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posted on July 1, 2004 07:50:42 AM new
They accuse us on the right of name calling...

However when they are unable to influence you, they resort to the actual name calling... bigot, neo-con, queer, and worse...

Is this because deep down they know they are wrong?

They say we are narrow minded... however it is they who claim to want freedom of speech are the first ones who try to silence the other side with their misguided innuendos and name calling.

Is this because deep down they know they are wrong?

They claim not to believe in GOD or to understand him, but ask questions that can be answered just by reading the Bible... not trolling on a message board, to eventually ridicule those that do believe.

Is this because deep down they know they are wrong?

They claim that the President Bush has lied to them, yet support a supposed documentary which is made up of lies and half-truths...

Is this because deep down they know they are wrong?

They claim that change is good, however when pinned down on the subject they then say "not all" so they must mean only the change they support, ignoring how the rest of the country feels... but screamed the loudest when they claimed the majority of America did not want to go to war and President Bush ignored them... hypocrisy at its finest...

Is this because deep down they know they are wrong?

Lastly do they not understand the in the Wizard of OZ that the Scarecrow and Lion were two different characters and that they can't play both at the same time?

posted on July 1, 2004 09:14:46 AM new
Lastly do they not understand the in the Wizard of OZ that the Scarecrow and Lion were two different characters and that they can't play both at the same time?

Tweleve, I will answer you but I am chuckling at this and wondering where your head has been reading lately?

Since I can only speak for myself and as previously posted here, I was raised a life-long democrat. My husband is alot more conversative thinking and many times I think his opinions are harsh. But last night we spoke about something in which he said a simple but profound thing. He said: "right is right, and wrong is wrong, and people must know it when they're doing it or agreeing with it." My tendency is to be more pragmatic in if its here and its not going away (homosexuality for instance which seem to bain you)- how do with live with it in peace? I cant tell somebody its wrong if its not interferring me in anyway, even though I might think its not altogether natural. I try to take people one on one, as human beings first without trying to judge so much who or what they are.

But back to the subject, now-a-days, I dont reclaim myself to be strictly a democrat or leftie as many are referred to, because I know many of the issues I dont agree with either party, nor am I willing to give my consent 100%, not because of who they are, but because of where I am in my thinking. So if that makes me a lion and a scarecrow at once, so be it.

Nobody is "demanded of" in this country to pick and choose a side. And I hold, frankly, many Americans feel just like I do and just dont trust any of them.

If you're really paying attention, you'd have to concede there are many on the right who dont totally agree with ALL party policies or beliefs, but are not extremely vocal about it. I'd gather they are either working on it in a differnt way, or quiety enduring it. And that to me, btw, is the envious thing with the righties, they have some greater sense of not dragging down their party by stirring up their own pot. well - thats my opinion. I am sure others can find something to disagre with it.

posted on July 1, 2004 09:44:32 AM new
They accuse us on the right of name calling...
However when they are unable to influence you, they resort to the actual name calling... bigot, neo-con, queer, and worse...

Tweleve, what do you call your use of the word deviant. I do believe that fits into the category of name calling?

They say we are narrow minded... however it is they who claim to want freedom of speech are the first ones who try to silence the other side with their misguided innuendos and name calling.

No I would not say your are narrow minded. It is just the left see things as black and white or right and wrong. There is no middle ground.

They claim not to believe in GOD or to understand him, but ask questions that can be answered just by reading the Bible... not trolling on a message board, to eventually ridicule those that do believe.

The Bible was written over 2000 years ago. It is not meant to provide definite answers as to what one should be doing. It does tell you X is right or wrong. If you want to take it literally, then you are mistaken. Rather I feel it is a guide on how you should live. As with the Constitution is does not provide all the answers. I am not sure where you are saying the left does not believe in God. I consider myself on the left and still believe in God and most of teachings.

They claim that change is good, however when pinned down on the subject they then say "not all" so they must mean only the change they support, ignoring how the rest of the country feels... but screamed the loudest when they claimed the majority of America did not want to go to war and President Bush ignored them... hypocrisy at its finest...

Change is good when it benefits the majority of society.

If you would take a look at what you are saying you will notice you fall into the left group because you are guilty of being everything you are accusing the left of being.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 1, 2004 10:10:07 AM new
From a Rightie's post,
"""Those surrounding me were literally the "Great Unwashed." They smelled as if they hadn’t taken a shower in weeks, not because they couldn’t afford running water, but because it’s cool to be dirty and nasty in the far-left. Not for any good reason, but just because they can. With their awful stench wafting universal, they want to make the rest of us as miserable and skanky as the Hate-America crowd. ""

From opening post here , ""However when they are unable to influence you, they resort to the actual name calling"

And, ""They say we are narrow minded... however it is they who claim to want freedom of speech are the first ones who try to silence the other side with their misguided innuendos and name calling.""

posted on July 1, 2004 10:22:51 AM new
LMHO Twelve!!! That's the most hypocritical thing you've ever written. You're so spaced-out. Your brain doesn't seem to retain much info, so most of us have to keep repeating the same things over and over to you. Even with that much attention paid to you, you STILL don't get it.

P.S. It's Canada Day here. Why don't you fly up to my place so I can spank your a$$.

posted on July 1, 2004 11:49:18 AM new
Logansdad posted, ..."The Bible was written over 2000 years ago. It is not meant to provide definite answers as to what one should be doing."

Excuuuuuse me, Since they were written so long ago do we now call the Ten Commandments the Ten Suggestions?

And, ..."As with the Constitution is(sic) does not provide all the answers."

If there is a civil rights answer you can't get from the Constitution please notify the Supreme Court. Oh, that's right, you probably hold the Constitution and the Supreme Court suspect, since the Democrats weren't allowed to candy-dance everybody in the last election.

Luckily, there are people that don't live in an amorphous Lala land, where you have to define what is is every time you speak.

Do you even listen to the Barbra Streisand you espouse?

Oh, valid points, Twelve.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 1, 2004 12:17:56 PM new
neroter - and wondering where your head has been reading lately.

Well....while I read his opening post I could put names of posters here with the list of actions he mentioned. Maybe it's a 'rightie' kind of thing.

On your....some may not support all the policies of the party they support....therefore being two characters from OZ. That's true on both sides from what I've read here.

Like the left doesn't support kerry's stand against gay marriage, calling to keep our troops in Iraq, etc. And, of course, same for those of us who lean right....further away from 'the center'. But what it boils down to, imo, is we still will pick a side that most represents our values, etc. and support them.


"The Left". They are the posters here who have convinced me, after reading their statements/opinions on the issues that have occured in the last 3+ years, that the 'The Right' needs to stay in control of the WH - or heaven help us all.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 12:33:43 PM new
Linda, surely you see how clued-out Twelve's post is. First off, he's trolling. Next, is he's the only one on this board that does any real name-calling. Next, he's the only one here that is so against freedom of speech, it's laughable! Next, there are some that believe in God but not the religious end of it. Twelve is too narrow minded to understand the difference. Next, President Bush DID lie. Next, people that pay to see Michael Moore's film aren't necessarily supporting his views - they just want to see the movie. Next, as far as change being good - it's the only way life can move forward so he's obviously not able to grasp basic concepts. And lastly, is his silly Oz comment which is a fitting end to a post that's as goofy as he is.

posted on July 1, 2004 12:59:32 PM new
The best way to respond to this thread is to not respond at all. It's just twelve's lame attempt at goading people into an argument. Nice try, twelve, but I'm not biting.

posted on July 1, 2004 01:07:33 PM new
I have a comment on the biblical stuff as it pertains to homosexuality. In the begining there was Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve.

At my present job I am working for a couple that are staunch leftwing Democrats. With Fred, (not his real name} I can talk to him and we have some pretty good discussions and arguments without either of us getting mad or obnoxious to each other.

With his wife Sally (not her real name) sometimes she gets kinda out of hand and will start calling me all sorts of bad, obnoxious names. I think she acts more out of emotion than with a logical way of thinking but all in all we still get along pretty good and are still friends anyways.

During one of my discussions with Fred and Sally about differences between Republicans and Democrats she told Fred now if only we can brainwash Yellowstone into thinking our way and he agreed. I didn't think about it right away but a couple of days later I did and I came to this conclusion; Democrats want to brainwash everyone while Republicans just want to unbrainwash everyone.

Ed to fix sentence structure in ubb
[ edited by yellowstone on Jul 1, 2004 01:11 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 01:14:57 PM new
I could never ignore Twelve, Cheryl.

And here I thought it was the republicans trying to brainwash everyone into thinking their way was the right way.

posted on July 1, 2004 01:34:26 PM new

Where in the bible does it talk about slavery or abortion spcifically? Where in the bible does it talk about war?

The bible talks about polygamy so does that make it right today?

The Bible says "an eye for an eye" If your eye, your wife's eye or your child's is poked out, does that give you the right into day's society to poke the eye out of the person that inflicted it?

The Bible says thou shall not kill. But I guess it is ok for the state to execute those found guilty of murder. I guess it is ok for Bush to start a war and kill innocent people in the name of freedom and democracy?

The same goes for the Constitution, where does it talk about any of the above items.

Let me know if you still want to interpret the Bible and the Constitution word for word.

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
[ edited by logansdad on Jul 1, 2004 03:40 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 01:37:36 PM new
yellow: I have a comment on the biblical stuff as it pertains to homosexuality. In the begining there was Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve.

It talked about Adam, Eve and Mary and Besty Lou and his other 12 wifes so I guess polygamy is still ok in 2004?

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH
All Things Just Keep Getting Better

We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union....
.....one Nation indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
posted on July 1, 2004 02:33:33 PM new
Linda, I laughed at twelve not because it seemed silly, but because it startled me to see quite an impromptu analogy to literature from him!
(I guess kraft never had to read or dissect Alice in Wonderland either - thats just so spaced-out! Too bad better schools do that in literature classes!) And quite often political machines are referred to as workings of 'oz'. I really think on some issues she is clueless.

I think you're right, though. If you have to sacrifice some things, for the things you most strongly believe in, you will pick the party more likely to do that.

There is a lot of mud slinging by everyone on this board. It is a contagious thing. I'm not gonna be all sacrosanct and say I don't, or haven't done it, too. But I don't like it, or care for deriving my joy from it. Thats kinda sick imo, and I do see some getting off in that direction at times.
[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 1, 2004 02:34 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 02:49:26 PM new
Who said anything about wifes, how about 12 girlfriends and one of them should be an oriental (I put that oriental part in here just for you Kraft because I know how much you like razzin Twelve, teehee ) and if you can't make it with Mary then jump for Joy and then Nancy and then Lisa and then........

posted on July 1, 2004 03:19:14 PM new
You get funnier with each new post Nero! I love people who come here and complain about all of us complaining! It might be hard for you to understand that we all like each other or we wouldn't stick around for the "mud-slinging". Would Helen, Twelve, Cheryl, Linda, Bear, Near, Kiara, etc., stick around if this was such a terrible place to be? FOR YEARS?? You seem to be the only here that's discontent with us all, so maybe you need to change the way you view us.

Yellowstone, Twelve's too uptight to get anyone's jokes.

posted on July 1, 2004 03:23:30 PM new
It wasnt a complaint kraft. It was a statement of fact.

You're just upset because I pointed out how uneducated your opinions are.

posted on July 1, 2004 03:38:46 PM new
KD - I'd really rather you didn't speak for me please.

I'm here as an antidote to the ravings of the lefties.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 04:06:12 PM new
lol Linda! good one!

I guess it's lost on her too, that, Cheryl, others and even - gasp! - her beloved Kiara has posted all over this site how it gets nasty here. Yet, tweleve is trolling and I am complaining and need to change my perspective to suit her?

I will clarify on thing in my post:
*I* dont particulary care jumping in the mud and *I* dont prefer to have my energies slammed up here. Most times I will refrain from it. For *me, it not healthy. Not that the witty retorts for and from others dont make for good reading or the competition isnt fun to watch where the points are scored,- I will give her that - is probably why anybody sticks around. But there is also some very real thoughts and issues posted here, and maybe thats why some stick around, too.

posted on July 1, 2004 04:42:02 PM new
Linda, I'm not speaking for anyone. It's an observation. Unless everyone here is masochistic, I doubt you/they would stick around if the "mud-slinging" was too unbearable.

And Nero, if our posts don't make "good reading" and you admit it and still read them, doesn't that make you look more like a dork than me?

posted on July 1, 2004 05:11:23 PM new
lol, Kraft, I dont think you can even read or understand english anymore.
Was there a double negative in there you didnt understand?

posted on July 1, 2004 05:11:41 PM new
Oh I think he got it Kraft. Hey Twelve you do know I'm just kiddin around with you don't you?? But then I always try to kid around a little with most everyone even if they may not get it or they may be offended by it, huh Helen.

posted on July 1, 2004 05:16:30 PM new
lol yellowstone, too bad she had to confer with somebody else to come up with that!!

psst...quick email...what do I say to win the family feud for my Kiara and Helen? what do I say? quick..quick...gimme something.

And where in my post did I say it was "unbearable?" God, you ARE dumb as a doornail! But your words (or those your borrow from somewhere else) are very revealing, kraftytroll.
[ edited by neroter12 on Jul 1, 2004 05:56 PM ]
posted on July 1, 2004 06:06:46 PM new
What on earth are you talking about Nero?

posted on July 1, 2004 06:09:52 PM new
Good Twelve, a little more and they will all self destruct.

"The natural family is a man and woman bound in a lifelong covenant of marriage for the purposes of:
*the continuation of the human species,
*the rearing of children,
*the regulation of sexuality,
*the provision of mutual support and protection,
*the creation of an altruistic domestic economy, and
*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 1, 2004 06:11:36 PM new
I have to say that I didn't get it either.

posted on July 1, 2004 06:26:20 PM new

It's the time of day when things fall apart.

posted on July 1, 2004 06:30:34 PM new
KD - [i]It might be hard for you to understand that we all like each other.....

That's where I felt you were speaking for me. Just wanted to clarify. There are some here I don't like. Hope that's allowed.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 06:35:01 PM new
But then I always try to kid around a little with most everyone even if they may not get it....

That's one of the many good qualities I've long enjoyed about your posts.

ROFL - bear. I've missed our wacho-meter warning too.

Maybe there's a full moon out tonight? Except that would apply most nights...so that can't be it.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 06:44:56 PM new
The only thing that is falling apart is the sheath of mischief that some choose to perpetually hide under.

and still...they want to bombard the greater space saying that they seek, truth, justice - !liberation! - and the American way! Because they care.

I'll give myself a title tonight.
"Superwoman" (or Superman, for yellowstone's benefit) - is leaving the building for de night.

<chuckle, chuckle>

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