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posted on June 18, 2004 10:14:12 PM new
The Face of Evil
Friday, June 18, 2004
By Neil Cavuto

"We know what happened to Paul Johnson. I just hope eventually news organizations will show what happened to Paul Johnson.

Yes, some discretion is advised, but not too much.

I want the world to see what savages do.

I want the world to see what we're up against - "who" we're up against.

I want the world to see evil for what it is.

I want the world to compare what happened to some Iraqi prisoners with what happened to some of "our" prisoners.

I want the world to look closely at the butchered images of Nick Berg and now Paul Johnson.

I want the world to try to understand that kind of evil and try to excuse that kind of evil.

A lot of people can't handle images like this. But I can't handle our not trying to handle images like this.

I can't handle masking evil.

I can't handle not showing planes ramming into buildings and showing the gruesome fallout.

There is no nice way to say or to sugarcoat this: Those who wish us ill have no problem doing horrific things. So we should have no problem showing the world their horrific acts.

They've made this world a more dangerous place. They want us dead. They want us maimed. They want us no more.

The least we could do, is return the favor."

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
posted on June 18, 2004 10:24:08 PM new
Americans are not like that. Americans have high regard for human life. It's a tragic thing when something like that happens but when companies offer the high wages and then tell them that nobody is responsible for them except themselves that is the risk they take. You have to watch your back where ever you go. They tried to find him but to no avail. Unfortunately nobody thinks it will happen to them.

My prayers to the Johnson family

posted on June 19, 2004 06:26:47 AM new
My brother-in-law almost went over with a construction outfit as a heavy machine operator for a year. The money being offered is almost too good to be true! The area we live in is extremely depressed, economically. But they leave out the fact that these things happen.

I agree with both of the other posts in this thread. I don't believe you can compare our "torture" with theirs. Our country holds human life a tad more dear. Which is why in the first gulf war we heard the term "human shields".

My sympathies to the families of those lost....it could very easily have been my family...or yours.


posted on June 19, 2004 10:24:15 AM new
I've always liked watching Neil and I agree with his statements here.

For some reason, unknown to me, some Americans only want to focus on what we do wrong and not the actions of our enemies which is what started this war to begin with.

[good to see you back wgm - hope all is well with you and yours]

Re-elect President Bush!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jun 19, 2004 10:25 AM ]
posted on June 19, 2004 10:46:14 AM new
at first,those who signed up to go thought it was like going to Alaska or Indonesia,or Nigeria,where they would have a chance to be evacuated before political unrest set in.
You can make and save a lot of money by being there,besides a high salary,fly free to come home to see your family,i think housing and food could be subsidized or free.
years ago ,the younger brother of a friend of mine signed up to work for an american company in saudi arabia,he came back with enough saving to buy a house in california ,the only complaint he had was that he does not have much social life and he never get to meet the opposite sex(he is a young bachelor)
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
[ edited by stopwhining on Jun 19, 2004 10:48 AM ]
posted on June 19, 2004 06:36:07 PM new
Thank you, Linda

I stop in and "lurk" when I get a chance (and cheer for my favorite posters LOL ). Between auctions, my eBay store, keeping my little boy busy for the summer, and some personal issues things have been hectic!

Just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of some of you - hope you are doing great as well!

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
posted on June 19, 2004 07:41:27 PM new
Hey WGM! Good to see you.

Great post. I like Neil. And that sure does hit home, boy the second American citizen to have this happen by these, these....I don't think I have a word to call them its that bad!

Wasn't the State Dept asking for all Americans to leave the middle east and/or Saudi Arabia. I thought I was hearing that on the news the last few weeks.

Good to see ya! Hope you can stop by more often, but I can understand with all your doing!


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on June 20, 2004 06:09:27 AM new

"Should we really be reduced to defending ourselves by saying at least we don't behead people?"

Maureen Dowd

posted on June 20, 2004 08:39:51 AM new
Americans are not like that. Americans have high regard for human life.

In the last couple of weeks we have had beheading murders right here in the US and terrorists had nothing to do with them. Didn't get a whole lot of coverage, though.

It was Americans who dragged a man to his death behind their truck because they didn't like the color of his skin.

It was Americans who tied a young man to a fence and beat himto death because they didn't like his sexual orientation.

Etc. etc. etc.

We Americans are by no means saints.


We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 20, 2004 10:00:08 AM new
"We Americans are by no means saints."

I don't think we think that at least I don't but the difference in your post and ours is that Americans are doing it to them selves.
There was no way to protect them except for education. Yes the american workers were told that they should leave as it wasn't safe for an American over there, but it was their choice whether they wanted to or not.

I had a chance to work for a temporary agency that was finding employees to fill in in a union strike. $10,000 a month. Plus room and board. The problem was you couldn't leave the building for that month, because of the strikers, or how ever long the strike lasted. My problem was I couldn't guarantee more than 1 month of work due to vacation time where I did work. It surely sounded good though.

I am sure we all felt bad when the young man was beaten to death because of his sexual preference and also for the black gentleman who was dragged behind the truck, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. All americans are not like that but all the al Queada soldier are like that. That is the difference.

posted on June 20, 2004 10:06:45 AM new
If "all the al Quada" were "like that," we would have been seeing beheadings left, right & down the center.


We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 20, 2004 10:28:57 AM new
Yeah, like there's really a lot of "al Queda" around.

posted on June 20, 2004 10:31:45 AM new
Libra says,..."is that Americans are doing it to them selves."
Right, Libra, Americans NEVER do anything bad to people in other countries........

posted on June 20, 2004 11:23:20 AM new
Libra says, "I had a chance to work for a temporary agency that was finding employees to fill in in a union strike. $10,000 a month. Plus room and board. The problem was you couldn't leave the building for that month, because of the strikers, or how ever long the strike lasted. My problem was I couldn't guarantee more than 1 month of work due to vacation time where I did work. It surely sounded good though."

What does this refer to?????????

posted on June 20, 2004 11:27:32 AM new
I believe it refers to the "What Would It Take" thread.

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on June 20, 2004 11:49:39 AM new
"Libra says, "I had a chance to work for a temporary agency that was finding employees to fill in in a union strike. $10,000 a month. Plus room and board. The problem was you couldn't leave the building for that month, because of the strikers, or how ever long the strike lasted. My problem was I couldn't guarantee more than 1 month of work due to vacation time where I did work. It surely sounded good though."

People who do that are referred to as scabs. I would rather be homeless and hungry than take a job as a scab.


posted on June 20, 2004 12:42:19 PM new
Crowfarm- it was referring to what companies pay to have US workers go to foreign country.

Helen there you go making observations again. It was for a Hospital where x-ray techs are unionized, something I will never be. The patients needed care and someone had to provide it and yes if you call that a scab. I call it helping very ill people get medical care.

Oh the Fangs are out today....Happy Fathers Day.

posted on June 20, 2004 01:22:19 PM new
Libra says,..."is that Americans are doing it to them selves."
Right, Libra, Americans NEVER do anything bad to people in other countries........ ????REALLY!!!!!
And, no, Libra, you won't ever be unionized but I bet when you took a sick day you got paid for it....I bet when you worked more than 40 hours you got overtime...I bet you got breaks.....if you did it was because of Unions, THEY fought and got these things for you...did you think some kindly CEO did?????
Historically when unions were doing well and making good money so did almost everyone else....companies had to pay better or loose workers to union companies.
And those naughty uncaring X-ray Techs....well, how about those uncaring hospital executives who can't understand that well paid workers are better workers....don't you want the very best for these sick people, Libra??????

posted on June 20, 2004 04:29:57 PM new
Crowfarm it was your state I was referring to. No I would never unionize. I got a break when and if there was time, most of my lunch hours was sitting at a machine doing CT, or doing special procedures where you never got lunch and yes, sometimes I got an unpaid lunch. I did have a month vacation because the state of Illinois and the NRC said people working with x-ray had to have that. I did get overtime as I carried a beeper 24/7. Regarding sick pay. We didn't get paid for our first sick day, if you were sick the second day then we got paid for the first, but we needed a statement from a physician. I am not complaining as I enjoyed my work, just telling you how it was. But being a health care worker I felt they shouldn't strike, my opinion, and I am sure it would be your opinion if you were the patient. It's tough to have opinions in this discussion group because someone always beats you down.

posted on June 20, 2004 05:01:34 PM new
Boy, Libra my post went so far over your head it's now a meteorite.
UNIONS . ....unions initiated things like sick pay...you are not union if you were you'd have those benefits.........many people lost benefits as unions lost power and members.....it was not a good thing.

As a patient I want well paid happy care givers ....professionals who are paid appropriately for their very important skills.

Libra, learning something new is not being "beaten down"....it's learning......

posted on June 20, 2004 05:12:34 PM new
Well if your health care worker was out striking what would you do if you needed one?

I would have liked to make the wages with benefits that that group did before they went on strike and I suppose if I moved back to Minnesota I would have, but with the state that Minnesota is in I would never move back their. Nice place to visit but happy to leave. They have to pay them high wages or they would move out. Snow in November through April. Traffic Jams every time you turn around. How long did it take to get 394-594 done, 20 years and is it finish yet? and that bridge will that ever get done? Just kidding with you, Minnesota isn't all that bad....they have Paul Molitor and the Mall of America

posted on June 20, 2004 06:40:10 PM new
Libra says,"Well if your health care worker was out striking what would you do if you needed one? "
Well,I'd be damned mad at the hospital executives who didn't put the patients first and negotiate a good contract with their employees.

And, Libra, you're right, if people don't get paid enough they move away.

Can't make a point so you attack my state!! Good grief ...is this a stretch or what.....well, the jokes on you, I'm not that crazy about Minnesota myself! One of the worst things about it is the Mall of America...then come the Twins...then the Vikings, then a republican governor who's trying to shove a stadium down our throats despite the fact that only he and his rich buddies want it. And lots more!
So that didn't work...but I have a really bad hairdo, maybe you could attack from that angle.

posted on June 20, 2004 07:36:42 PM new
keeping my little boy busy for the summer

wgm - Enjoy him as much as possible....they grow up WAY too soon.


Many unions don't do much for the workers anymore. They just like collecting union dues. They like having control over their voting blocks who can decide just how they'll vote as a majority.

Most likely reasons their membership has been declining for years and union members themselves are fighting to have a say in how their own votes get counted.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 07:49:43 PM new
Gosh, Linda, I haven't heard that insight into unions before!!!! You are such an expert on so many things......you get off the Internet.
Unions have done so much for this country and, Linda, if you knew history you would know that.

""Most likely reasons their membership has been declining for years and union members themselves are fighting to have a say in how their own votes get counted.""

See, what happens when people don't have a say in how votes get counted...or not counted. Maybe it was planned that way?

Don't Re-Appoint Bush!

[ edited by crowfarm on Jun 20, 2004 08:03 PM ]
posted on June 20, 2004 08:03:50 PM new
Hey crowfarm I don't know anything about your hairdo but I do know about your eyes. Read it again and you will see "I was only Kidding". Honestly that highway from Hudson into St. Paul did take a long long time you have to admit that.

So you think when someone strikes they should give into them? I have no idea how the strike came out and I really don't care.
All I know is that people were standing by to step in when and if they needed them. You know you can't pay those kind of salaries forever so I am sure it was settled quickly and in the best interest of both parties.

posted on June 20, 2004 08:08:32 PM new
Libra says, "Honestly that highway from Hudson into St. Paul did take a long long time you have to admit that."
Libra, I don't care. Why do I have to admit that? What is your point?
Answer the following to help clarify your point:Highways in Minnesota take a long time to build so..........????????

posted on June 20, 2004 08:14:52 PM new
nothing crowfarm it was in jest.......

posted on June 20, 2004 08:40:15 PM new
I am not ignorant of the history of what unions have done for workers.

That's NOT what I said. I said their membership has been declining, and it has. That's discussing the present not the past.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 09:05:25 PM new

I think one of the reasons union membership is dropping is because of the job losses, especially in manufacturing.

posted on June 20, 2004 09:18:45 PM new

You want to see what savages do.

You want the world to see what we're up against - "who" we're up against.

You want the world to see evil for what it is.

CHECK THIS OUT! Not in lockstep with the neocons.

[ edited by getalife on Jun 20, 2004 09:24 PM ]
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