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posted on February 20, 2003 08:14:50 AM new
BC the comic had a pretty good one this past weekend...

Basically it was a slam on our illegal immigration and those that would support it...
It was one where the fellow writes on a tablet and sends it across the water proclaiming our Homeland Security and the reply was "We don't need it, we enforce our immigration laws."

Wish we would do the same here....

posted on February 20, 2003 09:00:54 AM new
::1. That 25% of all Federal Prisoners are in this country illegally?
United States: 115,473 (70.6%) Mexico: 26,334 (16.1%) Colombia: 3,276 (2.3%) Cuba: 2,634 (1.6%) Dominican Republic: 3,363 (2.1%)
Other/Unknown: 11,963 (7.3%) ::

OK, I'll buy that - Now - we are we holding them? If they hold foreign citizenship and are in a federal prison they hold no hope of American citizen ship so why keep them here? We are wasting funds housing prisoners that we will just put on a plane as soon as their sentences are up.

::2. Deport all Foreign Nationals who have bypassed a Criminal background check:
The INS is a mess Hopefully it will or is being rebuilt now. ::

I know. It's a disgrace. But again, if it's the INS responsibility to run these checks, how do you justify deporting people because we don't have our act together.

::4. Put our military and/or National Guard Units on our borders pending establishment of an automated detection system.
Our border patrols are lacking to say the least. I know that living in a border state. NY. I don't care why they keep them out. Drugs, bombs and anything else that could cause havoc in America.::

I live in San Diego, believe me, I know border crossings I still want to know what the "Automated Detection System" is supposed to detect. Could he be more vague?

::5. Require a LOYALTY OATH of all immigrants.
I don't see a problem on this one. If they are bad they're just going to lie anyway.::

My question is, what is wrong with the oath they already recite. Seems pretty loyalty promising to me. I don't see the faults in it.

::Jezzzzus, I just realized ...maybe this guys for real...maybe he has the answers.
Are you trembling yet???? ::

Only with the fear that someone found logic in the verbal vomit that he's spewing. It's acidic and had no substance.

[ edited by neonmania on Feb 20, 2003 09:59 AM ]
posted on February 20, 2003 11:53:36 AM new
>:5. Require a LOYALTY OATH of all immigrants. I don't see a problem on this one. If they are bad they're just going to lie anyway.::

Read "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller and you'll understand.

posted on February 20, 2003 07:25:31 PM new

posted on February 20, 2003 08:04:11 PM new
He may have the answers, but does he have the correct questions?

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 20, 2003 10:39:27 PM new
>I heard Bill and Hillary are trying to start one, and find a good liberal to host it, their going to fund it too. It should make you happy -NearTheSea-

It won't make a bit of difference to me if they use the same tactic of demagoguery versus facts that the Republicans do, or Savage and Limbaugh do. No Liberals or Real conservatives would listen to it - I wouldn't enjoy it. The only people who would be targeted with such a nonsensical, non-thinking approach to opinions are the gullible who drool after Bush, Savage, and Limbaugh. That is whom that program would be pointed at.

posted on February 21, 2003 02:59:58 AM new
I listened to Limbaugh yesterday, what's the big deal? He can be over bearing, for sure. He did a nice piece on the antiwar protest and a person that asked several marchers "Why they were marching" and a few other questions. It was a good piece. I don't know if the interviews are on the web but I see the PIC's of the protesters he talked about, already posted in the "protest signs" Thread.

Yep, I think many of the true Leftist are pushing me farther to the right. I realized this when I goose stepped to the mail box yesterday.

As far as a good Liberal radio or TV host, how about Al Sharpton? I think he could pull your causes to the forefront.
"Hope i's a nice day"
Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 03:12:50 AM new
Borilla, I've read Catch-22 a couple times. Loved it years ago and still do. I've always thought it a critique of life's bureaucrat in general.

neonmania, You know more then me about the border problems. As far as the "Automated Detection System" I believe it's supposed to detect explosives.

profe51, You still haven't come clean on the meaning of your Oreo remark.

Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 05:11:45 AM new
come clean? I originally used it to describe Mr. Estrada, the Bushie's token "hispanic"...brown on the outside, but pure white in the middle.

posted on February 21, 2003 05:29:25 AM new
What I'm asking: Is one bad and one good? I thought you liberals thought (as the rest of us know) we were all equal.

Apparently a marshmallow,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 05:58:54 AM new
I've never called myself a liberal or a conservative, that is your characterization.You seem to pride yourself on being able to label everybody here. Why do you feel the need to do that? I have never said that I thought "we are all equal", so I'll thank you in advance for not putting words in my mouth.
My comment regarding Mr. Estrada was to indicate that many Latinos regard him as a person who espouses typical white, upper middle class neo-conservative values, who happens to have a Spanish surname. The present administration has tried to portray him as a bootstrap kind of poor hispanic kid made good, and that simply is not the case.Look up his bio, his is hardly a typical US Latino story. His appointment in my view is an attempt to garner Latino votes by making it look like the community is being represented, without actually bringing anyone on board who really can speak for this nation's fastest growing minority. It's an insult. "Here, you hispanics, we got your man, look, he's got a spanish last name and everything, see? We're listening to you, now be sure to vote for us.."This guy will lose as many votes for the Bush camp as he will win.."Oreo" is a derogatory term, sort of like "Uncle Tom". I used it because I meant it. Now do you understand?

posted on February 21, 2003 06:23:58 AM new


posted on February 21, 2003 06:29:54 AM new
I knew what an "Oreo" was and figured that's the way you were using it. It certainly could be used in a derogatory manner.
The only thing I really wanted to know is what's wrong with being white. I am and I enjoy it.

Because Estrada is a Latino and a conservative doesn't mean he's an Oreo. There's a lot of Conservative Latino's in our country, some more vocal then others. There's a lot of Black Conservative Americans too.

Why did I call you a Liberal? Because the train of thought with most liberals is. If they're Black and Latino and aren't liberals, they must be Oreo's.
"no pillow case on my head today"
Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 07:05:04 AM new
Found another "Conservative Hero" talk show host.

I got this link off the site.
Here's a couple excerpts from an essay about the anti war protest. It's by Al Ruechel


"But I challenge you to answer these questions. Who is more moral? The man who carries the olive branch when he sees his brother or sister being tortured or raped or murdered; or the man who carries a sword and rights the wrong to defend the helpless even if he must spill his own blood in the process? What should our response be when terrorists control the means to destroy your children? Do you want to wait for something to happen to your wife, your husband, and your child?"

"The mistake protestors always make over and over again is ascribing goodness and mercy to all mankind. They believe all religions are based on the notion of live and let live. They can’t understand that in life there are truly evil people who only care about themselves. If you are willing to trust your future and the future of all mankind to evil people, dictators who live alone for themselves and their pleasure, than keep on marching, all the way to Baghdad, all the way to North Korea, all the way to the utopia you think exists somewhere over the rainbow."

"Have to get ready for another storm"
Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 05:46:42 PM new
Oreo" is a derogatory term, sort of like "Uncle Tom". I used it because I meant it. Now do you understand?

Yes I do, you are a BIGOT... very easy to understand... at least you admit it...

posted on February 21, 2003 06:11:30 PM new
>I listened to Limbaugh yesterday, what's the big deal? -Colin-

I used to listen to Limbaugh just to be aghast at how well he lied. You know that there is more than one way to tell a lie and the slickest way to tell a lie is to tell just enough truth and then stop. Rush often did this trick to make you think something other than what you would have had he told you the whole story. Even so, he has often resorted to outright lies. For instance, at the Funeral where the Democrats were supposed to be pitching their party platform. Rush stated that the entire thing was a plug for the democrats and that there was nothing mentioned as a memorial service goes. That was a blatant lie, because a remark was made that was not strictly an endorsement of the party, but as 'to carry on the Great Work of the man' kind of thing was turned on its head and blown all out of proportion just to make listeners angry. Rush also lied when he said that they even went so far as to bash Trent Lott, who at the time was having those difficulties. That was totally untrue and Rush should know - he was sitting in the audience that day.

Need I go on to make my point?

[ edited by Borillar on Feb 21, 2003 06:15 PM ]
posted on February 21, 2003 06:34:10 PM new
Borillar, When your right about Limbaugh, your right.

I've heard him do those very things bring out a small truth, push his agenda and let the people run wild.

The events your bringing up are ancient history, all old hat. Tell me of some of his latest lies about the UN or Iraq.

Tell me how that bigot O'Reilly brow beat that poor Moslem professor Sami Al-Arian.

I have a felling (my opinion) the difference between Limbaugh and the Liberal columnist is this. When Limbaugh leaves his work, he can have a laugh at who he p*ssed off. The Liberal on the other hand, who uses the same BS, go home believing it.

Life is good,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 21, 2003 07:43:32 PM new
Colin, I can agree with you there on your last statement (your opinion, I mean )

"Here, you hispanics, we got your man, look, he's got a spanish last name and everything, see? We're listening to you, now be sure to vote for us.."This guy will lose as many votes for the Bush camp as he will win.."Oreo" is a derogatory term, sort of like "Uncle Tom". I used it because I meant it. Now do you understand?

Actually no I do not understand, (but then Borillar *may* say its my reading comprehension again ) but thats BS and I'll second twelvepole in saying that is bigotry.

And What, and why, can there not be blacks, Asians, Latinos etc who may just think to the 'right', that may be Conservative, that may be Republican? Is it an automatic given if your one of the above, you have to be a liberal Democrat?

Don't you think that there just may be middle class (and affluent) Afican Americans and Latinos in this country? The way you all talk, it seems that there is not..... I said seems

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 21, 2003 08:29:54 PM new
>I have a felling (my opinion) the difference between L

Colin, whether you have the opinion or the reverse is nothing to me. That you prefer to listen to liars who deceive their audiences for the fun of how well they can provoke hate from them says more about you and how you think than any opinion that you'd ever care to voice.

posted on February 22, 2003 06:13:21 AM new
"Colin, whether you have the opinion or the reverse is nothing to me. That you prefer to listen to liars who deceive their audiences for the fun of how well they can provoke hate from them says more about you and how you think than any opinion that you'd ever care to voice."

I'm one of the many people on this board that doesn't look for your nod of acceptance.

I take your comment with a grain of salt and a chuckle. Not because they are funny but because your serious.

In one thread your a proud liberal, in another your an old time conservative. Funny how many of your comment are much farther left. Too each his/her own.

I've noticed too that when your theories are debated with a good comment or a link to the FACTS, you abandon the thread.

Please don't get me wrong. It's not your far left leanings that bother me. Helen has many, what I consider, similar views but she stays on for the debate. Most of all she has a sense of humor, something you seem to lack.

Always smiling,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 22, 2003 12:11:22 PM new
>I'm one of the many people on this board that doesn't look for your nod of acceptance.

Someone does? Who?

>In one thread your a proud liberal, in another your an old time conservative. Funny how many of your comment are much farther left. Too each his/her own.

It's only funny to you because you have no clue as to what really constitutes a Conservative or a Liberal. You've stated here in the past that you'd rather stick to your own interpretations than to adopt the truth. That makes you both ignorant AND stupid in my book. And yet, I respond to your questions and comments anyway.

>I've noticed too that when your theories are debated with a good comment or a link to the FACTS, you abandon the thread.

I "abandon" a thread when the topic becomes stale. Unlike you, I've been here for several years, Colin, and many of the topics on here just keep on repeating themselves. While you may find them novel and exciting, they are boringly constant rehashed arguments that have been played out in every conceivable way before you showed up. You've brought nothing new to Round Table, Colin -- believe me!

>Most of all she has a sense of humor, something you seem to lack.

Funny, much of the stuff I post is humor or teasing. Go figure!

posted on February 22, 2003 07:52:10 PM new

I used the term oreo to describe my opinion of one person. He is, in my opinion, and in the opinion of many others in my circle, a "token" Latino, one who will never represent his people, never do anything to threaten the status quo of the present administration.

Although it's of little importance,now that this thread has become another tiresome name calling session, please explain why this makes me a "BIGOT" in your eyes.
[ edited by profe51 on Feb 22, 2003 07:56 PM ]
posted on February 22, 2003 08:36:21 PM new
Pretty easy there Profe51, just replace Oreo with Spic, Wetback... any other deragatory remark you want... You are no better than a someone who calls a black... Nigger, because they can't work or won't work... now are you beginning to see your bigotry? Probably not because most bigots can't see their own...

For someone that doesn't like labels, you seem free to use your own...

Also, this man is a credit to the Latino community and proves that people can rise above their "supposed" station in life, no matter how hard people try to make them out as the victims of society.

You and your circle of friends sound like quite the little minded group... wear the white sheets at your gatherings or just in public?

Wonder what your opinion of Colin Powell is?

posted on February 23, 2003 06:36:17 AM new
Nice use of all the bads words there twelvepole. However, bigot is defined as follows:
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ"

As I pointed out earlier, I used this term to describe ONE person, not a group, race or culture. In my view, HE is as I previously described him. My "little minded group" and I happen to be an association of regional Latino small businessmen, and we do not expect that Mr. Estrada will do anything other than continue his ultra conservative agenda. My opinion expressed was about one man. It has nothing to do with bigotry.
In previous threads, you have stridently opposed the suggestion that bigotry or prejudice might be involved in some people's anti-immigration positions, and here you are jumping on the opportunity to point a finger at bigotry, when none exists. Stop looking for an opportunity to "call the kettle black".

edited because italics tags aren't working again.
[ edited by profe51 on Feb 23, 2003 06:37 AM ]
posted on February 23, 2003 07:12:07 AM new
Like I said before Profe51, you can't see the forest because of the trees... nice...

Oh so because I don't want people here ILLEGALLY that is the same as your being a bigot... nice try but doesn't wash. I don't care where they come from as long as it is done LEGALLY in accordance with our immigration laws.

Oreo is a term that is used against a person's RACE no matter how you say it, still comes out wrong.

And why not answer my question about Colin Powell?

posted on February 23, 2003 09:07:01 AM new
I didn't say it was the same. I made the observation that you are very quick and strident when anyone alludes to any prejudice on your part, and equally quick and strident in finding prejudice in others. I will say this one more time. I am Latino. My first language was spanish. In my view, Miguel Estrada does not represent the latino community. I called him the name that in my view fits him. It is derogatory towards HIM, not his, and my culture. You seem to think that if you call somebody a bigot, liberal, or any of your other favorite bad names often enough, it will make it true. It doesn't...Like kids who think that whoever repeats something the loudest and longest in an argument is the winner.
Colin Powell is a disappointment to me. I had great hopes that he might be a stronger voice for moderation amid all the drum-beating that is going on in the Bush administration. It has nothing to do with his race, although I suppose you'll jump on that and call me a bigot because of it...oh well...
I have tried to answer your accusations here, but I don't expect any concession or understanding on your part. You may now respond and call me a bigot or whatever you wish once again. Why don't you show your true feelings and call me a spic and a wetback while you're at it?

posted on February 23, 2003 09:16:24 AM new
Why don't you show your true feelings and call me a spic and a wetback while you're at it?

If it was my true feelings to use those words, I wouldn't of called you on your bigotry of Estrada...

It's funny how some people seem to think that it only applies to "them" and not to me.

Like I said, your feelings have been shown and now that people know your basis for posting certain things, it can be weighed better agaisnt the discussion.

posted on February 23, 2003 09:37:57 AM new
I'm just glad you didn't call Colin Powell a double cream Oreo.

BTW, You've got some great dance steps.

If I or anyone called someone a "N" (n-word) It wouldn't be thought of as "just that one person" It would be thought of as calling all blacks or dark skinned people the derogatory word.

It's not so much your use of the word. It's your sorry excuse for an answer. You could have stated your feelings and said you were sorry for your choice of words. I just wonder what you call us poor white trash Caucasians.
I don't believe in political correctness,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 23, 2003 10:14:25 AM new
::My "little minded group" and I happen to be an association of regional Latino small businessmen,::

Prof - get over to the transplant patient thread - I cannot remember the name of the groups of Businessmen and immigrants that band together to help assist the economy of their home states in Mexico : )

posted on February 23, 2003 11:14:58 AM new
neomania: I didn't post to the transplant patient thread or even read it, as I knew it would degrade into a name calling session about immigrants. I'm talking about a small,local group of Latino business people of which I am a member.We are banded together because we are friends, relatives and business associates, and we get together to help ourselves primarily.

twelvepole: "your feelings have been shown..." LOL..only to those who make up their own minds in disregard of any facts or information provided to them. Like I said, you seem to think that saying it over and over makes it true, it doesn't. You don't know anything about me or my culture, that fact is glaringly obvious.

colin: " It wouldn't be thought of as "just that one person" It would be thought of as calling all blacks or dark skinned people the derogatory word."

I have carefully explained my use of the word, if you still think that I am referring to all Latino people, then you can't read. And by the way, I can't call ONE member of my own people an oreo without being branded a bigot, but it's perfectly ok for you to refer to yours as "poor white trash"?? Yeah, I know, now you'll back pedal and say you don't really feel that way and you were just making a point...but by twelvepole's impeccable playground logic, that makes YOU a bigot too.

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