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posted on June 26, 2004 12:40:33 PM new

"So..... cram it up your ass!"

That reflects a feeling and a sentiment toward Linda's comments that I can understand so well!

Count to ten before you "send" those nasty comments, Linda.

Have a nice day.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 26, 2004 12:41 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2004 12:48:08 PM new
Linda, what you didn't clue into was that there are some people in this world that can tell others to cram it up their asses and they don't feel anger at all and they can sincerely say it with a smile and a chuckle like I did.

posted on June 26, 2004 12:49:53 PM new
Ah... a tad bit off topic....come on let's fight about something more interesting

posted on June 26, 2004 01:03:00 PM new
lewinsky is not the only fool,what about susan macdougal??
she thinks she is going to marry bill when she comes out of jail??
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 26, 2004 01:06:24 PM new
Who's Susan?

posted on June 26, 2004 03:57:18 PM new

Her and her late husband would not testify in the Whitewater Scandal.

posted on June 26, 2004 04:38:40 PM new
Libera, there was no "whitewater scandal" no criminal charges were ever brought against Bill or Hillary Clinton. The next time republicans want to play DIRTY TRICKS and spend 80 million dollars of tax payers money bashing the next democratic President John Kerry, they can DAM well spend their own money not mine.


posted on June 26, 2004 04:43:49 PM new
Linda K and the rest of you neo-fascist Republicans (I cannot even use the word Conservative anymore, because that is no longer part of the Republican agenda).

Let's examine this... A few facts.

1) There were 4000 police and 2000 military protecting George Bush in Ireland this weekend. That is more people protecting Bush than are searching for Bin Laden right now.

2) It takes two to Tango. Did Monica seriously think it was love when the guy was married. It's not like she didn't know he was married. She is not innocent and either is Clinton. They both committed adultry as far as I'm concerned. Is that really a big deal??? If you're a Republican, it appears so. But, lets also consider that Conservative Republican radio host, Rush Limbaugh thinks that the hostile treatment of prisoners in Iraq is just "good old fashion American pornography". Odd considering Rush was probably drug induced when he was busy trying to lynch Clinton for having consentual sex with Monica. Oh, and lets not forget... Jack Ryan (Republican) running for Senate appears to be a sex fiend who wanted his wife to perform in front of others at sex clubs. Sounds pretty contradictory that the Republicans like to waste our taxpayers money to impeach Clinton when they can't seem to agree on what is ok sexually and what isn't ok.

3) I don't recall Clinton's staff jumping ship from his Administration and writing books for his sex story. How many has Bush had that jumped ship??? Lets also add the numerous Conservative writers, military servicemen, Ambassadors, World Leaders, etc who have gone out of their way to tell the world that Bush is dead wrong. I cannot remember in the history of the United States the last time one of our Presidents had so many people against him.

posted on June 26, 2004 04:47:07 PM new
Hey Rusty, did ya notice how much the Irish "love" bush.....they liked NIXON better!

posted on June 26, 2004 04:50:07 PM new
BUCK FUSH!!! The only way you crybaby Republicans are going to have Bush drop bombs for another 4 years is by his crooked pals rigging the elections.

I encourage everyone to register with an absentee ballot so that your vote can truly be counted, and if there is a recount in your state, your ballot will be counted.

In Oregon, we don't have to worry about that, because everyone in the state essentially uses an absentee ballot. We mail or drop our ballots at the post office or library to vote. No evil machines or touch screen pads!!!

posted on June 26, 2004 04:56:37 PM new
YeeHaaaw! go get 'em Rusty!
Seriously, glad to see there is intelligent life out there.
As far as I'm concerned if we have electronic voting ...freedom in America is dead. Whoever can hire the best computer hacker wins......

posted on June 26, 2004 05:01:57 PM new
crow: who the hells needs a hacker when the election computer programmer, Diebold contributes tons of money to the Bush campaign. How can you get any more crooked than that??? Well, there is always Haliburton....


Don't blame me, I inhaled!!!

posted on June 26, 2004 05:09:48 PM new
I am happy that the people in Oregon have it together. It's great to hear but you didn't have to shout it over your computer. Just calm down.

It's to bad that the democrats didn't have it altogether in Florida. No Chads, hanging Chads. Should we recount, should we not. Should we recount the whole state or just part. When in doubt blame the Republicans as if to say they created all the problems in Florida - NOT. It's the stupid voters that can't understand what to do. They are the only ones responsible for that fiasco in Florida....so blame them.

Why is Susan Mc Dougal still in Prison? Because she refused to testify against her buddy Clinton. Probably another one of his conquests. He seem to have them all over.

posted on June 26, 2004 05:50:39 PM new
Florida was a disaster, however, it was made worse by having Jeb Bush as governor and Katherine Harris as Florida Sec of State. To make matters worse, they had Judge Terry Lewis (another Republican cronie) stop the recount in Florida. I am very familiar with Lewis, he is a moron who used to only be a circuit judge who handled mostly auto accidents and other Insurance claims. I had him as a judge, as did my old college roommate at Florida State in Tallahassee. He has a history of ruling in favor of Insurance Companies and big business. He was more interested in protecting Associated Industries of Florida than the people. It is no suprise things went the way they did in Florida. The minute I saw that it went to his courtroom, I knew that George would be handed the Presidency. That's right, handed the Presidency. I was very active in Florida politics, and knew many of the State Senators and Reps. I used to lobby legislators about student rights, higher ed funding, and environmental laws before moving to Oregon.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jun 26, 2004 05:52 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2004 06:33:32 PM new
Uh, Rusty, as you can tell, Libra is still inhaling.
It was the VOTERS of Florida?????????!!!!!!!Maybe they were stupid because they didn't riot and charge the governor's mansion and string the crooked SOB up!
Just saw in Fahrenheit 9/11 Jeb and george on a plane saying, with identical #*!@ eatin' grins on their smug fat faces,how they had Florida already...long before the elections.
For pete's sake Libra, a voter doesn't have to be smart or stupid to have their vote NOT COUNTED. Chad, hanging or otherwise, ALL votes should've been counted and the Bush's privately owned Supreme Court Justice stopped the count!

posted on June 26, 2004 07:22:36 PM new
:: Why is Susan Mc Dougal still in Prison? Because she refused to testify against her buddy Clinton. Probably another one of his conquests. He seem to have them all over. ::

Next time you want to reseach someone LIbra - try looking up something other than bondage shots. Enter Suan McDougal Released into google and the VERY FIRST result will show you that the woman has not been in jail for 6 years.

She was was found guilty of fraud and recieved a two year sentence in 1996 and released in 1998. She was found not guilty in 1999 on the contempt charges for not testifing in front of Starr.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 26, 2004 09:31:38 PM new
Fenix - crowfarm whated to know who she was so I showed him/her. They were great pictures. I knew she was out but who cares she was convicted because she kept her mouth shut and didn't want to hurt poor President Clinton. It's a good think Hillary has tough skin that's all I can say.

posted on June 26, 2004 10:29:12 PM new
What you LUCKING FIBERALS seem to forget is that the liberal biased news media called the election for Algore as the winner 1 hour before all the polls closed. Most of the polls that were still open were in Florida counties that were predominantly Republican. It was a ploy that did not work. The ploy was that if people in these counties heard that Algore had allready won, then why bother voting. It allmost worked and it did cost GW thousands of votes. Fortunately enough people hadn't heard that the news media had called the race closed or they voted anyways.

If there was any chicanery going on, it was from the left. It is us that are on to your dirty tricks.

As far as recounts go, just how many did he want?? Algore wanted to keep recounting and recounting and recounting until he got his way. At the same time he went to court to have the military absentee ballots disallowed.

Also, didn't Algore concede defeat only to come back and say, just kidding ??

posted on June 26, 2004 11:18:06 PM new
::she was convicted because she kept her mouth shut and didn't want to hurt poor President Clinton.::

LIbra- go back and study your history. McDougal refused to testify in front of a grand jury setting forth indictments in the Whatewater affair. She was later indicted for and convictwd of fraud in that case. She refused to testify in Ken Starrs billion dollar witch hunt and was found not guilty of contempt in that case. Considering that she still had pending embezzlement charges against her in another case at the time, there was no way any sane lawyer would have allowed her to.

Yellowstone - the election was initially called an hours before WEST COAST polls closed. Unless you have a different geographical location for Florida polls - that was two hours after they had closed. Not even liberal media is going to call an election in the middle of the afternoon for half the country.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Jun 26, 2004 11:25 PM ]
posted on June 27, 2004 12:18:29 AM new
fenix - I believe this is what yellowstone was referring to. If you read the whole article...near the bottom...a dem study says it cost Bush votes too.


IF you don't believe THIS source....do a google search on:
2000 election called early in Florida and you will see many other reports that say pretty much the same thing.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 07:01:51 AM new
her hubby was willing to testify and then died of heart attack in prison .
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 27, 2004 08:10:20 AM new
g'morning Linda and everyone else reading...

Wanted to post I remember, the three major networks DID report early in error even on the east coast, and then there were discussions about it for weeks affterwards.

Now about Cheney. (Is this the right thread? lol.) I will put my 2 cents into the fray and say he must have at least gained a new found personal respect among the cussing-toting free-speeching democrates for saying whats on his mind and meaning it. (A good fluck-choff does a body and mind wonders!)

-Did anyone catch Jon Stewart doing him? Calls him the hamburgler how he mumbles so much!! I got a good laugh with him!

I think for me for now on, I will just laugh at all of them. We are only the peons who get affected by the politicans efforts, but voices and visuals go unheard by them. Seems to me they are entirely too insulated and their ultimate goals is to tow the political line for their own stature. I really do believe if at once they were altruistic and had good intentions, they are long corrupted within the political machinery of it all. - "The End"

haha - going to enjoy this beautiful sunday morning!! - bbl

posted on June 27, 2004 09:43:19 AM new
Linda -isn't there some incredibly faulty logoc in this theory?

If the evil Liberal Media Empire wanted to ensure a Gore victory it seems to me that calling the election for Gore while the polls are still open would be EXACTLY the wrong way to do it. Wouldn't that type of news inspire Bush supporters who had not yet voted to get off their duff and cast their vote to try to pull off a last minute momentum swing?

If I wanted to swing an election, I would start putting out the word that the opponent was winning. Then his supporters would not feel such a sense of urgency to make it to the polls andand supporters of my candidate would make sure that they did.

BTW - I generally don't have a problem at leastreading different news sources... until the try to sell you something in the third paragraph. WOW was that tacky and quite frankly - cheapened the rest of the article greatly.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 27, 2004 11:35:59 AM new
bigpeepa - You might wish to review your $80M number....it's misleading. And so is the thought that nothing came of the investigation. There were 15 convictions that resulted from them.


Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 11:44:23 AM new
The vote count in Florida was never completed, so to insinuate that Al Gore wanted it counted and counted until it favored him is completely biased and is a lie. There was one attempt to do a recount. If you think that one county is a recount, you are wrong! Yes, it is very true that Al Gore wanted a recount. Why shouldn't he? The last time I checked election laws in the State of Florida, it does call for a "mandatory" recount of all of the votes cast in the entire state when the count is within 1 percent. There was never a recount. Jeb and Katherine, along with the help of Judge Lewis made sure there wouldn't be a recount, even though the State of Florida mandates that there is a state wide recount.

These are unbiased facts regarding the laws of Florida. Not some Republican crackpots interpretation that a recount happens numerous times in order to favor a candidate. If there would have been a recount, and it showed George Bush in fact won the state, then there would be no arguement, however, this debate will continue because Bush, his brother, and his friends made sure he would win by breaking the Election laws of Florida.

posted on June 27, 2004 11:46:17 AM new
Talk about dwelling in the past! Even I got over this ....Gore got screwed, the voters got screwed and now the nation is getting screwed...so the righties want to gloat about screwing the right to vote....let 'em!
Let's move on to the next election...
Don't want our voting rights to go down the toilet???? (again)
Then email your congressman and representative and tell them you DO NOT WANT electronic voting.
Paper trail or not, if electronic voting is used whoever has the best computer hackers wins!

posted on June 27, 2004 11:47:55 AM new
fenix - I'm not focusing on 'the theory' but rather the facts.

The major networks DID call the election too soon...giving the win to gore in the state of florida.


According to Sammon, a study commissioned by Democrat strategist Bob Beckel admitted that Bush suffered a net loss of up to 8,000 votes in the Panhandle after the networks called Florida for Gore.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 11:55:23 AM new
Linda - I don't care who did the study - it does not wash with me. The fact that a democrat did the study does not change that. People can say that they were going to vote for Bush but the news stopped them but realistically, with an hour to go before polls closed in the area... do you honestly think they turned their cars around while enroute to the poll or that they never intended to go and found a way to excuse their apathy?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on June 27, 2004 12:05:44 PM new
rustygumbo -

Let's examine this... A few facts.
1) There were 4000 police and 2000 military protecting George Bush in Ireland this weekend.

Yes, I think that's great. If the government of Ireland hadn't wished him to visit, they wouldn't have invited him. Stating the reasons why. They did..he came...and all countries have a responsibility to protect visiting leaders from other countries.

We are, after all, at war.

2) It takes two

Lot's of assumptions there on your part about how I see Monica. Obviously you haven't read what I've already said in regards to her involvement with clinton.

3) I don't recall Clinton's staff jumping ship from his Administration and writing books for his sex story.

No, what you saw instead was many people around clinton being brought up on charges and some being indicted. You saw files go missing....brilliant minds [according to the clinton supporters] go absolutely blank...couldn't remember soooo many things. What you also saw instead was once he told them all there was no affair...he was innocent...these were more 'right-winged conspiricies'...he forced them into a situation of coming our publically, in front of our nation and lying for him or be faced with losing their jobs.

Later when he finally was forced to admit the truth, admit he'd lied to everyone.....I'm sure they didn't appreciate being USED for hiding and being drawn into his lying about his own personal sexual adventures.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 12:12:03 PM new
Linda12 says,".....I'm sure they didn't appreciate being USED for hiding and being drawn into his lying about his own personal sexual adventures."

Once again, the all-knowing linda KNOWS how these people felt.
Really linda, and just how do you know that....like you KNOW Kerry aided the enemy???????

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