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posted on May 30, 2003 09:54:35 PM new
My good friend Jane has rheumatoid arthritis and is in so much pain, it makes me sick. Her knee is swollen to the size of a basketball and her knuckles are swollen. She takes methotrexate, but it doesn't do much. If any of you have it, or know of someone who does, what do you do for the pain and swelling? Thanks!

posted on May 31, 2003 12:39:50 AM new
My brother has Anklosing Spondilitis. For years it was mis-diagnosed. I hope she has a regular doctor AND a rheumatologist. The major drug is inducin but it is hard on the stomach. There are many others (billions are spent on arthritis drugs). Some people respond to different drugs and combinations. A rheumatolgist tries to find the right "cocktail" that works for you.

My brother takes Inducin and methotrexate (a chemotherapy drug that has been shown very effective against arthritis in many people). It is vital to follow the exercise program the doctor sets up. The joint inflamation causes decreased mobility of the joint and exercise is important in maintaining as much movement as possible.

The disease can abate at times and then flare back up. My brother has been temp. blinded several times from irisitis (arthritis attacks the iris of the eye). The swelling of the big toe joint caused the toe to cant inward hitting the other toes. Bone infections in the small toes required removing the bones from several toes.

He had deterioration in his hip sockets. One was much worse than the other. He was on huge doses of Inducin and methotrexate. Finally one hip was so bad, he couldn't function, even on the drugs. He had the hip replaced and the arthritis abated dramatically. When the body has a massive inflammation the disease goes crazy, remove it and many times the disease decreases its' attacks tremendously. He's on 1/3 his previous level of drugs now, gardens, and is active. Before it was all he could do to go to work and drag himself home.

posted on May 31, 2003 04:28:48 AM new
Krafty,Tell her to get off diet drinks first thing,then start weeding out milk products.
For joint pain Blue Stuff,instant relief.

If she can get off refined sugar and flower,it may slow the process as well.

posted on May 31, 2003 05:40:24 AM new
junquemama is definately right about the diet soda and the milk. Diet soda contains aspartame - nasty stuff. In 1994, a report was released that listed 92 symptoms associated with aspartame ingestion and said that aspartame accounted for 75 percent of all adverse reactions reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitoring System.
Some of the 92 long-term and immediate adverse effects of aspartame ingestion are:
Abdominal Pain- Anxiety attacks - Arthritis - Asthma - Asthmatic Reactions - Bloating, Edema (Fluid Retention) - Blood Sugar Control Problems (Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia) - Brain Cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals) - Breathing difficulties - Burning eyes or throat - Burning Urination - Can't think straight - Chest Pains - Chronic cough - Chronic Fatigue - Confusion - Death - Depression - Diarrhea - Dizziness -Excessive Thirst or Hunger - Fatigue - Feel unreal - Flushing of face -Hair Loss (Baldness) or Thinning of Hair - Headaches/Migraines dizziness - Hearing Loss - Heart palpitations - Hives (Urticaria) - Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) - Impotency and Sexual Problems - Inability to concentrate - Infection Susceptibility - Insomnia - Irritability - Itching - Joint Pains - Laryngitis - "Like thinking in a fog" - Marked Personality Changes - Memory loss - Menstrual Problems or Changes - Migraines and Severe Headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake) - Muscle spasms - Nausea or Vomiting - Numbness or Tingling of Extremities - Other Allergic-Like Reactions - Panic Attacks - Phobias - Poor memory - Rapid Heart Beat - Rashes - Seizures and Convulsions - Slurring of Speech - Swallowing Pain - Tachycardia - Tremors - Tinnitus - Vertigo - Vision Loss - Weight gain
In addition, aspartame can mimic symptoms or worsen the following diseases: Fibromyalgia – Arthritis - Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - Parkinson's Disease - Lupus - Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) - Diabetes and Diabetic Complications - Epilepsy - Alzheimer's Disease - Birth Defects - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Lymphoma - Lyme Disease - Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - Panic Disorder - Depression and other Psychological Disorders

I was suffering from heart palpitations until I quit drinking the stuff. My daughter who suffers from depression also found that her depression worsened even with medication.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on May 31, 2003 08:41:42 AM new
hot chili pepper contains substance which numb the sensation ,it does not cure arthritis ,just suppress the pain .

posted on May 31, 2003 09:34:05 AM new
Cheryl,I am so glad you are on to the evils of diet drinks.When I try to tell people about them,....they want to fight.
You lose the cravings and you arent as thirsty.Sisters sugar was 48 this morning,..after breakfast 77,I am so proud of her for getting off the diet junk...I have no doubt,all that krap was killing her.

posted on May 31, 2003 10:56:00 AM new
Thanks for your interesting posts... I've always wondered about milk. Joan is hooked on milk and has been drinking tons of it since I've known her. Because of the crap they inject into cows , I've often wondered if it's affected her immune system. It's funny, because she tells me if she doesn't eat anything, she gets very little pain and swelling for the day. You guys could be onto something. (I love her dearly and would hate to see anything happen to her.) Thanks!!

DeSquirrel, I feel very bad for your brother and the pain he must've gone through. I'd like to scream at the medical research field and ask them why, with the trillions that have been poured into research in the past 100 years, can't they cure anything??? (But that's another heated issue.)

junque & Cheryl, I'm doomed!! I've been drinking Diet Sprite since it first came out and have been guzzling it daily (2 litres). I also take high doses of Vit. C, so maybe that cancels out the aspartame, or something. (??) At least I'll have an excuse if I suffer from any of the symptoms you mention Cheryl! Anyone else here "addicted" to diet pop?

P.S. junque, I thought I read that you have a sick family member but I can't find the thread now. Are you OK?

posted on May 31, 2003 11:41:02 AM new

My daughter is having a hard time getting off Diet Pepsi. Also, here is a list of other products that contain it:

instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, multivitamins, milk drinks, pharmaceuticals and supplements, including over-the-counter medicines, shake mixes, soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, yogurt

So, if you are eating or taking any of these, you are really getting more than your share of aspartame. I buy all my vitamins from a local health food store and make sure they are 100% natural with no sugars added. Your multivitamins contain sugar. Children's are the worse. Those new Listerine Mints? Loaded!

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on May 31, 2003 12:59:55 PM new

Like Kraftdinner, I drink diet cokes or pepsi and I don't have the symptoms that you suggest. Another view about the sweetner can be found here I usually drink the caffein free drinks though.

In addition to FDA, aspartame has been reviewed and determined to be safe by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization, the Scientific Committee on Food of the European Union, and the regulatory bodies of over 100 countries.
The American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Dietetic Association have reviewed research on aspartame and found it to be safe. Links to numerous other health organizations, which have confirmed the safety of aspartame, can be found at www.aspartame.org.

posted on May 31, 2003 01:08:24 PM new
Krafty,Thankyou for asking,My sister #2 of the four,(#3 died in 2001) just had a colon cancer operation.
She has to do Chemo to get the rest,and I was upset because she would have had to have another procedure, to put a chemo line in her body(close to the heart)and I knew she was still so weak.
The lucky part is, a cist on her back popped and the Dr.s will not give Chemo to anyone with any kind of infection.So now her body has a little bit of time to gain some strength, before the onslaught of chemo.

Hopefully I can get her, to drink some ETea to help with the cancer battle,when she feels up to it.

posted on May 31, 2003 01:11:10 PM new
Helen,You missed the aspartame sites I found..

posted on May 31, 2003 01:15:39 PM new

posted on May 31, 2003 01:19:43 PM new

posted on May 31, 2003 01:40:34 PM new

I must have missed them, junquemama

I just can't believe that so many side effects can be caused by aspartame...especially since I don't have any of them after using the sweetner for 10 years. On the other hand, I can believe that caffeine can exacerbate some of the problems that were mentioned such as heart palpitations etc.

I am reading your links with a lot of scepticism. LOL!


posted on May 31, 2003 01:44:46 PM new
Okey-Dokey,....there is another one I need to find for you.It was the first web site that got my attention on aspartame.

posted on May 31, 2003 01:54:18 PM new
The site I wanted,I can't get into right now.
Using MNS search for "aspartame side effects",I was able to pull up 7,800 sites.

[ edited by junquemama on May 31, 2003 01:54 PM ]
posted on May 31, 2003 03:12:48 PM new

The sources that you linked are randomly stating side effects without any scientific basis. In some cases they state, after this, therefore this kind of logic (post hoc ergo propter hoc) What we should control is real sugar because it contributes to obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, tooth decay and a number of other problems.

“Don’t believe the rumors – widely spread on the Internet – that aspartame … causes not only multiple sclerosis, but also lupus, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, Gulf War syndrome, and brain tumors. ”

-University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter, April 1999


posted on May 31, 2003 03:13:15 PM new
Ah geez {{{junque}}} What a good soul you are to help your sister through this junk. When my dad had cancer, I felt like I had it too. It's a depressing disease. When he was sick & skinny, I'd buy him boxes of Reese's peanut butter cups and he slowly started gaining weight. Did your other sister die from cancer as well? (If this is too depressing to talk about, I'll understand.)

posted on May 31, 2003 04:30:29 PM new
Krafty,No problem,I can talk about #3 sisters death.Molly had some blocked arteries
and on 9/11/01..(WTC NY)
Veins were removed from one leg and used for replacements on her heart.

She was able to talk to us by phone early 9/13..sister#4 was with her, at the hospital,and a friend.They left at 6pm to run an errand,(Molly was fine and sleeping)an hour later Molly had expired.

Krafty,family has to take care of family,I wouldnt have it any other way...

posted on May 31, 2003 04:38:22 PM new
Helen,I totally agree about the refined sugars and will add refined flour to the list of killers.

I got my sister off diet soda,I've seen my
miracle,in a 360 degree change...

posted on May 31, 2003 05:37:07 PM new
That must've been a total shock for your family junque. I'm truly sorry for your loss, but I know your sister is in good hands. I can see why diet is so important to you now. Thanks for telling me.

So, on the sugar thing, are you trying to tell me those 50 bags of Heath Bites I've devoured since last weekend, are bad for me????

posted on May 31, 2003 06:40:53 PM new
ijust came back from the supermarket,
just curious i decided to look around and see how many slim women can i find??
so i looked around and saw just 2-it was crowded at checkout lines.
asian women used to be slim,not anymore!

posted on May 31, 2003 07:00:31 PM new
Krafty,anything with an innocent name as
Heath Bites, shouldnt be a problem.LOL..

stopwhining,I guess that was a eye opener.

posted on May 31, 2003 09:31:49 PM new
I have a relative, a doctor, whose nurse could barely walk she was in such pain.

He was a GP whose wife read Prevention magazine, before it became a drug/advertising medium. She mentioned sugar as depressing the immune system and causing health problems.

He had the nurse go off all sugars and I remember how surprised he was. Doctors never had nutrition training and didn't understand that food (or what people call food) can cause problems. She apparently did well after
going off it. They were out-of-state so I
never saw her.

posted on June 1, 2003 09:42:08 PM new
A couple years ago I read an anti-aspartame site and even though I know different people can have different sensitivities the scope of the possible bad reactions made it sound like a major nut-case site.

However one symptom was so very specific it bothered me. A woman complained of a headache behind the right ear every morning following diet pop the day before. I was having just such a sharp headache until about 10 every morning when I got up and nothing in the way of pain medication helped. I stopped drinking diet pop and the headaches were gone. About a month later I woke up with the same headache and complained to my wife. She went through the waste basket and found a baked goods label from the day before that said there was aspartane in the cake we had bought.

Watch out. They put the damn stuff in everything anymore.

posted on June 2, 2003 05:39:12 AM new

Next time you have a headache take 2 aspirins with a diet coke. If the pain doesn't go away, call your doctor.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 2, 2003 05:41 AM ]
posted on June 2, 2003 10:48:06 AM new
The site I had been looking for is being rebuilt and offers more info on milk and MSG.


One of the first pages on the website is...

NOT SAFE !!! - - - - - - NOT A DIET AID !!!

Brand names: Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal (E951)...
Symptoms: Migraines, Memory Loss, Seizures, Obesity, Pain, Infertility...

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DORway is my WAY of paying back the Internet for the small, hard-to-find (and oblique) article that I almost didn't read... but that literally saved my life. That file was the 1996 FDA list of 92 symptoms of aspartame poisoning. It saved my life where 21 of 21 clueless doctors had failed over a period of ELEVEN years.

DORway consists of around 800 WEB pages (approximately 12,000 printed pages) of solid time-tested documentation that aspartame is neither a decent diet aid... nor was it ever proven to be safe! It must be removed from the human food chain, but only YOU AND I, the consumers, can effect its removal.

However, my primary concern is with the 250,000,000 clueless victims (Monsanto's figure) all of whom are in some (guaranteed) stage of "aspartame disease" who, as I once did, may desperately NEED this information. Even with over four million visitors... DORway has reached but a small percentage of these needy folks. Please pass this FREE health-restoring and perhaps life-saving information to everyone you care about!

If applicable... the "cure" is FREE. There can be nothing "controversial" about eliminating something from ones diet and waking up better... or WELL!

The all important suggestion!

If one has medical problems that their doctors cannot seem to cure (or they are too young to have old-age related problems) *AND* they consume products laced with aspartame, then try the FREE at-home 60-day NO-aspartame self-test... and simply observe the results.

All I ask is that each and every visitor tell at least TWO others about DORway... and if they have Internet access tell them to capture and use the help.txt info file that has a good overview of DORway and commented links to this huge site.


DORway.com opened Searle's Pandora's book of facts on aspartame during September, of 1996. For over four years Monsanto (who bought Searle in 1985), their many PR and law firms, visited DORway.com many thousands of times. The FDA, CDC and other entities visited as well. The highly litigious Monsanto was unable to find anything to use against the site in an effort to close it down and relieve the growing pressures on its dying aspartame cash-cow. They cannot say they "we don't know anything about it"! Obviously, they cannot argue with the documentation, either (the most damning of which comes from the FDA and sworn testimony)!


While two anti-aspartame web sites (1996) grew to tens of thousands (as of Oct, 2001, Google.com had over 80,000), and while Nutrasweet's 28 million pounds of aspartame sold during 1996 slipped to only 20 million pounds during 1998, Monsanto sought to counter the truth (and their negative "good growth" with more pro-aspartame WEB sites.

When the "Nancy Markle" Email appeared during December, 1998, Monsanto and friends panicked. Monsanto, FDA, ADA, IFIC, MSFacts, TIME, CNN, LA Times, and a lot more who stand to LOSE if aspartame is recalled ALL JOINED HANDS to call our information and the facts... an "Internet hoax". Want a hint at the whole truth? Simply compare their messages... and then look for the $$$ connection. FDA? Just think future industry jobs and the fact that they are culpable of approving this cumulative toxic poison.

During mid February, 1999, when the many PRO aspartame articles seemed to be failing to turn the tide, Monsanto seems to have made a momentous decision and they stopped visiting DORway until after July. In April they sold their Phenylalanine facilities (half of aspartame) to Great Lakes Chemical (GLC) for 125 million dollars. (A year later, GLC sued Monsanto for the 71 MILLION dollar shortfall in expected sales.) On the first of July, 1999, Monsanto put the Nutrasweet Co. on the auction block with TWO other companies... the THREE of which had "combined sales of a billion dollars". So much for "good growth". It took another ten months for Monsanto to find an investment firm that would relieve them of their growing burden.

Dr. Friedman, who quit the FDA when Jane Henney was selected to become the permanent FDA commissioner (1999), elected to sign on with G. D. Searle as a senior vice president at a purported cushy $500,000 a year.

Going to work for someone who he was supposed to REGULATE (AND for someone who he helped to DEFEND [60 Minutes, Dec. 1996, along with Monsanto's Dr. Welden] instead of investigate) seems very WRONG! Could this new job be his reward for ignoring citizen complaints and defending aspartame and rbGH? Perhaps more importantly, does the US have a congress that cares? Is there a justice department really interested in prosecuting fraud and genocide for huge profits? So far... the answers have all been NO!

DORway consists of hundreds of pages. Most TEXT files on this site can be obtained from the archives. For a good overview and commented links please download a copy of help.txt


Why DORway.com? Well, in addition to what I said in the first paragraph above... I don't like the idea of being poisoned for profit, and I don't like being the first in my family to get any form of cancer. Worse, to have an OLD MAN's prostate cancer that was declared to have already spread (terminal stage) at the young age of 55 is totally abhorrent to me (not to mention awful damned expensive and life altering). I am doing all that I can to warn others on aspartame, and who consume milk and dairy with its abundance of IGF-1 cell growth factor... GET OFF BOTH ASPARTAME AND MILK/DAIRY and live a more healthy and longer (perhaps even cancer-free) life. This is something that was denied me by a whole lot of greedy self-important self-serving "humans".

I want my DISCOVERY to be echoed by all aspartame users!


Aspartame is NOT a natural substance!
Aspartame is NOT a diet enhancement product!
Aspartame is NOT safe... for ANYONE!
Aspartame is NOT a food "additive"
Aspartame is an UNREGULATED and UNSAFE DRUG! (It was originally slated to be a peptic ulcer drug!)
Aspartame in liquids turns to FORMALDEHYDE above freezing!
Aspartame is even worse for DIABETICS!
Aspartame poisoning is cumulative (it adds up!)
Aspartame byproducts get stored in your FAT!
Aspartame has 92 "official" side effects (the worst is DEATH!)
Aspartame MIMICS a wide range of problems
Aspartame side effects are USUALLY MISDIAGNOSED! (By 21 doctors, in my case!!)
Aspartame is unfit for human consumption!
Aspartame's approval by the FDA is A SHAMELESS tragedy!
Aspartame's approval for use in EVERYTHING is far worse!
Who are the culprits? FDA, Searle, Monsanto, NutraSweet and more!
The ONLY "CURE" is total exclusion from the diet!
TOTAL recovery may not be possible!
Only an irate and active PUBLIC can rid the world of this POISON!
If YOU have been affected... REPORT IT! GET INVOLVED!!!


DISCLAIMER! The DORway to Discovery site is an INFORMATION site. It is not a source of medical advice. Any and all suggestions stem from personal experience (of any of the thousands of cases available). This information is presented FREE of all charge... and it is yours to use as you deem reasonable and fitting. Any and all information you deem important should be presented to your TRUSTED (if you have one) medical practitioner for evaluation and incorporation into YOUR personal situation.

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posted on June 2, 2003 11:48:40 AM new
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I have always had my doubts about asperatame. I think there's definitely enough evidence to worry about its potential impacts on health. And the evidence is that the people who use it don't seem to be any less overweight than the people who don't.

My youngest sister, who's been diet-obsessed all her life - to the point where a week after giving birth to her first daughter she was back in her size 6 jeans - was diagnosed two years ago with MS. The first thing her neurologist forced her to do was abandon all use of aspartame, which he said might be exacerbating her condition. Nine months after her diagnosis, they did a follow-up MRI. The supposedly permanent lesions in her brain had gotten smaller.

The doctor was very clear that he didn't think the aspartame caused the MS. But he did believe that the use of it in people who did have the disease could make things appear worse than they were, and possibly speed the progress of it.

kraftdinner and desquirrel Sympathies on your friend's and brother's illness. My favorite aunt had RA and it was horrible to watch her go through the pain ... but it never vanquished her spirit. There are so many treatments now that weren't available just five or 10 years ago.

posted on June 2, 2003 02:31:54 PM new
junque, are you trying to tell us something??

Thanks msincognito, for your your thoughts! Although I usually agree with you, I don't think there has been much in the way of progress in the arthritis field. All the new drugs such as Celebrex are nothing but super asprins - same thing that they used 50 years ago. The only advances I know of, with ANY medical condition, are either diagnostic or pharmaceutical. Actually curing a disease would be a big waste of money to those 2 industries. It's shameful!

posted on June 2, 2003 03:24:40 PM new

I don't use diet coke or pepsi to control or lose weight. I use them because they contain no sugar and this prevents blood glucose elevation. I see a lot of comments here and on the sites mentioned about the adverse effects of aspartame but there is no evidence anywhere to support these claims. Of the two sites first mentioned, one is in the business of selling magazines, books and videos -- the other, a political agenda.


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