posted on October 21, 2001 08:04:18 AM new
Why not just BAN all sites and get it over with. Most that I have viewed posts about have been quite disruptive most of the time.
posted on October 21, 2001 12:05:39 PM new
No I do not think Bidville should be banned. I have a feeling bad things will happen once the admins there get ahold of credit card numbers. The public has a right to know.
[ edited by holysmokes on Oct 21, 2001 12:06 PM ]
posted on October 21, 2001 02:09:15 PM new
I don't think any site should be "banned" from discussion. I also think that "fair warning" should be given to those thinking of investing their time and money in operations that have a checkered past, little credibility because of constantly changing dates and promises, and who use these boards to promote themselves posing as just plain folks.
posted on October 21, 2001 05:46:06 PM new
I never had understood why discussions, even when they get heated, are banned. AW assumes no risk or liability for remarks of posters, so why should they care?
I can understand if we get profane, or perhaps threatening, then toss some cold water on us. However, discussing a site just because others couldn't control their words, should not be blamed on those that can discuss the issue without bashing each other.
If the members can't control themselves, don't blame the discussion or topic, blame the posters. AW has every right to do so, but if they offer a forum for discussion, we should be able to "discuss" issues on topic.
posted on October 21, 2001 07:09:12 PM new
As you know, discussion regarding BidBay is not allowed at AW. I have deleted your post.
[email protected]
posted on October 21, 2001 07:38:04 PM new
Thank you Pattaylor, may I have another?
Sorry, was just following in the vein of MartyAW's post.
posted on October 21, 2001 09:15:59 PM new
Well, it looks like they are not quite back yet.
Topic: Pre Listing for Sellers
Gegy Management
Dear Sellers, Gegy staff is working around the clock to ensure the site is open for sellers to pre list items asap. We were hoping that we would be able to allow pre listing for sellers today but unfortunately that is not the case. We want to ensure you have the best experience possible, in order to do that a little more time is required. We will post further announcements here to keep you updated on when pre listing will begin. Your patience is deeply appreciated. Gegy Management
Original announcement posted 2001-10-21.
How long do they think everyone is going to wait around just to fork over their credit card and list?
posted on October 21, 2001 10:07:40 PM new
Promises that can't be kept, doesn't look to healthy.
posted on October 23, 2001 07:42:23 AM new
Broken promises. You have to hand it to gaggy, they sure know how to build trust.
posted on October 23, 2001 08:26:03 AM new
Why waste your time with Gegy? Instead I'd rather look forward to the new Yahoo Warehouse, where you can list items for free, pay a smaller FVF than Half.com or Amazon Marketplace, and can trust the ownership. It's certain to have much better sell-through and should be better promoted than Gegy as well. It's not an auction but who cares if it is as long as items sell for the prices you want? Yahoo Warehouse will eventually allow you to list anything you want. It's BargainandHaggle without the negotiation feature.
posted on October 23, 2001 10:32:23 AM new
I agree eSeller. I just hope that "eventually" isn't too far out there.
I've tried to ignore the negative comments about gegy, but this has just plain become ridiculous. Delay after delay.....how many months did they have to work on all this after they closed down testing and hid behind closed doors?? Sheesh.
posted on October 24, 2001 07:25:09 AM new
Well, looks like it's still coming soon.
From their announcements board:
Topic: Launch Update
Gegy Management
Gegy members, In a few days we will be sending out an email to members as soon as the doors open for pre listing of items. We apologize for the delay and greatly appreciate your interest and support. Gegy Management"
Is this going to be the same kind of response when users (if there are any after all these delays) ask about when the advertising is going to start?
posted on October 25, 2001 08:11:22 AM new
Well they are not open YET!!!!
posted on October 25, 2001 06:34:57 PM new
Will this site EVER go live?
posted on October 26, 2001 08:12:29 PM new
So, if the party still on for tomorrow night?
Go For the Launch Date Oct. 27th
Join us for our online launch
party for prizes and
all around good time!
Launch Party - 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST
Auction Site Goes Live at 9:30PM EST
Live Launch Chat & Great Prizes
Every Hour!
posted on October 27, 2001 05:37:16 PM new
Less than an hour to supposed launch time, do you think it will finally happen?
posted on October 27, 2001 05:46:39 PM new
Do you think the prizes will be green rubber frogs?
posted on October 27, 2001 06:24:09 PM new
They can't even get their announcement board left aligned correctly. I doubt they will be able to pull it off. They are already running a few hours behind according to their latest annoucement
posted on October 27, 2001 06:46:27 PM new
Topic: pre listing update
Gegy Management
Hello all! We are only a few hours away, slightly behind schedule completing the last round of testing. We will post a message here 15 minutes before we open the doors for pre listing on the regular auction platform. We trust you understand the importance of doing this right. We sincerely appreciate your patience and if you knock off to bed early tonight please come by tomorrow to start pre listing your items! Best Regards Gegy Management
Few hours away??? They are already a week behind.
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
The gentle green giant has turned into a giant white elephant.
What a waste of the Auction Community's time.
posted on October 27, 2001 06:58:49 PM new
Sept 27, 2001 is here.
No party.
No auction site.
No gegy.
Rumor has it the green gegy character died of boredom.
posted on October 29, 2001 06:31:10 AM new
The delay is for testing?? Well they must be doing some super duper testing.
I've had my party dress on most of the weekend, only to be stood-up again & again.