posted on June 13, 2004 10:05:55 PM new
Fennix. I am having trouble with my modem and when I was posting something really strange happened and I couldn't do anything. I just can't explain it. I had to disconnect and restart this thing.
We moved in the past week and since we have moved this machine I have doesn't seem to work until I realized that somewhere there is static on our telephone line either from the phones or from my computer. I am waiting for my son-in-law to come and replace it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Oh how I loved my webtv. This new modem that I am putting in will let me answer my phone and put my internet on hold and not disconnect. It is also a fax machine. Now if it could spell for me I would be okay. It also says connection is faster well it has to be faster than what I have cuz it takes a long time to just connect.
posted on June 13, 2004 10:06:20 PM new
Yeager - curiosity - If this land was donated to the government (which is often the case in situations like these - someone dies and leaves land adjacent to a federal park or reserve to the goverment to be adapted into the park) and there is a historic monument with religious connotations (Funy thing about this one is that it was not meant to be a beacon for the religious, it simply evoled into such as the yeara passed), do you think that the monument should be destroyed or that the government should disavow the donation? In this case, the land is in the midst of a title transfer in order to remove the issue of church and state and yet there is still an objection.
I would not say that I am athiest but I am devoutly against churches and that said, I find this issue to be petty and childish.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?