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posted on May 13, 2004 06:54:03 AM new
unless you agree it's not important we're able to defend this country.

You mean defend this country like Bush did during the Vietnam war ?

McCain, a republican, has put the word out on the phoney charges about Kerry's voting record.

Bush spread lies about McCain's voting record too.

posted on May 13, 2004 06:59:35 AM new
Where was Ann Coulter when Hannity needed her?

I think she is finishing her sex re-assignment operations. I don't believe she was born a female. Look at those hands !!

posted on May 13, 2004 07:15:55 AM new
McCain, a republican, has put the word out on the phoney charges about Kerry's voting record.

reamond - That's one of the nice things about having a Senator run for office....anyone can make all the false claims they want to....but their voting record is there for all to verify the real truth....not just listen to political retoric.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 13, 2004 07:38:00 AM new
You're wrong Linda.

Bush claimed McCain was against Breast Cancer research in the republican primary because he voted against a pork bloated bill that included money for breast cancer research. Bush lied about McCain and Bush is lying about Kerry. Bush now has an international reputation as a liar.

Bush is attempting to do the same thing with Kerry's voting record. Cheney has a record of non-support for the same defense bills that Kerry voted against.

This ploy only works with people who don't understand how Congress works, i.e., ignorant people in the "red" zones. They look at a voting record and think they have a grasp of what actually happened.

They have no idea what all may have been in a bill when a representative came out against it. Anyone that has ever followed a bill in Congress knows how things are tacked on to it to make it all but unacceptable to a thin majority.

You don't know how many $700 hammers or $4500 toilet seats, or $2 million grants for the study of cow farts in Senator Porkbelly's district were in the defense or intellegence bills Kerry voted against.

posted on May 13, 2004 08:22:10 AM new
Reamond why do you just post what you think. Why not post the actual references so that we know they are true. That would be to your advantage as when you don't give references than your posts are heresy.

I think we are done with the war records. You keep bringing Bush's up and it is not going to change. I am sure when the debates start we will review them again.

posted on May 13, 2004 08:32:57 AM new
Why not post the actual references

Look back a few posts, McCain made these claims on Hannity and Colmbs (sp?).

And what references would you like on the operations of the US Congress and how a bill moves through and is amended with pork ?

Should I start with perhaps a third grade civics book on how our government works ?

How do we post references for common knowledge for people who lack it?

posted on May 13, 2004 08:39:22 AM new
Thanks for the insults. You seem to post alot but nothing of substance.....

posted on May 13, 2004 08:43:18 AM new
You seem to post alot but nothing of substance

This from a person who didn't even know how Congress works ?

It must be of some substance since it enlightened you to some degree about Congress and why a member would vote against a bill.

posted on May 13, 2004 08:58:02 AM new
This from a person who didn't even know how Congress works ?

There you go assuming again. I am an educated person with 45 years in the work force. It seems like Kerry doesn't vote anymore for anything. Think of those poor unemployed people that will be out of unemployment because of him. Evidently it is more important to bash his opponent than do his job.....If I would have done that I wouldn't have been working.

posted on May 13, 2004 09:03:53 AM new
Who was the one that posted that the 'right wing conservatives' did nothing but 'name calling' again?

Come on Reamond, you have to admit, that saying

Should I start with perhaps a third grade civics book on how our government works ?

was not at all very cool to say.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 13, 2004 09:08:33 AM new
Think of those poor unemployed people that will be out of unemployment because of him. Evidently it is more important to bash his opponent than do his job.....If I would have done that I wouldn't have been working.

Those poor people were screwed by the republicans. The only reason the vote went the way it did was because it was set up that way by the republicans because they knew Kerry was out of town campaigning.

It just shows how low they will go.

posted on May 13, 2004 10:21:59 AM new
I am sure the senators got up in the morning checked Kerry's schedule, found out he was out of town and said. This is a great day to vote for the unemployment bill Kerry is not around. NOT

This was scheduled. If Kerry thinks more about running for President than doing the job he was elected to do then he should resign. At least when Bush is gone he has a back up. Same with the governor's they have a Lieutenant Governor. No back up for Kerry and no excuse.... Well now maybe we need a back up senator for all the senators we have. Wow! would that be expensive....

posted on May 13, 2004 10:48:04 AM new
They look at a voting record and think they have a grasp of what actually happened.

reamond - Yep....it's really very simple. Read the bill....see whether kerry voted for or against it. No political spinning/twisting needed...the *facts* are there.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 13, 2004 11:12:49 AM new
This was scheduled.

Wait and see when the vote comes back up and see how many republicans change their vote.

If you were smart enough to know how Congress works you would know that the republicans do in fact control the schedule for voting in Congress.

Everyone inside the beltway and those of us who are smart enough to know how the system works know that Kerry being absent had nothing to do with the bill.

Read the bill

So Linda you have read each and every one of these Bills completely ? What you may have read is a very condensed version of the bill which did not include all the pork etc., that is in the bill. In fact, it would take you several weeks to read the defence budget - and then you wouldn't uderstand 90% of it. It has already been reported that Dick Cheney was against the same weapons systems that Kerry was against..

It is no different than the liar Bush telling voters in the republican primary that McCain voted against Breast Cancer research, when in fact Breast Cancer Research was just one item in a bill packed with pork.

Bush is losing one campaign issue after another.

Let's see; War leader. That dog won't hunt.

The tax cut economy. That dog won't hunt.

Kerry's voting record. Even republicans back Kerry on this one.

What's left? God wants Bush as president ?

posted on May 15, 2004 03:15:13 PM new
You know Reamond you have insulted me enough about this. I am an American citizen and I know the constitution and how government works. My intelligence is none of your business. You have no idea my background and I know nothing about yours but I do not insult you. To be honest about it I don't care about yours.

Well even if the Republicans control when the vote is Mr. Kerry has a job and that job is in the Senate not campaigning. Massachusetts citizens should be outraged. An important vote like that and he decides not to vote. I'll bet those unemployed people are really happy about that vote...

Why does he have to campaign anyway he is not the democratic candidate for President yet. He might think he is but if someone more substantial steps up to the plate they just might win that nomination. Maybe the democrats are wasting their money with this candidate.

posted on May 15, 2004 04:20:11 PM new
Well even if the Republicans control when the vote is Mr. Kerry has a job and that job is in the Senate not campaigning.

Same goes for Bush, then. His total attention should be on his job as President & not doing any campaigning. And when he first ran, he had a job as governor of Texas that he neglected to campaign for president....

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on May 15, 2004 04:35:26 PM new

This was a ruthless maneuver by the Republicans to make Kerry appear negligent. The truth is that Kerry had been fighting for this bill for months against the Republican senators who voted against it.. The Republicans blocked the vote several times, claiming that an extension would break the budget. When Kerry was away, they stacked the vote to make it appear that Kerry's vote was the crucial and deciding vote. If Kerry had returned to vote, they would have flipped their votes the other way to make sure that the amendment would fail.


[ edited by Helenjw on May 15, 2004 04:37 PM ]
posted on May 15, 2004 06:05:30 PM new
Was Gov. C neglecting his duties when he campaigned in '92? Was Reagan the Gov of CA when he ran for Pres?? God I am lost in the 80's I had 2 kids then, running them around to school stuff and all, the 80's are lost on me

Bob Dole quit the Senate when he ran for President, probably a wise descision as you have so many things on your mind to try to do 2 things at once.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 16, 2004 08:12:07 AM new
I am an American citizen and I know the constitution and how government works.

Then you better go and erase all of your posts because they seem to tell a different story. Being an American citizen has no correlation to knowing how the government works or anything about the Constitution.

posted on May 16, 2004 10:57:06 AM new
Reamond-I have posted 5 times to this thread and you can tell by that what I know and what I don't know. Who died and made you boss of this thread or all the threads in the Round Table. You get kicked off of eBay and now it is time to come in here and bash me. You seem to post only negative things here and in the eBay outlook. I know this is a discussion group but you don't need to humiliate all the ones that don't agree with you. Read your posts they are very critical of anyone that doesn't agree with you. I have never said what political party I belong to and what ever you think I don't belong to any party. All you do is criticize me and humiliate me and I am tired of it. Unless you have grown up with me, lived with me and know me personally then you can tell me what I know and don't know.
If you don't like what I say put me on ignore because I am putting you on it now along with skylite, had Herbittz, or what ever his/her name is. I enjoy the little quips between the others.

posted on May 16, 2004 11:47:53 AM new
You get kicked off of eBay

Looks like civics isn't the only thing you're confused about.

posted on May 16, 2004 12:26:17 PM new
Reamond, why don't you give it a little rest. Libra is right (no, I have no clue as to whether your kicked off ebay or not) but you do like to put down those that are not in total agreement with what you say. You may know a lot, about how gov't works, thats great, but it would be very nice, just for once, not to shove it in peoples faces (posts)

This stuff is getting old, yes I've been rude to you, in the 'heat' of a 'discussion', but it doesn't have to be that way day in and out here. And whether you disagree with Libra, like her, or me or whoever, you don't have to put them down for every little thing.

I saw you be 'nice' for the first time in a long time, in the DVD thread, so there isn't all rudeness in ya

posted on May 16, 2004 12:50:15 PM new

Reamond is one of the few posters here who does not call other posters names. I really admire his patience.

posted on May 16, 2004 01:39:43 PM new
HELEN I disagree with you. Reread his posts and see what he says about me. I call them insults. Maybe you just call his writing in jest well you continue to do that as I know you will and soon the rest will follow.

With posts like yours it just as fuel to
Reamond's fire so that he continues in his insulting manor.

Patience HIM. Well I would rethink that seriously.

posted on May 16, 2004 02:00:26 PM new
Libra, I don't see any insulting manner. He simply stated facts. On the other hand, in an effort to insult, you said that his posts had nothing of substance. It's laughable to state that Reamonds posts lack substance.

I hope that you understand now that the Republicans were voting against the extention. Since you have stated that you skim over my posts, I'll state mine again so that maybe you will read it.

This was a ruthless maneuver by the Republicans to make Kerry appear negligent. The truth is that Kerry had been fighting for this bill for months against the Republican senators who voted against it.. The Republicans blocked the vote several times, claiming that an extension would break the budget. When Kerry was away, they stacked the vote to make it appear that Kerry's vote was the crucial and deciding vote. If Kerry had returned to vote, they would have flipped their votes the other way to make sure that the amendment would fail.

Kerry defended himself on the Imus radio show: "They had an accurate vote count ahead of time and the Republicans changed some votes at the last minute so it looked that way [59-40]... It's a game they play Don. These guys are not serious about governing. If they want to pass it, I'll be there to vote."


[ edited by Helenjw on May 16, 2004 02:08 PM ]
posted on May 16, 2004 02:39:07 PM new
Reamond is one of the few posters here who does not call other posters names. I really admire his patience.

LOL! thats a joke right Helen? I could, but don't have time to go through the posts where he name called, or downright insulted others.

Well, one is right here in this thread, telling Libra, I don't have the exact phrase, its on previous page, she should go back to THIRD GRADE CIVICS

For one thing, its an insult. For another, they don't teach civics (at least when my kids went to school) in the 3rd grade, so please tell me again how he has 'patience'.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 16, 2004 02:55:33 PM new

Most schools add this to their curriculum in the sixth grade.

How Laws are made -

How Our Laws are Made Senate Document

[ edited by Helenjw on May 16, 2004 02:57 PM ]
posted on May 16, 2004 02:57:46 PM new
Well, I learned in the EIGHTH grade with graphs on easals with cartoon character type things that showed 'How a Bill Becomes a Law' and so forth...... but that was back before the dinosaurs

So they DON'T teach it in the THIRD GRADE then? Thank you.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 16, 2004 03:10:55 PM new
"So they DON'T teach it in the THIRD GRADE then? Thank you."

I said "most" schools include it in their sixth grade curriculum. "Some" schools may teach it in third grade.

And as you have reported, "some" schools teach it in eighth grade.

[ edited by Helenjw on May 16, 2004 03:12 PM ]
posted on May 16, 2004 03:32:51 PM new
When I was in Third Grade Roosevelt was President. We didn't get civics, if that is what you call it now we called it government back then, until 7th grade that is if the snow wasn't to deep to make it there. What I do remember was wearing dog tags to school because we were in the target area for the war. I spotted airplanes, we had air raides, blackouts. That is what I remember. Helen you can think what you want but I feel he insulted my intelligence as he knows diddly squat about me. Oh and BTW we didn't get TV until 1954 so we didn't get to see all the rhetoric that is going on now. A much peaceful place to be.

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