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posted on November 18, 2003 08:06:03 PM new
"don't ask don't tell"
I don't know about you 12,
but I'd rather know the 'status' of the person watching my rear.

Watch my rear, but please don't tell me!?

Gays Laying It down to Protect 12’s A$$
"ANNAPOLIS, MD, November 7, 2003--For the first time, a United States service academy alumni association will be asked to recognize its gay, lesbian, and transgendered graduates by creating a chapter for those civilian alumni who are now out to their friends, family, and workplace."
[ edited by austbounty on Nov 18, 2003 10:40 PM ]
posted on November 18, 2003 10:58:50 PM new
They teach our kids, are role models in popular culture, but our millitary men need to be protected from them.

Watch out 12
beware the pink peril
they miiiiiight.

Quote follows.
Gay, Gays in the Military!

Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss? Yes, Sister, it is me. I am Gary, Garth, Merve, Harry, Terry, Tim, Smith: They are thin, slight, light, hairy girls in glitter, in hair-- a shiny tiara! Sing, sing, Tiny Tim.

€Ethan, this is grim. The enemy is here.... them there girlies share the same meals, same sitter, same shitter. Red scarves, earrings... They shame the team, the Image. Litigate! Right!€

€Yes, Martin, there are Gays! in the Navy! in the AIr! in the Army! in the Marines!€

€Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Real men, yes, real men. Yes, the image: The military gets real men. Single men. Real males. Ethan, SIr... they are staring at my meat, my Stinger, my legs, my eyes. Leather, lather, smiles! Eyes, see the gleem in ther eyes. His eyes, his eyes... They rim me. It is my meat! It is mine! Men see men in the mitlitary!€ €Semen, Martin?€


€Martin, grant me the serenity....€

€These here gays may see my meat, eat my semen! It is my semen, girls! My girl€s semen. Gay is sin, vice, crime, evil, vile. It is anti-Right. Heil, Hitler! Hitler is right! They are less than me, Ethan. They are!€

€Easy there, Martin.€

€Ethan, it is strange. They are strange. I am angry. They may let them gays in the military.€

€Martin, yes, Martin, gays are in the military. Gays are in... they may stay in, right here in the military.€

€Liarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. They the same as me, Ethan. Never! Never! I rage... I am angry, seething!€

€Teething, Marty?€

€Ethan, I am shy.€

€Martin, men in the military get an early grave. They learn, they live. They get in. They get theirs. They get the girls. They€re girls. There are girls. These girls eat their men€s semen. It is an early grave: They get a girl. They marry, Martin. This is real. Imagine there is never a heaven... there is never sin. There is a Red RIver near here... Get in... Sing! It is in the Stars. Yes, there is a Heaven! It is right in here. It is never there, it is never them.. it is here, right here!€

Years later....

Seer: Reagan sees an evil, mighty Red Great State in the East. He sees Stalin, Hitler, Viet Nam... the Yeltsin! Reagan see things are Gray! In the Eighties in his seventies He arms the Navy, the AIr, the Army, the Marines.. The Military is Gay again! It gains again. Then he starts START. He retires.. In his eighties then, Germany is Germany. Germany is again. And hate again is again alive again in Germany again. Hitler is in again. The Great Red State is against Germany again. Is all the glitters...? It is a game, a lyme game...The military is gay again! Say it again, SAM.... Gay is in the military again!! 11/20/92

Copyright 1998, Lee Wayne Schvaneveldt

posted on November 19, 2003 02:37:39 AM new
Gays have always been in the Military... doesn't mean they are tolerated or accepted.

A few "accidents" have known to occur...

posted on November 19, 2003 06:09:54 AM new
Twelvepole: "When you live in the US and are a citizen, let me know..." and "Those others you mention are topics I will discuss with foreigners..." and "last time kraft... you are not a citizen of the US, running down my President is running down my country..."

My God Twelvepole, your comments are so arrogant it is unbelievable.

A few months ago women were "sneaky little bitches" [Think those were your words, if wrong you will tell me], then there were your comments about Gays and those unpatriotic groups for gun control.

You have told those damn foreigners to take a hike, you don't want to hear from them as
THEY are not FROM YOUR COUNTRY. I don’t remember you ever using IMHO. Would you please start using it? Your opinions are your own and others may want to hear what “those furrrreingners” are thinking.

Is it their countries that are the biggest world polluters? [New energy bill is a windfall for oil and coal, and a downfall for the earth.] The U.S. influences and “infects” the rest of the world because we are the biggest consumers, the biggest polluters and have much to do with global warming. Why shouldn't they be able to comment? Other than the fact you keep asking people to leave the boards and YOUR country.

Is it their countries that have an un-elected President following his master’s agendas to make other countries become Democratic, ignoring cultural differences?

Is it their country's leaders who espouse Democracy but still have citizens without voting rights in Congress?

Is it their country's leaders who espouse Democracy but half the population [women]are still considered unequal to men in wages or
rights to their own bodies? A country who couldn't pass an Equal Amendment Rights
because half the population is afraid they may find they are the same or inferior to those whose rights they deny.

Please add, “IMO” or “IMHO” (less likely) to your statements. I would hate to think some just stopping by as I do would attribute your sexist, homophobic, anti-world and unworldly attitudes to the rest of us.

End Rant.

[ edited by aposter on Nov 19, 2003 06:14 AM ]
posted on November 19, 2003 09:05:32 AM new
I see aposter you are among the misinformed... I am not in the least homophobic; that would involve fear and that couldn't be farther from the truth... I don't fear things that I don't consider human... ony the left likes tossing around that word...
posted on November 19, 2003 11:49:52 AM new
"I am not in the least homophobic; that would involve fear and that couldn't be farther from the truth... I don't fear things that I don't consider human..."

Aposter, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, Twelve's ONLY intentions here are to offend and degrade others. Not only on this board, but, as he has repeatedly stated, in real life also. When deep-rooted thoughts contain such ideas as killing, shooting, stabbing, pissing-on, etc., of the very Americans he loves so much, coupled with on- going fantasies about looking overseas to find REAL women because American women suck, you have to wonder about the stuff he doesn't talk about.

Twelve, you're on the wrong path, my friend. I know I'm not alone with that thought.

posted on November 19, 2003 03:08:22 PM new
Reverened Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times, blesses that Bush vows to defend 'sanctity of marriage' in response to Massachusetts OK of gay marriage.

Are you a Moonie 12? Or is their press a little 'left' for you.?

posted on November 19, 2003 06:10:49 PM new
Your the Bomb!!
Thanks, I owe you one.

Reverend Colin
[ edited by colin on Nov 19, 2003 06:51 PM ]
posted on November 20, 2003 03:59:40 AM new
Twelve, you're on the wrong path, my friend. I know I'm not alone with that thought.

Ooooh, I am so hurt... one thing we are not is "friends" we are aquaintances on a message board... nothing more nothing less.

My path is traveled by many people, and in the future you will begin to see more of it... people are getting fed up with the left immoral principles trying to take over this country. We do not want a socialistic country like Canada, it isn't working there and we don't need your failures here.

I post here for the as aposter put "people stopping by" they have to know that there are people out there that do support their thoughts...

Oh and aposter I don't use IMO or IMHO, if you're too stupid to see it as an opinion that is your problem.

posted on November 20, 2003 04:39:53 AM new
Polls show most Americans oppose same-sex "marriage," and a Pew Center survey shows opposition is increasing. The poll found opposition at 59 percent, up 6 percent from July, which is when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Texas law prohibiting same-sex sodomy.

I am not alone

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Nov 20, 2003 04:40 AM ]
posted on November 20, 2003 05:13:52 AM new
Linda, regarding your clip of the Weekly Standard article about the Feith memo, the Dept. of Defense has repudiated that story as "inaccurate".

The Weekly Standard is a Rupert Murdoch publication. I searched their site to see if they had issued a follow-up report on the memo. Guess what? They didn't.

Here's the link to the DOD's response to Weekly Standard's "news".

DoD Statement on News Reports of Al Qaeda and Iraq Connections

News reports that the Defense Department recently confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq in a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee are inaccurate.


The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then gets elected and proves it.
-- P. J. ORourke (Holidays in hell, 1989)
posted on November 20, 2003 07:19:24 AM new
Thank you for posting that link, profe.

It always gives me a chuckle though that anything written on a conservative site is *never* to be believed, but the NYT is accepted as gospel by those on the left, when so many times they have been proved to give mistatements, file phoney stories, make stories up, etc.

The last paragraph in the link I posted says:

Was Shakir an Iraqi agent? Does he provide a connection between Saddam Hussein and September 11? We don't know. We may someday find out.

From other articles I've read, on this subject, they agree this connection is being proven as more and more intelligence is being processed. There's too many issues [like those posted on my link] to be so easily dismissed.

I do understand the DoD is not endorsing these findings. The report that was being put together was classified information. The DoD doesn't normally discuss classified information with the public.

But MANY are questioning why they are so actively seeking to find those who has leaked it. Usually they aren't concerned if the information is of no value.

But we all know how leaks go....ususally never find out who leaked anything.

I personally believe these connections are proof of a connection between BinLaden and Saddam. And I understand you don't agree.
posted on November 20, 2003 03:01:23 PM new
Some of us ARE friends here, Twelve. If it wasn't for the people here, I would have been wallowing in depression from my dad's death and my separation from Mr. Kraft. It's because of my friends here, that I'm not.

The judgement path you are on, against certain groups and people in your own country, isn't healthy. What you'd like to do to these people isn't healthy.

I told you before - if you would drop the degrading parts of your posts, you wouldn't be that bad of a guy. Take it for what it's worth, Twelve.

posted on November 20, 2003 03:52:47 PM new

Twelvepole is right about not using IMO and IMHO. Isn't it interesting that most men don't use these qualifiers. When you think about it, why should anybody have to point out an opinion and then call it "humble" ?


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 20, 2003 03:54 PM ]
posted on November 20, 2003 04:04:02 PM new
I thought aposter was being tongue-in-cheek with that statement. I took it as asking Twelve to "soften the blow" by adding imho or imo (as if he would).

posted on November 20, 2003 04:49:23 PM new
Anti-American, neo-right; a Destabilising Force.

“the right hates our constitution, too, except for the Second Amendment, and maybe the Eleventh, now that the Rehnquist Court has rewritten it to mean "Congress shall pass no law that we don't like." But the First, the Fourth, the Fifth, and um, the Sixth, and the Eighth, and pretty much the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments are right out the window these days. Damn shame, too, if you ask me. Plus the right is still itching to overturn old decisions like Miranda and Bakke and Roe, if not Griswald. Some of them aren't too crazy about Brown v. Board, either, if you know what I mean.”

We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts -- not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." Thomas Jefferson

Linda; you have previously dismissed the validity of news sources like Aljazeera or anything coming out of Russia; and considering that those on the right are reluctant to take an opposing stance against other members of the right on any issues (possibly for fear of splintering, but at the expense of truth); I thought it fair to assume that you would be of similar mind to 12 when considering alternate news sources.
re.2nd Amendment or Bowling for Columbine
12pole “At no time will that piece of garbage be showing on my TV”

[ edited by austbounty on Nov 20, 2003 04:50 PM ]
posted on November 20, 2003 08:20:02 PM new
Operation Sharon?

In Tikrit, US Destroys Homes of Suspected Guerrillas

TIKRIT, Iraq - In a tactic reminiscent of Israeli crackdowns in the West Bank and Gaza, the U.S. military has begun destroying the homes of suspected guerrilla fighters in Iraq's Sunni Triangle, evacuating women and children, then leveling their houses with heavy weaponry.

At least 15 homes have been destroyed in Tikrit as part of what has been dubbed Operation Ivy Cyclone II, including four leveled on Sunday by tanks and Apache helicopters that allegedly belonged to suspects in the Nov. 7 downing of a Black Hawk helicopter that killed six Americans.

Family members at one of the houses, in the village of al Haweda, said they were given five minutes to evacuate before soldiers opened fire.

"This is something Sharon would do. What's happening in Iraq is just like Palestine."

The surrounding of the town of Awja (or here) with razor wire reminds the residents of the Gaza Strip. Maj. Gen. Charles Swannack, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, said:
"I think that as commanders, we might have been a little bit reluctant previously to use aerial gunships AC-130 or U.S. Air Force aircraft and precision guided munitions. Now there's no-holds-barred on what we use. We use what necessary capabilities and combat power that we need to use to go ahead and take the fight to the enemy and also minimize collateral damage."
[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 20, 2003 08:37 PM ]
posted on November 21, 2003 03:57:42 AM new
"I think that as commanders, we might have been a little bit reluctant previously to use aerial gunships AC-130 or U.S. Air Force aircraft and precision guided munitions. Now there's no-holds-barred on what we use. We use what necessary capabilities and combat power that we need to use to go ahead and take the fight to the enemy and also minimize collateral damage."

As we should done from the start... leveling suspected hideouts should of been done long ago, if the people want to have a lasting peace they need to stop this fighting.

[ edited by Twelvepole on Nov 21, 2003 03:58 AM ]
[ edited by Twelvepole on Nov 21, 2003 04:00 AM ]
posted on November 21, 2003 04:39:03 AM new
kraftdinner - my separation from Mr. Kraft. I'm so very sorry. I hadn't read that before. I hope things can be worked out by the two of you. Sincerely.

Oh yes, look at all the terrible things the US is doing to win this WAR. shame, shame according to you. Guess the soldiers should just stand around being targets so you can continue to add their body counts to back up your reasons for why we should just admit defeat and run. Have you even read about all the arms some of these families and farms have in their homes? It's unbelievable.
posted on November 21, 2003 05:31:20 AM new
austi - Linda; you have previously dismissed the validity of news sources like Aljazeera or anything coming out of Russia...

I think this might have been a discussion we were having in another thread. but....

Yes, I have dismissed what their political 'take' or 'slant' is on different situations. But that doesn't mean when those sites are posted in a debate, that I don't read them. I have yet to find them to be PRO-American though.....wonder why? And I certainly don't seek them out for their 'enlightment' on how the US should be doing things.

And the op-ed piece, from your Russian site that I quoted on the other thread, says pretty much how I see these/their anti-American statements.
posted on November 21, 2003 05:36:12 AM new


"As we should done from the start... leveling suspected hideouts should of been done long ago, if the people want to have a lasting peace they need to stop this fighting."

See...using "MHO" wouldn't work. LOL!

At least, twelvepole, you have backed down from leveling the entire country?


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