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posted on November 4, 2003 09:44:24 AM new
shift responsibility from Bush, who is the President of the United States to others such as past presidents and even potential candidates for president. THIS president needs to stop focusing on how he can fool the American public and deal with the mess that he has created in Iraq.

Oh....so now we're not suppose to ask potential candidates, one who might win the presidency, and who are currently criticizing everything this president is doing, what THEY'D do if elected. That's not shifting responsibility. That's asking what their solution is.....so far...those who have offered one, sound pretty much like what Bush is already doing. So why change in mid stream? No reason to.

NOR is it shifting responsibility *to point out to some who are so blind they cannot see*, that clinton felt and acted the same way, in regards to Saddam, that this president is. You keep forgetting to read what he said. That's pointing out agreement on an issue between clinton and this president.

Buy hey....more deaths Maybe at some point helen you might be call for more bombing of this triangle where our troops are at risk. Where Saddam's main supports are. Probably not....much easier to play arm-chair quarterback and point out 'the errors of our ways' and suggest we high-tail it home. Like you think they won't come here after us.
posted on November 4, 2003 09:56:30 AM new

My complete statement was...

It's amazing how you try to shift responsibility from Bush, who is the President of the United States to others such as past presidents and even potential candidates for president. THIS president needs to stop focusing on how he can fool the American public and deal with the mess that he has created in Iraq.

What responsibility do you believe your president and his administration has right now? You need to plug into that frame of mind. Stop thinking about what past presidents did and what future presidents will do and think about what Bush is doing right now. If you wake up and look, you will find that he is only behaving like a PR agent while Iraq is becoming a bigger disaster every day.


posted on November 4, 2003 10:06:33 AM new
helen - oh...I'm supposed to respond to your whole comment, answer each and every statement you make when you don't do that yourself? lol

I did find it funny how you kept reposting KDs question, in her thread, when you didn't think it was being answered properly. Gave me a good chuckle. thanks. Maybe that's the way we need to do it when you're not answering our questions. LOL

This president is fighting a war....WAR.....WAR helen. War's are not playtime. And the recent problems that our military have been facing are coming from the triangle. This is the area that you have been so protective of, in your posts, letting us all know how the poor people in that area, were being mistreated by our military forces. The people, who when their homes and farms were being searched for weapons used to fight our soldiers, were the people who got YOUR sympathy.

Now you blame Bush because of what these Saddam loyalists are doing to our soldiers? That would be funny if it weren't so very, very sad.
posted on November 4, 2003 12:57:56 PM new


Go to October 31 "Smashing Success"

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce [ edited by bunnicula on Nov 4, 2003 01:31 PM ]
posted on November 4, 2003 01:01:43 PM new
"This president is fighting a war....WAR.....WAR helen. War's are not playtime. And the recent problems that our military have been facing are coming from the triangle. This is the area that you have been so protective of, in your posts, letting us all know how the poor people in that area, were being mistreated by our military forces. The people, who when their homes and farms were being searched for weapons used to fight our soldiers, were the people who got YOUR sympathy."
"Now you blame Bush because of what these Saddam loyalists are doing to our soldiers? That would be funny if it weren't so very, very sad."

I always answer significant remarks and questions but I seldom see one written by you. For example, in your comment above, you tell me that the president is fighting a war and you point out that war is not playtime. How exactly should I reply to such childish nonsence? Should I say oh no, lindak, I know that war is not playtime? Then you go on to tell me what I think and who has my sympathy. You can't even interpret what I write, linda, -- muchless divine my thoughts.

You mentioned KD's question..... I repeated that excellent question for KD because every conservative was either ducking it or answering with deliberate obfuscation.


posted on November 4, 2003 02:45:16 PM new
I might buy that helen, if it were only my questions you choose to avoid. But you've done so with many,many others. You have to be confronted over and over and then sometimes you still won't answer or you answer by asking them a question.

Try to be just a little bit honest about your actions.

You did take the side of the Iraqi's when our military was searching their homes. You did take the side of them again when their fields were being plowed up. And now those same Iraqi's are shooting at our troops and you're still blaming Bush.

It's just way too easy to see there is nothing that will ever please you. You're always a big supporter of our enemies and those who side against our country's position though.
posted on November 4, 2003 02:56:49 PM new
"You did take the side of the Iraqi's when our military was searching their homes. You did take the side of them again when their fields were being plowed up. And now those same Iraqi's are shooting at our troops and you're still blaming Bush."

That's not fair, Linda. Having sympathy for the Iraqi people, who aren't the terrorists, is a good quality.

posted on November 4, 2003 03:05:13 PM new
NOT FAIR???? LOL War isn't fair. And just how are you able to make a decision on which Iraqi's are the one firing upon our soldiers and which one's aren't Saddam supporters? Which one's are harboring terrorists and which one's aren't. Do you have someone on the field there, who gives you military information? I don't think you have that ability, KD. It's a call our military commanders are making. To preceived threats they see. And Bush said long ago, he's letting the military make their own decisions on what needs to be done....because they're the one's that ARE there.

If our soldiers were seaching for weapons, so the Saddam supporters couldn't use them against our soldiers, and one takes their side....that pretty much says all that needs to be said.

If you'd ever read anything that's not cut and pasted here, you might just read that when our soldiers have destroyed anything, they put it back to the same condition they found it in. That's what a lot of this money we're paying for is being used for.
posted on November 4, 2003 03:06:54 PM new

lindak, you say,
"Try to be just a little bit honest about your actions."


You have a habit of accusing people of being dishonest without offering any basis for your remark.

Your vague and unsubstantiated accusations are unfair. In the future please offer backup for such comments.

What actions are you referring to, for example.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 4, 2003 03:08 PM ]
posted on November 4, 2003 03:14:39 PM new
Helen, if you think I'm willing to continually search for your past posts when you can't be honest enough to just admit you gave sympathy to these Iraqi's..judging the actions of our military....then I'm not wasting one moment of my time proving it to you. Partly because you'll still deny it but mostly those who have also read your statements already know it's true.
posted on November 4, 2003 03:23:43 PM new
Linda, I have direct contact with Geraldo Rivera, who is in the war zone as we speak. How dare you accuse me of not knowing what I'm talking about!

posted on November 4, 2003 03:29:37 PM new
Helen, if you think I'm willing to continually search for your past posts when you can't be honest enough to just admit you gave sympathy to these Iraqi's..judging the actions of our military....then I'm not wasting one moment of my time proving it to you. Partly because you'll still deny it but mostly those who have also read your statements already know it's true.

Everyone here knows that I am not a liar, lindak.

I insist that if you continue to call me one you will need to back it up. It's only fair. If you are going to waste moments of your time accusing me of lying then I suggest that you should be willing to waste moments of time looking for backup.

We are all sympathetic to innocent citizens of Iraq. Is that what you are referring to?
Your post does not make sense, lindak.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 4, 2003 03:31 PM ]
posted on November 4, 2003 03:30:00 PM new
KD - Geraldo Rivera

Oh yeah....HE thinks he knows everything....surprise he doesn't.
posted on November 4, 2003 03:32:52 PM new
I'm on hold. He's got Bush on the other line.

posted on November 4, 2003 03:36:28 PM new
Linda, self-defense doesn't make you a terrorist anymore than you would be if protecting your house from an intruder. "From my cold, dead hands"... a phrase used by the NRA Chairman. Why aren't the Iraqi's allowed to say the same thing?

posted on November 4, 2003 03:38:11 PM new
helen - A ton of what you say doesn't make sense to be either.

Me calling you a liar? I don't know if I'd use that word, but there have been many, many times when I've seen others confront you with something you've said in the past and you deny it then too. Also demanding they 'prove it'. It's a shame you can't remember what you, yourself post. Because I can also remember you saying what they have referred to.

IMO, you also have absolutely no way of knowing which Iraqi's are siding with Saddam. You have no way of knowing if those homes they raided in the middle of the night, were home harboring our enemies. *NONE*, helen. But you'll defend them to the hilt and point out the 'wrong' that you see our military, our president, our Congress, etc. doing.
posted on November 4, 2003 03:42:14 PM new
"helen - A ton of what you say doesn't make sense to be either."
"Me calling you a liar? I don't know if I'd use that word, but there have been many, many times when I've seen others confront you with something you've said in the past and you deny it then too. Also demanding they 'prove it'. It's a shame you can't remember what you, yourself post. Because I can also remember you saying what they have referred to."
"IMO, you also have absolutely no way of knowing which Iraqi's are siding with Saddam. You have no way of knowing if those homes they raided in the middle of the night, were home harboring our enemies. *NONE*, helen. But you'll defend them to the hilt and point out the 'wrong' that you see our military, our president, our Congress, etc. doing."


That is the craziest BS that you have ever posted. Dam.... I think you need a break.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 4, 2003 03:55 PM ]
posted on November 4, 2003 03:47:34 PM new
KD - self-defense doesn't make you a terrorist anymore than you would be if protecting your house from an intruder.

Self defense??? What self defense are you referring to?

Are you under some kind of misconception that all Iraqi's are friendly to our military? Are you under some kind of misconception that those who are strong Saddam loyalists are just going to cooperate with our soldiers when they are searching for Saddam supporters or weapons?

In war, KD, soldiers will do whatever is necessary to protect our troops. If you find something wrong with that.....then we will never agree. Expressing sympathy only for those who side against our country/our troops is over the line, imo.
posted on November 4, 2003 03:50:51 PM new
Yea, helen, like I'm going to take a break because YOU say so.
posted on November 4, 2003 07:41:10 PM new
Hey Linda, I give you some back up. Yep helen is full of it . see that was easy to settle . Glad I could help.

posted on November 4, 2003 08:05:58 PM new

Hi there tomyou...I see two love notes from you today.

Like I told KD earlier today, the louder they yell, the better your message.


posted on November 4, 2003 08:41:36 PM new
"In war, KD, soldiers will do whatever is necessary to protect our troops."

The Iraqi people will do whatever's necessary to protect themselves too. If a bunch of army guys showed up at my door ( ), wanting to bomb my land and push me around, I'd fight back. It wouldn't mean I'm a terroist.

posted on November 5, 2003 05:53:02 AM new

Here is a good description of the attitude of Iraqi people, caught between the US and resistance...staring at a pool of sewage.

From The Institute for War and Peace Reporting.

Iraq Revulsion at Car Bombings


posted on November 5, 2003 10:56:08 AM new
Hey there Helen, I would never yell, why that would be rude of me. I prefer to quietly be a wiseguy as it saves me from any undo ulcer medication

By the way, I never came back as a movie critic like I said I would the other night. Radio was an awesome movie and Gooding provided another stellar performance. Great to take any age to and tomyou gives it two thumbs up !

posted on November 5, 2003 12:52:18 PM new
"One is defeated only when one accepts defeat." -- Marshall Foch

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

posted on November 5, 2003 01:19:01 PM new


I've read the review and it sounds like a beautiful story...great for the whole family.


posted on November 5, 2003 01:27:45 PM new
Pulitizer and World Press Photo Awards

Also from the Institute for War and Peace Reporting...

These are photos from a couple of great photographers of the Iraqi and Afghanistan people.
They pray too.
And bury their sons.
And feed the birds in a war zone. (Heidi Bradner) just click on the first photo to see the series. If you have popup blocker, ctrl click.


posted on November 7, 2003 10:05:22 AM new
Another helicopter down.

An Army spokeswoman in Iraq says a helicopter carrying six members of the 101st Airborne Division crashed today near Tikrit. All were killed.

The 101st is based at Fort Campbell on the Tennessee-Kentucky border near Clarksville.

Major Jossyln Aberle said is wasn't immediately clear whether the chopper was brought down by hostile fire or mechanical failure. But an officer who asked not to be identified said it may have been hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.

Another American was killed and nine were wounded in attacks in the northern city of Mosul, raising concerns that the insurgency was spreading north.

posted on November 8, 2003 06:15:53 AM new

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The international Red Cross is closing its offices in Baghdad and Basra temporarily because of "extremely dangerous" conditions in Iraq, the organization said.

posted on November 10, 2003 08:26:21 PM new

30,000 bombs were dropped in Iraq during the war. This is the video of just one...friendly fire...April 6, a US Navy jet launched a bomb into a crowd of US and Kurdish soldiers who a BBC team were accompanying. In the seconds that followed, BBC cameraman Fred Scott began to film the disaster as it unfolded, footage which was heavily censored when shown on US news.

16 killed, 45 injured.

[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 10, 2003 08:27 PM ]
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