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posted on August 20, 2003 02:30:04 PM new
stop with the taglines, get it out of here! who cares! its so compulsive! its like writing on a prison wall or having the same bumper sticker in about 200 places on your car. At least change them out here and there!

I read one by John Lennon "power to the people!" One of "the people" shot him dead on the sidewalk!---He should have said Power to the SANE PEOPLE - its all so horrifying and misleading. AM I the only one! I have no tagline! Its like on Seinfield when they forced people to wear an AIDS ribbon against their wills. Why are there so many nuerotic people on this forum! its a case study for PROZAC - GOD i think I need one myself.

Do you think anyonw ever says, wow man, what a cool tagline, I'm going to change my life over that one, wow so profound.

I feel that psychologically people who don't change their taglines have some ego driven need for the saying. Its like the saying validates their fear of what they may secretly fight against.

Say there is a tagline that says, Love your Brother - Maybe that person hates his brother so bad he may want to save his head and burn him alive in his car, so he writes the tagline for himself so he can prove he really does not feel that way.

Is it a fad? should I get a tagline, like I HATE TAGLINES? but then I would also be getting a tagline which means I would be following the heard, and it also may mean that deep down inside I may really love taglines.

A tagline gets stale fast, like a song you hear the first few times and you dig it but after the 40 th time, you don't really hear it anymore? or a joke, that was funny the first time, you get a chuckle maybe the second time but after that its over it is useless, it becomes unfunny and annoying.

Just a thought...or two.

posted on August 20, 2003 02:31:20 PM new
Get over yourself.

Just a thought....
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 20, 2003 02:36:41 PM new
oh its you! the grape stomping tagline- men are like 'grapes? I thought it was MUSHROOMS , keep em in the dark and feed them %)#) -- obviously your tagline proves that you constantly take advantage of people and enjoy it because you have been stomped on by all the significant people in your life, especially the opposite sex. See your tagline really says what you fear or do yourself.

posted on August 20, 2003 02:47:45 PM new
Why are there so many nuerotic people on this forum!

Why are you being so neurotic about taglines?

Hi-5 fenix

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on August 20, 2003 02:58:04 PM new
OH ITS YOU! you have now morphed into a DOUBLE TAG LINE! this is a tagline fever, I suspect you may add more until you have at least 30 of them.

I shall do your tagline reading...
Your tagline about being kind to everyone affirms that you are totally impatient and resent having to stand in grocery store lines to the point you almost throw magazines at the cashier.

You have urges of road rage but instead of acting out you cuss people under your breath.

You do volunteer work and everyone thinks your great but you are vindictivly passive agressive and enjoy confusing people with left handed compliments.

I wouldn't want to get on your bad side.

The thing about the few good men? well only Sigmond F could know what that means, but well you know the blanket imagery, a few good men etc etc. WINK WINK

posted on August 20, 2003 03:23:42 PM new
You don't know anything about John Lennon and why he wrote that song, do you? You're sounding a bit neurotic over this tag-line thing. Here we go with the psycho-babble. And I though you had changed. Could it be the chip in your head (or is it the one on your shoulder)?

Just so I annoy you even more:

Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.

Say you want a revolution,
We better get on right away,
Well you get on your feet,
And out on the street.

Singing power to the people,
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.

A million workers working for nothing,
You better give 'em what they really own,
We got to put you down,
When we come into town.

Singing power to the people,
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.

I gotta ask you comrades and brothers,
How do you treat you own woman back home,
She got to be herself,
So she can free herself.

Singing power to the people,
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.
Now, now, now, now.

Oh well, power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.

Yeah, power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on.

Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people.
Power to the people, right on...

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
posted on August 20, 2003 03:26:52 PM new
Orleans! LOL!
what does my tagline say about me?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 20, 2003 03:33:02 PM new
C don't take it personally. My husband loves John Lennon like a family member - could you imagine him having me for a wife! I am also ten years younger than him and he is a child of the 60's so I didn't cut my teeth on john. He calls me a horsehead. HEE HEE


You love to have fun and admire crazy off the wall stuff like art bell but deep down inside you are very serious and sober. Your friends love you and think you are a hoot! but underneath your fun loving exterior is a sensitive devoted person who takes life seriously and has to find the levity in the situation to keep your balance!

posted on August 20, 2003 03:38:09 PM new
orleans - you need a life WINK WINK

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on August 20, 2003 03:38:47 PM new
Orleans - you really need a life. My tag line indicates that I saw a bunch of cute T-shirt designs yesterday, got a giggle and decided to share. Before that is said
If it is really COMMON sense... why do so few people actually have it.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 20, 2003 03:44:19 PM new
Orleans! Your psychic!!!!! And right on!
Ya gotta check out George Noory some night, and Art comes in a lot to fill in, now he's a hoot, but the late night callers are hysterical!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 20, 2003 03:48:53 PM new
BUT WGN the saying on the cute t shirt appealed to you on a psychological level for a reason, a reason that you yourself may not even fully understand.

Your tagline about common sense indicates you have a superiority complex fueled by a deep lack of personal self esteem. If I were you I would bite the bullet and get professional help instead of taking the cheap route and trying to get relief from t shirt slogans. We can help you if you just reach out --- its okay really, no need to hide behind the MASK of superiority.

posted on August 20, 2003 03:54:14 PM new

You do know I was joking with you I hope. Had to play on your chip in the head thread. Imagine, I have to live with someone who likes Ozzy Osborne, Korn and the rest of the heavily metal lot. It drives me insane!

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
posted on August 20, 2003 03:59:33 PM new
hey c - I inow the love so many people had for John Lennon. He was a very talented man and its a shame he is still not here. Its so sad for the world when we lose some our bright lights too early. It makes the whole place a little lonely.


posted on August 20, 2003 04:19:58 PM new
Orleans - thats rather interesting comment coming from someone that follows it up with a superior comment of their own.

Oh yeah, it's not that I think I am better than many of those around me, I know I am
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
[ edited by Fenix03 on Aug 20, 2003 04:20 PM ]
posted on August 20, 2003 04:25:17 PM new
have you added yet another tagline to support your narcisstic obessions with your superiority? is that a tagline or a personal statement? why the wicked smily face blinking and winking?

You know I know the truth about you. You most probably throw your undies away after you wear them because you think they are not good enough to wear again. You are obsessed with clothes. HOw many t shirts did you buy that day?

I am sure your closet is full of clothes with tags on them. Its okay. YOU cAN GET HELP

posted on August 20, 2003 04:46:08 PM new
Orleans -If you knew the people around me you would understand... I dare say that in most cases even you are better than them.

As for the T-shirts - I didn't buy any - it was a fluff piece link on the Apple Netscape homepage

The best part of this evaluation though is the clothes obsessed aspect since I have always considered the best part of being self employed is the fact that most days I can just work in my PJs. Clothes and cars and other trappings are irrelevent to me. I'll invest in my computer and business before myself any day of the week.

Oh, and the wicked little wink would be an indicator of humor. Give it a try some time... come on, it won't hurt you... it's fun to be wicked
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~

Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 20, 2003 04:52:34 PM new
well there is some truth in every tree. You should not work in your pajamas it is bad for your morale. I was once the hugh hefner of the self employed - working in my bathrobe but it got tiresome. I changed into real clothes and felt better.

Don't throw away the undies j ust sell them on ebay.

posted on August 20, 2003 05:55:08 PM new
Ah! What better place to try out my new sig line??

All religions are equally right
posted on August 20, 2003 06:25:30 PM new

Good one! Rawbunzel


posted on August 20, 2003 06:30:29 PM new
Why thank you Helen. I rather like it myself.
All religions are equally right
posted on August 20, 2003 06:35:56 PM new
I'll have to find one too.


posted on August 20, 2003 06:55:02 PM new
For all her complaining it looks to me like Orleansgallery has her own sig line..

"Don't throw away the undies j ust sell them on ebay."
Looks like a sig to me.

Helen, You really do need a sig line. Find a good one.
All religions are equally right
posted on August 20, 2003 07:17:30 PM new

LOL, That's a good one for Orleansgallery.


There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.

posted on August 20, 2003 07:29:21 PM new

I'm finding so many! I'm ready for tomorrow...went to Annapolis today and watched the boats for awhile. Beautiful weather today!


Beware of the man who's god is in the skies.

posted on August 20, 2003 07:49:03 PM new
There are gazillions of them out there! I've got a few in reserve myself. This one came from a movie I was watching late one night,a B movie from the 1960's. The line seemed so "right" somehow I remembered it.

You've found a couple of excellent ones !

Annapolis looks like a beautiful place from the pictures I've seen. I love watching the boats. We have a lot of sailing regattas on the Sound here so I get to see many in full sail out there. The weather here has been lovely too, I wouldn't mind a bit of rain though. Way too dry for this area. Otherwise nice! [now that I've acclimated to it that is! I was cooking at first!]
All religions are equally right
posted on August 20, 2003 09:25:10 PM new
You love to have fun and admire crazy off the wall stuff like art bell but deep down inside you are very serious and sober. Your friends love you and think you are a hoot! but underneath your fun loving exterior is a sensitive devoted person who takes life seriously and has to find the levity in the situation to keep your balance!

Sounds like the stuff in the checkout line astrology magazines

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on August 21, 2003 04:34:40 AM new

Dont throw away your undies sell them on ebay! would be a great tagline if I were herdish enough to sucumb to the tagline mentality. I stand alone. I need no one elses weak sayings to get in the way of the power of my own word. I am my own tagline.

tagline reading for rawbunz-
all religions are equally right means that you believe all religions are stupid and without meaning. You have little respect for individuality except of course your own. Your tagline makes as much sense as saying all spices taste equally the same or all odd numbers are even because they are numbers. Its sheer nonsense packaged as misinformation.

Helen had no tagline but gave into peer pressure and compromised her own wisdom for a parasitic ride on someone elses tagline. If helen was 15 years old and an honor student she would sacrifice it all to fit in with the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Prof has proven by his observation that he secretly loves the astrology mags at the check out line. He reads them with great relish hoping his stars may finally cross at some mystical juncture in the sky where he could get L---D. He also has an admiration of hitler because hitler siezed the minds of an entire nation for his own twisted purposes. Mind control fascinates him and I am sure he has many books on the subject. In a past life he was a hypnotist.

[ edited by orleansgallery on Aug 21, 2003 04:37 AM ]
[ edited by orleansgallery on Aug 21, 2003 04:43 AM ]
posted on August 21, 2003 06:18:03 AM new


It's clear that your vitriolic criticism of posters and this forum and your effort to humiliate posters sincere efforts to relay a good thought in the form of a tag line is not appreciated.


posted on August 21, 2003 09:38:53 AM new

I was crushed, my self esteem dashed to shreds by your callous remark.

I have not been able to post for hours on this forum because my spirit was so bruised, I cried.

I had to get phone help and call the crisis lines.

YOU! you have your nerve calling me a humilator when you can do it ever so cunningly. The hypocricy is almost more than I can bear!

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