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posted on November 6, 2003 06:52:59 AM new
According to America’s own department of justice figures,
The southern states seem to have the highest rates of murder.

Note: The solid blue area represents the trend for the entire United States while the red lines are the trends for each region.

Let us take the opinion of Chartlon Heston and throw political correctness into the wind for a moment.

Is this the region known as the Bible Belt?

Do white supremacist or extreme religious organisations also appear with a greater frequency in this region?

Obviously not all inhabitants of these regions are of like mind, but if these regions have these types in greater frequency then the likelihood of an extreme type coming to office from this region is obviously greater.

Is the level of hate inspired crimes and the ‘possible’ greater level of hate in the wider community within these regions, such that it’s safer to pick a president from New England?

No doubt many of you know my feelings about the crimes committed against Palestinians.
But the following site Anti Defamation League (a pro Jewish Site) does address the issues of racism and hatred well,

Read all about White Suthun Praid
CCC Council of Conservative Citizens
“Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott was a frequent speaker at its events; subsequent news accounts reported that several other elected officials in the South had appeared at the group's gatherings. Like its predecessor, the CCC inflames fears and resentments, particularly among Southern whites, with regard to black-on-white crime, nonwhite immigration, attacks on the Confederate flag and other issues related to "traditional" Southern culture. Although its leadership claims that the group is not racist, its publications, Web sites and actions all promote the purportedly innate superiority of white people and bias against nonwhites”
African Americans .. "an inherent deficiency in mental ability"
…….”advance a racist agenda from the grassroots to the senior levels of American government.”

This is an interesting site with a couple of links from it underneath. http://www.geocities.com/onemansmind/
Christian Identity

Let this be a warning to those wishing to participate with such organisations, especially if you have ANY physical impairment
“Cochran was once the fifth-ranking member of the Idaho-based Aryan Nations. As recruiter and spokesperson, he targeted young people in new communities. Cochran "defected" in 1992 after another member told him his own young son should be killed (since the boy's cleft palate made him "genetically inferior". “

Why does this conjure an image of a ‘Southern gentleman’ that won’t swear in front of a lady but has no problem with harming a person of ‘colour’?

What’s the deal down South???????

posted on November 6, 2003 07:43:31 AM new
The worse the economy becomes, the higher the crime rate will go. Trust me, the south has not cornered the market on crime. Cleveland has seen a huge increase in the number of violent crimes. Sorry, I cannot give an exact number because I don't have the newspaper anymore.

Desperate people take desperate measures.

posted on November 6, 2003 07:52:33 AM new

That's exactly right. Poverty leads to crime and in the South, crime escalates even higher when poverty is coupled with lack of education.

The southern gentlemen that you mentioned, austbounty is now a Republican neocon taking advantage of uninformed voters.


posted on November 6, 2003 08:54:38 AM new
Education plays a huge role. I did find these stats for my area and they're not good at all:

"America is not a land of equal educational opportunity for economically disadvantaged students. . . .” said Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, chairman of the House-Senate conference committee working on President Bush's education reform plan.

The study ranked Ohio 33rd of 37 states and Washington, D.C., in the percentage of African-Americans who graduate (49 percent). Fewer than half of Ohio's African-American public high school students graduate, while 82 percent of white students graduate.

Cleveland City Schools had the worst graduation rate of the nation's 50 largest school districts — with 28 percent graduating — while Columbus ranked 47th with a graduate rate of 45 percent.

I think that our current Welfare system also plays a role. It does nothing to help lift people out of poverty. I don't know what the requirements are now, but if getting a GED is not a requirement to continue receiving assistance, it should be. After getting a GED, job training classes should be the next requirement. The system throws people off after two years having taught them nothing. In that two years, not only are the parent taught to be lazy, their children are learning that same lesson. Once off the system (or even while still on it) turning to crime to survive is the next logical step for a lot of people. A disportionate number of African-Americans fall into this.

I've been fortunate through my life to have family to fall back on. I've had a good role model in a mother who worked two and sometimes three jobs to keep food on the table. My daughter receives food stamps for my granddaughter, but she is working full time and attending college in the evenings.

I have seen drug crimes and rape increase in my neighborhood dramatically over the last two years. It's just awful what people are willing to do to other people just to survive. I pray everyday that there never comes a day where I (or anyone else I care about) have to resort to crime to stay alive.

posted on November 6, 2003 09:16:36 AM new
Cleveland, (is that Ohio)
East North Central seems to most closely mirror the national per capita average.

CBlev65252 “The worse the economy becomes, the higher the crime rate will go.”

I think that’s a fair statement.

To determine if Religion and racism is also at fault one would need to compare violent ‘hate’ crimes by region and determine if there is a correlation between them and the number of known extreme organisations.
These statistics are available at http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/hatecm.htm.

Although, there would be other frustrating variables,
Eg you would need to consider comparing areas that have similar proportional racial mix.
And give consideration to regional economic difference when comparing.

The FBI site appears to rely on stats from the following.
“The incidents were reported by more than 9,500 law enforcement agencies in 45 states and the District of Columbia. Participating agencies covered 75 percent of the U.S. population”

It’s hard to say how accurately these figures reflect the truth.
For example, I think it fair to assume that;
if racial hatred is more deeply embedded within a region then the law enforcement agency in that region, if comprised primarily of the particular regional ‘dominant race’ would be less likely to report to the FBI as race related a hate crime perpetrated by a member of that region’s ‘dominant race’.

Michigan: Pop Covered 7,471,391 Total Incidents Reported 405
Texas Pop Covered 18,659,819 Total Incidents Reported 326
The stats show Michigan to have over X2 as many hate crimes REPORTED per capita than Texas.
And do not necessarily mean Michigan has over X2 as many hate crimes per capita than Texas.

It’s perpetrated in the movies, that a lawyer considers a black man’s chances better if he appeared before a jury in the North than in the South.
If this is the case in reality then obviously it’s because the lawyers believe there to be more racism in the South.
Is this a common belief among those in the know (lawyers).

The FBI stats do break down the race motivation but not by region.
Anti-Black 2,988
Anti-White 1,226

They also break down the Offenders by Race
Black 2,253
White 4,991

posted on November 6, 2003 10:38:06 AM new
What do "hate crimes", "exremist religious groups", etc have to do with regional homicide rates?

Can you possibly be THAT stupid? You could take the membership of every group you're fixated on, add them together and not be able to fill a medium sized soccer stadium.

And what is this weird fixation with Charlton Heston??? Did you see one of his movies once and not like it???

posted on November 6, 2003 10:57:48 AM new
Can you possibly be THAT stupid?

Do you really need to ask that question?

And he is fixated on Heston, because he knows he doesn't have the guts be be like Heston.

After all the Aussies voluntarily rolled over and GAVE UP their firearms, without a fight

"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on November 6, 2003 06:45:08 PM new
The guts to be like Heston...ha ha..good one
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on November 6, 2003 06:47:13 PM new
He's an actor, he's not really all those heroic characters he played in all those movies....like saying someone doesn't have the "guts" to be Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone...
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on November 6, 2003 07:04:12 PM new
Heston has the guts to stand up in front of the world (as a man, not an actor) & support a cause he believes in.

"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on November 6, 2003 07:30:02 PM new
Heston has the guts to stand up in front of the world (as a man, not an actor) & support a cause he believes in.

Just like Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and all the other actors, right?
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on November 6, 2003 07:33:26 PM new
I wish I had the guts to be you, prof.

posted on November 7, 2003 07:36:45 AM new
Just like Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, and all the other actors, right?

Not in the least. He isn't bashing & criticizing the US & President Bush.
"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on November 7, 2003 01:53:50 PM new
So then, it's ok for an actor; who is no more qualified to take a position on public policy than any other actor, to take that position only if that position doesn't disparage the current administration or it's policies. Ok, now I get it.
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on November 7, 2003 06:35:32 PM new
When was the last time you heard of Heston complaining about the public reaction to his stance. Never.

All you hear from Sarandon, Michael Moore, Mike Farrell, the Dixie Clicks & the hoards of others is the way they are being treated by the public, their films & music being boycotted, in other words they don't want to be held accountable, they feel they are being persecuted.

Do you hear of Heston complaining? I never have.
"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on November 7, 2003 10:17:30 PM new
The difference is that Heston did not seek to impart his beliefs to anyone or seek a public platform to badmouth his country.

The only reason the public has a political sense of Charlton Heston is because of the "creative invention" of Michael Moore.

posted on November 8, 2003 05:44:13 AM new
Seems to me that being the head of one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington might just let a person "impart his beliefs to anyone".

I don't understand why you can't just say it: An actor who has a pro-administration stance can speak his mind, but an actor who doesn't, can't. Heston has a perfect right to put his feelings before the public, Michael Moore , Susan Sarandon, and all the others, don't.
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on November 8, 2003 06:12:10 AM new
I think the point you are missing profe is that Heston represented the NRA, not the Administration...

Those others made statements, but did nothing to really "support" those statements...

None went over to be "Human Shields"... that would of been the ultimate support.

Charlton Heston did alot to keep the NRA strong.

What did Sarandon or Robbins or Moore done to keep America strong? Nothing.

Ausbounty talks about the Confederate Battle Flag... how about learning something before you spout untrue statements.

That Flag is a part of our History in the US... Only a racist would consider it racist.

posted on November 8, 2003 07:51:27 PM new
The only reason that the public know Bush (the father) gave anthrax to Saddam is because of ‘extremists’ like Moore

And the point you miss 12 is that the administration are Ho’s for the NRA etc.

Michael Moore is one of the greatest investigative journalists in America if not he world.

He won’t stop until he is assassinated by the likes of the extreme right….praise the lord.

He #*!@ slaps the right… and they go back to buy his Saddam Petrol too.

That’s the beauty of the right/coservatives/stagnant ones; ‘free market’; they all have their price….Ho’s.

Ps. What happens in Taxas if you can’t afford an attorney?

Is it really true that evolution is no longer taught in some US schools?
If so, your next generation of biologists will be geniuses for sure.

posted on November 9, 2003 04:40:20 AM new
Charlton Heston is/was a spokes person for the NRA. Penn, Sarandon, Michael Moore, Mike Farrell, the Dixie Clicks & the hoards of others, think they are spokes persons for the American people. THEY ARE NOT.

Proud to be an American,
Reverend Colin

posted on November 9, 2003 06:32:52 AM new

They are self appointed spokespersons and their views represent those of many American people. Unfortunately, even your opinions, as stated here represent those of a few Americans.


posted on November 9, 2003 01:02:25 PM new
I go for Michael Moore too, Austbounty! He says he'll debate anyone but nobody seems to want to take him up on that offer, so he goes to them. Why are people afraid of him??

posted on November 9, 2003 02:15:28 PM new
Why are people afraid of Michael Moore?

I don't think they are afraid of him, I think a lot of people just think he's an idiot

(btw, his speech at the Acadamy Awards, the Bush bashing speech, he got more BOO's than ANY applause, I know, I watched that part)

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posted on November 9, 2003 02:43:29 PM new
These regional stats mean little when you understand for example that in MI almost all the murders are in the Detroit area - not an entire region.

posted on November 9, 2003 04:04:02 PM new

I watched that part.

"We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you. Mr. Bush, shame on you."
Michael Moore, 2003 Academy Awards acceptance speech

Most people would applaud that statement today.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 9, 2003 04:06 PM ]
posted on November 9, 2003 04:26:21 PM new
Sounds like a pretty fair statement to me, Helen. Not one coming from an idiot.

I'd love to hear what Michael Moore has said that's no true. Anyone know?

posted on November 9, 2003 05:04:43 PM new
Most people would applaud that statement today.

Only if you're on some type of hallucinogenic drug...

posted on November 9, 2003 05:06:36 PM new

And how would you know that?


posted on November 9, 2003 05:16:51 PM new
How could anyone not on drugs think of him as worthy of applause? LOL
Does explain alot about your and kraft's posting though... smoke some weed or take a hit makes the world all better for you eh Helen...

posted on November 9, 2003 05:36:32 PM new
The mad-neo-right has created an atmosphere where hallucinogens are not required by some.

The neo-right's 'tripping' inspired Michael Moore to initiate his African American Wallet Exchange.

See Instruction on How to Use the Eye Chart. http://theawfultruth.com/wallet/
‘Coloured Man’ Amadou Diallo, 22 pulled out a wallet and 4 cops saw a gun and responded with, 41 shots. 19 of those 41 hit Diallo in the spinal cord, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, and heart. Diallo was struck 11 times in the legs. Two of the officers emptied their weapons.

Govs. Jeb VS George_ Executions

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