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posted on March 17, 2003 08:08:09 PM new

It's a hand-drawn US flag, held upside down. She probably already burned up her supply of cloth US flags.

Sorry, but I just don't feel sorry for the loss of an America-hater.

posted on March 17, 2003 08:15:15 PM new

Why do you believe that she is anti-American? She is not burning an American flag.


posted on March 17, 2003 08:36:49 PM new
So much interest in the Israelite plight. Oh those poor starving Jews.

Meanwhile Pakistan is On the brink of nuclear war, and guess what, they’ve both got nukes.

Why don’t one of you anti-other-Semites explain to me the reason that the need for military intervention is so much more pressing in Iraq.

And all you other Americans & Australians should be thinking about that too.

Ebayauctionguy when you say they only seek ‘cultural’ genocide, do you really believe they are going in to just debrief them.

If US leaders like Bush really believed in that possibility, then he would do away with the death penalty, wouldn’t he.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.
Rachel Corrie 23 From Olympia Washington,
saw the truth in spite of the pro-Israeli ant-other-Semite influenced American leadership and Media and stood as your fore-farthers did for what she believed and didn't go trying to deceive.

Try a little experiment, go home tonight, watch 2-4 of those ½ hour comedy shows or what ever you like to watch and take notes, count how many time ANYTHING identifying a Jew or an Arab pops up.
Mention of a bahmitzva or any thing. Count absolutely anything which could possibly identify or be associated with any race or culture.
This serves to familliarise you with Jewish customs thereby creating acceptance and accepting their enemy as your enemy.
How many times have you heard the term Nazi on Sienfeld.
Jewish comedians on NBC, ‘sending up’ Arabs.
Dave Letermann, it just goes on and on, and it was way before Sept11.
And it’s not just Jews, it has gone deeper into our cultures.
Then wonder how you with only one eye open can see it, how would an Arab see it.

posted on March 17, 2003 08:53:03 PM new
Ausbounty, you'd make a really good Nazi!

Helen, take a close look at the photo. It's a hand-drawn US flag with blue stars and a red stripe. It's being held upside down. She probably burned up her supply of US flags and now she has to draw US flags to burn.

I consider anyone who burns a US flag anti-American.

[ edited by ebayauctionguy on Mar 17, 2003 08:53 PM ]
posted on March 17, 2003 09:02:06 PM new
You can't just get rid of people you don't agree with unless you want the world to end. All I see is an Iraeli killed an American protestor because she was considered a threat. A threat to what?

posted on March 17, 2003 09:11:49 PM new

I don't condone running over peace protesters. But if they're dumb enough to stand in front of a bulldozer, it's their own fault.
posted on March 17, 2003 09:12:23 PM new
She was not considered a threat, just a nusiance and she no longer is...

Isrealis were doing something that needed to be done, what right does a US citizen have to tell them they can't do it? (Little back at ya there Junque and Helen)(Let me guess it is only that way when the people aren't doing what you like...)

posted on March 17, 2003 10:35:52 PM new
I do feel bad that she was killed.

When I was talking to one of my daughters, whe is the same age of this girl, she just said, 'You know, what she did was commit suicide, how can you feel when someone does something like that?'

And in actuality, that is what she did, she committed suicide. (and there are thousands who commit suicide everyday, and we don't hear about them) This one we did.

I have to admit, all these human shields, if they are not warned, that they just MAY get killed, and they don't have a clue what they are doing, I can feel for them.... for not having a clue.

But since they HAVE to know what they are getting into, esp. in these days, I can't have a whole lot of sympathy.

If I could go back in time, sure I would try to talk this girl out of going. But that, unfortunatly I cannot do.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 18, 2003 02:03:38 AM new
Many people posting here said that she shouldn't have stood in front of the bulldozer. Here is another picture that would show how incredibly stupid this was. I think she was very naive and foolish. The blade on the bulldozer was almost twice as tall as her. Her idiot friend wasn't even looking up at it in this picture. Some people might think she was a martyr, I think she was a FOOL!

posted on March 18, 2003 02:19:29 AM new
OK helen,

I did a quick search and found this larger picture of the late Rachel, showing her allegiance with her hand drawn American Flag. Apparently she must have left her brains at home, but took plenty of magic markers and paper.

Also, notice the audience she attracted. All appear to be between the ages of 7 - 18 years old. Look at the expressions on their faces. Some of them look puzzled.

What does the expression on her face mean? Does it indicate happiness, pride, patriotism or what???

Helen, look closely at the portion on the left, you will see the flame and the burning edges.

Some people might think my comments are cruel. I really don't care. Just as Rachel showed her position, I have the right to show mine.

[ edited by yeager on Mar 18, 2003 02:30 AM ]
posted on March 18, 2003 02:55:16 AM new
One more comment. These protestors, boobs, idiots, or whatever you wish to call them aren't really mature enough to know what they are protesting. Like many people of that age group, they like being involved in some cause just for the sake of being involved. Perhaps it makes them feel important. It's sort of like people who will sign a petition, without real regard to what it stands for, just to take part in the process.

After looking at some of the other pictures of her associates in her group, they appear to be between 18-20 years old. In many states, they have only been driving a car for two years, but they know what is right for the government of another country. How arrogant could they be!

If you think about it, these people were 5 - 7 years old during the Gulf War from 1990. I would bet they were not watching the nightly new showing the war effort and the oil fields that were set on fire that the US had to put out. They were playing with Barbie dolls and Lego's. They really have no idea what this was all about.

These same types who protest war will change tunes and scream at you if you put a scratch in their car in a parking lot.

I thought that most college students struggled for money, worked part time, or full time and had no extra time for things such as this. Who paid for this trip, the lodging and other related things? Are they just a bunch of rich spoiled brats that had nothing better to do?

posted on March 18, 2003 05:59:59 AM new

The smaller photo from the Rush Limbaugh site and the larger one that you found from indymedia both look strange to me. It's frightening what a little photo manipulating can produce. Do you see the different people on the right side and the strange perspective in both photos and wierd overlapping. I looked at the pictures very carefully and I'm not convinced that they are legit.

"I thought that most college students struggled for money, worked part time, or full time and had no extra time for things such as this. Who paid for this trip, the lodging and other related things? Are they just a bunch of rich spoiled brats that had nothing better to do?"

I don't know her financial circumstances. I certainly don't understand how they relate to her political choice to protest against what she perceives as oppression against the people of Palestine. I wonder if you would feel so resentful if she had been protesting against Palestine?

To challenge, debate and oppose what we perceive as wrong is admirable in my opinion and we should not label those people who do so "boobs or idiots". "Boobs and idots" usually sit on the sideline and keep their mouth shut.

Even you are protesting, right here and so am I.


[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 18, 2003 07:08 AM ]
posted on March 18, 2003 07:33:02 AM new
It is sad that she wasted her life. I think that many students her age are naive and are vulnerable to suggestion. They are hypnotized and brainwashed without realizing it. Any sane person would have gotten out of the way of a bulldozer. Perhaps she wanted to be a martyr for the cause.

Here is a link to the group that she was affiliated with and apparently sponsored by:


Here is a link to other groups that they are affiliated with. Interesting to note how many are Communist or Socialist related.


posted on March 18, 2003 07:56:26 AM new
One more comment. These protestors, boobs, idiots, or whatever you wish to call them aren't really mature enough to know what they are protesting. Like many people of that age group, they like being involved in some cause just for the sake of being involved. Perhaps it makes them feel important. It's sort of like people who will sign a petition, without real regard to what it stands for, just to take part in the process.

If people that age aren't mature enough to know what they are protesting, then people the same age--and younger--aren't mature enough to serve in the military. Hmmm?

I don't know about you, but by 23 I had been voting for 5 years, was running my own household, paying taxes, making financial decisions for my future, etc. etc. etc. Plenty mature to know what was going on in the political scene.

I have to wonder--if this young lady had been killed while demonstrating in support of Israel, or the war, would you have said the same thing? Probably not--I get the feeling that if people support the same things you do, they are "mature" and if they don't, they're not.

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce [ edited by bunnicula on Mar 18, 2003 07:58 AM ]
posted on March 18, 2003 09:20:05 AM new
To challenge, debate and oppose what we perceive as wrong is admirable in my opinion and we should not label those people who do so "boobs or idiots".

It's admirable in my book too. The slipping and falling under a huge bulldozer is kind of stupid, though.

I have to wonder--if this young lady had been killed while demonstrating in support of Israel, or the war, would you have said the same thing?

If she had walked down Main St. in the Gaza Strip screaming anti-Arab slogans and burning a Palestinian flag, yes I would.

She wanted to make a difference. But she didn't understand the seriousness of the situation. She was way out of her league. It is very sad.

posted on March 18, 2003 04:06:24 PM new

I don't know about you, but by 23 I had been voting for 5 years, was running my own household, paying taxes, making financial decisions for my future, etc. etc. etc. Plenty mature to know what was going on in the political scene.

You sound like a very responible person. However, I didn't say you were naive about anything. When you cross the street, I'll bet your responiblity and common sense will cause to look both ways before crossing. If you saw a cement truck or semi truck, you would very likey yield to that heavy vehicle. Even more so, if you had your children, (if any) you would be especially careful. This is true responsibilty. Having said that, I'm quite sure that you not stand in front of a bulldozer, because standing in front of a moving bulldozer is FOOLISH.

One more point here. It is very sad this young lady lost her life in such a foolish manner. If was an accident, I don't know. I would think only the operator of the bulldozer knows for sure. But you have to ask youself this. The government of that country has to do what it believes best for itself. If a foriegn student goes to a country, no matter what country, and stands in front of the bulldozer, should the country stop everything? "Well we should all go home for today. Some girl is standing in front of the bulldozer".

If she didn't die from this, she and her co-horts most likely would have benn arrested and thrown in jail. Let's see, Jail in a foriegn country, not a nice place to be. By the way, is there any news on the other protesters and what they are doing? Are they continuing to protest for thier cause, or did a large amount of common sense suddenly become instilled upon them?

One final thought. When I was a child, under 10 years old, my dad had a bulldozer, as did my uncle who lived on the next street over. Even at that age, I KNEW IT WAS UNSAFE TO BE AROUND IT WHEN IT WAS MOVING.

[ edited by yeager on Mar 18, 2003 04:11 PM ]
posted on March 18, 2003 04:19:48 PM new
yeager can't understand why someone would selflessly stand up for what they believe in.

Why when you can do like the PNAC for example, convince others to stand up for you.

posted on March 18, 2003 04:24:26 PM new

[ edited by yeager on Mar 18, 2003 07:15 PM ]
posted on March 18, 2003 04:25:08 PM new

Here is some news you can use!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are one of US!


posted on March 18, 2003 08:21:15 PM new
That is your holly land yeager, millitans are tried & found guilty & peacefull protesters are squashed.

posted on March 18, 2003 08:31:45 PM new
It's frightening what a little photo manipulating can produce. Do you see the different people on the right side and the strange perspective in both photos and wierd overlapping.

It's frightening what a little denial can produce.

The "strange perspective" is caused by a fish-eye lens which creates the wrap-around effect. The intention was obviously to make a small group of 20 people look like a large crowd.

posted on March 18, 2003 08:48:34 PM new
So what twinsoft, Helen was wrong?
Big deal.

Now what, on with the war!

The 4 horsemen of the appocalypse coming to a town near you soon.

Now up to agent orange, or is it code orange.
Stay tuned for more updates.

posted on March 18, 2003 09:42:19 PM new
Just a somewhat off-topic note:

Is it just me or has the full moon affected some of you?

posted on March 18, 2003 10:08:08 PM new

Yes, Kraftdinner,

I detect a rise in lunacy. LOL!


posted on March 18, 2003 10:37:02 PM new
That must be it Helen.

posted on March 18, 2003 11:00:33 PM new
I am not a religious man but Linda, you may be interested to know that -
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be God’s Children”.
Hopefully the parents of Rachel Corrie 23 From Olympia Washington will take some comfort in that.
Any of you other ‘Christians’ out there may wish to review your opinions of ‘peaceniks’.

Are any of the ‘neo-conservatives’ Christians.????
George the Father, George the Son, can’t wait to see George the Holly Ghost.

posted on March 18, 2003 11:13:04 PM new
But Bush supporters already think they're aiming for peace by getting rid of all the bad guys austbounty. When there are only good people left in the world, won't it be great?!?

posted on March 18, 2003 11:25:37 PM new
But where will they stop kraftdinner?
One day, when discusing 'wrongs' a deeply religious man, and model citizen, said to me (I'll just change the names for effect):-

"There was only one prefect man that ever walked this Earth and his name wasn't colin or reamond"

posted on March 19, 2003 02:23:24 AM new
I live on the Michigan and Ontario, Canada border. It costs less than 2.00 to go to Canada on the bridge. In fact, I went into Canada 3 week ago. As you approach the top of the bridge, there is a sign that says, "Now entering Canada". After you pass that sign, you are in Canada. That's simple enough to understand.

Once you are in that country, you are subject to their laws. Before you are allowed to pass into the border, you have to be questioned by the Canada Custom Officer. The questions are usually like this.

What is your citizenship?

Where do you live?

Do you have any identification?

What is the purpose of your trip into Canada?

What are you bringing into Canada?

These are the usual questions. They might ask you others like.

Do you have any guns with you?

Who does this car belong to.

What is the license plate number of this car?

Can you please open your trunk?

You should be prepared to cooperate with this officer. If you object to anything, or give the officer any reason to doubt you, then you will be sent into a secondary inspection area. This is where they can litterally tear your car apart searching for anything they want. When they are finished, YOU put it back together.

What does this have to do with this topic? When you are in a foriegn country, even friendly Canada, you obey the laws of that country.

When I was questioned by the Canada Customs Officer, I answered the questions. I did not stick a bullhorn in his face and scream "STOP THIS LINE OF QUESTIONING NOW"!

This topic is old news. It time to change the chanell.

posted on March 19, 2003 02:23:50 AM new
[ edited by yeager on Mar 19, 2003 02:24 AM ]
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