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posted on June 8, 2004 06:32:59 PM new
OK, I promise this will be my last post on this thread but I've observed something over the last few years that fits here.
Whenever a Republican is faced with a fact one of the following happens:
A) They start shouting
B) They start shouting insults
C) They go off on another subject
D) They say, "Well, Clinton..blah blah blah
E) They disappear...haven't heard from Linda since my last post.
Peace and Good-bye for sure!

posted on June 8, 2004 06:50:13 PM new
Using collective goods towards a desired public utility is not socialism. It is called community. Like it or not we live in a community.

Socialism denies the rights of individual property. Living in a community limits the rights of individual property.

You'd have choas without these limitations.

posted on June 8, 2004 07:18:53 PM new

That was a very good post on the previous page, crowfarm. But Linda will return. Like the energizer bunny she just keeps going and going and going -- whether embarrassed or defeated or humiliated it makes no difference. She always returns as if nothing happened with the same misguided thoughts unchanged or modified in any way.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 8, 2004 07:21 PM ]
posted on June 8, 2004 09:29:13 PM new
I am cusrious crowfarm, does being left mean you no longer have the means to discuss two subjects at once?

You are unfamiliar with the term of getting someone's attention?

Cannot remember that the previous administration started this mess?

No wonder you on the left are so misguded, your memories are shorter than your little toe...

Gay marriage is wrong!
posted on June 8, 2004 09:31:00 PM new
I am curious, crowfarm, name is because you have eaten so much crow for being wrong, it just fit? do you enjoy your crow bbq'd or fried? or do you prefer the raw kind?


Gay marriage is wrong!
posted on June 8, 2004 09:43:07 PM new
Cannot remember that the previous administration started this mess?

I see you had some clarity during your absence. Before you left you thought everything was hunky-dory and now even you admit it's a mess.

BTW, crowfarm is very intelligent and it's great to see someone like that here.

And when you troll you have to do much better than this sad attempt.

posted on June 9, 2004 05:13:20 AM new

"I see you had some clarity during your absence. Before you left you thought everything was hunky-dory and now even you admit it's a mess."

..."even you admit it's a mess" Wonderful, Kiara!

posted on June 9, 2004 06:07:25 AM new

posted on June 9, 2004 06:12:31 AM new
Ahhh my little groupie comes to see me... hello kiara...

Yes it is a mess, I never said the economy wasn't however, Linda has shown the negative nellies here that there is good news and that things are getting better, with things continuing on the path they are and another 4 GREAT years with President Bush, we will have the economy straightend out in no time.

If intelligence were dynamite, those supporting the left wouldn't have enough to blow thier nose.


Gay marriage is wrong!
posted on June 9, 2004 06:53:33 AM new

Twelvepole is a one letter guy, crowfarm.

"B" with only an occasional "C" and "D"

posted on June 9, 2004 07:13:39 AM new
12 welcome back.

U.S. Poverty 1996 13,7 1997 13.3 1998 12.7 1999 11.8 2000 11.3 2001 11.7 2002 12.1 2003 12.1. No matter who is in charged the poor are still with us.


posted on June 9, 2004 08:10:24 AM new
I noticed lately Kerry's camp is trying a more positive approach. (Not that they wont get down and dirty - if and when need be should the time come), but *I for one respond much better to that. When his campagin tells what good he's done, and what good he'll bring to the country and MEANS it; then I hope they will be successful.

I dont know why his supporters dont get that. If they dont wise-up, They're gonna blow for him. Not all democrates are negative, twelve. And I do think its time for a change. Bush looks world-weary lately, likes he's aged five years in the last few months. I think Iraq has taken its toll on his adminstration and he cannot concentrate on U.S. policies such as unemployement. They are right about the jobs being low-wage ones. And I dont think Bush can do it - bring it back where good jobs were a plenty and everybody was making money. (Although he plummeted us into national debt, thats what Regan did - and nobody cared at the time because people were satisfied and they could live with ease.) Bush is trying too hard to be this global president and neglecting U.S. citizens needs in the process. The rich will always be there, and so will the poor; but middle class Americans wont be able to teeter on the brink much longer.

Although its good news the job status is up, they're not reaching the people who are really treading water throughout the nation. Those are the ones who most contribute to the upholding the backbone of this country.

posted on June 9, 2004 02:39:35 PM new
I love liberal angst, and goading them. Even if they are partly correct.

I considered liberalism, but just like with homosexuality I wouldn't hold still for the initiation ceremony.

posted on June 10, 2004 04:14:36 PM new
Well, Linda, here it is...now that your guests are gone maybe you have time to read it.
posted on June 8, 2004 05:47:47 AM edit
I vowed to stay out of this but "the government doesn't owe anybody anything"??????????????????
THEN WHY do they take 25% of MY PAYCHECK??????????????
What's that for ...RENT?
And the government DOES owe us !!!
It owes us responsibility in the way it runs this country? If they don't owe us anything why are they there? WHY don't they go home ? What are they doing besides collecting a salary?
And WHO ever said they wanted something for nothing????
I've been in the work force for 36 YEARS and never got anything for free from this government. I've worked my butt off and if I want to whine about then getting a 9% pay cut when CEO'S salarys have gone up 60% since the 70's I WILL!
I could go on and on about what this government owes us...like earning the respect of other countries so we can live peacefully without our young people dying because our president is a swaggering puppet of the oil companies and HALIBURTON...but I won't.
And now I must really quit posting ...work,work, work, and have to email my congressman to get him to tell the government to quit using my taxes to broadcast "Tokyo Rush" to our armed forces and the rest of the world.
Bye for now, and I do mean Peace!

posted on June 10, 2004 05:37:04 PM new

posted on June 10, 2004 05:55:26 PM new
Crow, the only link Linda provided was the one to Bush campaign website. If there are any good things the president has done you have to search through a lot of BS to find it.

So in other words Linda has chosen not to respond because she can't find any good points either.

If any of the Republicans supporters here believed there were good points they too should have posted something.

Re-defeat Bush
June is Gay Pride Month
Change is constant. The history of mankind is about change. One set of beliefs is pushed aside by a new set. The old order is swept away by the new. If people become attached to the old order, they see their best interest in defending it. They become the losers. They become the old order and in turn are vulnerable. People who belong to the new order are winners.
James A Belaco & Ralph C. Stayer
posted on June 10, 2004 06:13:30 PM new

We are waiting for Linda to explain another comment that she made Linda said, "If you'd like to start a new thread, or bring the old one to the top...I'll answer why the government doesn't owe you anything."

posted on June 10, 2004 07:09:13 PM new
Helen, she probably has more "house guests". A conservative will never look at the facts and change their mind. That would be flip flopping. They just chant their bumper sticker phrases over and over again until they believe them to be true...that's so much easier than reasoning.

posted on June 10, 2004 07:49:15 PM new

Crowfarm, maybe her new house guests will leave around 3AM EST and she will at least drown you in a copy paste article from Fox, Drudge or WSJ or maybe she will side step to another topic -- and possibly, as a last resort she will call you an anti-American libruuuul for even entertaining the thought that the government owes anything to the citizens of our country.

"A" - "E" covered.

posted on June 10, 2004 08:12:32 PM new
ROFLMHO - No helen I reserve calling YOU anti-American....not just anyone who who holds a different position than I. 'Cause you're so special'.

But you ARE correct....I'm waiting for you to go to bed, hopefully before 2:00AM your time.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 08:16:38 PM new

Question Linda, what does the "H" stand for in your laughing initials...roll on the floor laughing my "head" off?

Maybe you've injured it. Hahaha

posted on June 10, 2004 09:58:30 PM new
Oh My! Don't you ever feel embarrassed, Linda? Time after time you back yourself into a corner and you can't support your so-called beliefs when you are questioned. And the only way you are left to respond is with insane laughter.

I think you're right, Helen.

posted on June 10, 2004 10:08:04 PM new
kiara - your posts always give me a good chuckle too.

And I never said my company left. More assumptions from the left.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 10:21:05 PM new
So you're saying that as long as you have company you are unable to answer questions? That's about the flimsiest excuse anyone has ever used on these boards.

Let me guess.... the company will leave when this thread plummets to the bottom, right?

posted on June 10, 2004 10:38:17 PM new
THEN WHY do they take 25% of MY PAYCHECK?????????????? They ONLY take 25% from you? Consider yourself lucky. Some pay a much higher tax rate. Of course, it's much lower now with the Bush tax rate cuts and added deductions for families....child credits...marriage tax gone...etc.

What's that for ...RENT? Obviously for running and funding all the government agencies and bills that were voted on - and passed by our Congress during many, many administrations - under BOTH parties.

And the government DOES owe us!!!

I guess it depends on what you think they owe us. But I would be open to you showing me where in our Constitution it says anything about what the government 'owes' us. They tax us and use our money to fund all the programs the different administrations put into law. Certainly they do not owe anyone a well paying job, or even a good living, a house, cars....etc. There's no guarantees in life....and certainly not from the government. We're supposed to earn those things ourselves by our own sweat and hard work.
Not take the position that 'I don't have as much as he does....so tax him more and give me the benefits of HIS hard earned money.'

It owes us responsibility in the way it runs this country? Yes, and the procedure has always been that our House of Reps and our Senate pass bills that make the decisions on the way it is run. Then, if the President agrees....he signs them. Has worked well though many administrations, including this one.

If they don't owe us anything why are they there? WHY don't they go home?. What are they doing besides collecting a salary? Passing bills to spend even more of your money. The democrats haven't earned the reputation of the tax and spend party for nothing. It's just that recently the Republicans have joined in on the fun of spending some themselves....instead of being the meanies always trying to cut taxes and keep spending down. It's the two wars, 9-11 and all you know. Guess that's why the dems have been constantly pointing out where this President isn't spending enough on this program and that program. Just pushing for more to be spent that already is being spent. Just wait until you see your tax rate under a kerry administration. And he won't be opposed to raising your taxes either....rather than giving back to those who have earned it...their OWN money....BEFORE they spend it.

He's got BIG plans for all the new programs he wants to see approved, and those he wants to give more funding to. AND they're going to cost TONS more money. Just watch that deficit grow. {hoping we won't be so unlucky} He has a history of not voting for tax cuts....but rather tax increases...so it won't be hard for him to come up with a reason he needs to raise our taxes after he's elected.....kind of like clinton did. Wasn't too funny though.

And WHO ever said they wanted something for nothing???? Usually those who don't want to work but rather for generations have been dependent on government aid of one form or another. Those who want to take money from the most wealthy and use it for those who aren't so wealthy. You know....make things more 'fair' according to them....more like socialism where everyone gets equal divisions of material things - while some work for it and some don't.

I've been in the work force for 36 YEARS and never got anything for free from this government. I've worked my butt off and if I want to whine about then getting a 9% pay cut when CEO'S salarys have gone up 60% since the 70's I WILL! Has anyone here told you that you can't whine....or be envious of what others have accomplished that you have not? I sure haven't. Freedom of speech is a GREAT thing....whine all you want.

I could go on and on about what this government owes us...like earning the respect of other countries so we can live peacefully without our young people dying because our president is a swaggering puppet of the oil companies and HALIBURTON...but I won't. LOL....you won't huh? Think you did. But for some reason those on the left appear to me to be under the false impression that we only need and depend on oil when there's a Republican in office. Not when a dem is there. ummmmm And kerry is NOT calling for our withdrawl from Iraq....he wants to send 40,000 more troops over there. Will they be fighting for something other than oil? In addition he's made statements he fully intends to go after the terrorists no matter what country there in. Do you think he'll go in there and get them himself or will he be using our Armed Forces also?

Good chatting with you crowfarm. Please don't ever think I'd try to keep you from any whining you feel you need to do for any reason.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 10:41:18 PM new
No kiara - once again you'd be wrong. Your track record on 'guesses' isn't very good. I don't think you've been right once.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 10:57:00 PM new
Ahhhh........ but it worked! You answered.

No matter who gets in, taxes will have to go up to pay for Bush's messy war. Someone will have to help pay for all the injured soldiers too or let's hope they do. It would be sad if another generation got kicked to the curb like some have after the other wars.

posted on June 10, 2004 11:04:10 PM new
WRONG again kiara....

I was in the process of typing my response to *crowfarm* when you posted your little playful, friend jab.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 11, 2004 04:06:34 AM new
Well, Linda, I see by your post that you agree with me about the fact that the government does owe us,
even thought you seem very naive about our tax structure.
But I won't be posting anymore, vacations over.
Besides if you're going to quote Ann Coulter, one of the most sick, nasty, and twisted minds on the planet there really is no point in discussing anything.
I am very jealous of you...oh, how I wish I could live in a cushy little cocoon with no windows on the real world....you, girl, are so lucky!
That's why I'm wondering why you post in here so much...???????
Oh well...still, Peace

posted on June 11, 2004 05:55:33 AM new

Linda states, "More government entitlement = more socialism in the US. "The government doesn't owe anybody anything.""Everybody needs to take care of themselves....not sit back and whine about everything the government isn't giving them - doing for them.

When questioned about this bizarre misconception that could be corrected by a third grade student, Linda disappears with "house guests" for a couple of days; Later when questioned again, Linda replies ... "If you'd like to start a new thread, or bring the old one to the top...I'll answer why the government doesn't owe you anything."

Linda's final answer..."I guess it depends on what you think they owe us"

Just another hedge, linda complete with your usual side steps...into your interpretation of how Kerry will handle the colossal mess that Bush has created in Iraq.
And how Kerry will handle the enormous 650 billion dollar deficit (and growing) that Bush has created. And finally your callous little bit about helping the poor and those unable to work as socialism.

But among all that is your answer......"I guess it depends on what you think they owe us" (bolding mine)

We are the government in America, Linda. You will discover how that works when Bush is removed from office in November.

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