.....a sure cure for the blah's,burned turkey and tainted cranberry's.

With proper storage of your cranberrys will not become tainted. I keep mine on ice.

As far a sexist jokes, I believe I gave equal bashing time to males & females.

If there is ONE thing I have taught my male child is a joke is a joke no matter what it is about. As far a abuse of women, it is something I will not stand for if I see it happening.

I have the scars to prove it. Several years ago one of my mothers male friends got drunk & hit her & my youngest brother.

I arrived at her apartment, had a talk with the guy & sent him on his way to the hospital. He wasn't hurt too badly and was released 2 weeks later.


posted on November 27, 2002 08:23:39 AM new

I knew that about you bear,

And I assume that you know that my comment was a joke...I even added one of those awful little smiling faces.


posted on November 27, 2002 08:42:19 AM new

Whewwwww, I'm OK now......took a second for the meds to kick in.

posted on November 27, 2002 12:14:12 PM new
I guess I have never been able to laugh at the jokes that were always told in the
local bars where the farm types (my grandpa included) would go every Saturday.
I didn’t like The Three Stooges either. My brothers and my boy friends would be ROTFLTAO and I would just sit there wondering how any one could think men
poking their fingers into each others eyes funny, and not just infantile. My brothers would try it on each other after the shows. Like the young males are doing now after watching one of the reality shows.

Bear1949 said: "As far a abuse of women, it is something I will not stand for if I see it happening. I have the scars to prove it. Several years ago one of my mothers male friends got drunk & hit her & my youngest brother. I arrived at her apartment, had a talk with the guy & sent him on his way to the hospital. He wasn't hurt too badly and was released 2 weeks later."

You never mentioned the police. Are you against “your Mother & brother abuse” or any
abuse of women?

Did you use your big Bear hands to beat him to a pulp as it sounds? Or did you use them
to restrain him and call the police? If you “had a talk” with him & sent him on his way to the hospital, without a police escort, you only stopped “your mother and brother” abuse. Not
those who came after. I thought you might edit the story, but you didn’t.

If you didn’t use your hands to restrain him and call the police, he left the hospital two weeks later
to beat the he11 out of someone else’s Mother or brother.

While our legal system doesn’t work half the time, at least his name would be on record. And
your Mother could have accidentally had her knife slip Lorena Bobbitt (sp?) style later if the law
fizzled out.

There are lists of convicted male (and I assume female) sex offenders on the internet now. I overheard a couple of attorneys saying there are some lists of men convicted of non-sexual abuse of children & females being readied for the internet for a couple counties (no names given), warning citizens of men convicted of that type of abuse. Maybe your Mother’s boyfriend could have been on that list if he is in the right state and the lists actually do get to the internet. Hope you did call the police, but just failed to mention it.

Well, my convalescent time is almost over. I can’t understand how some of you have
the time to stay by your computer and respond to very thread. Sorry, I don’t like your
jokes. It is still my right, isn’t it? Ever wonder what happens when telling jokes is no
longer enough to satisfy the fragile male ego?

[ edited by aposter on Nov 27, 2002 12:18 PM ]
posted on November 27, 2002 01:40:40 PM new

Shortly after he left a Harris County (TX) Deputy Sheriff that was working security at the apartments came & asked about a disturbance. I explained the situation to him, he filed a report of the incedent so the IDIOT couldn't file charges against me, then shook my hand & left.

This was in the early 80's, before this type abuse was widely prosecuted

The idiot later told friends of my mother, that he "SAW THE LIGHT" about assualting a woman or child.

As for "other women" , Yes I have interceded (sp) in two other incidents I witnessed.

Later in the 80's, I broke 2 fingers in one case (no the cops weren't called), in the other case (late 90's) I stepped between a coworker & her abusive boyfriend to prevent him from striking her. If it had come to blows so be it, I wasn't backing away.

Several weeks later he did strike her, giving her a black eye. I was able to persuade her to file charges against him.

I have been on the earth for over 50 years, I still will not stand by and watch a man strike a woman.

Ironically, if you look at the latest reports of domestic abuse, you will find as many women abusing their husbands as husbands abusing their wives.

posted on November 27, 2002 04:28:27 PM new

Actually, almost twice as many women are injured in domestic violence than men. According to the CDC, 1.5 million women and 834,700 men were physically assaulted last year.

The fact that men are generally stronger than women may contribute to the increased number of women who were injured.


posted on November 27, 2002 04:45:48 PM new
However many on either side is too many.

posted on November 27, 2002 08:26:19 PM new
Hey, go to your rooms!

Let's just all go and cook that perfect turkey, okay?

posted on November 28, 2002 06:01:47 AM new


I don't like anyone telling me where to go.

You go stuff your turkey. Okay?


posted on November 28, 2002 08:01:18 AM new
Helen.... are you hitting the egg nog again?

posted on November 28, 2002 08:34:32 AM new

Not yet, although you may motivate me in that direction.


posted on November 28, 2002 08:49:11 AM new

The truth...

Unfortunately, bear, I don't drink. I don't use anything legal or illegal to "take the edge off" so I am what I am...cold sober all the time.


posted on November 28, 2002 09:08:07 AM new
I didn't say anything about "Spiked" eggnog Helen...

posted on November 28, 2002 09:38:56 AM new
I'm good at reading what's not written and hearing what's not spoken, bear.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 28, 2002 09:40 AM ]
posted on November 29, 2002 09:04:22 AM new
Feeling a little testy are we Helen?

If I had thought you were hitting the bottle instead of the eggnog, I would have said so.

I write what I mean with no hidden suggestions.

Well Happy after Thanksgiving day...

posted on November 29, 2002 12:16:16 PM new
Hey BEAR! Thanks for your always appreciated ( by me anyway) Jokes! No matter who they offend...myself included! I love your posts! Sometimes, I don't want to analyze, be analyzed, justify or debate, I just want to hear a good joke and have a laugh. Is that soooo hard to understand these days? With all of the crap that goes on everyday...even here on the boards, people ( some more than others) just like to hear themselves talk,and with such hostility! We all take ourselves too seriously, we could all use a laugh at our own expense ( again, some more than others). Come on people..LIGHTEN UP!

posted on November 29, 2002 12:51:28 PM new
I write what I mean with no hidden suggestions.

Good! A no beat around the bush bear!!!

Always the best day is the day after the holiday!!! You have one too!


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 29, 2002 01:33 PM ]
posted on November 29, 2002 05:52:39 PM new
Inot...Thanks for the comment...I love stiring things up...

And if things get too boring....I stir a little harder...

Happy Holidays to all & to all a Good Night

Don't let the credit card fees bite you..

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