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posted on January 27, 2003 03:12:32 PM new


"I still wonder about this girl's morals, an unwed mother having a romantic relationship with someone she's known less than a month."

<end quote>

In this century, it's not unusual, Valleygirl. I heard that the other woman was a single mother. But if your report is true, being an unwed mother is not immoral.

Even Nathaniel Hawthrone recognized this in his book, The Scarlet Letter, written in 1850. Read it, and you may gain some understanding of morality.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jan 27, 2003 03:15 PM ]
posted on January 27, 2003 03:23:18 PM new
On morals - Sad to say that's not that unusual anymore. Many consider that normal behavior. I'm not part of that group, but then I'm old

posted on January 27, 2003 03:31:24 PM new
I still wonder about this girl's morals, an unwed mother having a romantic relationship with someone she's known less than a month.
Valleygirl, you don't know that she's an "unwed" mother. Maybe she's divorced. I was divorced when my son was 10 months old, and I dated. I never thought of myself as an "unwed mother", just single. She was told he was single both by Peterson, and whoever introduced him to her. Short of hiring a private investigator, I don't know how she would know that he was really married.

The Peterson family have decided not to issue a "statement" regarding this afterall. And Scott is not talking by order of his attorney. This is according to the Modesto Bee newspaper.


posted on January 27, 2003 03:44:15 PM new
Thanks Katy

posted on January 29, 2003 11:13:01 PM new
Husband did an interview with a Sacremento station today. Very matter of fact, about as cold as anyone I ever seen. Am I wrong or has he never mentioned the child when he talks about trying to find Lacey.

He explains his silence as a tactic that "we" came up with in the first few days to keep the press intereted. Interesting tactic.

He also says that he is speaking out now because all of the emphasis is on hmi, not his wife. Wouldn't co-operating with the police and taking the polygraph accomplish this better than doing an interview with a news station?

He did finally admit to the affair that he denied for ove a week. Guess there's no point in denying it when she stepped forward.

Has he ever explained why he decided to go on an unplanned fishing trip on Christmas eve 80 miles away leaving his pregnant wife alone?

posted on January 30, 2003 06:42:09 AM new
This guy's a real gem. Laci's friends saying on TV last night that they have a very hard time believing Scott's statement that Laci knew about the affair and was okay with it. Yea, right.

posted on January 30, 2003 06:58:15 AM new
Well, he's now making the rounds giving interviews. In another interview yesterday, he was asked about the blue tarp that a neighbor had seen him load into his car on the Christmas Eve morning. He responded that he was moving two patio umbrellas to his warehouse and it was easier to carry them by wrapping them in the tarp.

Very sad story. I can't imagine the horrible times Laci's family are going through now.


posted on January 30, 2003 07:00:56 AM new
You know Linda, my husband was commenting the other night that he found it odd that none of Laci's friends or family knew about the affair, as Scott said he had told Laci about it the beginning of December. Even if she hadn't told her mom about it, you can bet that she would have told at least one of her close girlfriends about it. That's what women do. They talk about stuff like that.

[ edited by KatyD on Jan 30, 2003 07:01 AM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 07:36:20 AM new
We are hearing very little about this in Florida, sorry in advance if my questions are stupid, KatyD.
If the husband is not a suspect, does that mean no one checked out his tarp story?
(heard zero about the blue tarp)
Has the 'warehouse' been checked?
WHY is this guy NOT a suspect?
Di dhis parents ever show or say anything?
Unfortunately, Laci has been gone too long to hold out much hope.
If she had left the SOB on her own free will (to clear her head & plan a better life for her & baby or whatever) she would've surfaced by now. Same thing if there had been an accident. At this point, foulplay is most likely.
I'm not sure if I agree with the part about telling a friend of the affair.
It would take me at least a few weeks to grasp the idea of my husband cheating on me before being able to share it with a friend.

Why would they randomly connect Scott to Kristen Smart just because he was a student at Cal Poly?
Seems like they must have something else on him, no?
Is any of that being investigated further?
(did he have classes with her, live in the same dorm, were they friends, etc?)
I'm sure there were 'unsolved mysteries' where many of us went to College but if we were to be in Scott's shoes, there would never be the thought of our involvement in it. What connects HIM? I'm sure there are others who were students at Cal Poly at the time who have since committed crimes ~ I don't recall hearing about any or whether they become suspects in her disappearance. Why did it come up about Scott being there at the same time? There has to be cause for it to even be mentioned, no?
There seem to be so many missing pieces in the information.
Where are this guy's old girlfriends, high school buddies, fishing pals? Did he have a habit of going fishing alone?
Doesn't anyone know anything?
I feel for Laci & her family.
They are probably only a smidgen as frustrated as you or I.

posted on January 30, 2003 09:18:12 AM new
:: WHY is this guy NOT a suspect? ::

He is a suspect. Investigators took sonar out in the water where he said he was fishing (which BTW I don't think they have found any witnesses to confirm), all the found was an old anchor.

::Why would they randomly connect Scott to Kristen Smart just because he was a student at Cal Poly? ::

Someone called in and told them that they remember Scott from CP at that time. I guess it was just the similar "into thin air" disappearances that made them connenct it. That case is so cold that it's probabl going to take a confession to solve it.

:Where are this guy's old girlfriends, high school buddies, fishing pals? ::

That's the wierd part isn't it. Now that her parents have backed off their support, where are his friends (like the one that introduced him to the girlfriend) o come to his support.

When David Westerfield was charged with the murder of Daniel Van Dam I alsway thought it was wierd that we were not hearing faily members coming to his rescue, where was his daughter telling everyone and their mother he could not have done it, and his ex-wife, and his son...... Turns out the didn't think he was innocent. Maybe that's why the only person that has supported Scott is the parent in laws that obviously didn't know him well.

Edited to make sense [ edited by neonmania on Jan 30, 2003 09:43 AM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 09:30:01 AM new
neonmania, right before the "girlfriend story" was confirmed, there were a few of Scott's high school friends that were supporting him on Rick Roberts show (San Diego talk radio). But I haven't heard anything since the affair was disclosed.

As for the Kristen Smart disappearance, I don't think he's connected to that. It looks like a coincidence. Actually the guy who was the last one to be with her (or see her)the night she disappeared is the main suspect. But evidently not enough proof to charge him.

Modesto police aren't saying much about what leads they have. I know they searched his warehouse, and also recovered a blue tarp from the bay when they searched. They're just not talking about what they have or don't have. Right now I imagine they are letting him do all the talking.


posted on January 30, 2003 09:48:28 AM new
::right before the "girlfriend story" was confirmed, there were a few of Scott's high school friends that were supporting him on Rick Roberts show (San Diego talk radio). But I haven't heard anything since the affair was disclosed.::

Isn''t Rick Roberts the one whose producer was banned from the Westerfield trial? I've never listened to him- I spend too much time yelling at the radio during those shows and the neighbors think I have lost my mind.

posted on January 30, 2003 09:50:48 AM new
Laci's parents & friends will be on the John Walsh Show today ~
I've never seen the show before ~
any opinion on the credibility of it?
It seems like more of a talk show format than News, no?
Yes, Katy, everything about the Smart case seems to point a finger at the guy she was last with ~ how he can get away with refusing to talk really irks me.
Kristen's mom is supposed to be on the John Walsh show too.
Did Scott's parents ever show up with support or to make a statement?
thanks for clarifying that he is a suspect ~ in everything I've read they seem to make a point of stating that he is not a suspect.

posted on January 30, 2003 09:55:07 AM new
LoL! Yeah, that's the guy. Judge Mudd banned her because he had a mole in his courtroom who was telling Roberts all this confidential stuff that wasn't supposed to come out. Only Roberts knew who the "source" was, but Judge took it out on River (the producer).

He's on at 3 PM. I will tell you he has good law enforcement "sources". But too many commercials.


posted on January 30, 2003 10:46:10 AM new
about Scott being or not being a suspect:

from day one, all the police have said is "he cannot be ruled out as a suspect". They were begging people up and down the valley who might have seen his vehicle and boat driving or at the marina to come forward. No one has.
Not my name on ebay.
posted on January 30, 2003 10:49:16 AM new
I have seen the John Walsh show a few times but he's not a real great interviewer. Lots of "uhs" and a lack of in depth questions. The show really drags at times.

I don't think Scott is an official suspect yet because the police can't prove a crime has occured. They haven't released much evidence from the searches but there hasn't been any mention of blood, weapons, foul play, etc.

The police did search his warehouse but didn't answer any questions about what was found, if anything.

I agree that Scott has appeared emotionless and disinterested~until the mistress comes out on TV. I think it's a case of CYA.

As for her family, I think they must know something more to have quit supporting him. The life insurance is easily explained and if he had truly told Laci about the affair then that's water under the bridge. I wonder if they got a creepy feeling from the beginning or if he has been acting oddly. Everyone was saying how much he gushed over Laci and how he loved her but I haven't seen any of that in his few interviews.

I hope Laci is okay and that she comes home before her son is due on February 10. This is such a heartbreaking situation for her family and I really feel for them. It's the not knowing that has got to be so distressful.

posted on January 30, 2003 10:50:36 AM new
When we first heard about her disappearance, my first thought was baby stealing, since she was fairly close to her due date. There was another woman abducted around 2 years? ago, and the baby cut out of her.

Then, when I heard Scott had the affair, I wondered if maybe she disappeared on her own, to get her thoughts together. However, everything I've ever heard or read about her, I cannot imagine she would put her parents and siblings through the pain.

So, in my mind, we are back to Scott being the main suspect. A neighbor came forward and said that Laci always opened her drapes or blinds first thing in the morning. It is being speculated now that she disappeared after her phone call to her mother the night before because the drapes were never opened on 12-24.

Not my name on ebay.
posted on January 30, 2003 11:06:26 AM new
Thanks for the updates! Scott is the main suspect of course. Have you heard of any other leads or people the police are questioning? Just guessing, but maybe Scott told his wife about the affair and that's what caused this whole thing. When he mentioned his wife was OK with the affair, I suspected he was lying. There's no way a pregnant woman would be OK with an affair imo.

[ edited by kraftdinner on Jan 30, 2003 11:14 AM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 11:14:28 AM new
Ain't that truth, kraftdinner. Your hormones are already wacko at that stage of pregnancy. Most women would go ballistic.

Interestingly, there's mention of concrete blocks, which Scott has said that he kept at the warehouse (and home?) because he used it in his line of work.

So...concrete blocks..large tarp..boat..bay...


posted on January 30, 2003 11:39:22 AM new
Valleygirl - That same thought came to my mind too. [kidnapping to have the newborn]

KatyD - he found it odd that none of Laci's friends or family knew about the affair, as Scott said he had told Laci about it the beginning of December. Even if she hadn't told her mom about it, you can bet that she would have told at least one of her close girlfriends about it..

About 'odd' - It was a very short time between 11-24 [when girlfriend says relationship began] and the beginning of Dec. [when he supposedly told Laci] So what? we're talking about 2 weeks from when it started 'til she finds out?
If Scott really did tell Laci she may not have shared that with family as she may have still been trying to accept it herself, or because of the upcoming holidays. Maybe IF he'd promised her 'it won't happen again' she wanted to keep it private so her family and friends wouldn't think less of him?

But for Scott to say I told her and it was okay with her......right! Plus Laci's brother, when shown the picture of the girlfriend by the police stated he asked Scott directly if it were true...and Scott said no.

posted on January 30, 2003 11:41:31 AM new
I didn't hear (except here) that he was seen loading a blue tarp into his vehicle. We know a blue tarp was found in the Berkley marina almost immediately.

To clarify one thing: Scott never said his wife was OK with the affair, in fact, he said while she *wasn't OK* with it, it was not something that would break them up.

The following is directly copied from the Good Morning American inverview:

"Wife Not ‘OK’ With the Cheating

"You know, I can't say that even, you know, she was OK with the idea, but it wasn't — it wasn't anything that would break us apart," Peterson said."

Not my name on ebay.
[ edited by Valleygirl on Jan 30, 2003 11:53 AM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 11:50:20 AM new
zoomin - [i]John Walsh Show today ~
I've never seen the show before ~
any opinion on the credibility of it[/i]?

Have you heard of America's Most Wanted show? His son was kidnapped in a store, while his wife was shopping, and later his body was found beheaded. Since then he's made it his lifes work to find and get criminals of all sorts off the streets. Done a great job of it too.

Other subjects for you.

Lg. ins. policy - question as to when it was purchased and if only on Laci or on both of them.

When Laci first went missing - he made the cops get a court order to search their home. - Me, I'd have opened the doors wide for them, not require a search warrant.

Wouldn't cooperate with police at all....immediately gets CRIMINIAL lawyer...not just any lawyer.

wouldn't take lie detector test.

reports of money problems, bankruptcy..claim and denied
Supposedly they were broke but he pays big $$ to join Golf country club.

Those are a few I can think of that haven't (?) been mentioned.

posted on January 30, 2003 12:13:56 PM new
I know about John Walsh and his son (nasty story in itself!) and when he was hostinf America's Most Wanted ~ I didn't know that he had a new show.
I think I am looking for newsworthy information (like you posted), rather than a talk show with a distraught family (seems like the format of the program).

The insurance policy thing didn't mean much to me ~ purchased after they found out she was pregnant, maybe it was a high risk delivery. When people start a family that do lots of 'getting your ducks in a row' type of things like making a will, etc.

Super Odd about the Court Order for the warrant (hadn't heard that) ~ I agree with you ~ I would be begging every type of professional available to go over my house with a fine tooth comb looking for clues.

I hadn't read that he had a criminal lawyer, either.
Is it the media swaying us towards Scott?
He looks guiltier than hell to me.
He *must* have more information.

I don't think Scott is an official suspect yet because the police can't prove a crime has occured
that's the only reason I can see for not labelling him as a 'suspect'.
Even when Laci's family was supporting him, where was his family?
They know him best so they're keeping their mouths shut?
I was hoping she left on her own to get some space and figure things out.
Doesn't seem possible anymore.

That thing about the drapes is eerie!

posted on January 30, 2003 12:24:49 PM new
About the tarp--heard on the news last night his interview with a San Jose news station (why not a local one?). He claimed he was loading 8ft. market umbrellas into his truck. A little late to start "winterizing". He hasn't been helpful whatsoever to the investigation and in fact has been standoff-ish. Hence the "We cannot eliminate him as a suspect".

He has never pleaded with her to come home or with whoever has her to let her go. He hasn't mentioned how much he loves her and how much she meant. Nothing about the son, Connor.

He also mentioned that he has some "theories" about what happened to Laci but declined to elaborate in fear of more scrutiny on himself.

He may or may not be guilty but he's not helping his case.

posted on January 30, 2003 12:41:20 PM new
zoomin - Try a search on the Modesto Bee Newspaper. Plenty there. Recommend you start backwards [date wise].

Oh yes...report that blood was found on the floor in their home...explained that it could have been from a cut...etc.

Valleygirl - You don't need to prove yourself to anyone here. We believe what you said. As these stories continue to be followed, you'll hear all sorts of different things said. I posted what I heard, and you posted what you heard. That doesn't mean what you said isn't believed. I do believe you.

posted on January 30, 2003 12:43:49 PM new
Thanks for clearing that up Valleygirl. You hear a lot of different things from different sources.

My thought is still why would would a husband have an affair and TELL his wife when she was 8 months pregnant? and STILL carry on the affair after she was told?

Are you thinking cement shoes Katy? Geez, I didn't hear that one yet.

Wanted to say hi to zoomin!!

posted on January 30, 2003 12:50:22 PM new
P.S. Does anyone think she really went missing the night before Christmas Eve day?

posted on January 30, 2003 02:58:38 PM new
I live less than an hour away from this madness. I hear it hourly on the radio broadcasts, and nightly on the television.

Linda: my reason for clarifying someone's earlier post (about ok vs not ok) is: I don't want to be responsible for rumors. I'm trying to be real careful that anything I report here is verifiable by a source.

When I post my speculation, I'm trying to be certain to label it as such.
Not my name on ebay.
posted on January 30, 2003 03:09:58 PM new
Valleygirl - Thanks for explaining how you operate. I, for one, appreciate what you share.

posted on January 30, 2003 03:10:33 PM new
Kraft and Zoomin:

Yes, the thing about the drapes makes me think she came up missing just after her phone call to her mother.

Another thing: I live here in this valley, and those of you who don't, there are some weather things that come into play.

We have fog and we have Tule Fog. The fog goes right though us, and wets us to the bone. It is downright cold and chilling. I don't recall the weather on that day because I was busy and to tell the truth, I didn't hear she was missing until 12-27. That's when it really hit the news.

Also, I live in a law enforcement household, three sons are correctional officers and DH is a Parole Agent. They talk shop all the time, and I've helped out (volunteered) in my DH office. So I've seen and heard about
the worst of society.

We know that Laci and her husband were to go to Laci's parents on Christmas eve for dinner, then Christmas day would be spent at Laci's house.

I know if I had those events planned, I would not want my husband going up to the Berkley Marina fishing. I would say to him, "what if something happens and you run late, or the motor stops, or, or, or?" I would make my point strongly that I didn't want him to go. Besides, if she was having dinner at her house the next day, she would be busy with preparations, and probably have honey do's planned for him.

Fishing on the day before Christmas when dinner was at the in-laws just doesn't make sense to me.

So when I mentioned it to my DH, he said, "well, maybe that was her Christmas gift to him, a trip out away from the madness of the preparations, and maybe she really wanted him out from underfoot?"

I guess DH had a point, but *I* still wouldn't want mine to go fishing on THAT day.

Not my name on ebay.
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