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posted on May 12, 2004 02:57:14 PM new
Yesterday, John Kerry showed he does care for the financial health of America after stopping the extension of unemployment benefits.

All that was needed to pass the Senate was his vote, but he must have decided the extension was not needed and did not vote.


Published: May 11, 2004

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate by a single vote rejected an election-year effort Tuesday to extend federal unemployment benefits.

Democrats tried to attach the benefit to a corporate tax bill. On a 59-40 vote in the GOP-controlled Senate, they fell just shy of the 60 votes needed to overcome objections that extending the benefits violated last year's budget agreement.

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was the only senator who missed the vote. Kerry was campaigning Tuesday in Kentucky.

He probably could not remember his last stand on the vote, and just said forget it.

posted on May 12, 2004 03:43:43 PM new
Kerry's been missing quite a few votes.....in the 14-15 months he's been away from the Senate.....campaigning.

Missing so many that someone was suggesting he should forfeit a large part of his Senate salary since he was hardly there.

Yea....he's for the little guy.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 04:16:57 PM new
Just read my WSJ link ....and your topic was being discussed. I had to laugh....as the title of the article says:

Kerry Should Resign - ....just like the dems keep calling for President Bush to do.

Best of the Web Today - May 12, 2004

Why Kerry Should Resign

Yesterday the U.S. Senate considered a measure that would extend federal unemployment benefits for 13 weeks. Twelve Republicans joined 46 Democrats and independent Jim Jeffords in supporting it--but it failed on a 59-40 vote in favor. Sixty votes were required "to overcome objections that extending the benefits violated last year's budget agreement," as the Associated Press explains.

The one senator not voting: John Kerry, who was campaigning in Kentucky. Kerry apparently supported the measure; a spokesman tells the AP, "John Kerry has fought again and again to extend unemployment benefits for workers left behind in the Bush economy."

But he couldn't be troubled to cast a vote on their behalf.

We understand that campaigning for president requires a lot of time and travel, and it would be unreasonable to expect Kerry to be in Washington for every Senate vote. But his frequent absences are depriving Massachusetts residents of full representation in Congress, and in this case having what Kerry himself would view as a deleterious effect on public policy.

There's an easy solution: Kerry should quit the Senate, as Bob Dole did in June 1996.

This not only would allow the appointment of a full-time replacement but also would demonstrate Kerry's own confidence in his presidential campaign, possibly giving a boost to his party's morale.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 04:32:24 PM new
Funny, Dennis is still campaigning but has yet to miss a congressional vote. He still has the best record in congressional history. Too bad he's not taken more seriously.

posted on May 12, 2004 04:43:38 PM new
Well Cheryl - That's cause your guy really means/believes in what he says it's IMPORTANT to him to have his vote count.....vs kerry, who doesn't.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 04:46:52 PM new

Yes, that's what you really meant to say. Right, cheryl?

posted on May 12, 2004 04:55:00 PM new

Looks to me like Kerry missed a vote due to circumstances that we don't know. It's a little dumb to leap from that fact to the conclusion that Kerry doesn't care about the "little guy".

As usual you right wingers do logical leaps that would embarrass a moron.


posted on May 12, 2004 05:07:14 PM new
What they fail to mention is how much time Bush is spending out on the campaign trail, visiting here, flying there, giving speeches, attending functions. And he's the leader of a nation at war...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on May 12, 2004 05:08:55 PM new
helen - Go do a google search yourself....

kerry's only voted a handful of times....[I believe it's been 3-5] in the 14 - 15 months he's been campaigning. And one they did report him returning for....wasn't as important as this to the unemployeed.

They found some very old law that requires them to pay back their salary when they're absent from doing their job when it's not due to an illness....and they're trying to apply it to him.

Cheryl's Mr. K has more conviction than kerry does on the issues he supports....by a long shot.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 05:11:34 PM new

Your admiration for the most liberal candidate in the group is noted. linda.

posted on May 12, 2004 05:15:22 PM new
Just search for John Kerry AWOL from Senate.

Here's just one...

"Presidential hopeful John F. Kerry [related, bio] has been a virtual no-show in the U.S. Senate over the past 14 months, but he hasn't missed a paycheck, even though a dusty federal law says some of his $158,000 salary should have been withheld.

: During his run for the presidency, Kerry has missed every one of the 22 roll call votes in the Senate this year and was absent for 292, or 64 percent of the roll call votes last year, according to a Herald review of Senate records.

: That means the Massachusetts senator has been away from his post in the Senate chamber for at least 128 days over the past 14 months.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 05:21:10 PM new
Here's the one about the LAW.

John Kerry AWOL - ACU Goes to Court

Dear Friend of ACU:
The Secretary of the Senate refuses to enforce the law. ACU now has no choice but to go to court, file a lawsuit, and compel the Senate to enforce the laws of the land.

As you know, in 2003 Sen. John Kerry missed 60 percent of the votes in the Senate. This year he has missed the first 22 Senate votes until he rushed back to Washington at the behest of the gun control crowd to cast votes for a series of anti-Second Amendment measures.

U.S. Code allows a Senator to be absent from the Senate only because of serious illness or illness in an immediate family member.

Under the law, if a Senator is absent while the Senate in session, his pay must be docked for every day he is AWOL.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 05:27:02 PM new
Kerry should quit the Senate, as Bob Dole did in June 1996

That is a good idea.

posted on May 12, 2004 05:27:57 PM new
Last c & p from me ....even though it's so hard not to post them all.....

Wednesday, August 6, 2003

Kerry is absent too often


On Jan. 7 of this year, John Kerry missed a vote by which the U.S. Senate formally adjourned so it could begin its new session two days later.
He was one of only three of that body's 100 members not to cast a vote on that issue.

That missed vote was a portent of things to come in a year during which the Bay State's junior senator has seemed more intent on pursuing the Democratic nomination for president than performing one of the essential duties of the office to which he was elected in 1984 and re-elected three times since.

The latter has taken on even more importance for Kerry, who is regarded as one of the top candidates for the Democratic nod for the country's highest office.

But all this does not excuse Kerry's failure to be recorded on important votes such as funding for the Homeland Security department, changes to the No Child Left Behind Act and a bill cracking down on child pornography. His constituents have a right to expect that he is involved in the Senate's deliberations on more than an occasional basis.

According to the Roll Call Report Syndicate, which tracks Senate roll calls for various newspapers, Kerry has been absent for every one of what it describes as key votes since the week of June 16.

On June 23, the day on which the Senate debated the idea of adding a prescription benefit for Medicare recipients, Kerry was absent for four important votes including the one on the main bill itself.

To some extent, Kerry's absences appear to be issue-specific.

Despite his generally sporadic voting record, he was present for the March 19 vote to prohibit drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which has been a major cause of his. He was also present for the May 19 vote against the Republican tax cut package.

If this is a pattern, it doesn't augur well for Massachusetts over the next year-and-a-half.

Congress is now in recess until Labor Day, but there are still five months to go until the New Hampshire primary. Depending on how well Kerry does there and in other pre-Democratic Convention venues, we might have to make do with half a Senate delegation from now until November 2004.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 05:33:52 PM new
As usual you right wingers do logical leaps that would embarrass a moron.


Kerry in a press release late today, expressed his embarassment at missing the senate vote. Seens Theresa had him filling the gas tank on the SUV he doesn't have. After filling the tank, he had to stop at the hospital to get a sliver of metal from the filler nozzle removed from his arm that occured when he threw the nozzle against a rock. For this injury Kerry awarded himself his 4th Purple Heart and the self inposed title of King of The U.S.A.

And on the timed Kerry did make a Senate vote:

"It turns out John Kerry has voted in the Senate at least 350 times for higher taxes. That averages to one vote for higher taxes every three weeks, for almost two decades. At least the folks in Massachusetts knew he was on the job." --Vice President Dick Cheney


"The Secret Service has announced it is doubling its protection for John Kerry. You can understand why — with two positions on every issue, he has twice as many people mad at him." —Jay Leno
posted on May 12, 2004 05:34:47 PM new
The difference with the President being 'away' is that he has advisors with him or in contact with him 24/7. That is any U.S. President.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 12, 2004 05:37:22 PM new
BTW, I don't remember anyone complaining about all the time Bush took away from his position as governor to campaign for president back in 1999...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on May 12, 2004 05:44:17 PM new
NearTheSea - Plus they don't vote on these important issues.....just sign the bill if passed. But to not show up for soooo many important votes......tsk tsk...

helen says: As usual you right wingers do logical leaps that would embarrass a moron
So cleverly worded.....

Think I provided enough 'proof' for you helen....

helenjw - posted on May 8, 2004 01:02:45 PM

Why is it that name calling seems to be the only level on which the right wing can function?

Appears it's not.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 06:05:17 PM new
My comment about Dennis was in no way intended to be a dig at Kerry! As a staunch member of the Democratic Party, I am going to stand by the candidate the party chooses to endorse. Dennis is indeed very dedicated. He's as dedicated a Democrat as you can get and yes, probably one of the most liberal ones. His plan for staying in this race is not to win, but to ensure that the Democratic Party stays its course. He wants to make sure that the issues important to all Democrats stay in the lime light and that they aren't swept under the carpet or left by the wayside during the campaigning process. He supports Kerry in every way. Although, I do think he has taken notice of some flip-flopping from the gab I've heard at his campaign headquarters. He has assured all of us that he will continue on the trail until the end and he will work hard to keep issues such as security, human rights, education, and health care in the forefront.

posted on May 12, 2004 06:16:05 PM new
Had Kerry been present and voted the Republican majority was prepared to have one of their votes for the bill switch to against. In other words it is an open secret inside the beltway that this vote was manipulated by the majority in order to embarrass Kerry in an election year.

Partisan politics as usual.
Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on May 12, 2004 06:16:47 PM new
Linda no double standard there..... NOT

bunnicula, I don't know about Bush when he was Gov of Texas, I lived there in the late 70's early 80's

But then, what was Gov. C (I won't say his name, cuz everyone thinks its wrong to bring up his name during this campaign) doing while running for Pres. in 1992?

What I'm saying is, Gov. C was running, did anyone complain, just as when the then Gov Bush was running, did anyone complain?

That was about as clear a mud argh, I think, hope you know what I'm saying

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 12, 2004 06:19:15 PM new
I don't remember anyone complaining about all the time Bush took away from his position as governor to campaign for president back in 1999

I do!!!....

and besides....a governor job only effects one state....but a Senator - like kerry - that's neglecting our Nations business.


Bear...on the 'Impeach Kerry' - that was very funny. thanks

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 06:26:44 PM new
NTS - DB standard? oh yea. Loud and clear.

On your I won't say his name, cuz everyone thinks its wrong to bring up his name during this campaign

I do [as we all know] because his name's in the online news I read. So I feel like if they are still allowed to print his name....I'm allowed to say it here. Just this last week there were 4 -5 articles online that spoke of something he'd said or done. They even mentioned hillary too.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 06:28:21 PM new
Basically, it's a given that anyone running for the presidency is going to have to take time away from whatever position they are holding to campaign. So it is ridiculous to quibble about it. Otherwise, only the unemployed would be able to run for the office...

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on May 12, 2004 06:28:47 PM new
Well his book is out now, isn't it?

(still not going to say the name )

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 12, 2004 06:31:42 PM new
John McCain shut down old Shawn Hannity about Kerry's voting record on defense.

McCain all but said that Bush is lying about Kerry's record the same way Bush lied about his voting record in the republican primary.

McCain told Hannity that he had also voted against these pork bloated bills and what's more McCain said he would probably vote against the next defense bill.

Hannity looked like he was hit in the forhead by a brick, a regular deer caught in the headlights.

posted on May 12, 2004 06:40:03 PM new
Where was Ann Coulter when Hannity needed her?

Whatever happened to her anyhow? Did she burst into self righteous flame or something?...I enjoyed her comedy....
When a dog howls at the moon, we call it religion. When he barks at strangers, we call it patriotism. - Edward Abbey
posted on May 12, 2004 06:52:25 PM new
bunni - Some of the time....but when this lawsuit was in the news....he hadn't vote in any of the first 22 votes. And missing 64% in the previous year....that's not a few. I'd bet it's a RECORD!!!

And I do agree with the opinion about how convenient it is that the most recent bill up for votes...the one's that might present a 'problem' when he's asked why he voted that way....sure takes care of that problem....just don't vote on them at all.

reamond - I've posted kerrys voting record....on all the areas of contention/disagreement between the parties. THEY proved his votes were against them.

Do I have to go find them again to prove how he voted?

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 06:55:55 PM new
NTS - From what I've read - this week or last - he just made the deadline of turning in the draft....so no, I don't think it's going to be out for a while yet. But I'd expect them to get it out before election time, so the ego-maniac can upstage kerry once again.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 12, 2004 07:17:27 PM new
For anyone interested in viewing the exact Senate votes on defense....and which kerry voted against....they can be found here:


And that's not counting his non-supportive votes for funding our intelligence agencies either.

Not a man to make Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces....unless you agree it's not important we're able to defend this country.

Re-elect President Bush!!
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