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posted on November 27, 2003 10:55:05 AM new
Bush went to Baghdad What a political Scam.

posted on November 27, 2003 11:33:24 AM new

How does going into the heart of the country of the people who most want you dead just to spend time with troops a scam?

Was it done for political reasons? Maybe, maybe not. But so what? He still DID it, and the troops were appreciative. That is what matters!

My opinion of him just went up by several notches.

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posted on November 27, 2003 12:21:34 PM new
It was kept super secret, that no one except senior people in the WH knew

I don't think its a political scam, took guts though!

Apparantly he's having Thanksgiving dinner with the troops

Way to go

back to cooking.............

Happy Thanksgiving!

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posted on November 27, 2003 02:34:10 PM new
I think it is super that he went!

You know, I was wondering where skylite and bigcity had been...a zebra can't change its stripes

If you had one phone call to make before you died, who would you call, what would you say, and why are you waiting?
posted on November 27, 2003 03:49:37 PM new
(wgm) For your information I am not skylite or bigcity. I'm a US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES VET. and I am sick and tired of seeing our troops killed for some a-- h---s political gain. I am talking about GW Bush, his Father, and His Brother And Dick Chaney. What the troops where appreciative of was the millions spent on the big dinner. If there where back home with their families they would be a lot more appreciative. That Said I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America

posted on November 27, 2003 04:22:31 PM new
Good for President Bush.

Clinton should have tried going to Somalia or Bosnia

"Another plague upon the land, as devastating as the locusts God loosed on the Egyptians, is "Political Correctness.'" --Charlton Heston
posted on November 27, 2003 07:36:02 PM new
It's no secret that I am no fan of Bush but I give him props for this one.

I ran into a friend that is stationed on the Nimitz last night and she was talking about how stressful life was on this last cruise they just returned from and they were not under fire. I would imagine that for those under the stress of daily life on the ground the knowledge that your president was willing to forego time with his family to give you a thumbs up and serve you dinner would be a much needed emotional boost. His appearance is not going to change public opinion of the war, people either believed in it or they didn't. You either think we should be there or you don't and his appearance is not going to change minds here on the homefront. His presenece meant something to the men and women there in Iraq today and as a person, I give him credit for that. I don't like him as a president, but today at least, I can respect him as a man.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on November 28, 2003 05:52:18 AM new
President Bush did something that was very good...

Support for the troops... and had dinner with them...

Like I have said before, man with backbone.... liberals don't understand something they don't have.

posted on November 28, 2003 05:55:22 AM new
It was a masterful PR maneuver and just one small thing that he has done right since he was elected. Being attentive to the troops and their needs is his job. Now, I hope that he will give the troops a substantial morale booster in the form of an exit plan so that they can return home to their families.

BTW...Clinton was in the same area on Thanksgiving , four years ago visiting the troops in Kosovo One big difference is that Clinton was welcomed by the natives, who thanked him for their liberation.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 28, 2003 06:20 AM ]
posted on November 28, 2003 05:55:47 AM new
The fact that Bush did not tell the public or even close friends just proves how humble he really is!

posted on November 28, 2003 06:03:27 AM new
President Bush was one of the things I gave thanks for yesterday.

Reverend Colin

posted on November 28, 2003 06:15:44 AM new
The fact that Bush did not tell the public or even close friends just proves how humble he really is!

It has nothing to do with humility and everything to do with security. Absolute secrecy is the only way they could have pulled it off. It was a good thing to do, no matter how much it cost.
The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then gets elected and proves it.
-- P. J. ORourke (Holidays in hell, 1989)
posted on November 28, 2003 06:56:56 AM new
(fenix03) Thank You Thank You Your statement has changed my mined on this issue if he truely did it for the troops I can agree 100% with your statement below
(His presenece meant something to the men and women there in Iraq today and as a person, I give him credit for that. I don't like him as a president, but today at least, I can respect him as a man.)

posted on November 28, 2003 08:04:13 AM new
Prof, thank you for correcting MY OPINION.
Of course, security was of utmost importance, but it was an humble gesture.
posted on November 28, 2003 08:31:52 AM new
Hillary Clinton was in Afghanstan about the same time the other day for Thanksgiving with the troops there.

of course there had to be security for the President. 'They' (media over and over) said that his parents or even Laura didn't know. (I'll betcha Laura knew )

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on November 28, 2003 11:00:39 AM new
For the President to sneak off and surprise the troops with a visit in Baghdad was just awesome. A great gift and morale booster for the troops.

But it was also reckless. Only a few days earlier, a jet over Baghdad was hit by a surface to air missile. Also, a mortar round or rocket could hit anywhere, anytime. I hope that Bush doesn't try anymore risky stunts like this again.

posted on November 28, 2003 12:41:43 PM new
I thought it was great. What a surprise!!

posted on November 28, 2003 01:32:53 PM new

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on November 28, 2003 04:12:50 PM new
The only thing that bothers me about the President trip to Baghdad is the cost to the American people of Air Force One.

On the other hand I'm told Hillary's trip cost us nothing. She used her own broom.

Hey!! it's only a joke
Reverend Colin

posted on November 28, 2003 05:48:27 PM new
Hillary Clinton just had to go to see for herself if President Bush was telling the truth because she has gotten too used to Presidents lying to her, hasn't she.

posted on November 28, 2003 08:19:59 PM new

I thought at first you were Jerry12, an old timer here at RT. Then I put on my glasses.
My first response to hearing Bush in Bagdad was "pride." Then I was flipping through the various news coverages. One commenter said Bush gave up his Thanksgiving to go to Bagdad. That deflated my pride.

As for it being "brave" on President Bush's part, I don't consider it to be "brave."

posted on November 29, 2003 12:59:29 AM new
According to your second link, helen:

Five months after the U.S. military led NATO to victory in Kosovo, President Clinton came to this remote Army base......to tell American troops that...

....Clinton told a crowd of 1st Infantry Division soldiers who gathered in a large tent Tuesday to give their commander-in-chief a rousing welcome on his first visit to Kosovo since the war ended in June. [Thanksgiving's in NOVEMBER, helen. ]

Quite a bit different than entering Iraq where the war is still on-going. But I'm sure you didn't miss that 'small' little detail.
edited to add:

I hope that he will give the troops a substantial morale booster in the form of an exit plan so that they can return home to their families.

A morale *booster* would come in the form of the democrats not stating 'their lives are being taken - in vain' [parphrasing what Dean has said about those who have died in the war].

A morale *BUSTER* is our soldiers hearing/reading the stuff people like you keep saying. But it is encouraging to our enemies. They're hoping your side wins and we get out and let them retake Iraq.

[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 29, 2003 01:19 AM ]
posted on November 29, 2003 01:16:00 AM new
President Bush was one of the things I gave thanks for yesterday.


I disagree, clarksville. I think it was a VERY brave thing for the President to do. He didn't have to put himself into a war zone, where they're shooting at us using donkey carts. He could have stayed right where he was.

And another note to helen - As far as Bill Clinton being welcomed.....no one knew Bush was coming...remember? Kind of hard to show up and welcome him when they didn't have a clue he was coming. But it was reported that there were 2-4 Iraq leaders who had been invited to meet a 'surprise guest' and they did meet and speak with the President, who gave them assurances we would stay as long as we were needed.
posted on November 29, 2003 09:12:29 AM new
Linda! good to see ya back!

And, add the fact, it was the First U.S. President to set foot in Iraq.

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on November 29, 2003 11:10:54 AM new

Linda I think you are contradicting yourself. About two months or so ago, you were saying how Iraq is not as bad as it is or what it appears. Going with that premise, then what Bush did wasn't brave. Yet, on the other hand if he was brave as you say, then it is as bad as some others are saying.

Linda, you can't have it both ways. Either is bad (making Bush brave) or it isn't (making Bush not brave.) Which is it Linda?

Also, I think that if it was a dangerous stunt (a chance he would have died or injured), I don't think the SS would have permitted it.

I think it will go down as on the border line of being "brave" and "stupid" and
possibly reckless.

One more thing, we heard all about him arriving. What about when he left? Are the Iraqiis so stupid and we are so smart, that they wouldn't eventually have been able to figure out what was going on and would have gotten him when he left Iraq?

As for Helen hurting the morale of the troops, I don't always agree with her posts, nor with her tactics, but I think your posts are as determental to the troops' morale as Helen's. Yet, both are as patriotic as the other.

Both of you are morale BOOSTERS, both of you are morale BUSTERS. One needs to be careful on how or to whom to point the finger. There are three pointing right back at the pointer.

Matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me if there were troops and their loved ones who are glad the two of you are having this dialogue. Both of you are providing voices for those who, for whatever reason, can't speak.

posted on November 29, 2003 11:52:59 AM new
clarksville - Linda I think you are contradicting yourself. And I disagree with you once again. The past month as seen the most killing since this war began. We have, very recently [and since my posts you refer to] seen more missiles being shot at our aircraft. First their violence was leveled at our troops, then they went after the coalition and now they're going after their own people who are looking forward to a free Iraq. Conditions change, clarksville.

One more thing, we heard all about him arriving. What about when he left? Are the Iraqiis so stupid and we are so smart, that they wouldn't eventually have been able to figure out what was going on and would have gotten him when he left Iraq?

clarksville.....no announcement was made of the President's trip UNTL he had LEFT Iraq.

As for Helen hurting the morale of the troops, I don't always agree with her posts, nor with her tactics, but I think your posts are as determental to the troops' morale as Helen's.

Well.....you're certainly entitled to your opinion even if I don't agree.

Have you ever served in the military, clarksville? If you have then you'd know the troops appreciate the President's visit and that it is a real morale booster. In my mind...that's really all that matters. He was brave to enter a war zone....period. Not going to change my mind on that subject.
posted on November 29, 2003 12:12:19 PM new
If they made everyone disarm and go through metal detectors it could not have been much of a surprise to the crowd in the mess hall.
I can't imagine them letting him go into ANY crowd that had not been completely 'sanitized' even if they all were his subordinates. So I do smell a little bit of showmanship it showing it as a complete surprise.

But yes it takes some courage just to fly into Bagdad.

posted on November 29, 2003 12:34:47 PM new
gravid - So I do smell a little bit of showmanship it showing it as a complete surprise.

I haven't read where they were put though any more security measures than they usually are. [Not sure if that's your opinion or a fact you've read.]

But none-the-less, I have read that the soldiers from that division were told they were going to have a 'surprise guest'. So....IF any extrodinary measures were taken...it doesn't mean they knew it was going to be the president....it could have been Rumsfeld again...like he did before.
posted on November 29, 2003 12:59:45 PM new
(and here it all goes again).......

There are now news articles about how 'deceitful' this trip was. Reporters from CNN are mad. Now it was wrong it was done, or done in secret? (it had to be done under heavy security) I was just reading how Clinton changed planes several times, how Eiseinhower eluded everyone when going to Korea, and Johnson to Vietnam.

I guess you cannot please all the people all the time.... people would without a doubt be b*tching and moaning if he didn't go, saying he SHOULD do something like this.......

and so it goes.

Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on C2C-www.coasttocoastam.com
posted on November 29, 2003 01:15:51 PM new
and so it goes.....very true. That's just politics though. Some can't find one single little issue to give him any credit for. But the more moderate people can at least look at this as a postive for our troops....if nothing else.

I've read/heard some accounts that many from the left-wing media were so mad because they weren't taken into the confidence fold...think it was a writer from the New York Times. Saying they should have been invited along....so they could give the 'real' story. Yeah right....like papers that continue to bash everything he does, everything he says should get special priviledges? LOL
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