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posted on February 16, 2003 01:24:10 PM new
"Oh Muslims, do not fear America because we have defeated them repeatedly and they are the most cowardly of people when you meet them face to face."

Propaganda. We do it ,they do it. Propaganda.That is what it is.Don't let it scare you.

[ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 16, 2003 01:24 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2003 01:40:47 PM new
Sunday's protest march in Adelaide, South Australia;
consistent reports in media are that 100,000
were in attendance. (Adelaide’s pop. aprox.=1.Mill) that’s about 10% of local population.

Protest of this size has not been seen since Vietnam War.

posted on February 16, 2003 01:53:36 PM new

posted on February 16, 2003 02:15:09 PM new
rawbunzel - I'm not scared. I'm angry at what the actions of those terrorists have done/did to our nation. I'm angry at how my country's sense of security will never be the same as it was. I'm angry at what I see this is doing to our economy. And I don't want to live like Israel has lived. I'm in agreement with those who want to eliminate them. Not scared at all. Ready to fight.

posted on February 16, 2003 02:34:07 PM new
Lina_K “I'm angry at how my country's sense of security will never be the same as it was”

Perhaps that will give you an understanding of how it feels to live elsewhere.
Union Carbide did plenty in Bhopal to help the US economy. 6,500 imediate deaths, not including later cancers and deformed births.

Also don't forget that the US assisted in training some of these current terrorists.
Why not elliminate them? (rhetorical question)
I read today that 50% of Iraq poppulation is under 14yrs.

posted on February 16, 2003 02:39:14 PM new
I read today that 50% of Iraq poppulation is under 14yrs.

Probably because Saddam has eliminated the adults who have opposed him.

posted on February 16, 2003 03:36:03 PM new
rawbunzel - I'll ask you the same thing I asked of Helen. When those who are like minded say things to people who are not like minded, there is no one who comes on and tells them they don't like what their calling others. Only, imo, when it's those who are doing so that aren't in agreement do these 'name calling' problems seem to bother anyone.

You can call me anything you'd like. Your friend krs does....don't see you telling him to not insult anyone. It would only bother me if I believed it to be true. I'll call things as I see them.

edited [hit the wrong button.]
[ edited by Linda_K on Feb 16, 2003 03:41 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2003 04:03:48 PM new
The difference between KRS, Borillar and you is that those two have always been the way they are and you have just become like them recently.I am surprised that you would want to be in the same catagory as them since you despise them so much. You can and do speak up against what they say to you. I am speaking up to you in the same manner.

You have become that which you hate . Ironic, no?

If you are so angry at the terrorists then why do you want to bomb Iraq? They had nothing to do with the terrorist attack.Better go get BinLaden. He is the head terrorist.

I can't believe you have bought into the rhetoric the way you have.

I agree with Choco, you do sound hysterical.

[ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 16, 2003 04:06 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2003 04:20:34 PM new
rawbunzel - You're entitled to your opinion of course. I don't agree with how you see things though.

I am surprised that you would want to be in the same catagory as them since you despise them so much. Don't call me on my behavior, when you don't do the same to them. I do not despise them, I don't even know them. I disagree with most of what they post.

You have become that which you hate . Ironic, no? No, again because I don't hate them and I don't feel they can't say what they think or feel. I might not like it...as you apparently don't like me calling any one pro-Saddam. Fine...your point is taken.

If you are so angry at the terrorists then why do you want to bomb Iraq? I'm not going to list each and every post I've even made on this subject. He presents a threat to our world and our country.

Better go get BinLaden. For some reason you and others appear to be of the belief that we've stopped trying. We haven't. There are reports all the time about some A-Q [right hand men] being arrested. He himself has many protecting him...lots of Muslim nations where he is getting protection. You seem to think it's so easy.

I can't believe you have bought into the rhetoric the way you have. Yep...same way I think when I read all the anti-American government posts I read. It's no different. We've just chosen different sides.

I agree with Choco, you do sound hysterical. Oh, but if I were debating/arguing on your side of the issue, it would appear different to you, I'm sure. Think what you will.

posted on February 16, 2003 04:35:05 PM new
Sadam had plenty of help Linda, from USA.
Or can’t you ‘see’ that, to make the ‘call’.

“If you are so angry at the terrorists then why do you want to bomb Iraq? They had nothing to do with the terrorist attack.Better go get BinLaden. He is the head terrorist.”

Go on Linda, answer rawbunzel’s question.
And after, you can also explain why you don’t think that associations with terrorist is not ‘just’ cause for bombing all associates, including FBI or CIA or some Poindexter/North type.

posted on February 16, 2003 04:36:40 PM new
I am surprised that you would want to be in the same catagory as them since you despise them so much.

Don't call me on my behavior, when you don't do the same to them. I do not despise them, I don't even know them. I disagree with most of what they post.

I am calling you on your behavior because you are talking to me. When KRS and Borillar say something you do not like then it is up to you to say something to them. Not my place to say anything unless it is way over the top. I am not the boards policeperson.I believe I have only said something one time and that was when Helen was called something that was totally uncalled for....beyond that even. Your fights are your own.If they said something really horrible and I saw it [that is also key] then I would say something no matter which side you are on.

Here is how I feel on the rest. We need to get BinLaden before we go into Iraq or we will inflame the entire region and even some moderates will flock to Bin Laden cause. We can contain Saddam as long as there are inspectors there and the whole world is watching. He is not much threat at the moment. BinLaden clearly is a threat.He has nothing at all to lose.Saddam does.BinLaden will use a war with Iraq to further his cause. If he is out of the picture first that issue is moot.Saddam is a creep, he is vile he is many things but he is not a threat to us at this time.
If we alientate the rest of the world do you really think they will help us in eliminating the terrorist cells that are in their countries? Germany? France?Spain? Do you think they might just start to leave them alone to do their thing if we become the aggressors? There is the whole world to think about here not just Iraq, not just the US. No country, not even the US should be allowed to do premeptive strikes on a sovereign nation, not without the blessing of a large part of the world.And I am not talking about the countries we've been able to buy.

We the people of America have not been told all the "proof" that we supposedly have on Saddam but you can bet your bottom dollar that other countries leaders have been given that info and they still don't see the urgency for going into Iraq. Don't you wonder why that is? I do.
I am not against going after Saddam. Not at all.I'd love to see his head on a plate and his wicked sons too. Just not now. How does that translate into backing him?

edited because it is does not do.
[ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 16, 2003 04:41 PM ]
Edited again because the fix made it worse. [ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 16, 2003 04:42 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2003 04:59:29 PM new
You're wrong about the evidence Rawbunzel. Tony Blair will not be led around by the nose by a conservative US president if there wasn't overwhelming evidence to gain his support. In fact, Blair has independent evidence in reaching his position.

The problem that the silly protesters, peace at any price, and appeasers don't get is that there is some evidence that just can not be made public, and can not be shared with nations like Russia, Germany and France because they will rat out the sources.

There is no way Blair and all the other world leaders would follow Bush blindly into this action without a degree of indepenent certainty that Hussein must go.

Britain's intellegence service is second to none. Could it be that all these world leaders on the side of the US are wrong and all the countries that have these multi-billion dollar contacts with Iraq are right?

Don't think so.

posted on February 16, 2003 05:08:57 PM new
Reamond, at this time I believe anything is possible and either side could be wrong.
That is the very reason now is not the time to go in willy-nilly.

If we thought it was so urgent why did we even dink around with the UN? Why even try to get others to our side? Why not just do it and be done.We had more allys before we started showing "proof" than we do now.
I almost wish we had gone in right away. It is getting very ,very messy.Really, I wish that Bush #1 had finished the job he started.

posted on February 16, 2003 06:09:31 PM new
The peace protest would have been a good place to start with any contact disease, I wonder if it happen. In two or three weeks we will know for sure.


posted on February 16, 2003 07:36:50 PM new
Just wanted all to know I sent off an E-mail to President George W. Bush. Stating my support for him on the Iraqi thing.

I call it a thing because I really don't know what it is. It's not a war or a conflict. What is it that our fine Socialist's are calling it?

I don't agree with the administration on every thing. I think there economic plans are crap. The taking away of American Citizens rights bothers me deeply. Remember now I said citizens. I don't care what they do to the illegal aliens. With in reason.

The UN has filed 17 or more warnings to cease or pay the consequences to Saddam. He hasn't. They do nothing but wait. Wait for what? The END?

Of the UN's threats are a joke because the only one that can or would do anything to uphold there proclamations is the United States. The UN has no teeth. It's a social club. I would be better placed on the French Rivera.

Saddam Hessien, may very well be the most dangerous person of our Generation (I was born just after Hitler's death). For all you deep thinking Intellectuals that are always comparing President Bush to Hitler.

Here's a time line of Saddam Hessien life.


Reverend Colin
[ edited by colin on Feb 16, 2003 07:45 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2003 08:31:54 PM new
fred, that is a very interesting point you made... that would be a perfect place to send a 'contact' (sick-smallpox etc) person into those crowds.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 16, 2003 08:55:09 PM new
Terrorists are a breed of cats who take advantage blending into crowds. Using them to promote their dastardly deeds.

The larger the crowd the better it is.

Ever wonder why most organizers & speakers of protest marches have their own body guards & even go to the extreme removing themselves quickly after speeches?

They do not like being in contact with the crown.

They pay good money for others to do this. You never see them come in physical contact unless they are sure of the protester. If something happens, let them take the hit.


posted on February 16, 2003 09:43:27 PM new
wow, that really IS something to think about... these protests were 'advertised' well in advance (NOT putting down the anti war people) but I suppose, in THEIR THINKING, this would be the perfect place... for terrorism.... an unseen one.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 16, 2003 10:32:12 PM new
Any crowded rush hour subway car or commuter train gives better opportunities for closer physical contact.

Many a time I've had nothing to hang on to when commuter trains I've been on have made a sudden lurch. Not a problem - the press of people around me would keep me upright. I don't miss those days at all.

[ edited by stockticker on Feb 16, 2003 10:32 PM ]
posted on February 17, 2003 12:10:22 AM new
>How would you like it if I called you a "blood thirsty war-mongering Nazi" ?

Rawbunzel, such nonsense is beneath most people's dignity, but not for Uncivil Anti-Libertarians. Of course Linda has exceeded herself in being insulting, but at the same time, she has lowered herself to depth where most people will not even deign to recognize her existance for it. Such is the price of small thinking.

posted on February 17, 2003 01:14:07 AM new
Of course the protests are significant. It's harder to fudge the numbers than with some supposed Bush popularity poll, or even election results, because the evidence is right there. I don't recall that kind of turnout, even during the Vietnam war.

I was a bit surprised to hear newscasters characterizing the attendees as for the most part either chronic protesters, or else people with nothing better to do. As if 10 million people "just happened" to be marching in the streets.

I said before that I don't believe there's enough popular support to maintain a war with Iraq. Taking Baghdad isn't going to be a walk in the park, like liberating Kuwait was. It shows poorly on Bush. The only way he will get re-elected is to fix the election again. At this point, if Saddam doesn't blink, we're all in trouble.

I am very concerned that our government will orchestrate another 9/11-type tragedy in order to bolster support. No, I don't put murdering 3,000 citizens past Bush & Co. Not at all.

posted on February 17, 2003 03:21:20 AM new
I say ignore the peace protesters. They're going to feel pretty stupid when the Iraqis start shooting chemical weapons at our troops.

When it's all over, we're going to find stockpiles of Iraqi chemical and biological weapons and probably a nuclear weapons program.

Of course, the leftists are going to claim that the US planted the stuff.
posted on February 17, 2003 03:27:33 AM new
Another thing, I don't think regular people care what the protesters think. They all look like a bunch of freaks, hippies, and weirdos. In fact, the protests may actually hurt support for their cause.
posted on February 17, 2003 09:43:57 AM new
Look at the article Fred posted on this thread:


posted on February 17, 2003 09:51:09 AM new
No, I don't put murdering 3,000 citizens past Bush & Co. Not at all.
Oh c'mon Steve. There's people out there that don't "put murdering 3,000 citizens" past Mossad either. I thought you were too smart for conspiracy theories.


[ edited by KatyD on Feb 17, 2003 09:51 AM ]
posted on February 17, 2003 11:57:06 AM new
::They all look like a bunch of freaks, hippies, and weirdos. In fact, the protests may actually hurt support for their cause. ::

Only among those that still use term Hippie.

Anyone who looked at demonstartors in England, Spain, Mexico, the US, Japan, Germany, etc and just said ... "Hey look, it's a bunch of freaks, hippies and wierdos" was not exactly open to the purpose anyway.
[ edited by neonmania on Feb 17, 2003 11:57 AM ]
posted on February 17, 2003 12:22:24 PM new
>I say ignore the peace protesters. They're going to feel pretty stupid when the Iraqis start shooting chemical weapons at our troops.

I've thought about it before you posted this and came to the conclusion that Bush may end up being assassinated by Americans. Rather than rally Americans to his side when the chemicals and bio weapons start taking their toll, the American people are going to focus their hurt, anger and pain at the person who deliberately put their own flesh and blood in harm's way. While a certain segment of the population WILL be vocally going into a form of patriotism akin to speaking-in-tongues, those rabid supporters will be a whole lot less than those who will see Bush for what he will be -- a murderer. I wouldn't bet a dime on Bush's chances of survival after that.

I saw 60 Minutes last night and I watched a segment that showed that nearly one-half of all chem/bio hazard suits are non-functional and Bush is knowingly about to send them in to die with them on. Both the soldiers are aware of it and now the American people know about that problem. That's just plain murdering them and it'll be Bush's fault as Command-in-Chief.

That's what I think will happen. I say that because the people have woken up and are NOT listening to the propaganda from the Republican-Conservative owned and driven media. They have discovered that their doubts are not alone and that most people are getting angry; that is, angry TOGETHER. It's not like it was a year ago or even six months ago, people.

[ edited by Borillar on Feb 17, 2003 12:27 PM ]
posted on February 17, 2003 12:26:16 PM new
Borillar,Then we'd get Cheney for president.I don't think anyone wants that. I think Bush is safe.

posted on February 17, 2003 12:32:13 PM new
If they go for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will need to dissappear as well. It won't be some clever sniping done by professionals like what Kennedy got. Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld will be out in public to give some speech or other and a large mob of Americans will crash in and kill them. You have to recall that Americans are slow to anger, but once they are put into action, they see Red and the target doesn't stand a chance.

I want to point out that I'm NOT advocating the assassination of anyone - even Saddam! But I can't imagine how any of our leaders who will be responsible for so much murder of our own will be able to function once it happens. Personally, I'd like to see Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all sent to an International War Crimes Tribunal and properly tried for their complicity and criminal decisions.

posted on February 17, 2003 12:35:56 PM new
LindaK " Oh, but if I were debating/arguing on your side of the issue, it would appear different to you, I'm sure. Think what you will."
It is the name calling Linda. That is not debating, that is using name calling to try to make your point. It never works. I LOVE a debate.I LOVE to talk to people about their views even if they differ from mine...why some of my best friends are on the right ...not to mention close family members..I still can talk to them. Name calling serves no purpose.Uncalled for.That is the only problem I have with your posts of late.

I like to watch Bill Moyers show because no matter who is on , no matter what side or what topic, the converstaion is never heated just calm talking with points made. No anger. That is the way these discussions between people ~ that really do like each other ~ should be.

Linda,I have never called you a name or said you were unpatriotic because you do not think like I do on this subject. I guess I simply expected the same from you,because you are not normally like that, and am surprised at you.

[ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 17, 2003 12:37 PM ]
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