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posted on February 27, 2003 11:19:12 PM new
Under breaking news.....

I've seen articles today about Russia and other countries wavering in their opposition to the second resolution. Well that rumor has been debunked.


"Of course, if you use the veto power you should fully understand the responsibilities of it before using it. It can only be used for international peace and stability," Ivanov said. "At the same time Russia will not be in favor of any new resolution which allows the use of military force directly or indirectly to solve the Iraqi issue."

I was especially surprised since just yesterday I read a story about a Russian-Chinese alliance, which this latest article
refers to here.


"The foreign minister's comments came a day after China and Russia issued a joint declaration saying war with Iraq "can and should be avoided" and appealing for more time for U.N. weapons inspectors there."


Indeed, from what I've read China and Russia, who have a tradition of mutual rivalry and mistrust, are becoming pretty close. Bush diplomacy appears to be pushing the formation of an alliance which really could be devastating to our security.

edited to add url


[ edited by antiquary on Feb 27, 2003 11:21 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2003 12:25:48 AM new
This is what happens when you have a Bully for a President with no diplomacy experience or even knowledge about other countries. You get a lot of shocked nations at first and then they band together what they perceive is a threat to them. "If it isn't me right now, it could be in the future," is their thinking, so they are forming alliances to counter Bush's Imperialist aims. If all that Bush has wanted to do was to simply pizz off every other nation in the world, he's succeeded at it.

For years, Republican know-nothings in Congress ranted about "the right way" when it came to running business and foreign affairs. "Why are we being cautious here," they wondered aloud critically? "Why do we have these UN Rules that stifle our profit-making?" they also asked. "The solution would be to let US into power and to run things. Then things would work out right!' they argued.

Well, they have had their chance and they've gone all-out to put their cockamamie ideas into place. Break away from the Kyoto treaty - it's bad for business! Destroy SALT-I and SALT-II treaties -- we don't need no stinkn' treaties that LIMIT our nuclear capability! And so forth. What a mess they've made.

But now we pay the price of their stupid, bullsh1t, unworkable, cockamamie ideas. Now instead of being admired by the world like we were before 2000, we are hated by the world and it is about to get a whole lot worse.

You may sit back and laugh, because America is so big and so powerful. But when you get the others combined against you, they have much more than they would need to attack America, invade it and to take it over. Not that it is going to go that far, I hope. Then again, once the Rise of the Fourth Reich gets fully underway, we may very well end up invaded and destroyed like Germany was AND occupied, but without the right to have our own government. Don't say that it couldn't happen, because every policy that we make affects people around the world and that adds to the anger.

For instance, the 6 to 9 billion dollars a year that we subsidize the Oil Industry to keep gas prices low prevents the motivation for Detroit to build better fuel efficiency SUVs. Don't think that even such an idea doesn't pizz other people in the world off because we end up polluting them as well!

Yes, only S*M*A*R*T people vote for idiots that have no diplomacy experience for President! See what you've done to us? JERKS!

posted on February 28, 2003 07:37:59 AM new
antiquary,That is bad news.We have more enemys then friends,China is going to protect N.Korea,I have no doubt.
Im still asking,Whats the big rush?

posted on February 28, 2003 11:43:40 AM new
What ? China and the USSR were allies against the US for decades. They were ineffectual then as now. Russia is a paper tiger as is China. Both countries are teetering on total social and economic collapse.

China has always protected North Korea. Who do you think poured across the border in "human" waves in the Korean war ? This does not mean that China will completely support NK now over the nuclear issue.

There are no "friends" in international relations. There are only interests.

I wouldn't trade Great Britain's support for France, Germany, Russia, and China combined. I would be more concerned about India's position than Russia's.

The US and the United Kingdom took the whole world on in WWII. Although the USSR had one front, the US had to supply them with their weapons and factories or the USSR would have easily fallen.

posted on February 28, 2003 11:59:32 AM new
Down the Rabbit Hole, Reamond?

posted on February 28, 2003 12:01:57 PM new
Yep- These anti-war and anti-American folks are down the rabbit hole. That's where they belong, they can't think well enough to walk upright and live on the surface.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:04:19 PM new
The US and the United Kingdom took the whole world on in WWII.

I can't let that comment pass unchallenged. Many of my countrymen died fighting as well as did those of many other countries.

Military Casualties of World War II

(I wish the table showed what those casualties were as a percentage of each country's population at the time.)

posted on February 28, 2003 12:06:25 PM new
LOL! Irene.

He's made no sense at all for several days now.

Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall.

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall,
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call.
Call Alice
When she was just small.

When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low.
Go ask Alice
I think she'll know.

When logic and proportion
Have fallen softly dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the dormouse said:
"Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head"

posted on February 28, 2003 12:08:01 PM new
I include Canada and Australia in the United Kingdom.

However, I do not include countries such as France, Belgium, Poland, et al that collapsed and all their resources were delivered to the enemy.

The US and the United Kingdom offerd the only major fighting and military production forces in WWII. They were the defacto elements that stopped the Axis powers.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:08:13 PM new
LOL! Antiquary
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 28, 2003 12:08 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2003 12:11:37 PM new
>The US and the United Kingdom took the whole world on in WWII.

No doubt, Dubya, this is what you're still thinking. That would be the reason why you think that a Fourth Reich will work out. Instead, it will only get America conquered by combined forces from around the world.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:12:11 PM new
So antiquary, you avail to the irrational poetry from someone in a drug stupor ?

How about ; Turn on, Turn Off, Drop Out ?

posted on February 28, 2003 12:15:07 PM new
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, antiquary?


posted on February 28, 2003 12:17:52 PM new
Bor- I think you might be the reincarnation of Nikita Kruchev. Perhaps we'll start calling you Nikita, Little Niki, or Little Red.

Did you pound your shoe on the PC when you typed in that the world is going to conquer America ?

posted on February 28, 2003 12:23:38 PM new
Sorry Reamond, but nothing from the rational world can quite approximate your posts lately.

I did feel a little sorry for you for a while, but I no longer feel any responsibility encouraging you to continue to make a complete ass out of yourself. You'll have to look for help elsewhere and I hope that you get it.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:34:27 PM new
No antiquary, the only people making an ass out of themselves are anti-American Saddam Hussein enablers.

It is clear that you have yet again lost your argument and your audience when you have to call names.

When liberals are confronted with facts or competing arguements, they typically wish to end the conversation, start name calling, and beat a hasty retreat.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:36:58 PM new
United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth are not the same thing at all, Reamond. There seems to be gaps in your basic education.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:41:45 PM new
No Irene, no gaps at all. Using the term commonwealth instead of the term United Kingdom would confuse more. Using the term United Kingdom with the inclusion of Canada and Australia is simpler and tends not to confuse.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:43:38 PM new
nothing from the rational world can quite approximate your posts lately.

Gosh...and here I've really been enjoying this side of Reamond. Yep, it always boils down to the fact that if you hold an opposing view...you are the one who's not being rational. sure.....

posted on February 28, 2003 12:48:38 PM new
Reamond, Canada has been a separate country since 1867. Saying it's part of the United Kingdom is not only confusing, it's 100% false. Our foreign policy is not dictated by 10 Downing Street but by politicians elected by the people of Canada.

posted on February 28, 2003 12:55:01 PM new
It is worse than that Linda.

As you very well know, I have what some consider a very liberal position when it comes to many domestic issues.

There is one "liberal" issue that is killing liberals politically and that is their lack of patriotism and ALWAYS taking the position that there is nothing worth fighting for or that if we have a republican president use of force is always wrong.

They're going to pay a huge political price (as witnessed in the last mid term elections) if they don't wise up and admit that there are some evil people and countries that wish nothing but death and destruction for the US and will attempt to take out a chunk of our a** at any opportunity.

You can not reason with these evil people and countries, you can not contain them, and many times you can not kill them without also killing what may be innocent by-standers.

The US is attempting to clear a path for the future of the US and democracy in the middle east and eleswhere. Appeasing and containing terrorist regimes is not an option. Our country can not go into the future with a nuclear/biological/chemical attack hanging over its head from an undetectable terrorist group.

As long as we have regimes like Hussein's in power, our future is worse than precarious, it is to live as slaves and as a person being blackmailed.

Iraq is the best place strategically, economically, and logistically to begin the process.

posted on February 28, 2003 01:36:04 PM new
Irene - if you want to agrue semantics, start a new thread.

I will state again, when I stated the UK, I included Canada and Australia. If you don't agree with the way it is stated - it is irrelevant to the premise of the argument.

The US and Great Britain took on the whole world in WWII and won.

France was defeated.
Belgium was defeated.
Holland was defeated.
North Africa was defeated.
Russia was defeated.
Poland was defeated.
The Balkans were defeated.

and on and on.

All of these countries resources were then trained on Great Britain and the US, and we pulled Russia out of the jaws of defeat by giving her war supplies.

Tell me what other two countries during this period could have withstood the impact of the Axis and all the resoures it had amassed and press on to victory ? None could.

posted on February 28, 2003 01:50:43 PM new

O.K., I'll agree that Canada (a former British colony) is part of the United Kingdom if YOU agree that the United States (a former British colony) is also part of the United Kingdom.

posted on February 28, 2003 01:54:57 PM new
Well I might if the Queen were still on our currency.

posted on February 28, 2003 02:01:47 PM new
The only Canadian paper currency she now shows up on is the $20 bill.

posted on February 28, 2003 03:18:27 PM new
>When liberals are confronted with facts or competing arguements, they typically wish to end the conversation, start name calling, and beat a hasty retreat.

And you base that on what, REAMOND? The self-proclaimed "liberals" on here? Could it be, rather, that your inane tirades of late have lowered the quality of your posts to the point where no one wants to engage in arguments with you? That the "facts" that you present are always oblique to the discussion at hand and only serve to derail the discussion at hand, and you make your snide remarks because of that? That you run around crowing over your so-called "victories" which are only in your own mind and no one is rude enough - except me, to point that out to you? Tell, really what you base that assumption upon, "reamond".

posted on February 28, 2003 09:48:49 PM new
Oh Bor, you're getting boring. You can't defend your baseless positions so you resort to personal attacks.

You know, first it was a blood bath of innocents if we go into Afghanistan, now it is warmonger Bush going into Iraq and killing all the woman and children, and starting WWIII and nuclear war.

You need to find a hook to hang your chicken little hat on.

Edited to add- the only reason YOU may find my posts of lower quality is because they successfully challenge your baseless claims.
[ edited by REAMOND on Feb 28, 2003 09:53 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2003 09:57:54 PM new
>Oh Bor, you're getting boring. You can't defend your baseless positions so you resort to personal attacks.

. . . and people don't think that the Pot ever calls the Kettle black!

>You need to find a hook to hang your chicken little hat on.

And you need to go to school to learn the basic concepts of American Citizenship! And a course in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights wouldn't hurt you either!

posted on March 1, 2003 05:21:07 AM new
This is one of the concessions that Russia has lobbied for some time and it's been partly granted. I doubt that it's enough to buy their vote though.

Chechens on Terror List

By William Douglas

March 1, 2003

Washington - The State Department has added three Chechen rebel groups to its list of terrorist organizations, deeming them threats to the United States and freezing any assets they might have in this country.


posted on March 1, 2003 05:45:46 AM new

It's clear that there is a relationship between this sudden interest in the Chechen groups and gaining Moscow's support on Iraq. Suddenly, Chechnians, that we have seen in the past as suffering inhumane treatement from Russia are terrorists to the US??? To say that the poor Chechnians threaten US and national security and the economy of the United States in order to gain Russian support for the Iraq war is shameful.


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