posted on October 11, 2001 09:11:11 PM new
BALLSANDSTRIKES finds it amusing how some people choose to talk to themselves by using their handle instead of the word "I " or "me"
posted on October 11, 2001 10:24:52 PM new
Bidsbids finds it amusing that some people must post about other people even though it is against the community guidelines here at Auction Watch.
posted on October 12, 2001 10:09:17 AM new
I wonder what the numbers would look like if you subtracted the number of listings that were put up last January and are obviously never going to sell (for example, I doubt if the listing for The Simpsons on VCD with a starting bid of $123456789.00 will get too many serious looks), and those listings that were put up and abandoned by sellers who no longer visit the site.
I know this would make the Big Number smaller, but, IMO, that's a pretty meaningless number anyway. On a postive note, it may improve the sell-through percentages that are being gathered and reported here.
I don't know how you could determine how many stagnant listings there are. Perhaps the PreZ could put out an APB to all listing members and tell them that any listings that have been sitting with no bids for, say 30 days, will be removed from the site. Based on sales at the other sites, I think if an item hasn't received any bids in 30 days, it probably won't ... especially when there seems to be no impetus on the owner's side to bring in more (i.e different) potential buyers.
Just a thought that may improve the sell-through percentages and hopefully bring a little positive talk about the site.
posted on October 12, 2001 10:21:05 AM new
RB >
I wonder what the numbers would look like if you subtracted the number of listings that were put up last January and are obviously never going to sell ... I know this would make the Big Number smaller, but, IMO, that's a pretty meaningless number anyway. On a postive note, it may improve the sell-through percentages that are being gathered and reported here.
I think the sell-through rate is a very important indicator of an auctionsite's viability. The endless relistings are certainly hurting the site, after all, what reason is there for pageviewerz to view the same stuff over and over again, trying to find a few new listings.
I don't know how you could determine how many stagnant listings there are. Perhaps the PreZ could put out an APB to all listing members and tell them that any listings that have been sitting with no bids for, say 30 days, will be removed from the site. Based on sales at the other sites, I think if an item hasn't received any bids in 30 days, it probably won't ... especially when there seems to be no impetus on the owner's side to bring in more (i.e different) potential buyers.
Been through this. dimview and others have repeatedly called for removing the 30 day listing option and the 99 relists to improve Bidville's "appearance." That advice apparently fell on deaf ears.
You're right though, there's absolutely no reason why Bidville should be advertising given the "quality" of the listings right now.
Just a thought that may improve the sell-through percentages and hopefully bring a little positive talk about the site.
We've gone from "things will be better after the kiddies go back to school" and when that didn't happen, the bantor is now "things will pick up for the holidays." Yeah, right.
Well folks, where are these pageviewerz and bidderz going to come from because it sure looks like there few and far between right now.
Heck, as measured by feedback, dimview has had more transactions (as a buyer and seller) on Bidville than the auctionsite's owner.
You bring up a thought that I have posted on Bidville a couple of times in the past. It is my opinion that there are a good many "abandoned" listings from people who signed up, posted their listings with 99 relists, and have since left the site. My proposal has been to reduce the number of automatic relists from 99 down to a 5-10 (my preference is 5). This would solve a few problems in my mind. First it would eventually eliminate these "abandoned" listings. Second it would force sellers to at least look at a listing if they wanted to relist it after the auto relists. This is always a good opportunity to refresh a listing. Also it might eliminate some of the "warehousing" as Dimview likes to call it. Some sellers might not be so willing to relist thousands of items with little chance of selling if they had to manually relist the items every month or two. I agree with you that it would not be a bad thing for the total number of listings to decrease significantly. Clearing out some of the clutter might help increase the actual number of sales (raw sales, not %) since it would make it easier to locate the better items.
I am sure I will be quoted by the naysayers to support their positions. However there are many serious Bidville sellers that actively support the site but recognize that there always is room for improvement.
posted on October 12, 2001 11:11:41 AM newmight help increase the actual number of sales (raw sales, not %) since it would make it easier to locate the better items.
Good point stavecards.
On a related issue, has Bidville improved their search capability yet? I know, for example, on eBay I can add the word "-rare" when I don't want to see the listings where certain sellers misuse this word. In the categories I search, doing this usually eliminates a couple of hundred items from the list making my searching experience far more enjoyable. And, it gets to to the items that I want to bid on faster!
If the PreZ is reluctant to purge the listings, or eliminate the ad absurdium automatic relists, perhaps he could come up with a way to search for items that are less than 30 days listed. Maybe that feature already exists?? How about searching by region? Can you ask the search engine to report only those items that are available for shipment outside the USA, for example, or do you have to open each and every one to find out who is willing to do this? Being a Canadian, I find this feature very helpful on eBay.
As far as I know, the search function has not been changed since you left. I rarely use it myself, but I can't remember any message posted about changes to the search or any discussion of changes on the message board.
posted on October 12, 2001 12:04:11 PM new
Hi RB, welcome back
The search page still says "Description Search coming soon" as it has since Feb or March. None of the searches you've indicated are available.
As to finding ads that had endlessly relisted since Jan. I don't know if it's the same with other browsers but I use IE. As I float my mouse pointer over titles the auction # displays. I started listing on BV mid Jan with auct #'s beginning with 180. My old ones have long since been moved to other sites but I still see plenty of ads numbered 100-280 indicating those have been auto-relisting 6 months or more. BV deletes all CLOSED ads off their site within 60 days. (It may be 30 but I think it's 60.) That means these old numbered ads have been on constant relist or they would have gotten the boot. IMO deleting all open ads numbered at least 250 & under would be a great start towards improving the site. But heck, I can't get BV to delete or at least move the porn in reg categories to Mature.
posted on October 12, 2001 12:23:47 PM new
Hi Kasmoon
But heck, I can't get BV to delete or at least move the porn in reg categories to Mature.
Don't get me started on that The porn issue is what got me in trouble over there in the first place. I kept saying "it's there" and the PreZ (and his followers) kept saying "no it isn't".
posted on October 12, 2001 03:22:58 PM newI don't know how you could determine how many stagnant listings there are. Perhaps the PreZ could put out an APB to all listing members and tell them that any listings that have been sitting with no bids for, say 30 days, will be removed from the site.
I think if BV deleted 30 day old auctions with no bids then 95% of the listings would disappear. Many items take weeks or months or maybe even years to find the right buyer. Items are allowed to sit for months and months on with no problem. I think if BV were setup as a store or clone it would be much more successful.
posted on October 13, 2001 11:56:22 AM new
Continuing through Collectibles, here's today's subcategory snapshots:
Miscellaneous - 20 CAWB, 6,653 listings, or 0.30% sell-through rate
Miscellaneous: Coin Operated - ZERO CAWB, 25 listings, or ZERO % sell-through rate
Miscellaneous: Lamps - ZERO CAWB, 90 listings, or ZERO % sell-through rate
Native - ZERO CAWB, 348 listings, or ZERO % sell-through rate
Paper - 30 CAWB, 3,222 listings, or 0.93% sell-through rate
Photographic Images - 1 CAWB, 190 listings, or 0.53% sell-through rate
Police - 1 CAWB, 548 listings, or 0.18% sell-through rate
Radio - ZERO CAWB, 133 listings, or ZERO % sell-through rate
RR Models, Trains - ZERO CAWB, 607 listings, or ZERO % sell-through rate
Overall, dimview has examined another 11,816 listings which closed with just 52 bids in the past week (October 6 to date), or 0.44% sell-through rate.
edited to add my signature ...
-- (coming soon!)
posted on October 13, 2001 06:21:17 PM new
someone with no credibility or backbone said " Heck, as measured by feedback, dimview has had more transactions (as a buyer and seller) on Bidville than the auctionsite's owner.
Now that's quite an ADVERTIZEMENT !
[ edited by dimview on Oct 12, 2001 10:44 AM ]"
[ edited by ballsandstrikes on Oct 13, 2001 06:37 PM ]
posted on October 13, 2001 06:32:33 PM new
ballsandstrikes >
I just checked. You're right.
This difference could well be due to the dimview AuctionWatch userID for "chatting" and the non-disclosed Bidville userID used for buying and selling activities.
posted on October 13, 2001 06:35:59 PM new
Sorry. not that you have any credibility anyway but your statement is a lie. Once again I QUOTE " Heck, as measured by feedback,DIMVIEW has had more transactions (as a buyer and seller) on Bidville than the auctionsite's owner"
DIMVIEW has ZERO transactions. Your statement is a lie. you pride yourself on being factual and accurate. Therefore, unless you care to produce your Bidville ID, your statement has no point and no merit and ZERO credibility.
posted on October 13, 2001 06:45:18 PM new
dimview and ballsandstrikes,
Your posts are becoming argumentative and disruptive. Please remember to adhere to the Community Guidelines. If the argumentative posts continue, this thread will be locked.
posted on October 13, 2001 06:56:18 PM new
It is all about put up or shut up. Nobody believes you buy or sell on Bidville. This is about credibility. This is about facts. This is about having enough backbone to stand in front of your words and not hide behind a screen. For example. anybody who disagrees with me is free and clear to email me at [email protected]. See not a fake email account. My name is Tony. heck I can even be contacted at 810-529-5790. Why? because I am not afraid of my words. I dont drop snide remarks at people from behind a keyboard under the notion that I can hide behind a user ID.
I ALSO do not continue to post constantly about the same thing. Once I make my point (and I believe I have) I DROP IT. So I am done with this thread unless someone else has anything to add.
posted on October 13, 2001 06:58:05 PM new
MODERATORS. This is NOT argument. This is someone who posts #'s here daily and many people take them as truth without checking. This is about credibility.