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posted on September 15, 2001 05:06:10 PM new
joice - Sorry, but just though that we had a right to defend ourselves - maybe I did take it a little too far, but if you knew the insults ect. this person has accomplished on ePier chat boards in defense of ePier's lies, I honestly think you would understand.

Sorry again, I shall try to make statements without emotion from now on.
[ edited by opals4u on Sep 15, 2001 06:03 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2001 05:47:02 PM new
I agree wholeheartedly with you, but I think Kim all along had NOTHING but his future in mind..not the users. We advertised for him, we sent emails for him, made T-Shirts and Bumper Stickers to advertise him....when I was an advocate I did a "LOT" for him, as did others. He is nothing but a greedy ebay wannabe! and has been proven to be a LIAR AND A CHEAT!!!

posted on September 15, 2001 08:05:39 PM new
I agree with Relay 100% and also Opals.....the proof of the pudding is there...go check the Homepage!!!

posted on September 16, 2001 06:15:59 AM new
I like the site and the way the layout is improving! Needs more color and flair like BargainandHaggle but that's another story! Actually made a few sales on ePier since I last posted on this thread. I couldn't care less whether they went back on their words as long as they improve sell-through and make it a viable venue for sellers. I'm used to being screwed by the likes of eBay, Gegy, Yahoo, PayPal, etc. so a company going back on their word is nothing new AND to be expected. I don't care much about a site's customer service either, having been used to eBay and Yahoo's non-existent customer service --- my only desire is that a site is a PROFITABLE use of my time.

I don't waste time supporting sites and trying to help them grow since obviously it's proved futile --- see all these small, free user supported sites that are TOTAL FAILURES in terms of sell-through and selling prices. But if a site shows improving sell-through and low fees, I'm there!!! Obviously the support of the little guy got ePier next to nothing in terms of growth momentum --- the site was actually stagnating or regressing. However, supporting these small sites is a nice gesture, but in reality little more than that. Most users couldn't care less about how we support these small sites. They go where the best prices are and where there's a safe trading environ. Kim may have no public relations ability, but if he can steer the ship toward more successful achievements due to his recent changes, more power to him. He probably recognized the grave errors in his past business plan and is now making the hard choices to steer his ship toward eventual success. Income generating sites are the only true viable venues for sellers and the idea of charging for image hosting should be considered strongly. That's a huge area to exploit for a low cost provider! Kim ought to include ePier's image hosting under the guise of another company so that eBay users could use it. JMHO

posted on September 16, 2001 07:27:38 AM new
Let's see how much of a sell through rate and numbers on the auction listing they have when they release the active auctions they are holding hostage, remove the numbers of already pulled auctions from their totals, reduce the storefront totals of closed shops, and start collecting all those FVF's with NO security in place....heck, anyone can and does get countless ID's easily...I got a new one for shucks and giggles just to see if it could be done after being banned...haven't used it and don't plan to but I even gave ALL accurate personal info to get another. I've always identified myself using other ID's so there was no mistake that I was the one speaking....I've never had to hide behind a cowards id to say something to anyone! If I was wanting to stir stuff up I would have like all the other trolls do...this is over lack of trust plain and simple and you can bet your sweet bippy that if someone is wanting my money they better be accountable for it.

Also...I just wonder how long people will tolorate all the DB's there...go check out PierPals (www.geocities.com/pierpals/) and look at the Feedback Walk of Shame! Users in the double digits still racking up those negatives cos there is NO protection for either sellers or buyers. What put that site on the map was the militaria sellers and they were singled out to pay in order to sell...it was laid out to be a verification fee in order to justify charging the sellers making that site, be the ones to also carry it! How much of a sell through rate do you think there would be if most of them also go to another site....ePier started banning items there already as well....it seems to be only a matter of time before they pull another eBay move...shoot, they've already put the cart so far ahead of the horse that I doubt a few successful sellers will hold that site together....many more are getting NO bids or hits. I sold very well there....probably more than most dollar for dollar but I can do that anywhere.....and do...so if you're into never knowing what going to happen with someone dealing with "your" money...go right ahead, I'll keep mine with the ones I trust )

posted on September 16, 2001 09:14:53 AM new
eSeller004 said: "I couldn't care less whether they went back on their words as long as they improve sell-through and make it a viable venue for sellers."

I can't believe you actually said that.
You don't care that they lie to their users?

posted on September 16, 2001 09:43:23 AM new
I dont agreee that free sites must charge to live (fvf and stuff). JUST as an EXAMPLE epier might have made $20,000 in a year as they were annd in 3 years may have accumulated $60,000 or or more. AS to allowing greed or RELATED motivations to try getting that $60,000 in 1 year. It is a matter of wisdom which comes only from experience. This tells me that Kim (epier owner) is still not very experienced. I have had consignors on my auctions, when I found out they were using that money generated from the auctions I listed for them, I dumped them on the spot that very 10 minutes. I found that some users of epier were in my opinion "subversive" and "Benidict Arnolds". Then the constant poor desicions on epier itself its just not a sea worthy vessel. I have taken all but 50 auctions off for those reasons (the rest soon), now they are charging for image hosting so all but 125 er so pics I have removed. NOW I HEAR they will charge insertion fees for listing there. Sorry but If I was doing well there like on a regular basis OK maybe, but not now. IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS a ship of fools is bound to sink and I aint going down with the ship.

posted on September 16, 2001 10:15:36 AM new
They are charging for the images and going to charge listing charges? KISS OF DEATH. Bye, bye Epier

posted on September 16, 2001 11:53:58 AM new

I really don't care what policies they change as long as it's to the betterment of the site in terms of sell-through and selling prices. Obviously the playbook they had been working from the past 6 months didn't work. IMO ePier had been worse than mediocre the past 6 months! It's time to change or hang it up! Heck, they could trash the site and change all the rules tomorrow as long as it proves more profitable for sellers shortly thereafter. I really don't have time to waste with these pathetic free sites where you make 2 or 3 sales every 6 months. We have TOO MANY of those! I'm hoping ePier wants to change. But to appease it's current fragile user base they may want to hire a real PR person to explain the rationale for the changes. JMHO

posted on September 16, 2001 11:55:45 AM new
Let's not cloud the issues with innuendo & rumor-- there's nothing I've seen on ePier to suggest listing fees are imminent, also, even though many ePier users *saw* the pricing schedule for image hosting fees, ePier quickly pulled it and then stated in emails to members that "image hosting is and will remain free"
Why they would even be experimenting with image hosting price schedules if they have no intention to charge is highly suspicious though..... time will tell

posted on September 16, 2001 01:06:57 PM new
I guess that will end up just like the promises over and over again about the FVF....then boom...those happen. Just like the vm fees would mean something...then boom...nada, they mean moot unless you want to sell militaria items or adult stuff. Shoot to look they even charge ya. The verification is broken down to be pay and play...they could care less if you're old enough or give the right contact info! Now they got caught "before" they had a chance to throw out another of their surprise changes in programs....lol...I wonder how many other "surprises" are in the works that alter their original promises?

posted on September 17, 2001 11:09:23 AM new
I have nothing but respect and friendship with the very few ePier Sellers that remain, who I got to know ~ less than 10....I bear them no ill and wish them the BEST!<P> I am not challenging the Sellers/Buyers....I am disgusted at ePier management (all 4 or so of them)....they lied as many saw that "oops! we posted the Image Hosting Fees live..geesh ERROR Will Robinson!!!!".....and then had the GALL to deny it and basically call the person a LIAR! I was banned (without warning) from a site that I helped to promote (back in my gullible days!).....they gave no reason, refuse to answer my emails or phone calls......I had Charity Auctions that I wanted to promote and now am unable to do that!<P>
Sorry folks but they have proven to me to be untrustworthy and very selective in their "who shall we ban from the site" decisions......and will be proven as such in the days to come!

posted on September 18, 2001 12:07:42 AM new
Now check out what ePier tried to do with Goldenpony....charge her a FVF for auctions that ended way before they were to charge a FVF! In the meantime they BANNED her access to delete her auctions!
WAKE UP people!

posted on September 18, 2001 02:48:33 PM new
sOMETHING strange?Attn: relayerone..dates have been changed on your sad face @ misc. over there & others....seems a feeble attempt to change dates?thought you should know..odd
Regarding these problems..yes when i mentioned bidding glitch there trying to help....everyone drove me off the site..these people have done nothing wrong except they were duped...now you see i was just trying to warn you...bitt
posted on September 18, 2001 04:42:39 PM new
Bitt-- when you say "dates have been changed on your sad face @ misc. over there & others"--- I don't know what that means? Dates? What "sad face"? lol

posted on September 18, 2001 05:12:38 PM new
sorry..LOL miscellaneous area on the dock.right? .. i guess was mador's looks has been backdated?..has your name too...to july? then sept? weird..wonder why? they must be fooling with records..get it?.check it out..
hey...they locked everyones email over there..i cannot find anyone..pier is an ebay wanna be or what now?
posted on September 18, 2001 05:27:37 PM new
Okay, when was "Everyone's e-commerce Portal" added to the pages?

It doesn't appear on the home page, but when you click on the link for the forums or for more verified users, it appears.

Anyone know? Is it possible they are going to totally change their format and start co-branding with other auction sites ala edeal (wasn't it edeal where you could set up your own auction site and show up in their search, or something like that)?
posted on September 18, 2001 09:13:07 PM new
WEEEELLLL, I dont know much about auction soft ware, beta delta (some gama)or epsilon. I dont even know what all is involved with the movements of planets; but I do know that when the sun starts to go down it gets DARK. These things happening at epier are the "seven seals of the end times" for them and guess who the FOUR HORSEMEN of the Apocolypse are. What they are doing is called a "scramble". I am just glad I got outta there. one lasy analogy, they will be asking for CC or an equivalent pay system soon, and it will go mysteriously wrong and epier maybe dissappear. "The devil know his time is short" and is taking as much as he can with him as he leaves. THIS is what I see forthcoming.
posted on September 18, 2001 09:22:11 PM new
posted on September 18, 2001 10:34:02 PM new
I re-read my Nostrodamus book today and just like I thought .. he predicted the fall of ePier in the Autumn of 2001 due to "lies of the founder followed by the rage of his followers".

posted on September 19, 2001 12:14:25 AM new
"And I saw an angel open the 1st seal, and 1/3 of all the sellers left, and 1/3 of all the bidders left. And there appeared a beast and the beast had a mark 'BBB' and said "Woe Woe Woeto the mighty epier, epier the great has fallen" And a false prophet arose from among them, his name no one can say, and he began to say "It is here sales are here bidders are here" Yea verily, the sellers began to ride the whore of babelpier and many were tricked into the abyss. BUT then a shinning light appeared in the sky to RELAY a meesage, and this relayer had with him a host of angels that made the sound of a BEE. AND this relayer of message rode upon a GOLDENPONY, and the souls cried out to this relaer of the message "If you build it they will come" These are the revelations I have seen. May the force be with you.
posted on September 19, 2001 05:03:05 PM new
I would not give ePier the time of day let alone my Credit Card Number....they are trying to Bill GP for "closed" auctions that ended 02/01...God hope the Sellers there keep good records if they are being charged FVF....and do not have a high limit on their Credit Cards.....

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